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Designed and crocheted by Becky Ann Smith.

This is a crocheted doll inspired by the character of “Zuko,” from the

“Avatar: The Last Airbender” animated series. I do not own or make any
claim to the character – this is my version of ‘fan art.’

Materials needed:
Size 4 (1.75 mm) steel crochet hook
Yarn needle
Sewing needle and black thread
Polyester fiberfill
Craft glue
Two 1/4-inch (8 mm) black buttons, for eyes

I used Herrschner’s 2-ply afghan yarn for this doll. (Any comparable yarn
will work just as well.)
Colors used: cream, black, beige, dark beige, chocolate brown, guava

“Zuko” is about 6 inches tall when made with these materials.

He can also be made using 4-ply yarns and an aluminum “F” hook for a
larger doll.

This doll was made using these stitches:

Slip stitch
sc=single crochet
hdc=half-double crochet
decrease=1 sc combining 2 stitches
I used continuous rounds for much of this doll. You can also join each row and chain 1. This will form a ‘seam.’
(Most of the seams can be hidden by hair or clothing). Do not turn pieces unless the pattern says to do so.

BODY inside view!

Head and torso
Row 1: With cream color yarn, chain 2. 10 sc in second chain from hook.
Row 2: 2 sc in each sc. (20)
Row 3: 1 sc in each sc. (20)
Row 4: (1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in next) 10 times. (30)
Row 5: 1 sc in each sc. (30)
Row 6: (2 sc, 2 sc in next) 10 times. (40)
Row 7: 2 sc. Drop cream yarn (do not end). Join guava (dark pink) yarn. 4 sc. Drop
guava (do not end), pick up cream. 34 sc. (40)
Row 8: Drop cream, pick up guava. 3 sc, 2 sc in next. Drop guava, pick up cream.
(3 sc, 2 sc in next) 9 times. (50)
Row 9: Drop cream, pick up guava. 5 sc. Drop guava, pick up cream. 45 sc. (50)
Row 10: Drop cream, pick up guava. 3 sc, 1 dec. Drop guava, pick up cream.
(3 sc, 1 decrease) 9 times. (40)
Row 11: Drop cream, pick up guava. 3 sc. Drop guava, pick up cream. 1 sc in each
sc. (40)
Row 12: Drop cream, pick up guava. 2 sc, 1 decrease. End guava. Pick up cream.
(2 sc, 1 decrease) 9 times. (30)
Row 13: 1 sc in each sc. (30)
Row 14: Decrease 15 times. (15)
Rows 15-18 (neck): 1 sc in each sc. (15)
At this point, stuff head with polyester fiberfill. It will appear misshapen until it’s
Row 19: (1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in next) 5 times. Sc in last sc. (22)
Rows 20-26: 1 sc in each sc. (22)
End piece. Stuff torso.
Note: For an easier method of making the ‘burn scar,’ use cream yarn for the
entire head and embroider the ‘scar’ on the face using a tapestry needle. I don’t
think it looks quite as good that way, but it’s much simpler! 

Ears Make 2
With cream color yarn, leaving a small tail, chain 4. 2 sc
in second chain from hook. 1 sc in each of next 2 sc.
End, leaving length for sewing. Tie a small knot using
the tail and the sewing length (this makes the ear more
rounded). Sew ears to sides of head. Top of ear
should be on Row 9, bottom of ear on Row 12. Weave
in ends.

Boots and Legs

Make 2
Row 1: With chocolate brown yarn, chain 2. 9 sc in second chain from hook.
Row 2: 2 sc in each sc. (18)
Row 3: Sc in first 7 sc. 2 hdc in each of next 4 sc. Sc in next 7 sc. (22)
Row 4: Sc in each sc. (22)
Row 5: Sc in first 5 sc. Decrease 6 times. Sc in next 5 sc. (16)
Row 6: 1 sc in each sc. (16)
Row 7: (2 sc, decrease) 4 times. (12)
Rows 8-13: 1 sc in each sc. (12). End.
Pant leg
Row 14: Join dark beige yarn. (1 sc, 2 sc in next) 6 times. (18)
Row 15: 18 sc.
Row 16: (1 sc, decrease) 6 times. (12)
Rows 17-25: 12 sc. End leg 1. Do not end leg 2.
Make sure last stitch on leg 2 is in the center back stitch (make a few extra stitches
if needed).
Stuff legs with polyester fiberfill.

Row 1: Continuing on from leg 2: Sc in first 3 sc. In next sc, draw yarn through,
leaving loop on hook. Draw yarn through corresponding stitch on leg 1 (put legs
together, feet forward, to determine which stitch). Draw yarn through all loops on
hook, combining legs. Sc in next 11 sc on leg 1. Draw yarn through same stitch
used to combine legs, leaving loop on hook. Draw yarn through same combining
stitch on leg 2. Draw yarn through all loops on hook. Sc in next 9 sc on leg 2.
There should be 24 sc total around the tops of the legs.
Rows 2-5: 1 sc in each sc.
Row 6: (10 sc, 1 decrease) 2 times. (22) End, leaving length for sewing.

With yarn needle, sew torso and hips together, leaving an opening for stuffing. Fill
torso and hips with polyester fiberfill. Sew remaining stitches together.
Make 2
Row 1: With cream color yarn, chain 2. 8 sc in second
chain from hook.
Row 2-3: 1 sc in each sc. 8 sc.
Row 4: 1 sc in each sc. 8 sc.
Row 5: 2 sc in first sc, 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 3 sc. 10 sc.
Rows 6-18: 1 sc in each sc. 10 sc.
Row 19: 1 sc in each of next 9 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 20: 1 sc in each of next 8 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 21: 1 sc in each of next 7 sc. Do not turn. 6 sc In armhole opening.
Row 22: Decrease 3 times, slip stitch in next sc.
Armhole should have 10 stitches around. Leave length for sewing.
Stuff arms with polyester fiberfill.

Sew arm to torso (top of arm should be on Row 19, bottom of arm on Row 22).
Sew second arm to opposite side of torso.

Cut 60 5-inch strands of black yarn. With two strands, tie all the other strands together tightly in center. Pull the
two ‘tying’ strands through any two stitches on row 1 of head, and tie ends tightly. Arrange evenly around entire
head. Lift the hair on the back of the head and apply a layer of glue. Press the hair down into the glue.

On front of head, apply a line of glue around the hairline, from one ear across the forehead to the other ear.
Press hair into glue. Trim straight across at shoulder length on both front and back. Cutting at a slant, trim the
back from about halfway down the head taperering to the neckline. Cut straight across nape of neck in back.

Trim front at an angle from shoulder to forehead (row 7 of head) about one-quarter inch in front of ears. Trim
bangs to a point in center of head, about halfway down the face.

With black thread, sew two small (8 mm) black buttons
8 stitches apart on row 9 of the head. (One button should be
centered near the top of the ‘burn scar.’)
Beginning at bottom edge
Row 1: Chain 26. Sc in second chain from hook and in each chain. (25)
Chain 1, turn.
Row 2: 25 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 3: Skip first sc, 23 sc, 2 sc in last. (25) Chain 1, turn.
Row 4: 25 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Rows 5-14: Repeat rows 3 and 4.
Right front
Row 15: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: Skip first sc, 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 18: 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 19: Skip first sc, 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 20: 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 21: Skip first sc, 2 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 22: 2 sc. End.
Upper back
Row 15: Join yarn in fourth stitch from the end of the right front. Sc in that stitch
and in the next 8. (9) Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 9 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: 2 sc in first sc, 7 sc, 2 sc in last. (11) Chain 1, turn.
Row 18: 11 sc. End.
Left front
Row 15: Join yarn in fourth stitch from the end of the upper back. Sc in that
stitch and in the next 4. (5) Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: 3 sc, skip next sc, sc in last. (4) Chain 1, turn.
Row 18: 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 19: 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last. (3) Chain 1, turn.
Row 20: 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 21: 1 sc, skip next sc, sc in last. (2) Chain 1, turn.
Row 22: 2 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 23: 2 sc. Do not turn. Crochet evenly around edges of entire piece, with 3 sc in
each corner. End dark beige yarn. In bottom row, join chocolate brown. Crochet one
row evenly around entire piece, with 3 sc in each
corner. End, leaving length for sewing.
Sleeves (make 2)
Row 1: Chain 19. Sc in second chain from hook and
in each sc. (18) Chain 1, turn.
Rows 2-5: 18 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 6: Skip first sc, 14 sc, skip next, sc in last. (16)
Chain 1, turn.
Row 7: Skip first sc, 12 sc, skip next, sc in last. (14)
Chain 1, turn.
Row 8: Skip first sc, 10 sc, skip next, sc in last. (12) Chain 1, turn.
Row 9: Skip first sc, 8 sc, skip next, sc in last. (10) Do not turn. Crochet evenly
around edges of entire piece, with 3 sc in each corner. End, leaving length for
sewing. Sew short sides together from bottom to row 6.

Set sleeves into armholes (seam at bottom center) and sew into place.

Fit shirt on doll and sew front seam from bottom to row 16.
Row 1: With chocolate brown yarn, chain 31. Sc in
second chain from hook and in each chain. (30)
Chain 1, turn.
Rows 2-12: 30 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 13: Skip first sc, 27 sc, skip next sc, sc in last.
(28) Chain 1, turn.
Row 14: 28 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Right front
Row 15: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: Skip first sc, 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 18-20: 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 21: Skip first sc, 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 22-24: 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 25: 3 sc. End.
Upper back
Row 15: Join yarn in fourth stitch from the end of the right front. Sc in that stitch and
in the next 9. (10) Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 10 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: 2 sc in first sc, 8 sc, 2 sc in last. (12) Chain 1, turn.
Row 18: 12 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 19: 2 sc in first sc, 10 sc, 2 sc in last. (14) Chain 1, turn.
Row 18: 14 sc. End.
Left front
Row 15: Join yarn in fourth stitch from the end of the upper back. Sc in that stitch and
in the next 4. (5) Chain 1, turn.
Row 16: 5 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 17: 3 sc, skip next sc, sc in last. (4) Chain 1, turn.
Rows 18-20: 4 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 21: 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last. (3) Chain 1, turn.
Rows 22-25: 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 26: 3sc. Do not turn. Crochet evenly around edges of entire piece,
with 3 sc in each corner. End chocolate brown. Join beige yarn at bottom
front edge. Crochet evenly around edge of piece to the other bottom front
edge. End.

Fit tunic onto doll, over shirt, and sew front

seam together from rows 15 to 20 .

With dark beige yarn, chain 29. Sc in
second chain from hook and in each chain.
(28) End, leaving short length for sewing.
Fit on doll’s waist and sew ends together in
back. Weave in any loose threads.

The ‘Zuko’ doll is now done!

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