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When you hear the name Bohol, what comes to your mind first?

Chocolate Hills, most probably, as is

the case for everybody else. That’s understandable, though. We grew up getting shown photos of
Bohol with only the Chocolate Hills in it. Even when you look the place up on Google, it’s a photo of
the Chocolate Hills that will greet you.

It’s not a bad thing; in fact, it’s good that the city is widely known for such an enchanting tourist
spot. What’s wrong is when people fail to recognize that there’s more to this Visayan paradise than
this set of little hills.

Bohol’s beauty doesn’t stop at these grass-covered hills. Here are some other Bohol tourist
attractions you must see for yourself.

Bohol Tourist Attractions You Should Include in Your

Travel Bucket List
Get to know other Bohol tourist attractions that are just as amazing and worth visiting as the
Chocolate Hills.

1. Mag-Aso Falls
Mag-Aso Falls is a 25-foot twin waterfalls located in Antequera, Bohol. The clean water perfect for
swimming aren’t the only thing this spot is known for; the mesmerizing landscape surrounding is
another reason guests are attracted to this place.

2. Punta Cruz Watchtower

One with a rich history, Bohol has a lot of tourist destinations that are reflective of its eventful past.
One of those is the Punta Cruz Watchtower in Maribojoc, Bohol. The Spanish colonial era
fortification is known for taking a shape that resembles a perfect isosceles triangle. For only five
pesos, you can go inside the watchtower and revisit a piece of history you would have never
understood by just reading a book.
3. Cadapdapan Rice Terraces

Banaue isn’t the only place that has rice terraces to boast, Bohol has its own rice terraces too.

Called the Cadapdapan Rice Terraces, Bohol’s own version of the famous tourist spot in Cordillera
can be found in Candijay, Bohol. Locals believe that the terraces were made thousands of years ago
by their ancestors as a source of livelihood. The panoramic view of the golden yellow plain this place
offers is a sight to behold.
4. Cabagnow Cave Pool

Anda is another municipality that hides a natural treasure you won’t regret visiting. Undoubtedly one
of the most famous attractions, the Cabagnow Cave Pool in Bacong, Anda, is a five- to twenty-five-
foot-feep brackish water that visitors flock to for a refreshing swim. The cave pool is so famous that
it has once been featured in a local movie.
5. Firefly Watching Tour

In need of a unique adventure? Firefly watching in Bohol is probably what you’ve been looking for.
Not every city in the Philippines offers an experience like this, so if you want to see fireflies lighting
up the world all at the same time (maybe because you just want to see if that Owl City song can
happen in real life), you just have to book that Bohol trip.

Watching fireflies at night on a kayak around the Abatan River has become one of the most famous
Bohol tourist attractions. One cannot simply leave the island without trying it out. With a 500-peso
fee that is inclusive of tour, jacket and boat rental, and the entrance fee, every penny you spend on
this experience is worth it.

The Philippines is a powerhouse of tourist destinations that are straight out of a fairy tale. It’s just a
matter of getting to know these places better and what makes them worth a visit. Once you get a sight
of them, you’ll realize that you don’t have to travel so far to see a real paradise on earth, that
sometimes, they’re just right where you are.

If you can’t get enough of the beautiful places in Bohol island as you explore, check
these scenic locations in Visayas for your next adventure!

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