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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Kalinga
City of Tabuk


Alpha June Gabel, RN,MSN


1. Comparing Third World and First World countries.

 Spiritual Learnings to attain peace and order
 What is their spiritual faith?

-Religious beliefs play a significant role in shaping peace and order in any society, including
the Philippines. In the Philippines, the majority of the population practices Christianity, with
Roman Catholicism being the predominant faith.
Some ways in which religious beliefs contribute to peace and order in the Philippines include
promoting moral values, fostering a sense of community, and encouraging positive behavior.
Religious teachings often emphasize concepts such as love, forgiveness, compassion, and
respect for others. These principles can guide individuals in making ethical choices and
treating others with kindness, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious society.
Furthermore, religious institutions often provide platforms for community engagement,
promoting social involvement and cohesion. They organize various activities such as charity
work, outreach programs, and educational initiatives that aim to uplift the underprivileged
and create a sense of solidarity among different communities.
Moreover, religious institutions can also act as moral compasses, providing guidance and
counseling to individuals facing personal challenges or conflicts. They offer a support system
that can help individuals cope with hardships, make better decisions, and resolve conflicts

While the principle honors distinctions between temporal and spiritual functions, both Church
and State maintain a unique and cooperative relationship geared towards the common good.
However, traditional boundaries governing political and religious agency have been crossed
during Duterte's presidency causing a conflict between leaders of government and the
Catholic hierarchy. In the process, the conflict has resurfaced issues about the principle of
Church-State separation.

It's important to note that while religious beliefs can foster peace and order, it is the
responsibility of individuals and communities to put these principles into practice.
Ultimately, it requires a collective effort to create a peaceful and orderly society, and
religious harmony and acceptance for the community.

- Religious beliefs can play a significant role in promoting peace and order in any society,
including the USA. While it's important to respect and embrace the diversity of belief
systems within a secular society like the USA, many religions encourage values and
principles that contribute to harmony and stability.
Religious teachings often emphasize compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and kindness
towards others. These values can foster understanding, respect, and cooperation among
individuals, promoting a sense of unity and peaceful coexistence in society. Additionally,
religious communities frequently engage in acts of charity and volunteer work, which can
address social issues and help create a more equitable and just society.
It's important to note that the USA also values the separation of church and state, ensuring
that public policy remains inclusive and respects the rights and beliefs of all citizens. This
allows individuals to freely practice their religions while upholding the fundamental
principles of democracy and equality.
Ultimately, peace and order in the USA are achieved through a combination of diverse
religious beliefs, secular values, and a commitment to mutual respect and understanding
among all citizens.

 Moral Ascendancy Vs. Descendancy

Moral values are an important aspect of any society. The concept of moral ascend refers to
the upward movement or improvement in moral values and ethical behavior within a
community or country, while moral descend suggests a downward trend or decline in those
In the context of the Philippines, it's important to note that moral values can vary among
individuals and communities. However, there are several factors that can influence moral
ascend and descend.
One factor is education. Access to quality education plays a vital role in shaping moral
values. By promoting ethical principles and critical thinking skills, education can contribute
to moral ascend by fostering empathy, respect, and responsible decision-making.
Another factor is cultural and religious beliefs. The Philippines has a rich cultural and
religious heritage, which often serves as a moral compass for many Filipinos. Embracing and
practicing the values and teachings of one's culture or religion can contribute to moral ascend.
Furthermore, social dynamics and economic conditions can also impact moral values. Factors
such as poverty, inequality, and social pressures can sometimes lead to moral descend.
However, collective efforts, such as promoting social justice and providing equal
opportunities, can help mitigate these challenges and support moral ascend.

In terms of moral ascend, the United States has seen remarkable progress in certain areas.
Over the years, there have been significant strides towards greater inclusivity and acceptance
of diverse identities, such as gender, sexual orientation, and race. This increasing recognition
and respect for individual rights and equal treatment are widely viewed as positive steps
On the other hand, discussions surrounding moral descend often revolve around concerns
related to societal values and ethics. Some individuals express concerns about the impact of
technological advancements on privacy, the growing prevalence of disinformation, or the
erosion of traditional family structures. These concerns reflect ongoing discussions about the
balance between individual freedoms and societal responsibility.
However, it's important to note that moral standards are subjective and can differ from person
to person. What one individual perceives as moral ascend, another may see as moral descend,
and vice versa. It's a complex and ever-evolving topic that invites diverse perspectives and
ongoing dialogue.

 Social Amelioration that affect family and community

The social amelioration programs implemented in the country aim to improve the well-being
of families and communities, particularly those who are in need. These programs provide
various forms of assistance, such as cash transfers through Pantawid Program, food aid from
DSWD and other foreign AID such as UN,UNICEF , and livelihood support courtesy of
TESDA,DTI, Dept. of Agtriculture, among others.
By targeting families and communities, these programs strive to uplift their living conditions
and promote social equity. They not only address immediate needs but also work towards
long-term development and empowerment. For example, through skills training and
entrepreneurship programs, families and communities can become more self-reliant and have
the opportunity to improve their economic situation.
Moreover, these initiatives foster a sense of unity and solidarity within communities. They
promote mutual support and encourage individuals to actively participate in community
development activities, fostering a stronger social fabric.

The USA have several programs that helps the family and community .Here are few
1. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): This program provides
eligible low-income individuals and families with electronic benefit transfer (EBT)
cards, which can be used to purchase nutritious food. It helps ensure that families
have access to a balanced diet, promoting their well-being.
2. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): TANF offers financial assistance
to low-income families, providing resources like cash benefits, job training, and
childcare support. It aims to empower individuals and families by offering them the
means to overcome economic challenges.
3. Affordable Housing Programs: These initiatives focus on providing affordable
housing options to families and individuals who may be struggling financially. They
help create stable living environments, fostering stronger communities.
4. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): CDBG supports local communities
by providing funding for various development projects such as affordable housing,
infrastructure improvements, and job creation initiatives. These grants promote
community growth and improve the quality of life for residents.
5. Head Start Program: This early childhood development program provides
comprehensive education, health, and nutrition service

 Environmental Advocacy and concern?

The Philippines is known for its stunning natural beauty, from the pristine beaches to lush
forests, but it also faces various environmental challenges.
One of the major concerns is deforestation. The country has lost a significant amount of its
forest cover over the years, which leads to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and contributes to
climate change. Efforts are being made to address this issue through reforestation campaigns
and stricter regulations on logging.
Another pressing concern is pollution, especially in urban areas. Air pollution from vehicle
emissions and industrial activities is a growing problem that affects people's health. Water
pollution is also a concern, particularly in coastal areas, due to improper waste management
and illegal dumping. Initiatives like clean-up drives and stricter enforcement of
environmental laws are being implemented to combat this issue.
The Philippines is also vulnerable to natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes.
Climate change has intensified these hazards, making it crucial to prioritize disaster
preparedness and response. Additionally, the country is rich in marine biodiversity, but
overfishing and destructive fishing practices pose a threat to the sustainability of marine
To address these concerns, various environmental organizations, government agencies, and
individuals are working together to promote sustainable advocacy programs in addressing
theses issues. Such programs includes the following:
1. Haribon Foundation: Haribon is a well-known organization committed to conserving
Philippine biodiversity. They focus on forest restoration, protected area management,
and sustainable agriculture practices.
2. Bantay Kalikasan (Guardians of Nature): This program by ABS-CBN Foundation is
dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainable development. They
implement initiatives such as reforestation, coastal resource management, and waste
3. WWF-Philippines: The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has a local chapter in
the Philippines. They actively work towards protecting key ecosystems, promoting
sustainable fisheries, and conserving endangered species like the Philippine Eagle and
sea turtles.
4. Greenpeace Philippines: Greenpeace is an international environmental organization
with a presence in the Philippines. They campaign for sustainable agriculture,
renewable energy, and against the use of harmful chemicals.

The United States faces a range of environmental issues, and there are various ways in which
people advocate for positive change.
One significant concern is climate change. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather
events, and melting ice caps are all indicators of this urgent issue. Many organizations and
individuals are actively working towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting
renewable energy, and advocating for sustainable practices to combat climate change.
Another important concern is the preservation of biodiversity. Protecting endangered species
and their habitats is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Efforts are being made to
establish protected areas, promote sustainable land and resource management, and raise
awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation.
Additionally, pollution is a significant environmental concern in the USA. Air pollution,
water contamination, and waste management are all areas that require attention and action.
There are numerous initiatives to reduce pollution levels, promote recycling and waste
reduction, and improve the quality of air and water.
To address these concerns, many individuals and organizations engage in environmental
advocacy. They may participate in marches, rallies, and public awareness campaigns. They
also collaborate with lawmakers to push for environmental protection policies and
regulations. Furthermore, promoting sustainable living practices, such as
1. Raise Awareness: Share information and resources about the benefits of sustainable
living through social media, blog posts, or community events. Encourage people to
make small changes in their daily routines that can make a big difference.
2. Education Initiatives: Collaborate with local schools and organizations to develop
educational programs that teach students about sustainable living practices. This can
include topics like recycling, energy conservation, and organic farming.
3. Community Gardens: Work with local authorities and community members to
establish community gardens. These gardens not only promote sustainable agriculture
but also foster a sense of connection and shared responsibility among residents.
4. Clean Energy Transition: Advocate for clean energy alternatives such as solar or wind
power. Encourage your community to support renewable energy initiatives and
consider making the switch to cleaner energy sources themselves.
5. Recycling Programs: Encourage the implementation and expansion of recycling
programs in your area. Educate people on proper recycling techniques and the
importance of reducing waste.
6. Sustainable Transportation: Promote the use of public transportation, carpooling,
biking, or walking as eco-friendly alternatives to driving.

 Economic strategies that addresses poverty reduction?

The Philippines has several government programs aimed at poverty reduction. One of the
flagship programs is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), which provides
conditional cash transfers to poor households to meet their basic needs and promote access to
education and healthcare. Additionally, the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) focuses on
providing livelihood opportunities and skills training to help individuals and communities
break the cycle of poverty. The National Health Insurance Program (PhilHealth) ensures that
even the most vulnerable populations have access to quality healthcare services. These are
just a few examples of the many initiatives in place to alleviate poverty in the Philippines.

The United States has several government programs in place to address poverty reduction.
Here are a few notable ones:

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): SNAP, also known as food stamps,
provides eligible low-income individuals and families with funds to purchase nutritious food.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): TANF offers financial assistance, job
training, and other support services to low-income families with dependent children.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): This program provides tax credits to low-income
individuals and families, boosting their income and reducing the tax burden.
Medicaid: Medicaid offers healthcare coverage to low-income individuals and families,
ensuring access to essential medical services.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program: This initiative provides rental assistance to low-
income families, allowing them to access safe and affordable housing.
Head Start: Head Start offers early childhood education, nutrition, and health services to low-
income children and their families, preparing them for school.
These programs aim to alleviate poverty and provide opportunities for upward mobility.
2.The purpose of the Institution is clearly stated in the
book .However over the years these proposes have different
meaning and interpretation by the different sectors of the society
that bought failures to the programs, Why?

Misinterpretation and misunderstanding can have significant effects on the outcomes of a

program. When there are misunderstandings about the goals, objectives, or expectations of a
program, it can lead to confusion and misalignment among team members, stakeholders, and
participants. This can result in inefficiencies, delays, or even the complete failure to achieve
the desired outcomes.

Misinterpretation of information or instructions can also lead to mistakes or errors in

implementing the program. If people involved in the program have different interpretations of
the same information, it can lead to inconsistent approaches or actions, which can hinder
progress and disrupt the intended outcomes.

Furthermore, the different ideas and ideals can negatively impact communication and
collaboration. Without clear and accurate understanding of each other's perspectives,
intentions, and needs, effective collaboration becomes difficult. This can lead to breakdowns
in teamwork and coordination, resulting in suboptimal outcomes.

In summary, misinterpretation and misunderstanding can undermine the success of a program

by causing confusion, misalignment, errors, and breakdowns in communication. It is crucial
to address these issues proactively by fostering clear and open communication, providing
comprehensive and unambiguous instructions, and promoting a culture of understanding and

3. What are the hindrances that affects the Roles of Institution?

There can be several hindrances that affect the roles of institutions. Some common
hindrances are as follows:

1. Bureaucracy: Excessive bureaucracy can hinder the functioning of institutions, making

decision-making processes slow and cumbersome. This can restrict flexibility and hinder the
institution's ability to adapt to changing needs and circumstances.

2. Lack of Resources: Insufficient funding, staff, or infrastructure can limit an institution's

capacity to fulfill its roles effectively. Limited resources may result in compromised service
delivery, reduced impact, or inability to meet the demands of stakeholders.

3. Inadequate Leadership: Poor leadership can greatly hinder the effectiveness of an

institution. Lack of vision, direction, or effective management can lead to confusion,
inefficiency, and disengagement among staff, affecting the overall performance and
achievement of desired outcomes.
4. Resistance to Change: Institutions may face resistance from within or from external
stakeholders when attempting to introduce new policies, programs, or strategies. Resistance
to change can hinder progress and prevent the institution from adapting to new challenges or

5. Political Interference: Political interference or influence can negatively impact the

independence and autonomy of institutions. This can undermine the credibility and
effectiveness of the institution in fulfilling its roles objectively and impartially.

6. Lack of Accountability and Transparency: Institutions must be accountable to their

stakeholders and operate with transparency. When these principles are compromised, trust
can be eroded, and the institution's effectiveness can be hindered.

7. Silo Mentality: When different departments or teams within an institution work in isolation
without effective collaboration or communication, it can create a silo mentality. This can
result in duplication of efforts, lack of coordination, and reduced effectiveness in achieving
shared goals.

8. Resistance to Innovation: Institutions need to adapt to changing times and embrace

innovation. However, resistance to adopting new technologies, processes, or ideas can hinder
progress and limit the institution's ability to stay relevant and responsive to emerging needs.

Addressing these hindrances requires proactive measures such as fostering a culture of

transparency and accountability, promoting strong leadership, allocating adequate resources,
encouraging collaboration, and embracing a mindset of continuous improvement and

4. Why is there still a need to have influences for development

from Rural Institution?
There are several reasons why there is still a need for development influences from rural
institutions. Here are a few:

1. Addressing Rural-Specific Challenges: Rural areas often face unique challenges such as
limited access to basic services, lack of infrastructure, poverty, and unemployment. Rural
institutions, being rooted in these communities, have a better understanding of these issues
and can develop targeted solutions to address them effectively.

2. Local Knowledge and Expertise: Rural institutions have valuable local knowledge and
expertise that can contribute to development efforts. They understand the local culture,
traditions, and social dynamics, which allows them to design programs and initiatives that are
appropriate and respectful of local values and customs.

3. Community Empowerment: Development efforts are most effective when communities

actively participate in the process. By involving rural institutions in decision-making,
planning, and implementation, it empowers the local community to take ownership of their
development. This leads to sustainable outcomes and long-term positive change.
4. Proximity to Beneficiaries: Rural institutions are often physically closer to the
beneficiaries they serve. This proximity allows for more direct and immediate support,
reducing logistical challenges and improving the efficiency of development interventions.

5. Building Local Capacities: Engaging rural institutions in development helps build local
capacities and strengthen institutional frameworks. By providing training, resources, and
support, rural institutions can enhance their organizational capabilities, making them better
equipped to address development challenges independently in the future.

6. Inclusive Development: Rural institutions play a crucial role in ensuring that development
efforts are inclusive and reach marginalized groups. They can provide a voice to
underrepresented communities, advocate for their rights, and ensure that their needs are
addressed in the development agenda.

7. Promoting Sustainable Development: Rural institutions often prioritize environmentally

sustainable practices and natural resource management. Their involvement in development
influences can help promote sustainable development practices, conservation efforts, and
climate change adaptation strategies in rural areas.

Overall, rural institutions bring valuable perspectives, knowledge, and expertise to the table.
Their involvement in development influences ensures that the specific needs and realities of
rural communities are taken into account, leading to more inclusive, participatory, and
sustainable development outcomes.

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