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Transient Modulation of Intracortical Inhibition Following Spinal



ABSTRACT: Objective: To study the immediate sensorimotor neurophysiological effects of cervical spine
manipulation using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Design: Experimental design. Setting: This study
was carried out at the Human Neurophysiology Laboratory at the University of Auckland in Auckland, New
Zealand. Participants: Thirteen (13) subjects with a history of recurring neck stiffness and/or neck pain, but
no acute symptoms at the time of the study were invited to participate in the study. Intervention: Three (3)
interventions were carried out in a randomised order: a control with no intervention, a passive head move-
ment control condition, and a session of spinal manipulation of dysfunctional cervical joints. Main Outcome
Measures: Motor evoked potentials (MEP) and cortical silent periods (CSP) in the abductor pollicis brevis
(APB) muscle of the dominant hand following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the motor cortex.
Results: The major finding of this study was that the TMS-induced CSP measured in APB was significantly
decreased for the first 20 minutes following spinal manipulation. No such changes were observed follow-
ing either control condition, i.e. following no intervention or following passive head movement. Conclusion:
Spinal manipulation of dysfunctional cervical joints can lead to transient central neural plastic changes, as
demonstrated by shortening of the TMS-induced CSP. This study suggests that cervical spine manipula-
tion may alter sensorimotor integration. These findings may help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible
for the effective relief of pain and restoration of functional ability documented following spinal manipulation
CAL SILENT PERIOD. Chiropr J Aust 2007; 37: 106-116.

INTRODUCTION Spinal manipulation is used therapeutically by a number

of health professionals, including physical medicine
Spinal manipulation is a commonly used conservative specialists, physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors.
treatment for neck, back and pelvic pain. The effectiveness The different professions have different terminology for
of spinal manipulation in the treatment of acute and chronic the “entity” or “manipulable lesion” that they manipulate.
low back and neck pain has been well established by This manipulable lesion may be called “vertebral (spinal)
outcome-based research.1-7 Despite this, the mechanism(s) lesion” by physical medical specialists or physiotherapists,
responsible for the effective relief of pain and restoration “somatic dysfunction” or “spinal lesion” by osteopaths, and
of functional ability after spinal manipulation are not well “vertebral subluxation” or “spinal fixation” by chiropractors.17
understood. There is limited evidence to date regarding Joint dysfunction as discussed in the literature ranges from
the neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. The experimentally induced joint effusion18 to pathological
evidence to date indicates that spinal manipulation can joint disease such as osteoarthritis,19 as well as the more
lead to alterations in reflex excitability,8-10 altered sensory subtle functional alterations that are commonly treated by
processing,11-13 and altered motor excitability.14-16 manipulative therapists.14,15 For the purposes of this paper,
the “manipulable lesion” will be referred to as an area of
spinal dysfunction.
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that
Heidi Haavik-Taylor, PGDip(Science), BSc(Chiro) the presence of spinal dysfunction of various kinds has an
Human Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation Laboratory effect on central neural processing. A recent study has shown
Department of Sport and Exercise Science
University of Auckland altered cortical processing for 20 minutes following spinal
manipulation of dysfunctional cervical joints in subjects with
Bernadette Murphy, PhD, DC chronic neck complaints.11 Furthermore, several authors have
University of Auckland suggested spinal dysfunction may lead to altered afferent
The results presented in this paper are part of the lead author’s PhD thesis. input to the CNS. Altering afferent input to the CNS
The paper was presented at the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia is well known to lead to plastic changes in the way that it
Scientific Symposium and Policy Form, August 2006. responds to any subsequent input.22-27 Neural plastic changes

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106 Volume 37 Number 3 September 2007

take place following both increased23,25 and decreased22,24,26-28 delivered to dysfunctional joints alone without the presence
afferent input. of acute pain, as the presence of pain alone is known to
alter corticomotor measures such as utilised in the current
Altered afferent input from joints can lead to both inhibition study.43 Table 1 contains the subjects’ details, including their
and facilitation of neural input to related muscles. Numerous neck complaint history and known past neck (and/or head)
studies of painful joints have shown arthrogenous muscle trauma. Informed consent was obtained, and the University
inhibition,29-31 however even painless experimentally induced of Auckland Human Participants Ethical Committee approved
joint dysfunction (joint effusion) has been shown to inhibit the study in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
surrounding muscles.18 This altered motor control was also
shown to persist even after aspiration of joint effusion.18 In Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
the early 1980s, Steinmetz et al. demonstrated that relatively
short (15-30 min) episodes of moderately intense afferent One MagStim 200 (MagStim, Dyfed UK) magnetic
input to the spinal reflex pathways of rats causes increases stimulator and a 55 mm diameter figure-of-eight coil was
in neural excitability that persists for several hours.32,33 Once used to deliver single-pulse magnetic stimuli over the cortical
these facilitated areas are established, there may be no need motor strip opposite to the dominant limb at the optimal
for ongoing afferent input to maintain the altered output position for eliciting motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from
patterns. Since these early experiments, numerous studies the abductor pollicis brevis (APB). A purpose-made tight-
have shown rapid central plastic changes after injuries and fitting cotton cap marked with a 1 cm grid over M1 was
altered sensory input from the body.34 This can explain the initially positioned with reference to the vertex, and utilised to
findings of Shakespeare et al.18 of altered motor control locate the optimal site. This optimal site was then marked on
persisting even after aspiration of joint effusion. This process the scalp to ensure identical placement of the coil throughout
provides a potential explanation for altered neural processing the experiment. The coil was held approximately 45o to the
as a result of joint dysfunction, and a rationale for the effects midline with the handle pointing posteriorly. Active motor
of spinal manipulation on neural processing that have been threshold was determined. This was defined as the minimal
described in the literature. stimulus intensity at which 4 out of 8 consecutive stimuli
evoked a MEP with an amplitude of at least 100μV in APB
One relatively non-invasive method to investigate such muscle while holding a weak isotonic background contraction
plastic changes in humans is transcranial magnetic stimulation of 5-10% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC).
(TMS). TMS has been used to demonstrate changes following
deafferentation of the CNS, such as anaesthetic nerve block35,36 EMG Recording
or ischemic nerve block22,24,37, 38 Similarly, TMS has been Surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings were made
utilised to demonstrate plastic changes in humans following from the APB muscle. Electrodes were placed with the active
hyperafferentation of the CNS, such as with a repetitive finger electrode over the motor point and the reference electrode
typing task,39,40 or following peripheral stimulation.41 over the metacarpophalangeal joint. The ground electrode
Given that spinal dysfunction would alter the balance was placed on the lateral epicondyle of the distal end of the
of afferent input to the CNS, we propose that this altered humerus. EMG signals were collected from 7 mm diameter
afferent input may over time lead to potential maladaptive Hydrospot Ag/AgCl electrodes (Physiometrix Inc., USA),
neural plastic changes in the CNS. We have shown that spinal fixed with tape 1 cm apart following standard skin preparation
manipulation does affect cortical processing,11 and further to reduce electrode impedance to less than 5 kΩ. EMG signals
propose that it should be possible to measure such changes in were amplified by a Grass Model 15 Neurodata acquisition
human subjects non-invasively utilising TMS. Our aim with system via an IMEB Model Bio-potential Isolator Electrical
this study is to measure any alterations in the cortical control Board (Grass), band-pass filtered at 30 Hz-1 kHz (−6 dB
of a hand muscle that may occur following manipulation of cut-off points), sampled at a rate of 2 kHz by a LabView
the cervical spine. acquisition system and displayed using a custom made
LabView program, and stored to disk for off-line analysis.
Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs) and Cortical Silent
Subjects Period Duration (CSP)
Thirteen (13) subjects participated in this study, including Blocks of 16 trials of MEPs and CSPs were recorded with
8 females and 5 males aged 22 to 45 (mean age 30.7 ± 7.9 yr). APB holding a 5-10% background contraction with 6 sec
Twelve (12) of the subjects were deemed to be right-handed intervals between the magnetic stimuli. Stimulus intensity
(mean laterality quotient 96.91%, range 83.33% — 100%) was set to 150% ATh for APB. The level of contraction
and one left-handed (laterality quotient 90.09%), using the was standardised across subjects for the APB muscle by
Edinburgh handedness questionaire.42 To be included subjects determining the MVC for each subject. The root mean
could not have a history of neurological disease, or any known square (RMS) level of EMG was obtained during a 3 sec
contraindications to either spinal manipulation or magnetic MVC obtained individually from the target muscle (best of
stimulation (described in more detail below). The subjects 3). The limits for the EMG were then set at 5 and 10% of the
were furthermore required to have a history of recurring maximum RMS level during the MVC. The RMS level of
neck pain or stiffness (e.g. present during the performance contraction was displayed in real time to provide feedback
of certain tasks such as work or study). At the time of the and assist the subject in maintaining the appropriate level of
experiment, however, all subjects were required to be pain contraction. A stimulus was triggered by the computer only
free (judged by the subjects themselves). This was done in when the RMS level was maintained by APB within their
order to assess the potential effects of spinal manipulation individual range for 1.5 sec.

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Table 1


No. Gender Age (yr) Handedness Subjective Neck Complaints, Known Head/Neck Injury, Previous
Spinal Manipulation History.

1 F 38 R Almost constant dull right sided neck ache. The neck pain has been recurring
regularly for 16 yr since MVA where she was thrown through windscreen. Did see
chiropractor and physiotherapist for a few sessions each many yr ago.

2 F 28 R 10 yr intermittent neck pain and tension. Minor whiplash 10 yr ago. Seeks regular
chiropractic treatment.

3 F 34 R Neck discomfort with stress and excess work for past yr. No previous known
head or neck injuries. No previous spinal manipulation treatment.

4 M 26 R Recurring neck tension and pain since head and neck injury from playing rugby 4
yr ago. Has received a few chiropractic treatments only years ago.

5 M 25 R 6 yr intermittent neck tension and neck muscle aches. Neck complaint worse
with rock climbing, when driving a car and during painting work. Receives regular
chiropractic care.

6 F 41 R 14 yr of recurring neck pain and stiffness, particularly with stress. No known

previous injuries. Receives regular chiropractic care.

7 F 45 R 28 yr recurring neck pain, stiffness and muscle tension. Worse with computer
work and sitting reading. Pain at top and base of neck. Injury to base of neck 30
yr ago, fractured right collarbone 4 yr ago. Occasionally sees a chiropractor.

8 M 40 R Occasional neck tension with prolonged computer work. No previous neck or

head injury. No previous spinal manipulation treatment.

9 F 22 L 2 yr recurring sub-occipital neck pain and general neck stiffness recurring when
working long hours in front of computer. Fell off mountain bike onto face 6 mo
ago. Was sore for weeks, had few chiropractic manipulations and pain went

10 M 22 R Occasional neck tension during last few yr. Multiple minor head and neck injuries.
Regularly received chiropractic care since childhood.

11 F 27 R Right sided neck pain intermittently over last 4 yr. Minor whiplash injury 5 yr ago.
Regularly seeks chiropractic treatment past 7 yr.

12 F 27 R Recurring base of neck pain every few months past 4 yr. Two snowboarding
accidents hitting side of head and neck, 6 and 8 yr ago. No previous spinal
manipulation treatment.

13 M 24 R Recurring neck tension 3 yr duration. Worse when playing drums or working at

computer for prolonged periods. No known head or neck injuries. Occasionally
receives spinal manipulation.

F Waves Spinal Manipulation Intervention

To assess spinal motor excitability F waves were recorded This intervention consisted of spinal manipulation of the
from the subjects’ relaxed APB. The median nerve was subjects’ dysfunctional cervical joints, which was determined
stimulated at the wrist with a supra-maximal (1.25 Mmax) by a registered chiropractor. The clinical evidence of joint
electrical stimulation consisting of square-wave constant dysfunction includes tenderness to palpation of the relevant
current pulses with pulse width duration of 0.2 ms. Twenty joints, restricted intersegmental range of motion, palpable
(20) trials were recorded for each subject before and after asymmetric intervertebral muscle tension, abnormal or
each intervention. The F wave amplitudes were expressed blocked joint play and end-feel of a joint, and sensorimotor
as a percent of the M wave amplitude. changes in the upper extremity.44,45 The most reliable spinal

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108 Volume 37 Number 3 September 2007

dysfunction indicator is tenderness with palpation of the the cutaneous, muscular or vestibular input that would occur
dysfunctional joint.46,47 Cervical range of motion48,49 has also with the type of passive head movement involved in preparing
been shown to have good inter- and intra-examiner reliability. a subject/patient for a cervical manipulation.
For the purpose of this study, spinal dysfunction was therefore
defined as the presence of both restricted intersegmental Experimental Protocol
range of motion and tenderness to palpation of the joint in
at least one cervical spine segment. This was detected in the Subjects were first given written and verbal information,
following manner: The examiner, a registered chiropractor and informed consent was obtained. All the subjects’ cervical
with at least 7 years of clinical experience, would passively spines were then checked by a registered chiropractor to
move the subject’s head while palpating and stabilising over determine if and where their spines would be manipulated.
the zygapophyseal joints. For each spinal segment the head If the subjects were judged to have cervical spine dysfunction,
would be gently and passively moved from neutral position the relevant information (including detailed medical
to the maximal range of lateral flexion in the coronal plane, to history) was obtained. All subjects were also screened for
both the left and right. If this movement appeared restricted, evidence of vertebral artery ischemia, with the head in a
the examiner would apply gentle pressure to the joint while position of extension, lateral flexion and rotation, which
watching for signs of discomfort from the subject. The are neck positions shown to have the greatest mechanical
examiner would also ask the subject if the pressure to the stress to the contralateral vertebral artery.54 Subjects were
joint elicited pain. Spinal segments that were deemed both also screened for other contraindications for cervical
restricted in lateral flexion range of motion and elicited pain manipulation, such as a recent history of trauma, known
on palpation were defined for the purpose of this study to be conditions such as inflammatory or infectious arthropathies,
dysfunctional. or bone malignancies. Finally, subjects were screened for
contraindications for magnetic stimulation, such as a history
The spinal manipulations carried out in this study were of epilepsy, pregnancy, or metal implants in the brain.
high-velocity, low-amplitude thrusts to the spine held in
lateral flexion, with slight rotation and slight extension. This Two sets (baseline 1 and 2) of the experimental measures
is a standard manipulative technique used by manipulative (MEPs and CSPs described above) were then recorded
physicians, physiotherapists and chiropractors. The before, and three sets (post-intervention trials 1, 2, and
mechanical properties of this type of CNS perturbation have 3 are labelled trial 0-10 min, 10-20 min, and 20-30 min
been investigated, and although the actual force applied to the on all tables and figures) were recorded after the control
subject’s spine depends on the therapist, the patient, and the intervention, the passive head movement intervention, or the
spinal location of treatment, the general shape of the force- spinal manipulation intervention. For ATh, F wave properties
time history of spinal manipulation is very consistent,50 and and M wave response only one set was measured before and
the duration of the thrust is always less than 200 msec.51 The after the 3 interventions. The various measures were recorded
high-velocity type of manipulation was chosen specifically, in a randomised order. The order that the 3 interventions
since previous research 52 has shown that reflex EMG were carried out was also randomised. If the subject was to
activation observed following manipulation occurred only receive the spinal manipulation trial before either the control
following high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation (as or passive head movement conditions, these were carried
compared with lower velocity mobilisations), and would out at a separate time, with at least 4 weeks in between. The
therefore be more likely to alter afferent input to the CNS first post-intervention trial (trial 0-10 min) was recorded
and lead to measurable TMS evoked potential changes. within the first 10 minutes after the various interventions,
Control and Passive Head Movement Intervention the next post-intervention trial (trial 10-20 min) was recorded
10-20 minutes after the various interventions, and the last
The control intervention consisted of no intervention. The post-intervention trial (trial 20-30 min) was recorded 20-30
passive head movement intervention was carried out by the minutes after the various interventions.
same chiropractor who had pre-checked the subjects for spinal
dysfunction and who performed the spinal manipulations Data Analysis
for the spinal manipulation experiment. The passive head
movement intervention involved the subject’s head being The effect of the 3 interventions, control with no
passively laterally flexed, and slightly extended and rotated intervention, passive head movement and spinal manipulation,
to a position that the chiropractor would normally manipulate were analysed separately. The peak-to-peak amplitudes (mV)
that person’s cervical spine, and then return the subject’s head of the 16 MEPs per trial were averaged for statistical analysis.
back to neutral position. This was repeated to both the left and For increased objectivity in the data analysis process, the CSP
the right. The experimenter was particularly careful, however, duration was also determined using a LabView computer
not to put pressure on any individual cervical segment. program written to measure the time from TMS stimulation
Loading a joint, as is done prior to spinal manipulation, to re-onset of EMG. Re-onset of EMG was determined using
has been shown to alter paraspinal proprioceptive firing in the integrated profile method55 implemented in LabView. The
anaesthetised cats,53 and was therefore carefully avoided by integrated profile method first integrates the non-rectified
ending the movement prior to end-range-of-motion when EMG data over time. A function was created representing
passively moving the subjects’ heads. No spinal manipulation the integral of the signal from the start of the data to each time
was performed during any passive head movement point. This function was amplitude normalised using the total
experiment. The passive head movement experiment was integral value. A second function was created representing
not intended to act as a sham manipulation, but to act as a a signal with an integral equally distributed over time. The
physiological control for possible changes occurring due to re-onset of EMG was defined as the time at which there was

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Volume 37 Number 3 September 2007 109

Figure 1. Graph of normalised integral and time normalised func-

tion demonstrating the time of maximal difference between the two
which will be the time chosen to represent re-onset of EMG for CSP
calculations. Figure 2. Bar graphs showing the averaged MEPs SE before (pre-
interval mean) and after (trials 0-10 min, 10-20 min and 20-30 min) no
intervention (the black bar), a single session passive had movements
(the chequered bar) and cervical spine manipulation (the grey bar).
Note no significant changes were observed following the control, the
passive head movement, or the spinal manipulation interventions.

Figure 3. Bar graphs showing the changes observed in the averaged

CSPs SE before (pre-intervention mean) and after (trials 0-10 min,
10-20 min and 20-30 min) no intervention (the black bar), a single
session passive head movement (the chequered bar) and cervical
spine manipulation (the grey bar). Note no significant changes were
observed following the control or passive head movement interven- Figure 4. Raw non-rectified EMG traces from one representative
tion. The significant changes that occurred following the spinal subject showing the MEP and CSP prior to and after the various
manipulation session are indicated with a star (*). interventions.

maximal difference between these two functions (Figure was measured as a percentage of F waves present in the 20
1). To avoid the effect of the MEP peaks on the re-onset trials recorded before and after each intervention.
determination, the user visually places a cursor after the
MEP peaks, and the signal from the cursor onwards is used All subjects’ ATh, M wave amplitudes, F wave persistence
in the integrated profile method. As long as the cursor was and amplitudes were compared in each of the experiments
placed anywhere in the first half of the silent period, the CSP before and after the intervention with paired t-tests. The
calculations were consistent. The 16 CSPs were averaged for averaged MEPs and CSP from the two baseline EMG
each trial for statistical purposes. trials recorded after TMS were combined into a single pre-
intervention trial after first ensuring there was no statistical
The median nerve stimulation EMG traces were inspected difference between them by using paired t-tests. Averaged
visually for the presence of F waves. If present, their peak- MEPs and CSP were initially analysed with a one-way
to-peak amplitudes (mV) were determined and averaged per analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures with
subject both before and after each intervention. The peak-to- the factor “intervention”. If significant, repeated measures
peak amplitudes (mV) of the M wave were also determined, ANOVAs were applied separately for each intervention
and the mean F wave amplitude was expressed as a percentage with a priori contrasts set up to compare each of the three
of the M wave for statistical comparisons. F wave persistence post-intervention data (post-control, post-passive head

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110 Volume 37 Number 3 September 2007

Table 2


Subject No. Spinal Segments Manipulated
1 C2/3 and C6/7
2 C2/3 and C5/6
3 C1/2 and C4/5
4 C0/1, C3/4 and C6/7
5 C1/2 and C5/6
6 C2/3 and C5/6
7 C2/3 and C6/7
8 C2/3 and C6/7
9 C1/2 and C6/7
10 C0/1, C3/4 and C6/7
11 C2/3 and C6/7
12 C1/2, C3/4 and C6/7
13 C2/3 and C6/7

movement and post-manipulation) with their baseline values. manipulation intervention. Active motor threshold (ATh)
Significance level was set up at p < 0.05 for all experiments. showed no statistically significant changes following this
Planned comparisons were chosen instead of post hoc analysis intervention (Table 4). Neither were there any changes to
to minimise Type 1 error, without reducing the sensitivity to the M or F wave parameters measured (M wave amplitude,
relevant effects.56 F wave amplitude and persistence)(Table 4) or MEP
amplitudes following the manipulation intervention (Figure
RESULTS 2 and Table 3). For the CSP data, however, a significant
Subject Statistics effect of the factor “intervention” was observed [F(2,33) =
4.5, p = 0.018]. The CSP was significantly shorter following
Table 1 shows the subjects’ details, including age, gender, the spinal manipulation intervention during the first post-
history of cervical pain or tension, any known neck and/or manipulation trial (trial 0-10 min) [F(1,12) = 12.380, p =
head trauma, and previous spinal manipulation treatment 0.004] and the second post-manipulation trial (trial 10-20
history. Table 2 shows the spinal segments manipulated for min) [F(1,12) + 6.278, p + 0.028] (Figure 3 and Table 3).
each subject in this study. No adverse effects were reported By the third post-manipulation trial, the CSP was no longer
during this study. significantly decreased. Figure 4 shows the raw non-rectified
Control With No Intervention EMG traces from one representative subject showing the MEP
There were no statistically significant differences between and CSP prior to and after the various interventions. Note
the pre-intervention baseline trials prior to the control with no that this particular subject demonstrates the greatest CSP
intervention. There were no significant changes observed in shortening observed in this study of about 110ms following
any of the experimental variables following the control with the spinal manipulation intervention. Table 3 contains the
no intervention (Figures 2, 3, 4 and Tables 3 and 4). mean raw MEP amplitude (mV) and CSP (ms) data with
standard deviations for the pre-intervention mean, and the
Passive Head Movement Intervention three post-intervention data (trials 0-10 min, 10-20 min, and
There were no statistically significant differences between 20-30 min) for all three interventions.
the pre-intervention baseline trials prior to the passive head
movement intervention. There were no significant changes
observed in any of the experimental variables following DISCUSSION
passive head movement (Figures 2, 3, 4 and Tables 3 and The major finding of this study was that the TMS-induced
4). CSP measured in APB was significantly decreased for the
Spinal Manipulation Intervention first 20 minutes following spinal manipulation. No such
changes were observed following either control condition,
There were no statistically significant differences between i.e. following no intervention or following a passive head
the pre-intervention baseline trials prior to the spinal movement.

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Table 3

MEP amplitude (mV) ± SD CSP (ms) ± SD
Control PHM SM Control PHM SM
Pre-intervention mean 4.3 ± 1.3 4.9 ± 1.9 4.35 ± 1.3 185. ± 23.8 192.7 ± 22.2 194.2 ± 26.2

Post-intervention trials

Trial 0-10 min 4.5 ± 1.4 4.7 ± 1.7 4.6 ± 1.3 186.3 ± 22.0 192.4 ± 2.3 179.5 ± 24.8*

Trial 10-20 min 4.5 ± 1.7 4.8 ± 1.9 4.5 ± 1.4 189.2 ± 25.3 198.8 ± 25.9 171.8 ± 37.7*

Trial 20-30 min 4.6 ± 1.6 4.6 ± 1.8 4.3 ± 1.3 187.0 ± 24.2 199.0 ± 24.4 184.3 ± 35.5

* p < 0.05 compared with pre-intervention mean data

Table 4


Control: no intervention Passive head movement Spinal manipulation
Pre Post Pre Post Pre SM
F wave amplitude/ M
0.028 ± 0.01 0.027 ± 0.01 0.028 ± 0.01 0.028 ± 0.01 0.031 ± 0.01 0.031 ± 0.01
response ratio ± SD
F wave persistence
36.2 ± 13.9 37.3 ± 17.2 37.1 ± 11.6 35.8 ± 12.0 35.0 ± 12.6 35.8 ± 12.0
(%) ± SD

M response (mV) ± SD 17.9 ± 5.3 18.2 ± 5.3 18.0 ± 5.3 18.1 ± 5.7 16.4 ± 4.9 16.5 ± 5.1

ATh (%MSO) ± SD 39.4 ± 6.2 39.3 ± 6.1 38.8 ± 6.4 38.9 ± 6.4 39.5 ± 6.3 39.5 ± 6.3

The Cortical Silent Period this conclusion. Furthermore, no changes in F responses

(amplitude and persistence) were observed in this study,
The reduced CSP following cervical spine manipulation also suggesting that the CSP changes observed in this study
may reflect altered intracortical inhibition. Studies suggest reflect mainly changes at the supra-spinal level. It should be
that the first part of the CSP (about 50ms) after transcranial noted, however, that F wave parameters (such as persistence
stimulation is produced mainly by spinal mechanisms such and amplitude) reflect the antidromic excitability of only a
as after-hyperpolarization and Renshaw recurrent inhibition portion of the entire motoneuron pool. Segmental effects can
of the spinal motoneurons. 57,58 Reciprocal inhibitory therefore not be ruled out completely.
effects on the target muscle may also contribute, since the
magnetic stimulation often causes simultaneous activation of Neuropharmacological modulation of the CSP in healthy
antagonists. The rest of the CSP (after about 50 ms), however, subjects64-68 has also shed some light on its mechanisms.
is produced mainly by cortical inhibition.57-62 Lengthening of the CSP has been reported with administration
of ethanol, lorazepam, gabapentin, carbamazepine, tiagabin,
and baclofen.64-68 Ethanol’s acute effect in the CNS is a
The exact mechanisms of this cortical inhibition are, potentiation of GABA-mediated currents.69 Carbamazepine
however, more difficult to establish. Most evidence suggests affects the CNS by blocking sodium channels, and therefore
that this inhibition is presynaptic to the cortico-spinal neurons, slowing repetitive firing of action potentials. Interestingly,
rather than due to a decreased excitability of these cortico- lamotrigine, a drug with a very similar mode of action to
spinal neurons (which would be reflected by a decreased carbamazepine, does not produce the same effect on CSP.
MEP).58,59,63 Some argue that it results from activation of Glabapentin’s main mode of action is not yet fully understood.
inhibitory neurons projecting onto the pyramidal cells of the There is, however, evidence to suggest it enhances GABA
motor cortex,58 however it may also reflect a withdrawal of activity.70,71 There is also evidence to suggest it interferes with
excitatory input to these cells. In any case, the shortening the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.72
of the CSP observed following spinal manipulation most Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting it also binds to a
likely reflects a transient reduction in intra-cortical inhibition, subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channels, and through
lasting on average 20 minutes following the manipulations. this action suppresses allodynia in neuropathic pain models.73
The fact that some individual subjects’ CSP shortened by Lorazepam increases the frequency of openings of GABA-
over 100ms (e.g. see Figure 4) post-manipulation supports activated Cl-channels by binding at the benzodiazepine

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112 Volume 37 Number 3 September 2007

receptor (which is an integral part of the GABA-A receptor). also demonstrated that physiotherapy treatment, including
It therefore enhances the inhibitory effect of GABA function passive and active mobilisation, could relieve the symptoms
in the CNS. It is puzzling, however, that not all GABAergic of impaired neck muscle function by reducing fatigability.87
drugs produce a CSP lengthening. The more recent studies64,65 Furthermore, it has recently been demonstrated, utilising
suggest that the inter-neuronal inhibition that the CSP reflects somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), that cortical
is likely due to GABAB-mediated circuits. processing changes occur for at least 20 minutes following
spinal manipulation of dysfunctional cervical vertebrae in
Due to these neuropharmacological studies, it has been patients with chronic neck complaints.11 It is possible that
suggested that the CSP is at least in part mediated through the shortened CSP observed for 20 minutes following spinal
GABAergic activity, thus the shortened CSP observed in our manipulation of dysfunction cervical vertebrae observed in
study could reflect reduced activity of intracortical inhibitory the current study reflect the same cortical changes. In the
circuits caused by a down-regulation of GABAergic future, if spinal manipulation can be shown to systematically
transmission. and reliably alter neural processing and abnormal motor
The Motor Evoked Potential and Spinal control, it could play an important role in the rehabilitation
Manipulation of these chronic neck pain patients.
No significant changes were observed in the TMS-induced
MEP following any of the interventions, indicating there were Episodes of acute pain, such as following an injury,
no excitability changes in the pyramidal tract neurons. This may initially induce plastic changes in the sensorimotor
is not necessarily surprising, however, as TMS generates system.34 Pain alone, without deafferentation, has been
activation of many motoneuron pools simultaneously, shown to induce increased SEP peak amplitudes88,89 and
including agonists and antagonists. Consequently the increased somatosensory evoked magnetic fields.90 Research
response of a single motoneuronal pool probably results has also shown that the cortical silent period is prolonged
from superposition of many excitatory and inhibitory inputs. with experimentally induced tonic cutaneous pain.43 The
The descending corticospinal volley resulting from a single silent period was prolonged in a muscle underlying the
magnetic stimulus also consists of multiple waves, due to both experimentally induced cutaneous pain, was not present in
direct and indirect activation of corticospinal neurons.74-76 two other control muscles.43 Furthermore, it was only present
Therefore the descending input impinging on a motoneuron as long as the subject reported the cutaneous pain.43 On the
resulting from a single transcranial magnetic stimulus is other hand, a study has shown that a group of patients with
extremely complex. chronic neuropathic pain, including unilateral hand pain, have
shorter cortical silent periods bilaterally in a hand muscle
Our findings differed from a previous study that showed compared with healthy age-matched control subjects.91 It
changes to the MEP following spinal manipulation.16 This has also been shown that the erector spinae muscles, close
contradictory finding may, however, be explained due to the to the site of pain in chronic low back pain patients, have
fact that in the current study we averaged 16 MEPs prior to normal cortical silent periods, but higher thresholds for the
statistical analysis, whereas Dishman et al.16 analysed single CSP compared with healthy pain-free control subjects.92
MEPs in their study and found only the first few MEPs These studies demonstrate that CSP abnormalities appear
following spinal manipulation to be increased/reduced. to be present with painful conditions. The various studies,
Potential Benefits of Spinal Manipulation in however, have shown both prolonged43 and shortened91
Chronic Neck Pain CSPs with different types of painful conditions. The fact
that many of the neuropathic pain subjects in Lefaucheur
Chronic neck pain is becoming increasingly prevalent in et al.’s study91 also had accompanying sensory and motor
society. As many of 67% of individuals will suffer from some deficits may account for the differing results.
form of neck pain at some stage in their lives.77 Impairment of
deep cervical neck flexors and significant postural disturbances
during walking and standing have been demonstrated in Noxious stimuli applied to the digits have also been shown
both insidious-onset and trauma-induced chronic neck pain to result in MEP amplitude reduction in muscles involved in
conditions.78-84 Altered sensitivity of proprioceptors within reaching and grasping, and MEP amplitude facilitation in
the neck muscles has been suggested to be related to the muscles involved in withdrawal, suggesting a pain-induced
postural disturbances seen in these patients.80,84 There is also reflexive effect that protects the hand from harm.93 Such plastic
evidence to suggest that muscle impairment occurs early changes can become a “chronically progressive, functional,
in the history of onset of neck pain85 and that this muscle structural, and neurochemical/molecular make-over of
impairment does not automatically resolve even when neck the entire core of the somatosensory (and motor) brain.”34
pain symptoms improve.85,86 Some authors have therefore Phantom limb pain is an obvious example of a maladaptive
suggested that the deficits in proprioception and motor chronic pain condition.94 As sensorimotor disturbances are
control, rather than neck pain itself, may be the main factors known to persist beyond the acute episode of pain,85,86 and
defining the clinical picture and chronicity of different chronic thought to play a defining role in the clinical picture and
neck pain conditions.84 These deficits in proprioception and chronicity of different chronic neck pain conditions,84 then
motor control may be partly due to spinal dysfunction causing the shortened CSP observed in the current study following
either inhibition or facilitation of neural input to the related spinal manipulation may reflect a normalisation of such
muscles as discussed in the introduction. A recent study has, injury/pain-induced central plastic changes, which may
for example, demonstrated a pathophysiological link between reflect one mechanism for the improvement of functional
neck muscle fatigue and impaired postural control.87 They ability reported following spinal manipulation.

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