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Electromyography Analysis of Upper

Trapezius Relaxation Induced by

Interferential Current in Subjects with
Neck Discomfort
Ana Paula Moura Campos Carvalho e Silva (PT)1
Adriano Alexandre Acedo (PT)2
Ana Carolina Luduvice Antunes (PT)2
Marcio Guimarães dos Santos (PT)1
Thiago Yukio Fukuda (PT, PhD)3
Adilson Apolinário (PT)2
Patrícia Horta Andrade Finotti (MSc)2
Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo,
Physical Therapy Sector (ISCMSP), São Paulo, Brazil
Centro Universitário São Camilo, Physical Therapy Sector
(CUSC), São Paulo, Brazil
Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo,
Physical Therapy Sector (ISCMSP); Centro Universitário São Camilo (CUSC)
São Paulo, Brazil

KEY WORDS: Electromyography, and a body mass of 22.1 (±2.5) kg/m2. The
electrotherapy, interferential currents, subjects received three IFC applications
muscle relaxing, trapezius over a 5-day period, with a frequency of
4.000 Hz, an amplitude modulated frequen-
cy (AMF) of 75 Hz, a frequency variation
Purpose: To evaluate the muscular relax- (ΔF) of 35 Hz, a slope of 1/1, a sensorial
ation of the upper trapezius induced by in- level intensity, and an application time of 30
terferential current (IFC) application during minutes per session in the upper trapezius.
rest and functional activities using surface Results: Repeated measures analysis of
electromyography registration (EMG). variance demonstrated significant bilateral
Method: We evaluated the “root mean decrease (p<0.001) of mean RMS value of
square” value (RMS) of the upper trapezius the upper trapezius in the final evaluation in
during rest and functional activities in sub- relation to initial evaluations. This suggests
jects with neck discomfort before and after that IFC can promote a muscle-relaxing ef-
IFC applications. Thirty female participated fect after a few applications such as during
in the study, mean age of 23.0 (±4.0) years rest as well as during functional activities.

The Journal of Applied Research • Vol.11, No. 1, 2011. 20

However, we did not find relaxing effect im- medium frequency current in the induction
mediately after an IFC application (p>0.05). of large or polyarticular muscle relaxation.
Conclusion: IFC seems to induce a Among these forms of medium fre-
relaxation of the upper trapezius muscle quency electrical stimulation, interferential
in both medium-term analyses at rest and current (IFC) is a device frequently used
during functional activities. Therefore, there clinically, with a higher tissue penetration
was not an immediate effect in the experi- and less discomfort when compared to
mental model used. low-frequency current.7,12 IFC therapy is the
application of alternating medium-frequency
current (4,000 Hz) amplitude modulated
The increasing stress level of the population at low frequency (0-250 Hz). 12 A claimed
is probably related to several musculoskele- advantage of IFC over low-frequency cur-
tal disorders, such as joint muscle disorders.1 rents is its capacity to diminish the imped-
These disorders may affect mainly the pos- ance offered by the skin. 7 Several theoreti-
tural muscles, because they are physiologi- cal physiological mechanisms such as the
cally the most requested during functional “gate control” theory, increased circulation,
activities. The muscles of the neck and descending pain suppression, and block of
shoulder are the most affected in workers nerve conduction have been proposed in the
of different occupations, especially those literature to support the analgesic effects of
that involve repetitive movements.2,3 This IFC.7,8,12
pattern of muscle tension is found mainly in
However, there is no evidence in the
the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle, and
literature that IFC can also contribute to
for this reason, it is an area much investi-
muscle relaxation on a sensory level, ie,
gated in the literature.4,5 It is believed that
using current intensity (mA) only in the sen-
patients with neck pain or instability caused
sory threshold. If this effect really occurs,
by degenerative processes or disc herniation
this therapy probably could be an important
of the spine frequently present this pattern
tool to decrease muscle tension, especially
of involuntary compensatory tension as a
when caused by stress or dysfunctional
segmental stabilization trial.5
However, the vicious cycle involving
Therefore, the aim of this study was to
repetitive activities, stress, and tension in
investigate muscle relaxation of the superior
the trapezius also leads to greater difficulty
trapezius muscle induced by IFC during rest
in returning to basal muscle activity after a
and functional activities using surface elec-
workday 6. All these overload patterns can
tromyographic analysis (EMG) in subjects
lead to biomechanical and to motor activity
with neck discomfort.
To alleviate this tension and stress in METHODS
the musculature, there are several modali- This study was performed in the Motion
ties used in physical therapy aimed at pain Analysis Laboratory of the Centro Universi-
relief and muscle relaxation such as physi- tário São Camilo (CUSC) between October
cal agents for cooling, heating, electrical 2008 and November 2009. All subjects were
stimulation, and others7-10. Transcutaneous informed about the procedures that would be
electrical stimulation equipment have been performed, and signed a document stating
used in clinical practice mainly for analge- that all volunteers participate of their own
sia, acting at the sensory level by closing the free will and received informed consent
spinal cord gates, releasing endorphins, 8-10 conducted in accordance with the National
and helping in tissue repair.11 Although these Health Council, resolution 196/96. This
effects are already well established in the study was approved by the CUSC Research
literature for low-frequency current, there Ethics Committee according to protocol
are no studies showing the direct effect of 125/07.

21 Vol.11, No.1 , 2011 •The Journal of Applied Research.

Subjects Thirty female volunteers This first registration (initial evaluation) was
participated in the study, with a mean age of performed in four different conditions:
25.0 (±4.0) years old, a body mass index of • First, the patient remained seated on
22.1 (±2.5) kg/m2 dominant right limb, neck a quick-massage chair (Figure 1A).
area discomfort caused by computer activi- • Second, the patient was sitting on
ties for at least 14 hours per week or 2 hours a standardized chair (Figure 1B). In
daily, a score over 3/10 in the visual analog both conditions, the patients remained
scale (VAS), and pain during trigger point relaxed during the capture procedure.
palpation of the neck area. For this evalua- To achieve this relaxation, the registra-
tion, the trigger point was considered active tion started only after stabilization of
if the subject presented local pain during the EMG signal.
a moderate digital pressure in the middle
• In the third condition, the patients
third of the upper trapezius. Females were
performed the task of typing a stan-
excluded with referred or irradiated pain,
dard text on the computer keyboard
previous surgery history, physical therapy in
while keeping their limbs supported
the last 6 months, rheumatic or neuromus-
on the same standard chair (Figure
cular diseases, cognitive or sensory deficit,
depression, hormonal or non-hormonal anti-
inflammatory medication, a body mass index • In the fourth condition, the subjects
over 28, and other traditional IFC contra- typed the same standard text, but with-
indications.7. out their forearms supported (Figure
2B). For the last two conditions, the
patients were instructed to type as fast
The IFC applications and EMG registration as possible.
were performed on each patient during 5
After this initial evaluation, all subjects were
days. On the first day, patients remained at
submitted to bipolar IFC application on the
rest in the supine position for 30 minutes be-
trapezius bilaterally by 30 minutes. Soon
fore the first assessment. We then analyzed
after this application, another registration
the RMS value of the EMG signal on both
was performed of the RMS value in the four
sides of the upper trapezius muscle.
Figure 2: Subject position to EMG reg-
Figure 1: Subject position to EMG registra- istration* of the upper trapezius fibers in
tion* of the upper trapezius fibers seating on functional activities: typing a standard text
the quick massage chair (A) and standard with the forearms supported (A) and non-
chair (B) supported (B)

* C.U. Sao Camilo – Motion Analysis Laboratory * C.U. Sao Camilo – Motion Analysis Laboratory

The Journal of Applied Research • Vol.11, No. 1, 2011. 22

Table 1: Mean RMS values (± SD) of the upper trapezius muscle (μV) considering the domi-
nant and non-dominant side before and after interferential current (IFC) applications (n =
30) in the four studied conditions

Quick-massage chair 9.4 (±0.7) 9.5 (±0.8) 9.2 (±0.7) 9.2 (±0.7) 8.8 (±0.4)
Standard chair 10.7 (±2.0) 10.4 (±1.4) 10.2 (±1.5) 10.1 (±1.1) 9.5 (±0.7)
Forearm supported * 26.1 (±13.3) 21.2 (±10.7) 19.3 (±8.8) 17.9 (±8.8) 14.7 (±5.4)
Forearm non-supported * 35.7 (±16.6) 33.2 (±19.3) 26.3 (±12.7) 24.1 (±10.8) 21.3 (±9.9)
Quick-massage chair 9.4 (±0.4) 9.6 (±0.8) 9.5 (±0.7) 9.4 (±0.8) 9.0 (±0.2)
Standard chair 11.7 (±2.9) 10.6 (±1.3) 10.8 (±1.8) 10.4 (±1.2) 9.8 (±0.8)
Forearm supported * 20.9 (±12.9) 17.2 (±6.6) 17.0 (±6.6) 15.9 (±5.8) 13.4 (±3.4)
Forearm non-supported * 28.6 (±14.6) 24.5 (±12.5) 24.3 (±13.6) 22.8 (±13.0) 13.6 (±5.1)
* Typing with forearms supported and non-supported.

conditions mentioned above (evaluation 1). placed laterally on the C7 spinous process,
On the second day, the patients received and the other on the supraspinatus fossa.
only the bipolar IFC application on the The EMG equipment utilized in this
upper fibers of the trapezius muscle bilater- study was the portable CS400/EMG System
ally for 30 minutes. On the third day, the with eight channels. The EMG rectified sig-
patients were initially assessed in relation to nals of the trapezius muscle were obtained
the RMS value of the trapezius muscle in the by surface Ag/AgCl (10x20 mm) differ-
four conditions (evaluation 2), followed by ential-type electrodes with inter-electrode
bipolar IFC application. After this applica- capture distance of 20 mm and a pre-ampli-
tion, we performed the EMG registration fication of 20-fold, and send to the amplifier
again (evaluation 3). There were not activi- (frequency range: 20-500 Hz; noise signal
ties or analysis on the fourth day. rate: 3 μV RMS; CMMR: 100 dB), which
On the fifth day, only the EMG registra- has a gain of a factor of 50, achieving a gain
tion (final evaluation) was performed of of 1,000 for the EMG signal.
the trapezius muscle in all four conditions The capture electrodes were positioned
(Figure 3). The same procedure prior to at the midpoint between the spinous process
the EMG registration in the initial evalua- of the C7 vertebra and the acromion bilater-
tion was performed in the evaluation 2 and ally according to SENIAM criteria.13 The
final evaluation, ie, the patients remained at reference electrode was positioned in right
rest in the supine position for 30 minutes to lateral malleolus. Before the electrodes were
avoid or minimize possible tensions due to positioned, we shaved the exposed area,
the test situation (“lab effect”). followed by sterilization with hydrated 70%
Instrumentation The IFC equipment ethyl alcohol. Afterwards an EMG signal
used for all applications was the pulse gener- capture was performed in the four predeter-
ator--Endophasys/KLD Biosistemas with a mined conditions for 30 seconds. The first
carrier frequency of 4.000 Hz, an amplitude and last 5 seconds were removed. Thus, the
modulated frequency (AMF) equal to 75 Hz, raw EMG signal was rectified and the RMS
a variation frequency (ΔF) of 35 Hz, and a values were calculated during the intermedi-
slope of 1/1. We used the bipolar technique, ate 20 seconds.
ie, one channel with two electrodes on each Data Analysis
side of the upper fibers of the trapezius The sample size was ascertained in a
muscle.7,12 In each side, one electrode was previous pilot study designed to choose the

23 Vol.11, No.1 , 2011 •The Journal of Applied Research.

Figure 3: Diagram of the proceedings showing evaluations and IFC applications (n=30)

Abbreviations: EMG (Electromyographic registration); IFC (Interferential current); Quick

massage (Quick massage sitting condition); Standardized chair (Standardized chair sitting con-
dition); Forearm supported and non-supported (Forearm supported and non-supported typing
condition); 30’ (30 minutes); 30’’ (30 seconds)

minimum number of patients needed to de- Wilcoxon matched pairs test was used with
termine a significant difference (2 μV RMS a significance level of 95%. Thus, we used
difference in the EMG analysis in the sitting the repeated measures analysis of variance
condition), taking into account a mean of (group by time), with significance consid-
9.0 μV (± 2.0 μV), a significance level of ered at p<0.05. The factor group had 1 level
p<0.05, and a test power of 90%. (IFC), and the repeated factor, time, had five
We performed a sample homogene- levels (mean RMS value in the initial, 1, 2,
ity test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) for each 3, and final evaluations). Data were analyzed
condition comparing the dominant and with SPSS Version 13.0.
non-dominant side in relation to the mean RESULTS
RMS value of the EMG signal during the Table 1 shows the results with the mean
initial evaluation. For this analysis, the (±SD) of RMS value of the EMG signal

The Journal of Applied Research • Vol.11, No. 1, 2011. 24

Figure 4: Mean (±SD) of the RMS value of the upper trapezius muscle
of the dominant side before and after IFC application in the four condi-
tions (n = 30)

* Significant difference (P<0.05) in relation to Initial evaluation, 1 and 2 evaluation

t Significant difference (P<0.05) in relation to Initial and evaluation 1

analyzed in the four conditions (sitting on a sitting condition, and typing with and with-
quick massage chair, a standardized chair, out forearm supports. In the standardized
and typing with and without forearm sup- chair sitting condition, the RMS value in the
ports). final evaluation was significantly lower only
We found a significant difference in relation to the initial (p<0.001) compared
between the dominant and non-dominant to evaluation 1 (p<0.01). Moreover, we
side in the initial evaluation with the patient observed a decrease in the mean RMS value
seated on a standardized chair, and typing in evaluation 3 when compared to the initial
with and without forearm supports (p<0.05). evaluation when typing with a forearm sup-
Therefore, we chose a separate analysis port (p<0.01) (Figure 4).
between the two sides in all conditions. On the non-dominant side, the mean
As shown in Table 1, there was, in gen- RMS value in the final evaluation was sig-
eral, a decrease in RMS value over the days nificantly lower when compared to the initial
after the IFC applications for the dominant (p<0.001), evaluation 1 (p<0.05), evaluation
as well as the non-dominant side. There was 2 (p<0.001), and evaluation 3 (p <0.05) for
a statistically significant group-by-time in- sitting on a quick-massage chair, and typing
teraction for the repeated measures analysis with and without forearm supports. The
for the four conditions (p<0.05). mean RMS value in the final evaluation was
Planned pairwise comparisons showed significantly lower only in relation to the
that the mean RMS value of the dominant initial evaluation and evaluation 1 (p<0.05)
side was significantly lower in the final for sitting in a standardized chair (Figure 5).
evaluation when compared to the initial DISCUSSION
(p<0.001), evaluation 1 (p<0.001), evalua- This was an intervention study that evalu-
tion 2 (p<0.01) to the quick-massage chair

25 Vol.11, No.1 , 2011 •The Journal of Applied Research.

ated females who used a computer daily and are not sufficient to promote therapeutic
presented neck discomfort. The aim was effects.21 Although it was not the target of
to observe the effect of muscle relaxation this study, we hypothesized that this relaxing
of the upper trapezius fibers induced by effect can be related to increase of the local
IFC application during rest conditions and blood flow at the motor level.20,22 However,
functional activities. The results of EMG this circulatory stimulation is not directly
registration show that IFC can reduce the related to muscular contraction, but rather
trapezius muscle tension while at rest and the physiological inhibitory mechanism of
while typing. It is important to remember the sympathetic fibers in small arterioles.23-25
that this relaxing effect was found for both Nerve suppression can lead to increased
the dominant and non-dominant sides. circulation by reducing sympathetic tonus in
The assessment of muscle activity can the muscular layer of small arterioles.24 The
be performed by EMG,14 since the RMS study conducted by Noble et al 24 showed
value is a tool of quantifying and processing that an increase in skin blood-flow induced
the EMG signal, showing a linear relation- by IFC is proportional to the increase in skin
ship with muscle tension at rest and during temperature. The literature has associated
functional tasks.5,15,16 this local vasodilatation to electrode stimula-
Previous studies have linked the IFC tion with a frequency below 30 Hz. 22,24
application as a tool to provide pain relief Nevertheless, in this study, we used a modu-
and muscle relaxation.7-9,17-19 However, some lated frequency of 75 Hz. This demonstrated
authors suggest that electrotherapy applied that the previous studies probably were not
to muscle relaxation occurs at motor level successful in this frequency range because
stimulation, ie, applying a current intensity they evaluated only the immediate effect.
to generate muscle contraction, and conse- We believe that an increase in circulation
quently, decreasing muscle spasm due to could lead to late effects, mainly because
increased local blood flow.18,20 it would increase the metabolism, oxygen-
The results of the present study dem- ation, reducing the intra-muscular lactic acid
onstrate that a decrease in muscular activ- accumulation.
ity can also be observed at sensorial level As previously described, there is evi-
stimulation, ie., using current intensity (mA) dence in the literature supporting physi-
only in the sensory threshold. However, ological changes in blood flow related to
this relaxation appears to be more related to electrical-stimulation. The present study
cumulative rather than immediate effect, be- contributed to this evidence because it is the
cause we observed that there was significant first clinical study investigating immediate
relaxation in the final evaluation when com- and cumulative muscle relaxation by surface
pared to the initial evaluation. Corroborating EMG in subjects with discomfort in the
these findings, we did not find differences cervical area. It is important to highlight that
in EMG assessments immediately after IFC these subjects presented normal cervical and
application. shoulder range of motion, ie, they were not
Based on this information, two factors patients with neck pain diagnostic.
should be taken into account when utilizing This study presents a limitation due to
this equipment aimed at muscle relaxation. the lack of a sham group. However, this bias
First, multiple applications are necessary was minimized because the subjects submit-
to achieve therapeutic results. Second, it is ted to IFC therapy performed complete rest
necessary to receive IFC for a long time in before the initial EMG evaluation trying to
each session.Since this study, the subjects avoid or minimize possible tensions due to
have received applications for 30 minutes. the test situation (“lab effect”). Another jus-
Some authors have shown that applications tification is the fact that EMG is a quantita-
for a short time (approximately 20 minutes) tive tool for analyzing the muscular tension,

The Journal of Applied Research • Vol.11, No. 1, 2011. 26

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