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SPINE Volume 33, Number 5, pp 555–563

©2008, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Neck Movement and Muscle Activity Characteristics in

Female Office Workers With Neck Pain

V. Johnston, BPhty (Hons),* G. Jull, PhD,* T. Souvlis, PhD,* and N. L. Jimmieson, PhD†

Neck pain is a common problem in the workplace for

Study Design. Cross-sectional study. computer users.1–3 Excess loading of the muscles of the
Objective. To explore aspects of cervical musculoskel- shoulder girdle is thought to be the source of work-
etal function in female office workers with neck pain.
Summary of Background Data. Evidence of physical
related neck or shoulder pain particularly in low-load
characteristics that differentiate computer workers with repetitive work.4 The physical demands placed on the
and without neck pain is sparse. Patients with chronic muscles in this region during computer work are low,
neck pain demonstrate reduced motion and altered pat- less than 5% maximum voluntary contraction.5,6 Thus,
terns of muscle control in the cervical flexor and upper
muscle strains are an unlikely cause of neck pain in this
trapezius (UT) muscles during specific tasks. Understand-
ing cervical musculoskeletal function in office workers will group,7 although the way the trapezius and other mus-
better direct intervention and prevention strategies. cles function may certainly contribute to the pain state.
Methods. Measures included neck range of motion; Most studies investigating work-related neck or
superficial neck flexor muscle activity during a clinical shoulder pain have concentrated on the trapezius muscle
test, the craniocerivcal flexion test; and a motor task, a
unilateral muscle coordination task, to assess the activity
almost exclusively. There has been difficulty in demon-
of both the anterior and posterior neck muscles. Office strating significant associations between trapezius mus-
workers with and without neck pain were formed into 3 cle activity level and neck or shoulder pain among work-
groups based on their scores on the Neck Disability Index. ers undertaking similar work.8 –10 We contend that the
Nonworking women without neck pain formed the con-
neck or shoulder pain in office workers reflects a broader
trol group. Surface electromyographic activity was re-
corded bilaterally from the sternocleidomastoid, anterior involvement of the cervical musculoskeletal system. Var-
scalene (AS), cervical extensor (CE) and UT muscles. ious impairments in the musculoskeletal function have
Results. Workers with neck pain had reduced rotation been documented in association with cervical disor-
range and increased activity of the superficial cervical ders,11–13 yet the role of cervical musculature in com-
flexors during the craniocervical flexion test. During the
coordination task, workers with pain demonstrated puter users with neck pain has largely been ignored as
greater activity in the CE muscles bilaterally. On comple- has other measures such as range of movement.
tion of the task, the UT and dominant CE and AS muscles This research aimed to gain a broader perspective of
demonstrated an inability to relax in workers with pain. In cervical musculoskeletal function in office workers with
general, there was a linear relationship between the work-
ers’ self-reported levels of pain and disability and the
neck pain. Office workers are of particular interest be-
movement and muscle changes. cause computer use in the workplace and home is in-
Conclusion. These results are consistent with those creasing14 and the prevalence of neck pain in this occu-
found in other cervical musculoskeletal disorders and pational group remains high3,15–17 although regulatory
may represent an altered muscle recruitment strategy to
authorities have developed recommendations for pre-
stabilize the head and neck. An exercise program includ-
ing motor reeducation may assist in the management of vention of musculoskeletal problems in this group of
neck pain in office workers. workers.18 –24
Key words: office workers, neck pain, neck movement, We examined 3 features in which impairments have
electromyography, craniocervical flexion test. Spine 2008; been documented in other neck disorders. The first was a
measure of neck range of movement, a generic sign of a
cervical musculoskeletal disorder, recorded in neck pain
of both insidious and traumatic onset.25–27 The second
measure was a muscle test, the craniocervical flexion test
From the *Physiotherapy Division, School of Health and Rehabilita- which tests the anatomic action of the deep longus capitis
tion Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia; and †School of
Psychology, The University of Queensland, Australia. and colli muscles, muscles important for the support of
Acknowledgment date: January 26, 2007. First revision date: July 2, the cervical joints and posture.28 Higher levels of activity
2007. Second revision date: August 27, 2007. Acceptance date: August of the superficial cervical neck flexor muscles have been
27, 2007.
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical measured in patients with neck disorders in this test,29 –31
device(s)/drug(s). which has been shown to be in compensation for lesser
Foundation funds were received in support of this work. No benefits in measured activity in the deep neck flexor muscles in neck
any form have been or will be received from a commercial party related
directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript. pain patients compared with controls.29 The third test
Supported by a grant from the Physiotherapy Research Foundation, was a unilateral muscle coordination task which has
Australia. been used to evaluate muscle activity of the upper tra-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Venerina Johnston, Phys-
iotherapy Division, Level 7, Therapies Building 84A, The University of pezei in occupational studies,32–34 in patients with whip-
Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072; E-mail: lash13,35 and idiopathic neck pain.36 Significant differ-

556 Spine • Volume 33 • Number 5 • 2008

Table 1. Comparison Among Volunteers clusion criteria if they had been in their current position or one
and Nonvolunteers similar for at least 2 years; worked at least 4 hours per day
using a visual display monitor; experienced work-related neck
Respondents Nonrespondents pain with or without arm pain. Exclusion criteria were a his-
Variables (n ⫽ 85) (n ⫽ 248) tory of neck surgery or trauma, diagnosed fibromyalgia, carpal
tunnel syndrome, cervical radiculopathy, systemic illness or a
Neck disability index (0–100) 16.6 (11.6) 15.2 (11.6)
connective tissue disorder to exclude possible nonwork-related
(mean, SD)
Age (age category)* (yr) 40–44 35–39 sources of pain. Employment of at least 2 years was chosen as
Duration of neck pain in last 12 this period of time will allow fair time for symptoms to develop
mo (%) following light work.39
0–30 days 49.4 54 The control group of women (n ⫽ 22) was recruited from
⬎30 days 50.6 46
Body mass index kg/m2 (mean, 26.8 (6.5) 24.7 (5.3) the general community through advertisements. To be in-
SD)* cluded, these participants were not in current paid employment
Years with current employer 9.3 (7.5) 8.3 (7.2) or employed in the previous 12 months; used a VDU less than
(mean, SD) 4 hours per day; had no history of neck pain requiring treat-
Computer use (%)
ment in the last 12 months, were not pregnant and had no
⬍6 h/d 35.3 35.5
⬎6 h/d 64.7 64.5 exclusion criteria as applied to the worker group. Ethical clear-
Mouse use (%) ance was granted by the Institutional Medical Research Ethics
⬍6 h/d 73 67 Committee and written informed consent was obtained from
⬎6 h/d 27 32.8 all participants.
Frequency of sport (%)
Rarely (%) 38.8 44.6
⬎1/wk 61.3 55.5
Range of Movement
Hours worked/wk (%) Active range of neck movement was measured in sitting with a
⬍38 h/wk 33 41 3-dimensional electromagnetic, motion-tracking device (Fas-
⬎38 h/wk 67 59 trak, Polhemius, USA). The Fastrak unit emits a low intensity
General Health Questionnaire-12 12.6 (3.9) 13.6 (4.5) electromagnetic field which is detected by 2 sensors placed in
(0–36) (mean, SD)
Job satisfaction (0–5) (mean, 3.1 (0.9) 3.0 (0.87) field—1 on the forehead and the other over C7. A computer
SD) program was developed to allow real-time viewing of the
movement and storage of data. The Fastrak has been used
*Significant difference between groups P ⬍ 0.05.
previously to investigate cervical range of motion26,40 and has
accuracy to within ⫾0.2°.41
ences exist between subjects with neck pain and controls Electromyography
in the neck flexors and upper trapezius (UT) during this Recordings of electromyography (EMG) activity from the UT,
task suggesting altered patterns of motor control in the cervical erector spinae (CE), sternal head of the sternocleido-
presence of pain.36 In the current study, activity of the mastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles were made
cervical flexors, the UT and cervical extensor (CE) mus- bilaterally with Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Myotronics-
cles was measured during the performance of this unilat- Noromed, Inc.) following careful skin preparation and previ-
ously published guidelines for electrode placement.42– 44 A
eral arm task.36 Assessing cervical range of movement
ground reference was placed on the upper thoracic spine. EMG
and muscle activity in different tasks in office workers
signals were amplified (gain, 1000), passed through a 10 to 500
with neck pain may shed light on whether general cervi- Hz band-width filter, and sampled at 1000 Hz.
cal musculoskeletal impairment is a feature of this group, EMG data were collected during standardized maneuvers
which in turn could better direct prevention and manage- for normalization of the EMG amplitude as recommended
ment strategies. when using surface EMG in studies of work-related disor-
ders.45 Each normalization task was held for 10 seconds and
repeated 3 times with 30 seconds rest between each repetition.
Design For the reference contraction for SCM and AS, the participant
A cross-sectional observational design was used to assess mo- flexed the chin and lifted their head so that it just cleared the
tor features of female office workers with and without neck bed and held the position.36 That for the UT muscles was bi-
pain. Workers were grouped on the basis of scores on the neck lateral arm abduction at 90° with the elbows straight and
disability index.37 A parallel group of women without neck pain palms facing downwards while standing.5,13 For CE muscles,
who did not participate in paid employment were included as true participants raised and held the head 20 mm above the bed in
controls. No inducement was offered to any of the volunteers prone lying.46
for participating in this research.
Craniocervical Flexion Test
Participants The craniocervical flexion test has been described in detail else-
Eighty-five volunteer female office workers were recruited from where29,31 and shown to have good internal reproducibility.12,30
333 participants who had previously completed a survey inves- The participant lay in supine and slowly nodded the head to 5
tigating risk factors for neck pain in this population.38 Table 1 progressive inner range positions of craniocervical flexion,
presents a comparison between those workers who volunteered guided by feedback from an air filled pressure sensor (Stabi-
and those who did not in relation to assessed variables. Volun- lizer, Chattanooga, USA) placed suboccipitally behind the neck
teers were slightly older and had a higher body mass index than and inflated to a baseline of 20 mm Hg. The participant nodded
those who did not. Symptomatic workers met this study’s in- to increase the pressure to 22 mm Hg and maintain this posi-
Characteristics in Female Office Workers With Neck Pain • Johnston et al 557

tion for 10 seconds. This action was repeated with the target set a higher score reflecting greater disability. It has good internal
at 24, 26, 28, and 30 mm Hg. A 10-second rest was provided consistency and test–retest reliability.37,48
between each target pressure. Two trials of the craniocervical The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)49 was in-
flexion test were performed with the second used for analysis. cluded as a measure of psychological distress and has been
Baseline EMG was collected for 10 seconds before commence- recommended as a quick screen for mental health in occupa-
ment of the task while the participant lay quietly and relaxed. tional studies.50 This test consists of 12 items, scored using the
The maximum root mean square (1sRMS) in the SCM and AS Likert-method (0 –3) with the scores added to generate a total
muscles was extracted using a 1 second sliding window over between 0 and 36, with higher scores indicating an increased
each 10 seconds of the 5 stages of the craniocervical flexion test likelihood of psychological distress.51 Job satisfaction was
using Matlab7 software (Math Works, Inc.). The maximum evaluated with 3 items with a 5-point response rating ranging
1sRMS value was standardized against the maximum 1sRMS from very negative, ‘I don’t enjoy it (my job) to very positive, ‘I
head lift task after subtracting baseline. This methodology has really enjoy my job, and couldn’t enjoy it more’.52
been used previously.29,31 The normalized EMG data were
Data Management
used for analysis.
There were 8 left-handed participants, thus EMG data from all
Unilateral Muscle Coordination Task muscles during the coordination task was analyzed for the
The coordination task was used as a measure of unilateral dominant (referred to as right) side. There was a significant age
non-keyboard task to assess the activity of the anterior and difference between groups. It was selected a priori as a covari-
posterior neck muscles bilaterally during a dynamic arm activ- ate in all analyses. Univariate ANOVA was used to detect dif-
ity unrelated to workplace actions. The participant sat at a ferences in neck disability scores, symptom onset, discomfort,
standard desk in an adjustable chair without arm rests and and perceived tension scores during the coordination task.
adjusted the seat and back rest to a comfortable position. The MANOVA was used to analyze neck motion data. The nor-
participant moved a pen with the dominant (referred to as malized craniocervical flexion test data were skewed and loga-
right) hand between 3 circles (diameter of 70 mm and 230 mm rithmic transformation improved the homogeneity of vari-
apart in an equilateral triangle) in an anticlockwise direction. ance.53 Thus, the logarithm of each normalized 1sRMS value
The task was performed to the beat of a metronome set at 88 was entered into a repeated measures general linear model to
beats/min for 5 minutes. The subject’s nondominant forearm examine the effects of group (4 levels between-subject factor) at
rested on the desktop motionless. the 5 pressure values (within-subject factor). The means were
The 1sRMS was calculated for each muscle using a 1 second calculated from the normalized data to demonstrate the results
sliding window over 5 second epochs at baseline, 10, 60, 180, graphically.
and 300 seconds into the task and 10 seconds after completion Repeated measures general linear model with group as the
of the task36 (Matlab7 software, Math Works, Inc.). The EMG between-subject factor (4 levels), time as within-subject factor
amplitude at each epoch was normalized against a reference (4 levels) was performed to determine the relationships be-
contraction and expressed as a percentage of the maximum tween groups for each muscle during the coordination task.
1sRMS values obtained during the reference voluntary contrac- Separate analyses were performed to determine whether there
tions after subtracting baseline. were differences on completion of each task using the difference
between values at 300 seconds and post-task in a MANOVA.
Discomfort Measures The normalized data for the coordination task were logarith-
Neck and shoulder discomfort was rated by participants on mic transformed to improve the homogeneity of variance53
completion of the coordination task. This was measured using with the means from the normalized data used to demonstrate
a 100-mm visual analogue scale anchored with the words “no the results graphically. Differences between groups were ana-
pain” and “worst pain imaginable.” Subjects moved a marker lyzed with a priori contrasts.
along the scale to a point that best represented their current Data were analyzed using SPSS v.11.5 (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
level of pain. Perceived tension was recorded after the muscle Significance was set at P ⬍ 0.05 with 95% confidence limits.
coordination task on a 100-mm visual analogue scale with the
end points of “not at all” and “very tense.”43
The 85 eligible workers were placed into 1 of 3 groups
Questionnaires based on the disability score (out of 100) at the time of
The office workers completed the neck disability index in the
testing: no pain group (neck disability score ⱕ8, n ⫽ 33);
original survey of work and provided personal demographics.
For some, there was a time delay between completion of the
mild pain group (neck disability score 9 –29, n ⫽ 38);
survey and testing, thus a second neck disability index was and moderate pain group (neck disability score ⱕ30, n ⫽
administered at the time of testing. The control group com- 14). The group characteristics are presented in Table 2.
pleted the neck disability index also. Pain intensity was mea- The control group was statistically younger than each
sured using a 100-mm visual analogue scale for current and worker group. For the workers, there were no statisti-
worst neck pain and location of pain was marked by the par- cally discernible differences between groups in terms of
ticipant on a body map. The neck disability index has been used the duration of symptoms, body mass index, years with
as an outcome measure of workplace interventions47 and in- the current employer, computer use per day, or fre-
cludes 10 items which address functional activities, in addition quency of sport, but those with moderate pain used a
to items on pain intensity, ability to concentrate, and presence mouse longer at work (P ⬍ 0.03).
of headaches. There are 6 possible responses for each item
which are scored from 0 (no disability) to 5 (complete disabil- Range of Movement
ity). A total score is obtained using a percentage of the maxi- Figure 1 displays the between group differences with a
mum score after adding each to give a raw score out of 50 with statistically discernible negative linear trend for left and
558 Spine • Volume 33 • Number 5 • 2008

Table 2. Group Characteristics

No Pain (n ⫽ 33) Mild Pain (n ⫽ 38) Moderate Pain (n ⫽ 14) Controls (n ⫽ 22)

Neck disability index (0–100) (mean, SD) 4.2 (2.6) 19.5 (5.9) 33.5 (3.6) 2.9 (2.8)
Age (years, mean, SD) 43 (10.6) 43.8 (9.4) 45.4 (10.3) 37.4 (10.4)
Pain intensity (0–10) (mean, SD) 0.4 (1) 1.5 (1.5) 1.9 (2.4) 0
Symptom duration, years (mean, SD) 4.3 (6.9) 10.7 (8.7) 8 (8.7) —
Body mass index kg/m2 (mean, SD) 26 (5.7) 27.4 (6.6) 27 (6.8) 24.7 (2.3)
Years with current employer (mean, SD) 10.0 (7.5) 9.2 (7.5) 8.4 (7.7) —
Computer use (%)
⬍6 h/d 40 34 30 —
⬎6 h/d 60 66 70 —
Mouse use (%)
⬍6 h/d 85 70 46 —
⬎6 h/d 15 30 54 —
Frequency of sport (%)
Rarely 33 42 43 —
⬎1/wk 67 58 57 —
General Health Questionnaire-12 (0–36) (Mean, SD) 12.9 (3.7) 12.8 (3.9) 11.2 (4.2) 11.4 (4.0)
Job satisfaction (0–5) (mean, SD) 3.1 (0.9) 3.1 (1.0) 3.1 (0.8) —

right rotation from controls to worker groups. Workers differences between the mild and moderate pain groups
in the mild pain group had significantly less flexion range at any test stage as was the case between the control and
of motion than the no pain group (P ⫽ 0.038). Although no pain groups. This pattern of increased muscle activity
there appears to be a general trend for a decrease in with progressive stages of the task for the moderate and
flexion and extension range of motion with increasing mild pain groups was replicated for left SCM and right
pain, there were no statistical differences between group and left AS muscles (all P ⬍ 0.001).
means (P ⬎ 0.06). There were no statistically discernible
Unilateral Muscle Coordination Task
differences for lateral flexion in either direction.
The mean normalized 1sRMS values at each of the 5 time
Craniocervical Flexion Test periods during and 10 seconds after the coordination
Figure 2 displays the mean normalized 1sRMS values for task for the neck muscles are displayed in Figures 3 and
the anterior cervical muscles bilaterally. For the right 4. As main findings, there was a statistically discernible
SCM muscle, there were statistically higher measured difference between groups for the CE muscles showing
levels of activity in the mild and moderate pain groups workers with pain generating greater muscle activity in
compared with the control and no pain groups at 24, 26, these muscles as well as in the right UT, SCM, and AS
28, and 30 mm Hg pressure during the performance of muscles compared with controls (P ⬍ 0.05). There were
the craniocervical flexion test (P ⬍ 0.02). There were no no differences between the worker groups over any mus-

80 No Pain
Mild Pain
70 Moderate Pain

Range in Degrees



Figure 1. Mean range of motion 30

and 95% confidence intervals
(controlled for age) for flexion, 20
extension, left rotation (L rot),
right rotation (R rot), left lateral
flexion (L lat flex), and right lat- 10
eral flexion (R lat flex) across the
groups for workers with no pain, 0
mild, and moderate pain and
Flexion Extension L rot R rot L lat flex R lat flex
controls (nonworkers with no
disability). Direction of Movement
Characteristics in Female Office Workers With Neck Pain • Johnston et al 559

Left Sternocleidomastoid Right Sternocleidomastoid

100 100
90 90
80 80
Normalized EMG

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
22 24 26 28 30 22 24 26 28 30

Right Anterior Scalene

Left Anterior Scalene
100 100
90 90
80 80
Normalized EMG

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
22 24 26 28 30
22 24 26 28 30
Flexion Test (mmHg)
Flexion Test (mmHg)
Figure 2. Normalized EMG values (adjusted by age), means and 95% confidence intervals during the performance of the craniocervical
flexion test for left and right sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles at each stage of the test.

cle. On completion of the task, workers with pain re- Those who reported higher levels of pain had greater
laxed at a slower rate than those without pain in the UT levels of physical changes.
and right CE (P ⬍ 0.02). The associations between self-reported levels of pain
Discomfort experienced during the unilateral arm and disability and physical changes were clearly evident
task was minor although greater for the mild [median ⫽ in range of motion measures where office workers with
0, 0 – 80 (2.5th–97.2th percentile)] and moderate pain mild and moderate pain and disability demonstrated re-
(15,0 – 49) group compared with controls (0,0 – 0), and duced rotation compared with workers without pain and
no pain group (0,0 –25). Perceived tension was again controls. Similarly, those with pain generated greater ac-
minor during the coordination task although greater for tivity in the superficial cervical flexors than those with-
workers in the moderate pain group (0,0 –35) and each out neck pain and controls during the performance of the
of the other groups [control group (0,0 – 0); no pain (0, craniocervical flexion test. This increase in activity in the
0 –1.0); mild pain (0,0 –20) groups]. superficial muscles has been shown to be associated with
reduced activity in the deep cervical flexors and is con-
sidered a compensatory strategy for weakness in the deep
In this study, cervical pain (reduced range of movement flexor muscles.29 This muscle impairment appears char-
and altered patterns of muscle activity) was associated acteristic of persons with cervical pain, being docu-
with neck pain reported by office workers as has been mented in patients with cervicogenic headache,30 whip-
found in neck disorders of other provocative causes.26,27,36,54 lash associated disorders,25,54 and chronic neck pain.29
This study also demonstrated that alterations in muscle In general, there was altered activity in the UT, CE,
function is widespread, being identified in the neck flex- and cervical flexor muscles in the coordination task in
ors, extensors, and the UT. Furthermore, the results in- office workers with neck pain, although there was some
dicated that in general, there was a linear relationship variability between muscles. More specifically, the re-
between the workers’ self-reported levels of pain and sults showed that those with neck pain had greater EMG
disability and the level of movement and muscle differ- activity in the right (dominant) UT during performance
ences (craniocervical flexion test and coordination task). of the coordination task and in both UT on completion
560 Spine • Volume 33 • Number 5 • 2008

Left Cervical Extensor

200 Right Cervical Extensors

Normalized EMG

Normalized EMG
100 10s


0 0 Post-task
Controls No Pain Mild Pain Moderate Pain Controls Mild Pain
No Pain Moderate Pain
Left Upper Trapezius
Right Upper Trapezius

Normalized EMG

Normalized EMG
60 60s
40 180s

20 300s

0 0 Post-task
Controls No Pain Mild Pain Moderate Pain Controls Mild Pain
No Pain Moderate Pain
Pain Group
Pain Group
Figure 3. Normalized EMG values (adjusted by age) during and after the coordination task. Median, 25th and 75th percentile and whiskers
representing 1.5 times the interquartile range for each pain group at the cervical extensor and upper trapezius muscles at each of the
5 time periods.

of the task compared with those without pain. These participants, workers and nonworkers alike, if this was
results concur with Nederhand et al,13,35 and Falla et the only feature to consider. The activity in the cervical
al,36 who examined the same task in subjects with neck flexors was more variable between groups in the coordi-
pain of both traumatic and nontraumatic origin. Falla et nation task. Workers with and without neck pain gener-
al,36 suggested that the increase in activity represents an ated higher levels of activity in the SCM muscles com-
altered pattern of motor control to compensate for a pared with controls. For the AS muscles, activity in the
decrease in activity in the painful active UT. Nederhand left AS did not differ between groups although increased
et al,35 suggested that the inability for the UT to relax activity was evident especially in the later stages of the
posttask is due to a “learned guarding response” to pro- task for the right AS. These results are consistent with
tect against movement and pain which is consistent with Falla et al,36 who found an increase in EMG amplitude in
the pain adaptation model.55 However, in both studies the AS and SCM muscles, albeit bilaterally, during a
pain intensity during the task was not recorded. similar task for those with idiopathic and whiplash in-
Workers with pain generated greater EMG amplitude duced neck pain. The reason for the increased activity in
in the CE muscles than both the controls and those with- the CE and flexor muscles may parallel the compensation
out pain during the coordination task. The CEs have an for decreased activity in the deep neck flexors determined
important antigravity role in head stabilization. How- in the craniocervical flexion test.29 There is also evidence
ever, it would be expected that the demands for postural to indicate the presence of atrophy and widespread
stabilization by the extensors would be the same for all changes in the deep CE muscles in patients with chronic
Characteristics in Female Office Workers With Neck Pain • Johnston et al 561

Right Sternocleidomastoid
Left Sternocleidomastoid 80


Normalized EMG

0 Post-task
0 Controls Mild Pain
Controls No Pain Mild Pain Moderate Pain
No Pain Moderate Pain

Left Anterior Scalene Right Anterior Scalene

80 80

70 70

60 60
Normalized EMG

50 50 10s

40 40 60s
30 180s
0 Post-task
Controls Mild Pain
Controls No Pain Mild Pain Moderate Pain
No Pain Moderate Pain
Pain Groups
Pain Groups
Figure 4. Normalized EMG values (adjusted by age) during and after the coordination task. Median, 25th and 75th percentile and whiskers
representing 1.5 times the interquartile range for each pain group at the anterior cervical muscles at each of the 5 time periods.

neck pain conditions.56 –58 It is possible that the in- coordination task in this group compared with the no
creased activity in the superficial CE might be a similar pain worker group. This may support the evidence to
compensatory mechanism. suggest that employment, in particular, low load repeti-
Workers with pain perceived greater tension and dis- tive work, may sensitize muscles leading to alterations in
comfort than those without pain and controls during the movement, force production, and higher EMG activity62
coordination task. Similar findings have been reported which in turn could predispose to the development of a
by other researchers in office workers.59,60 The prevail- cervical disorder. However, no information on the phys-
ing hypothesis is that prolonged muscle activity is a pre- ical activity or fitness levels of the control group partici-
cursor to pain and muscle disorders.7 However, a recent pants was recorded such that a potential bias in the EMG
study found muscle activity did not correlate with sub- amplitudes may have been introduced. A strength of this
jective reports of pain, tension, or fatigue in patients with study is the inclusion of a variety of neck muscles evalu-
chronic neck or shoulder pain.61 The scores of tension ated. Many studies investigating neck pain in the work-
and discomfort reported by workers in this study were ing population focus on the UT muscles32,63– 65 with few
low (1 on a 0 –100 scale), which although statistically exploring the role of the cervical flexors and extensors. It
significant may not be clinically significant. In addition, is interesting to note that neck pain in this group of office
even though there was increased activity in the SCM, no workers displayed similarities with neck pain of different
worker in this study reported anterior neck pain. origins. It is possible that response bias for those who
A unique feature of this study was that the control volunteered for this study may have contributed to the
group consisted of women who did not work. It is thus findings. However, there were few differences between
notable that there was less activity in all muscles in the those who volunteered and did not in the variables as-
562 Spine • Volume 33 • Number 5 • 2008

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