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Test Bank for Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications, 9th Edition: Ricki Lewis

Test Bank for Human Genetics: Concepts and

Applications, 9th Edition: Ricki Lewis

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Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

Chapter 09
DNA Structure and Replication

Multiple Choice Questions

1. _______ first noted an acidic substance in the nuclei of cells from pus.
A. Mendel
B. Watson
C. Miescher
D. McCarty
E. Franklin

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

2. Miescher discovered phosphorus in DNA taken from

A. bacteria.
B. viruses.
C. soiled bandages.
D. dead mice.
E. a chemistry lab.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

3. In 1909, Archibald Garrod linked inheritance to proteins when he noted that

A. inherited metabolic disorders in humans are associated with missing enzymes.
B. substances in cells could transform bacteria from nonvirulence to virulence.
C. proteins are made up of amino acids.
D. the substance that transmits traits is in the cell nucleus.
E. X-ray diffraction reveals that DNA is a highly symmetrical molecule.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

4. Frederick Griffith was a microbiologist who observed that

A. DNA contains nitrogen and phosphorus.
B. proteases disrupt transformation from nonvirulence to virulence.
C. DNA from heat-killed viruses transforms virulent viruses.
D. nonvirulent bacteria become virulent when mixed with heat-killed virulent bacteria.
E. the X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA is highly symmetrical.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

5. Avery, MacLeod and McCarty's experiments built on the results of the experiments of
A. Gregor Mendel.
B. Frederick Griffith.
C. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase.
D. Erwin Chargaff and Phoebus Levene.
E. Rosalind Franklin.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

6. Hershey and Chase demonstrated that DNA was the genetic material using
A. poodles in microwave ovens.
B. hamsters and a blender.
C. frogs and a dishwasher.
D. viruses and a blender.
E. X-rays and models.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

7. In experiments to show that DNA is the genetic material, Hershey and Chase labeled DNA
with radioactive
A. amino acids.
B. sulfur.
C. phosphorus.
D. carbon.
E. nitrogen.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

8. Which researchers showed that DNA is the genetic material?

A. Watson and Crick
B. Hershey and Chase
C. Garrod and Griffith
D. Meselson and Stahl
E. Lennon and McCartney

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

9. Which of the following were part of the experiments of Hershey and Chase?
A. Mice were injected with type R bacteria and developed pneumonia.
B. Mice were injected with type S bacteria and developed pneumonia.
C. DNA isolated from type S bacteria killed by heating transformed type R bacteria.
D. E. coli bacteria were infected with virus labeled with radioactive phosphorus.
E. The researchers made models of the DNA molecule.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

10. _______ incorrectly suggested DNA has a triple helix structure.

A. Linus Pauling
B. James Watson and Francis Crick
C. Martha Chase
D. Maclyn McCarty
E. Rosalind Franklin

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

11. _______ used models to deduce the double helical shape of DNA.
A. Linus Pauling
B. James Watson and Francis Crick
C. Martha Chase
D. Maclyn McCarty
E. Rosalind Franklin

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

12. Erwin Chargaff showed that DNA that has 30% adenine has ___ thymine.
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 60%
D. 40%
E. a percentage that cannot be determined of

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

13. Chargaff showed that DNA with 60% adenine and thymine has ___ guanine and cytosine.
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 40%
E. 60%

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

14. Chargaff showed that DNA that has 30% adenine has ___ cytosine.
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 60%
D. 40%
E. a percentage that cannot be determined of

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

15. _______ used X-ray diffraction to deduce the helical shape of DNA.
A. Linus Pauling
B. James Watson and Francis Crick
C. Martha Chase
D. Maclyn McCarty
E. Rosalind Franklin

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

16. Watson and Crick based their conclusion that DNA is a double helix on experimental
results and measurements from
A. Chargaff, Wilkins and Franklin.
B. Avery, MacLeod and McCarty.
C. Hershey and Chase.
D. Charles Darwin.
E. Linus Pauling.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

17. Rosalind Franklin did not share in the Nobel Prize for determining the structure of DNA,
although her work was critical to it, because
A. she was a she.
B. the prize can only be awarded to three people.
C. she had died, and it is only awarded to living people.
D. she turned it down.
E. she was not a full professor.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

18. The DNA researcher who had his genome sequenced is

A. Francis Crick.
B. James Watson.
C. Frederick Griffith.
D. Rosalind Franklin.
E. Jay Leno.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.01
Topic: Genetics

19. Which chemical is not part of DNA?

A. phosphate
B. ribose
C. cytosine
D. nitrogen
E. carbon

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

20. The "steps" of the DNA double helix spiral staircase are
A. sugars.
B. hydrogen bonds.
C. base pairs.
D. nucleotides.
E. phosphates.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

21. In a molecule of DNA, purine bases form _______ bonds with pyrimidine bases.
A. phosphate
B. hydrogen
C. disulfide
D. phosphodiester
E. covalent

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

22. The nitrogenous bases adenine and thymine are

A. both purines.
B. both pyrimidines.
C. both amino acids.
D. a purine and a pyrimidine, respectively.
E. a pyrimidine and a purine, respectively.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

23. In DNA, cytosine binds with

A. uracil.
B. adenine.
C. thymine.
D. guanine.
E. amino acids.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

24. If the sequence of one strand of a DNA molecule is 5' ATGGCAT 3', the sequence of the
complementary strand is:
A. 5' ATGGCAT 3'
B. 3' ATGGCAT 5'
C. 5' TACCGTA 3'
D. 3' TACCGTA 5'
E. 3' AUGGCAU 5'

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

25. DNA in the nucleus winds around proteins called

A. histones.
B. herstones.
C. karyosomes.
D. ribosomes.
E. proteasomes.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

26. DNA entwined around an octet of proteins is called a(n)

A. nucleotide.
B. karyosome.
C. nucleosome.
D. ribosome.
E. octet.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

27. Which base pair is complementary?

A. A and T
B. C and T
C. A and G
D. C and C
E. G and G

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

28. Which of the following is most correct regarding genes, DNA and protein?
A. A gene is a section of DNA whose sequence encodes a particular protein, which is
composed of amino acids.
B. A gene is a section of a chromosomal DNA composed of many amino acids.
C. DNA is composed of many genes, which are formed from amino acid sequences.
D. A gene is composed of amino acids whose sequence encodes a particular protein.
E. DNA is composed of amino acids, which encode the protein and genotype.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

29. A scientist discovers a virus whose genome consists of an unusual DNA strand from a
virus. She finds the following percentage of bases: 23% A, 12% T, 30% G, and 35% C.
Which of the following best explains these results?
A. The bases are not purines or pyrimidines.
B. Chargaff was wrong.
C. Linus Pauling's model of DNA was correct.
D. The DNA in this virus is single-stranded.
E. The experiment was contaminated with cockroach DNA.

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

30. A gene is 13,066 nucleotides long. This is

A. about 1.3 microbases.
B. about 1.3 kilobases.
C. about 1.3 megabases.
D. about 3,011 amino acids.
E. about 40,000 DNA bases long.

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

31. In a DNA molecule, the base pairs provide information, and the sugar-phosphate
backbone does not, because
A. the base pairs are all the same, but the sugar-phosphate backbone varies.
B. there are eight types of base pairs.
C. there are eight types of bases.
D. the bases form a sequence, and the sugar-phosphate backbone does not.
E. the sugar-phosphate backbone is highly unstable.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

32. Purines and pyrimidines refer to the ______ of the DNA molecules.
A. nitrogenous bases
B. sugar-phosphate backbone
C. hydrogen bonds
D. nucleus
E. histones

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

33. A nucleotide consists of

A. A, T, C, and G.
B. three sugars for every phosphate.
C. three phosphates for every sugar.
D. one deoxyribose sugar, one nitrogenous base, and one phosphate group.
E. three DNA bases.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

34. Antiparallelism means that

A. the two strands of a DNA molecule run in opposite directions.
B. the DNA double helix twists first one way, then the other.
C. the DNA bases are sometimes on the outside of the molecule.
D. the DNA molecule cannot dissolve in water.
E. DNA and RNA are not the same molecule.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

35. The directional nature of the DNA double helix is observed in the
A. locations of the hydrogen bonds.
B. locations of the numbered carbons in the sugars.
C. locations of the oxygen atom in the phosphate.
D. double helix when it is separated into single strands.
E. mirror.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

36. Hydrogen bonds are not as strong as ionic or covalent bonds, but they are able to hold the
DNA double helix together because
A. there are so many of them.
B. there are so few of them.
C. the hydrogen bonds in DNA are different than the hydrogen bonds in other molecules.
D. the hydrogen bonds in DNA also have a very special type of molecular glue.
E. ten of them form between each DNA base pair.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

37. When DNA folds and winds into the nucleus of a cell, it shrinks in length by a factor of
A. 10.
B. 100.
C. 1,000.
D. 7,000.
E. 3.2 billion.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

38. Chromatin consists of about

A. 10% histones, 30% DNA binding proteins, 30% DNA, and 30% RNA.
B. 25% histones, 25% DNA binding proteins, 25% DNA, and 25% RNA.
C. 30% histones, 30% DNA binding proteins, 30% DNA, and 10% RNA.
D. 10% histones, 10% DNA binding proteins, 70% DNA, and 10% RNA.
E. 90% DNA and 20% proteins.

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.02
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

39. Meselson and Stahl's experiment followed

A. the distribution of different-weighted DNA over three generations of bacteria.
B. the distribution of different-labeled DNA over three generations of humans.
C. the ability of a protease or nuclease to stop the transmission of DNA over generations.
D. viruses injecting their DNA into bacteria.
E. DNA sequences in people who are politically liberal compared to those who are sometimes
politically conservative.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

40. Meselson and Stahl's experiments showed that DNA replication is

A. dispersive, conservative, and semi-conservative.
B. dispersive, but not conservative or semi-conservative.
C. semi-conservative, but not dispersive or conservative.
D. quasi-conservative, but not dispersive or semi-conservative.
E. discontinuous and not continuous.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

41. Meselson and Stahl distinguished between parental and newly-synthesized DNA by using
A. heavy metal.
B. heavy and light forms of nitrogen.
C. green fluorescent protein from jellyfish.
D. nucleic acid dyes.
E. chromosome paints.

Difficulty: Evaluate/Create
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

42. In DNA replication,

A. parental DNA shatters into pieces, and joins with newly-synthesized pieces to fashion two
double helices from one.
B. parental DNA remains intact but guides formation of new double helices.
C. the parental DNA splits and free nucleotides bond to their complements, building two
DNA molecules from one.
D. an entirely new double helix is built using information in the sequence of amino acids.
E. DNA taken into the body in the diet enters cells and joins the DNA.

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

43. In one minute, DNA replicates about _______ bases.

A. 40
B. 100
C. 250
D. 1,000
E. 3,000

Difficulty: Apply/Analyze
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

44. DNA is able to replicate as quickly as it does because it has many

A. replication forks.
B. replication spoons.
C. chromosomes.
D. genes.
E. histones.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

45. Which statement is correct?

A. DNA polymerase unwinds the DNA at replication forks.
B. Primase removes short RNA primers and replaces them with DNA.
C. Ligase breaks the hydrogen bonds between complementary DNA strands.
D. DNA polymerase proofreads DNA, correcting mismatched nucleotides.
E. Replication forks form as the sugar phosphate backbone is sealed.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

46. In a eukaryotic genome, DNA replication starts at

A. a single origin of replication.
B. one replication fork per chromosome.
C. nucleosomes.
D. sites near the nucleolus.
E. multiple sites along the length of each chromosome.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

47. The enzyme that inserts the correct bases in a growing nucleotide chain in a replicating
DNA molecule is
A. RNA polymerase.
B. DNA ligase.
C. DNA polymerase.
D. helicase.
E. RNA ligase.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

Test Bank for Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications, 9th Edition: Ricki Lewis

Chapter 09 - DNA Structure and Replication

48. Because DNA strands are antiparallel, replication proceeds

A. continuously on both strands.
B. continuously on one strand and discontinuously on the other.
C. discontinuously on both strands.
D. continuously on both strands for a time and then discontinuously.
E. discontinuously using amino acids.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

49. Okazaki fragments are small pieces of

B. protein.
D. enzymes.
E. sushi.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics

50. The number of DNA replications in an average human lifetime is very approximately
A. one billion.
B. three trillion.
C. 100 trillion.
D. 100 quadrillion.
E. infinite.

Difficulty: Remember/Understand
Section: 09.03
Topic: Genetics


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