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St. Teresa of Avila

 She was born on March 28, 1515, and she died October 04 1582.
 Her feast day is on October 15.
 She’s a patron saint of Headache sufferers, Spanish Catholic Writers
 Teresa of Ávila was a Spanish Carmelite nun who lived in the 1500s. She was a mystic and
author of spiritual writings and poems. She founded numerous convents throughout Spain
and was the originator of the Carmelite Reform that restored a contemplative and austere life
to the order.
 Known for beauty and wit, is a doctor of the Church. She joined the cloisetered convent.

St. Teresa Calcutta

 She was born on August 26, 1910, and she died September 5, 1997.
 Her feast day is on September 05.
 She’s a patron saint of World Youth Day
 She founded the order, The Missionaries of Charity, to look after abandoned babies and to
help the poorest of the poor, once saying that they "lived like animals but die like angels". In
1979 she received the Nobel Peace Prize and after her death was canonised as Saint Teresa.

St. Therese of Lisieux

 She was born on January 2, 1873, and she died on September 30, 1897.
 Her feast day is on October 1
 She’s a patron saint off missions and florists.
 She is 24 when she died and is known for the epithet “Little Flower”

St. Cecelia
 She was born on 2nd century, and she died on November 22, 230 AD.
 Her feast day is on November 22.
 She’s a patron saint of Musicians/Music (Hymn, Musician, Music, Poet, Albi, Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Omaha, Mar del Plata, Pipe organ)

St. Thomas Aquinas

 He was born on January 28, 1225, and he died on March 7, 1274.
 His feast day is on January 28.
 He is the patron saint of Catholic schools and students.
 He is known as the Angelic Doctor or the Universal Teacher.

St. Mary Magdalene

 Her feast day is on July 22.
 She is a patron saint of contemplative life, converts, glove makers,
hairdressers, penitent sinners, people ridiculed for their piety,
perfumeries, pharmacists, sexual temptation, tanners, women
 St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a
legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her
birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with
Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection.

St. Carlo Acutis

 His feast day is on October 12.
 He is a patron saint of computer programmers and youth.
 Carlo Acutis was an English-born Italian Catholic youth and amateur computer programmer,
who is best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles around the world and cataloguing
them onto a website which he created before his death from leukemia.

St. Padre Pio

 His feast day is on September 23.
 He’s a patron saint of of Civil defense volunteers, Adolescents, Pietrelcina,
Stress relief, & January blues.
 He was a priest and friar in the Capuchin order. An Italian, he was beatified and canonized by
St. John Paul II and is widely known for various supernatural phenomena such as exhibiting
the stigmata, being a catalyst for various miracles, and bilocating.

St. Ignatius Of Loyola

 His feast day is on July 31.
 He is the patron saint of Dioceses of San Sebastian and Bilbao, Biscay &
Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Military Ordinariate of the Philippines,
Society of Jesus, soldiers, Educators and Education.
 The only saint with police record before his conversion (for being part
in a night-time brawl)

St. John Marie Vianney

 His feast day is on August 4.
 He is a patron saint of Parish Priests.
 He is known for his devotion to the Virgin Mary and to St. Philomena and was dedicated to
the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) for his parishioners.

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