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 Worship
 Belief
 Festivals, fasts, pilgrimage, historical places
 Rites of passage
 Religion of social activities


-The sacred book of Christians is the Holy Bible

-The Jews believe in the first five books of the Bible, e.g, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy (The Torah)

-It is believed that they were written by Moses.

-These books contain the Law

-The name Bible comes from the Greek word “biblia” which simply means the book

-It is divided into Old and New Testament

-The word Testament means a covenant (an agreement)

The Old Testament

-The first five books talk about early relationship with Jews, laws which Jews were supposed to

-It contains covenants/agreements.

-It is the largest part of the Bible.

-Most books were originally written in Hebrew because that was the official language of the
Israelites and later into other languages.

-It contains various forms of literature, e.g, poetry, history, prophecy, law, liturgy, wisdom.

Books of the law/ Pentateuch or Torah






- They were written by Moses

- They describe from the creation to the end of the time the Jewish people spent in the wilderness

The Historical Books

 Joshua
 Judges
 Ruth
 1 Samuel
 2 Samuel
 1 Kings
 2 Kings
 1 Chronicles
 2 Chronicles
 Ezra
 Nehemiah
 Esther
- They tell the history of the nation of Israel.
- They describe from the conquest of the Promised Land to Israel’s restoration after the
Babylonian captivity.

The books of Wisdom / Poetical books

- A collection of sayings which provide a guide to life.



*Proverbs* Ecclesiastes

The Prophetic Books

- Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel.

- Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zephaniah, Malachi

The New Testament

-It contains the writing of early Christianity.

-They were written long after the events

-Contains gospels, history, epistles (letters) and prophecy






The book of History

- Recounts the early history of Christianity when the Apostles began to preach the gospel

Epistles/ Letters include:

* Romans

*1 and 2 Corinthians

* Galatians

* Ephesians

* Philippians

* Colossians

*1 and 2 Thessalonians

* 1 and 2 Timothy

* Titus

* Philemon

* James

* 1 and 2 Peter

* 1, 2 and 3 John

* Jude

sdd- These were written by Paul and other authors

The Book of Prophecy

 Revelation
- It is the only book to focus entirely on Prophecy

-Gospels give an account of the life and teaching of Jesus

-Synoptic gospels include: Matthew, Mark and Luke

-Gospels talk about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ

-Epistles were written first then gospels by people. They are the oldest parts of the NT


– is a scripture that was not included in the modern day Bible.

Why is the Bible important for Christians?

-It gives guidance to Christians, contains laws which the Christians are supposed to follow.

-It tells the source of Christian faith, behaviour (ethics)

-It is the word of God.

-It is the way in which God communicates with humans.

-The Bible is the basis of Christian faith

-It contains the ways of Christian worship

-It provides evidence of the existence of God.

-It teaches Christians how to live a Christian way.

-It gives words of judgement about the future.

The best way to learn about Christianity is to study the Bible

-The language was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

Howaever, not only the Bible is the main source of study:

-Modern television update people to learn about Christianity

-We can use the internet to learn Christianity

-Observing what Christians do.

-we learn from pastors or religious elders.

-We can learn from the church or elders

-Visiting historical places.

The importance of the Old Testament

-The OT gives Christians the laws to abide by so that they will not make a mess of their lives.

-It guides Christians on how to live life.

-It teaches Christians good habits.

-It states how the Israelites were saved by God in Egypt.

-It is the word of God,

-It provides role models for Christians to follow.

-It contains miracles performed by prophets.

Why are the gospels and epistles important for Christians?

-Gospels give a brief account of Jesus Christ.

-They tell us how Jesus performed miracles.

-They give us the predestination of Jesus when he died and resurrected.

-Gospels also give us the evidence of Jesus’ disciples and their social religion.

-They teach the account of Jesus’ ministry

-Epistles teach us the problems of how the early church would meet.

The Christian Beliefs

-Christians are the followers of Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

-Christian beliefs are found in the New Testament.

-Christ means the Messiah/ the Anointed one

Reasons Why Disciples believed Jesus was the son of God

 Through the Baptism/ after baptism God said, “This is my son with whom I am well pleased”
Matthew 3:17
 Matthew 17:1,2 – When Jesus was up the mountain praying, his disciples saw that, He is the
Son of God when a cloud came and said , “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well
pleased, hear Him” vs 5 Transfiguration.
 After His crucifixion (Mtt 27:54) they that were there truly saw that He is the Son of God.
 He was born by the virgin Marry which made him unique and conception was done by the
Holy Spirit.
 The Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God when He resurrected from the dead which
was done by no man (made him unique)


A church is:

-A house of worship/ a structure or building.

-A group of people who have come to worship God.

-A Christian place of worship/ a holy place for Christians.


-A creed is a statement of belief and comes from a Latin word ‘creedo’ which means ‘I believe’

-Christians believe in 2 creeds: the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed

Apostles’ Creed

-They believe in God

-The creator of heaven and earth (God)

-They also believe in Jesus who was born of the Virgin Mary.

-He was conceived through the Holy Spirit.

-He died on the cross.

-He suffered under Pontius Pilate.

-He resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven.

-He is sitting on the right hand side of God as the Judge.

-They also believe in God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (the holy Trinity)

-They also believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and eternal life.

The Nicene Creed

-It is similar to the Apostles’ Creed.

-They believe that there is Jesus.

-They believe in One God, the maker/creator of heaven and earth.

-Through Jesus all things were made.

-Jesus came from the heavens for our salvation.

-He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and was made on a man.

-Incarnate means that Jesus came down as God, made to be in human form by Mary.

-He was crucified under Pontius Pilate

-He was buried and resurrected on the 3rd day.

-He ascended into heaven and will come again, to judge the living and the dead.

Christian Belief

-God is the creator of heaven and earth.

-God is all powerful, omnipotent (controls the destiny of the world)

-He is immanent (God is present, existing, operating, remaining within the universe)

-He reveals Himself through his creations

-God is caring

-God also revealed himself through Jesus Christ and also his revelation from the Bible

-Acts chapter 2 – through the Holy Spirit

-Galatians chapter 5: 22-26

The Holy Spirit- Acts chapter 2

-The Holy Spirit came like the rush of a mighty wind and appeared as fire.

-Peter addressed the people saying that this was the promised gift by Jesus Christ.

-Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to speak in tongues and people thought that they
were drunk.

The Holy Spirit gave them special gifts

-Ability to teach or preach with boldness (without fear)

-Ability to heal


-Performing miracles

-Help the spread of the gospel to the world

-Ability to speak in tongues

-People are able to forgive sins through the Holy Spirit.

-Through the Holy Spirit, one is able to know his sins as well as forgive.

-A dove is a symbol of peace from the Holy Spirit in Christianity.

-Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as Whit Sunday – It is regarded as the Birthday of
the Christian church.

-They believe that the Holy Spirit continues to work in the world giving them guidance, faith, hope,
understanding and spiritual growth.

Works of the Holy Spirit

I. Love
II. Joy
III. Patience
IV. Kindness
V. Gentleness
VI. Self-control
VII. Peace
VIII. Faithfulness
IX. Goodness


-Transgression from the law of God

-An act that breaks a religious or moral law.

-Bad behaviour against religion

-Missing the mark

Original Sin

-This is the idea that people are born in a state of sin. The sin that people inherited from the sin of
Adam and Eve.

Sin of Omission

-The things that should be done but should be done.

-People who commit sins are sinners.

-Christians have different ideas about original sin.

-Some say that this is passed down from mother to child,

-Some say original sin refers to humanity.

-Baptism is one way of washing away sin in order to start a new life.


-God is just. Sin is wrong therefore it would be punished for.

-Christians believe this life is a preparation for the next life – life after death.
-One’s life on earth is a test leading to reward or punishment.

-Sinners will be separated and will be in hell.

-Believers go to Paradise


-For Catholics, it is a state of existence where people who deserve some punishment are not fully
prepared for heaven to meet God.

-Christians believe that there would be a day of judgement when the world would no longer exist at
the end of time.

-In the New Testament hell is sometimes called Gehena.

-For Christians there is life which lasts forever.

-Humans have been created with a free will (In other words you can choose between God and Devil)

-You choose to follow the teachings of Christianity or reject but will result on the Day of Judgement

-Christians believe that God is Omnipotent, nothing is impossible with God.

-God is Omniscient. He knows everything, past, present, future. Christians must trust God to know
the best and to do what’s best for them.

-Christians believe that God’s creation is perfect.

-Creation referring to natural, physical phenomenal universe and other beings besides humans and
ani nmals.

-Christians believe a fallen angel, Lucifer-Son of Morning was thrown out of Heaven but allowed to
tempt people until the Day of Judgement. (The Tempter, Satan, Devil)

-The world is not a battle between 2 equals or 2 gods but there is only one God who is certain to win.

-Christians believe he has won through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ


-Jesus taught his disciples to pray for the forgiveness of sins.

-One can only be forgiven if he repents.

-Jesus forgave sins when he was on the cross, when he forgave the prostitute, when he forgave
Judas. Christians are forgiven their sins during confession at church.

-Apostles were given the power to forgive by Jesus.

-One cannot buy forgiveness but can earn it through good deeds.

-Jesus’ death on the cross – This is my blood of my new covenant which is poured out for many for
the forgiveness of sins.

-There are some sins that can be forgiven (venial sins committed every day and mortal sins (serious

-Healing of broken relationship between people and God.

-State of being saved from sin or disaster.

-Jesus is described as Saviour of the world, the Lamb of God.

-In the Nicene Creed, God came down from Heaven for our salvation.

-Salvation can also be called Redemption.

-The blood of Jesus has the power to wash away sins.

Eternal Life

-It refers to the continued life after death as stated in the Apostles’ Creed which testifies: ‘I believe
…… the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.’

-The souls of the believers will go to heaven and unbelievers will stay forever in hell.

-Eternal life with God is good and beautiful while that in hell is full of flames, suffering, and darkness.

The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)

-They were given to guide people on how they are supposed to live.

-To understand the true nature of God

Commandments on how people should behave towards God

 You shall not have any other gods before me.

 You shall not make yourself a carved image.
 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
 You shall not bow down to any idol.

Commandments on social Relations

 You shall not steal

 You shall not kill/murder
 You shall not bear false witness
 You shall not covert your neighbour’s house

Respect or Love

 Honour your father and y3edour mother

-These commandments were written on a stone and kept in the Ark of the Covenant.

Exam Question - # Explain why Christians consider it as essential that they should live according to
the 10 commandments.

The Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5

-A sermon is a speech on religion or morals

-The sermon was delivered by Jesus and similar to Moses’ delivery of a message at Mt Sinai and
appears like Jesus is the 2nd Moses.

-The Sermon on the Mount is sometimes known as the New Law


-The word comes from the Latin word ‘beatitude’ which means ‘blessedness’

-These are expressions made up of blessings and promises or rewards.

-It means blessings

Who are being blessed and what are their rewards?

i. The poor in spirit – willingly admitting your spiritual need of the word or faith. They will
inherit the kingdom of heaven.
ii. Those who mourn – They will be comforted
iii. The meek – being humble and submissive. They will inherit the earth
iv. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness or pure in heart – They will be filled
v. The merciful – They will be shown mercy
vi. The pure in heart – They will see God
vii. The peacemakers – They will be called children of God
viii. Those persecuted because of righteousness – They will inherit the kingdom of God

The New Law

Matthew 5: 17-19

-Jesus did not come to change the law but to fulfil it.

-Nothing of the law would change

-The laws refers to the commandments

What qualifies Jesus to send the New Law?

o He is the Son of God

o He is the law giver and is portrayed like Moses2

5 vs 21-22

-Jesus is saying according to the new law you should not be angry because anger leads to
disagreements, fights and killing.

-The inward state is anger and the outward state is murder

-The external act (murder) is evil just as the intention (anger) that triggers it.

-Those who obey the new law will find it easy to obey the old law. So there is no contradiction.

5 vs 22-26

-Jesus warns against using insults

-He discourages hypocrisy

-People should sort out their differences first before they talk to God.

-When offering gifts, make sure you are in good relations/ have reconciled with your brother before
giving God the gifts

Adultery: 5 vs 27-30
-Adultery refers to sexual infidelity/ unfaithfulness to your marriage or sacred vows.

-In the Old Testament, adultery was a serious offence and the accused or guilty women would be
stoned to death.

-According to Jesus, the thoughts that lead to the sinful actions must also be controlled for intention
is judged as deed.

-No one should blame the body for leading you to sin because the body and soul are judged as one
accountable individual.

Divorce 5 vs 31

-It is the legal termination of marriage

Old Law New Law

-Divorce was when there was un- chastity -No divorce but only due to un-chastity
-A man divorcing his wife should give her a -One who marries a divorced wife commits
certificate of divorce. adultery
-Wife could re-marry after the death of the
divorced husband

The issue of Oaths 5 vs 33-37

-An oath is a serious promise you makes in the name of God

What happens when you break a vow/promise?

-You will be taking the name of God in vain.

-You will be lying to God.

-You receive a serious punishment.

-You will be committing sin.

-Let it be a yes or a serious no

- Jesus’ teaching: You should be truthful and honest

Revenge/ An eye for an eye: What Jesus taught

-Do not revenge/ retaliate

-Do not seek retribution

Jesus’ teaching discourages conflicts but encourages peace and co-existence.

A Pacifist

-A person totally opposed to war

- The belief that disputes should not be settled by war or violence

Love your Enemies

-Jesus says love your neighbour as yourself.

-Love your neighbour or your enemy is a summary of the commandments

-A neighbour is a person who is in need. This might also include enemy. Jesus is teaching
unconditional love for every individual which should be a mark for every Christian. This is meant to
reflect God’s love.

-This is the Agape kind of love.

Giving to the Needy

-Jesus is saying that we should give to the less fortunate and should not boast about it.

-One should not do a good deed in order to impress people but aim to impress God.


-A prayer is a request for help an expression for thanks to God.

-Jesus teaches that when you pray you should be sincere and one should pray as a habit.

i. It makes you become more focused

ii. Draws you closer to God
iii. There are minimum chances of hypocrisy
iv. One can also address private issues

The Lord’s Prayer in detail

-Our Father

-Hallowed be your name – hope that the kingdom will come

-Bread is the physical need

-Daily bread can also be physical needs

-Forgive our sins/trespasses – asking God and repenting. God requires us to forgive other people as
he forgives you.

-Do not lead us into temptation – asking for guidance from God.


-No oral feeds especially for religious reasons

Advantages of fasting

-Bring you closer to God.

-There is a reward for fasting at the end.

-It promotes self-discipline.

-Teaches how it feels to be poor/hungry


-Cheating is fooling yourself

-If you don’t fast with all your heart you will not be answered by God.
Teachings of Jesus Christ

-Fasting is not for show off but the aim is to please God.

-Fasting can come in different forms. People can deprive themselves of day to day activities, e.g,
WhatsApp, Facebook.

-Jesus and his disciples only when there is a reason.

-Christians only fast during Lents.

-Fasting is a sign of repentance to achieve spiritual blessings.


-God has power and authority to judge and no one is authorised to judge.

-Judgement is of no excuse if you do the same.

-Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do it unto others

Wise foolish builders

-One has to follow the will of God in order to be admitted to paradise.

-External forms of worship will not make anyone go to heaven.

-when people get the word of god, they must have a choice to be wise or to be foolish.

-To be wise is to put Jesus Christ’s teaching into practice.

-To be foolish is to hear the word and ignore it.

The greatest commandments

1. “Hear all Israel, I am the Lord your God. You shall love your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, with all your strength and all your mind.”
2. “Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than this.”

-God is love himself

Special Days/Christian Festivals

i. Lent
ii. Easter – Jesus’ resurrection
iii. Christmas
iv. Palm Sunday
v. Mount Thursday
vi. The Holy Week
vii. Good Friday
viii. Whitsun/Whitsunday/Trinity Sunday
ix. Ascension
x. Sunday

The most important Festivals

- Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ

- Easter – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Whit sun – Coming of the Holy Spirit/ Pentecost

Lent – Celebrated in the month of March

- This is the period of 6 weeks or 40 days leading to Easter.

- The purpose is for preparation for the believer through prayer, repentance of sins, alms giving
and fasting.
- Many Christians fast, giving up certain luxuries in order to replicate the sacrifice of Jesus in the
desert for 40 days before he was baptised and beginning public ministry and was tempted by the

Ash Wednesday

- Rubbing of ashes on forehead as a mark of sorrow, repentance and sin committed during the
year. “You are dust and unto dust you shall return.”
- Purple is a symbolic colour used during Lent because it is associated with mourning. So pain and
suffering of Jesus during crucifixion.
- Purple is associated with royalty/the ruling class, and celebrates Christ resurrection and

Shrove Tuesday

- Day before lent starts/ Last day before of feast lent starts.
- Also a chance to clean the soul.
- Christians will be empting their pantries of food which could go bad before fasting, eg, meat,
- In the past times Lent involved total or strict/restrain from food.
- You deny yourself joy and do away with luxury
- Lent is spiritual preparation for Easter.
- Some use to help others and donate to charity.

Significance / importance of lent to people

- Denial of bodily appetite is part to strict attitude to life (self-discipline)

- Believers learn to appreciate good things they enjoy.
- It teaches Christians compassion.
- It teaches against being greedy Christians remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness
preparing for his ministry and facing temptation.
- Christians reflect their own life
- It teaches Christians how it is to be poor and hungry.
- This helps them to be more charitable.
- Lent ends on Holy Sunday.

Holy Week

- It is the last week of lent.

- Christians remember the last week of Christ.
- The event starts with a Palm Sunday.

The events of the Sunday

 Triumphal entry – Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey.

Reasons why he was riding a donkey

- To show that he was peacefull.
- To show humbleness
 Monday - Jesus entered the temple and was surprised to see people conducting business
-He cursed the fig tree.
 Tuesday – The withering of the fig tree.
-The teachings of Jesus about having faith.
 Wednesday – Jesus talks about forgiveness.
 Thursday – There is prophecy that Peter was going to deny Jesus before the cock crows.

-Jesus also went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.

-The arrest of Jesus

 Friday – The trial of Jesus

-Peter’s denial of Jesus
 Saturday – Jesus’ body in the tomb.

How Christians observe the Holy week

Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday/ Last Supper/ Eucharist

- Christians remember the last supper, the commandment given by Jesus on the last supper/ Love
one another as he has loved you.
- It took place on the last supper.
- The service of the last supper include foot washing following the example of Jesus who washed
the feet of his disciples.
- Some Christians hold vigil (keeping awake during usual time of sleep) on Thursday night.
- They stay awake during the night and pray as they remember how Jesus how Jesus went to the
Garden of Gethsemane to pray.

Good Friday

- Jesus was dragged, beaten and crucified.

- He was crucified on a hill (Calvary) as the place is known as Golgotha (place of the skull)
- It is a usual place for Roman crucifixion.
- Christian pilgrims (people who visit historical places) go to visit Golgotha and also stop at a
station where Jesus fell down and stopped.
- People go past the stations to meditate and pray there.

How it is celebrated

- It’s a day of fasting.

- Vigils and church services are held.
- Drama: acting
- Follow the route taken by Christ.
- Black and purple cloths worn to symbolise sorrow and death.
- Some people would kiss the carved feet of Jesus’ cross to show respect.
- Bible reading
- Singing of hymns

Holy Sabbath/ Great Sabbath

- They clean the church

- Changing cloth at the altar
- Cleaning vessels

Easter Sunday

- Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated

- Candles are lighted
- They hold vigils/ all night prayers
- There will be displayed the model of the rock tomb rolled away from the entrance.
- A large candle is lit which burns throughout the festival.
- Paschal candle represents the risen Christ.
- Some have a service on Saturday night into Sunday morning (vigil)
- Midnight people go at the church leaving it dark and quiet as a tomb.
- Dramas are enacted.

Significance/ importance of Easter Sunday

- It helps you remember about the events of Jesus Christ.

- It gives us a reminder that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.
- It strengthens Christian beliefs on resurrection and the identity of Jesus.
- It teaches humbleness when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.
- It shows the power of God on nature.
- Christians also share the suffering of Jesus and gain insight into the meaning of his death.
- It also proves that Jesus is the Son of God. Existence of God and has power over death. It also
proves that Jesus is the Messiah.
- The resurrection of Jesus to Christians proves confirms that the dead will resurrect because it is
their main belief.
- The resurrection of Jesus confirms that sins can be forgiven.


- It means arrival or coming

- It is the 4 weeks of prayer preparation before Christmas.
- It celebrates the coming of the baby Jesus and the coming of Christ.
- Matthew 1 vs 18 – Joseph was about to divorce Mary secretly as he saw that she was pregnant
- The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and told him that Mary was conceived by the Holy
- Jesus was then born in Bethlehem of Judea and the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled.
- The spiritual coming of Jesus at the end of history

Wise men from the East

- They were non-Jews and therefore they were Gentiles that is why they came from the East.
- They were led by the star and the star represented the presence of God.
- Jesus was presented with gifts such as gold (representing kingship), frankincense (which is sweet
smelling perfume that is burnt as incense). It also represents the hood or healing nature of Jesus.
The 3rd gift was myrrh, which represents the suffering, sacrifice and the birth of Jesus.

The flight to Egypt

- When the wise men departed, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him
to rise and take the child (Jesus) and his mother and flee to Egypt.
- This has to be done as Herod wanted to kill the child and Joseph was told by God to remain
- Joseph rose and went to Egypt with the child and his mother by night and remained there until
the death of Herod.
- When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men he was in a furious rage and he sent
to kill the male children who were 2 years old in Bethlehem and all the region.

How is it celebrated?

- Bible readings
- Singing of hymns
- Lesson on how God created man and the universe and how God cares for men and sent his son.
- Churches might hold an Advent service
- Children with candles during the Advent service with orange and red ribbons
- Red – for the blood of Jesus
- Orange – for the love of God, or Jesus
- Advent is a time of (i) prayer

(ii) Hope

(iii) Love

- Some people will decorate their homes green to symbolise new life.

Christmas (Christ mass)

- No exact of the birth of Jesus is known. It was later fixed by Paul.

- The service is held to celebrate the receiving of Jesus Christ.


- Exchange of presents
- Special food e.g. turkey, pie, pudding
- Bible reading
- Church services
- Visit the less fortunate, like, orphans, prisons, hospitals.
- New clothes are bought
- Singing carols
- Houses are decorated
- Drama on the birth of Christ
- Christmas tree (usually decorated with flashing lights)
- Christmas cards are exchanged
- Christmas is considered as family time

What has gone wrong with Christmas?

- People are now drinking toxic beers

- People are parting and have weddings in an opposite manner
- It has been commercialised.
- Some believe that all days are the same and there is no need for fasting.
- People no longer go to church services but are more eager to concentrate on celebrating.
- Some do not believe that Jesus was born on the 25th of December.
- Some Christians do not celebrate Christmas because it was a pagan festival of the Romans.
- However, some welcome it because they recall the birth of Jesus.

Epiphany (to display or to reveal/manifestation)

- Matthew 2 vs 1-12 – Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles

- John 2 vs 1-11 –
- Matthew 3 vs 13-17
- Matthew chapter 2 is the story of the wise men who came to Jesus when he was born, guided by
the shining star.
- Matthew chapter 3 is when Jesus was being baptised and soon after He came out of the water,
the Heavens opened and the voice of God came saying, ‘This is my beloved son in whom I am
well pleased’
- In John chapter 2 Jesus turned water into wine.

Importance of Epiphany

- Reveals or proves Jesus is the son of God, the Messiah.

- It proves who Jesus was.
- Shows how Jesus had suffered and died for the sins of men.
- It is also known as the 12th day
- It is when Christmas decorations are taken down.

Question – Explain why the visit of the wise men is one of the events celebrated at Epiphany. (7

Whitsun/ Pentecost

- This is celebrated 7 weeks after Easter Sunday.

- Pentecost comes 50 days after Passover.

Where do we find the Pentecost event?

- In Acts chapter 2
- The Holy Spirit descended upon people and began to speak in tongues. Tongues of fire on
- It came in form of a dove.
- Glossolalia – Speaking in tongues
- Celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit of Christ to the followers after resurrection and ascension.
- Jews had gathered in Jerusalem for the festival, Shavuot, which is 50 days after the Passover.
- Passover-is a festival that the Jewish celebrated the giving of the commandments of Moses by

Events at Pentecost/ What happened?

- People were gathered at one place

- They heard sound from heaven
- It was like wind which filled the house where the disciples were.
- Speaking in tongues could mean speaking in foreign language which the audience could
understand or speaking in spiritual language.
- Wind and fire – represent the presence of God in the form of the Holy Spirit.
- The disciples were accused of being drunk and Peter addressed the people that it was the Holy
- After the preaching of Peter, we have the first Christian converts.
- Importance of Pentecost – It marks the birth of a Christian

How Christians celebrate Whitsun

- Baptism ceremony for new converts.

- Those who will be baptised will dress in white.
- There could be procession walks of Christians in local areas displaying their faith.
- Night Vigils, visiting places of pilgrimage.
- Bible readings
- Singing hymns, dramas, receiving the Holy Communion.


- It gave boldness or courage to Christians and disciples.

- The Holy Spirit which descended on the day is still working.
- It gave or brought charismatic gifts and talents which they were not able to do:
i. Speaking in tongues
ii. Preaching
iii. Performing miracles
iv. prophecy
- The Holy Spirit helps to spread love and is part of the Nicene Creed.


- Named after the day when Romans honoured their Sun god on the first day of the week
(Revelations chapter 1).
- This is the Lord’s day for Christians
- It is the first day of the week
- It is weekly remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus.
- This is the rest day for Christians
- The Seventh Day Adventists pray on Saturday.

Why do Christians go to church on Saturdays?

- Because of the 4th commandment which says keep the Sabbath day holy. Jesus took rest on the
seventh day.

How it is observed

- Prayers are conducted

- Sermon
- Singing hymns
- Bible reading
- Sunday school
- They do not go to work
- They take Holy Communion
- Confession of sins
- Offerings
- Sharing the peace

Importance of Sunday

- It reminds Christians how Jesus conquered death.

- Brings unity amongst Christians.
- They use the example of Jesus to meet their demands
- Cleansing of sins
- It separates Christians from Jews because they pray on Saturday.
- Promotes good behaviour
- Sermons encourage Christians to put their beliefs into action.
- Opportunity to solve problems
- Give Christians a chance to share ideas
- It gives a chance to refresh

Christian Special Days/ Festivals

The assumption of the blessed Virgin

- celebrated in August

- Holy occasion for the orthodox churches or Catholics

How it is celebrated

- Community sports
- Lighting of the fire
- Night vigil is carried out

Its Significance

- It marks the assumption of Mary (being accepted as the mother of God/Jesus).

- It brings community together
- Encourages sharing
- Keeps the Christians physically fit because of sports completion.
- Some Catholics believe that Mary was later crowned to be the Queen of Heaven.

Virgin Mary

- Mother of Jesus
- Believed to be holy/living without sin
- Believed to be ever virgin

All Saints Day

- Also known as All Hallows’ Day/ Hallowmas/ The Feast of All Saints/Solemnity of All Saints
- It is a Christian solemnity in honour of all the saints known and unknown.
- In some denominations All Saints Day is an occasion when all the members of a congregation
who have died the previous year are remembered by names and the date of which the candle is
lit for each of them.


- Shows respect to those who have died.

- Brings the community together and the remembrance of the dead.
- Strengthens faith


- It is a journey to a holy or a religious place for religious reasons.

Why Christians go on Pilgrimage

- To increase their chances to go to heaven.

- To get proof /to get to know more history about their religion.
- For the forgiveness of sins
- To get healed/cured or to receive a miracle

Places of Pilgrimage

1. Golgotha
2. Israel
3. Bethlehem
4. Nazareth
5. Jerusalem


- Rachel was Jacob’s wife and Bethlehem is where she was buried.
- It was a despised city/city that was looked down upon.
- It was the city of David. King David was born in Bethlehem.
- Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, in a stable.
- Bethlehem was also the birth place of Joseph.
- The exact place to where Jesus’ place was a cave close to a village and the church of Nativity is
believed to have been built at the side of the cave. It is believed to be the oldest church.
- Bethlehem has now many churches, convents (Christian community – convent) schools and


- The place where Jesus grew up and was rejected/Jesus’ hometown.

- It is a lower city in Galilee.
- This is where the angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph.
- Jesus preached a sermon in the synagogue.
- Jesus’ disciples came from Nazareth.
- St Mary’s well is found in Nazareth.
- The church of the Annunciation which means the time when Mary was told by the arch-Angel
that she was going to have a son and therefore the place has a church (a church was built there)
- Gabriel’s church is found in Nazareth
- The church of Joseph is built on the site which is believed to be Joseph’s carpentry shop. The
synagogue church, Table of Christ church


- Matthew 4 vs 23-25
- This is where Jesus did most of his teaching.
- It is where Jesus did most of his preaching of the gospel.
- Jesus healed the sick with all kinds of diseases. He cast out demons and healed the epileptic and
- Great multitudes followed Jesus.


- Jerusalem is a holy place for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

- Jesus visited Jerusalem when he was 12 years old and remained behind arguing with the priests
and scribes.
- Also visited Jerusalem during the last week of his ministry, i.e.
i) The triumphal entry showing the Messiahship of Christ.
ii) Cleansing of the temple showing authority of Jesus
- The name Jerusalem means the foundation of God.
- In Jerusalem there are many churches and mosques.
- For Muslims it is important because this is where Ibrahim wanted to sacrifice his son, where
Muhammad ascended through the 7 heavens after his night journey from Mecca,
- For Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Jerusalem represents the earthily version of the heavenly
- Jerusalem is thought to be buried under the joint supervision of 6 Christian denominations.
- One can visit the site where the temple was on a pilgrimage.

Churches found in Jerusalem

- Coptic church
- Ethiopian church
- Greek Orthodox church
- Roman Catholic
- Holy Sepulchre
- Church of Stephen
- Church of St Mary

-Golgotha (the place where people were crucified) is also found in Jerusalem

-People visit the 10 sites where Jesus fell down carrying His cross.

-It is considered to be a holy city for Christians because of the holy Temple.


- It is a town in South-Western France.

- An enormous underground church is built on the site of a grotto where a young girl called
Bernadette had a number of visions in 1858.
- Christians visit this site because of what used to happen there which makes it a holy place.
- People visit this place with the faith of getting healed.
- People go there with the hope of their prayers being answered.
- They also visit the hope of also communicating with God through visions.
- This underground spring in the grotto is said to have healing powers.


- It is usually a place of pilgrimage centre for Christians in the Roman Catholic denomination.
- Pilgrims visit the Vatican where the Pop lives and St Peter’s Basilica.

- Roman Catholics believe that Jesus appointed Peter as the leader of his disciples.
- In Ancient Greek the name ‘Peter’ is the same word as ‘rock’. Tradition says that after Pentecost
and the time spent in Jerusalem, Peter went to Rome.
- Peter is seen as the Bishop of Rome and many Christians believe that he was executed and
buried on the Vatican Hill in Rome.
- The Head of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, is the direct successor to Peter.
- There are 7 basilica’s which pilgrims usually visit:
i. Basilica of St Peter
ii. Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls
iii. Basilica of St Sebastian Outside the Walls
iv. La Basilica Di San Giovanni In Laterano
v. Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem
vi. Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls
vii. Basilica Di Santa Maria Miggiore

The role of the family

- 2 types of families
a. Nucleus family – Most basic type of family made up of the father, mother and their
b. Extended family – A family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include
grandparents and other relatives.

Ephesians 5 vs 22 (Practical system)

- Wives should honour their husbands.

- Husbands should love their wives.
- The husband is the head of the family.
- Wives should submit to their husbands.

Genesis 2 vs 18-25

- A woman is supposed to a helper to a man.

- A woman was created out of a man because God had seen that a man was lonely.
- A man should marry a woman and they become one and they should not separate.

1 Corinthians 7 / Ephesians 5 vs 22-25

- Within marriage, partners should give each other conjugal rights.

- The body of the woman is not hers, the body of the husband is not his.

The duties of a man in a family

- To provide financial support / breadwinner

- Protect the family
- Discipline the children
- To set standards
- To love his wife and take care of her
- To be faithful to his wife
- Responsible for naming the child

Duties of a woman

- Gives birth to the children

- Comforts and supports the husband
- Do domestic/ household chores
- Teaching the children good morals and Christian values at a young age.
- The role of women has changed overtimes, old days/traditionally reproduction and rearing of
children has been the main purpose.
- Nowadays, mutual love and shared responsibility is the norm – women can also work, provide
for the family, equality.
- The issue of emancipation/freedom of women has been a subject of debate and has resulted in
problems or crisis.
- Many Christians believe that Christianity should meet the demands of the world.


- They should be a blessing from God and should be properly looked after.
- Basic child rights must be provided, like, love, shelter, education, food, clothing.
- Children are supposed to have discipline and honour their parents in order for their days to be

Funeral rites

- They differ according to country and customs in which the Christians live.
- Orthodox churches like: i) Anglican (ii) Roman Catholic prefer burial of deceased person in a
coffin and discourage cremation.
- To cremate is to burn a corpse to ashes. It is a service where a body is just being burnt

Why discouraging cremation

- Thinking about resurrection of the body

- The body is the temple of God
- A person’s body is made from dust
- For Christians cremation is not forbidden because people believe that the soul is more important
than the body.

When a Christian is seriously ill priests would visit him

- Here there are confessions or asking for forgiveness for their sins from God
- The sick can be anointed with oil as a sign of healing

Burial or Funeral services

- When a Christian dies, a service is held

- The service is held in church or in the house of the deceased person


- Bible reading
- Burning incense
- Body viewing
- s
- Singing, crying, condolences to the deceased family
- Prayers are conducted
- Religious leader lead the funeral service

What can we say about candles?

- Candles are lit and placed on the head of the coffin to realise resurrection of Jesus.
- Holy water is also sprinkled on the coffin.
- Night vigils can also be held in the house of the deceased person.
- Mourners might wear black to symbolise sorrow.
- Some wear white to symbolise hope.

Religious beliefs about death and dying

- Upon death the Roman Catholic believe that one does not go straight to heaven but go to a
supernatural purgatory called the Abraham’s bosom and wait for judgement.
- Souls are cleansed for a day of judgement
- Some believe that when one dies the soul goes to sleep.
- They believe in everlasting life. At the end of time, body and soul will unite.
- Christians should not be troubled by death as Jesus has already prepared comfort and will come
back to take the faithful ones.
- The spiritual body is indestructible, not perishable, last forever.
- Those who believe in Jesus’ death is not the end but the start of eternity.
- Some believe that dying is temporary. Those who die will meet the living in the Second Coming
of Jesus, rapture.

Party Question

‘Religious people should welcome death.’ Discuss.

Should not fear death

- Promise for heaven

- Psalms 23 vs 1-6 – The Lord is my shepherd
- Death is certain and is going to happen anywhere
- There is life after death and the promise of resurrection.

Should fear death

- Death involves suffering

- They should be worried about their loved ones
- Those who are not true believers and prone to sin should fear death.
- If you behave badly and fail to follow the will of God you go to hell.


- An organisation helping the needy in the form of gifts or voluntary work for the needy.
- The giving of money, food, help etc to the people who are in needy.
- Charity comes from the Latin word ‘caritas’ which translate to agape.
- Agape – unconditional love, unselfish love which seeks the welfare of other people.
- Love is the greatest Gift
- It is the love of God following through others

Teaching of Jesus

- Jesus taught that people should love God their neighbours.

- Love of neighbour grounded in the love of God is first and foremost a responsibility for each
individual member.
- Charity is responsible for the community and is universal.
- First Christians used to meet together and share everything – communal way of living. In the
parable of the Good Samaritan charity is expressed as response to immediate needs and in
specific situations – feeding the hungry, visiting those in prisons, clothing the naked, caring or
healing the sick, helping victims of natural disasters.
- It began with the Early church

Examples of Charity Organisations/Christian

ii. Christion Aid
iii. Caritas
iv. Tear fund
v. World Vision UK
vi. Leprosy Mission International
vii. Mother Theresa Organisation

Work of Christian Charity Organisation

i. Responsible for providing refuge place or sanctuaries for the needy.

ii. They also donate money to the needy
iii. They provide food provisions and give clothing to the naked
iv. They offer services e.g cleaning for free
v. Teach skills to the disadvantaged to survive
vi. Build schools
vii. Offer medical schools, scholarships to the needy
viii. Educate people about Human Development and social justice
ix. Campaign against issues, such as, trade injustice, raise awareness of climate change, third
world countries’ debt, racial discrimination, political oppression, democracy and many


- The practice of showing respect for God by saying prayers with others
- To take part in a religious service

Forms of worship

i. Private worship
ii. Public worship

Where do people worship

- Under trees
- In church
- Religious sites
- Cathedrals
- Most people pray in church but there are many types of buildings which can be used for
worship. Some do not worship

Some of the names given to places of worship

 Chapel
 Cathedral
 Citadel
 Abbey
 Priory
 Monastery
 Minster
- Most traditional church designs were in the form of a cross
- The earliest were converted houses which were probably built in a simple rectangular shape.

A Church

- A building structure where people pray.

- The congregation that gathers for worship

Two main types of buildings found today

i. Basilica style
- Long with a door at the end
ii. Shape with a dome at the centre of a circular or polygon shaped buildings.

Places of worship

- Traditionally churches are built facing towards Jerusalem

- Some churches have transepts

(Diagrams to be inserted)


- A pulpit – raised platform where the leader of the service conducts the service
- It is a holy place in a church where the one leading the service
- This is where the Eucharist is served from
- The sanctuary is what divides the church from the rest of the church by rail or a communion rail.
- The place where the choir/priest sits is the chancel
- The largest part of a church is called the nave – (long central part of the church where most of
the seats are)
- Nave – came from the word navis
- The main door is usually at the far end place of the church
- Baptistery – is a designated space within a church or a separate room where a baptismal font is
- It contains the font (container) which will have water used for baptism.
- In some churches baptism takes place at the entrance of the church. They are now welcomed as
new Christian converts. The design style and basic details of church buildings vary across the
- Some churches have towers and steeples. These contain church bells as assign or signalling the
beginning of the church service or holy communion/Eucharist, wedding ceremonies.
- A church can be built anywhere
- Some churches have decorations or designs like designs of Jesus on the cross, pictures of people
in the bible.
- The nave usually have wooden benches or chairs where the majority of people sit on.
- Sometimes in the chancel, there is an organ which provides music. The front of the nave is
usually the pulpit (a raised platform where the leader of the church conducts the service)
- Opposite the pulpit is the Latten (the stand where the Bible is placed or where the bible is
- The area around the altar is called the sanctuary
- Material used to build the altar – stone, wood
- There is a cloth used to cover the altar, like purple for lent.
- The altar might have candle sticks that are lit representing that Jesus is the light of the world.
- Tabernacle - is the place where bread and wine are kept.
- Sometimes the tabernacle hangs over the altar and is called pyx.
- A church may have several altars and some of them may be named after the Saints. You might
also find crosses and crucifixes with the image of Jesus on it.
- The common factor of why Christians come together for worship is the Bible.

What is the use of decorations in church?

- Gives focus
- Promotes concentration and gives the purpose for entering the presence of God.
- Some of the designs tell stories
- To help them pay respect to the people in the Bible.


- You can get distracted.

- Some might not understand the interpretation of the design.
- Churches provide opportunities for people to come together and worship God.

Types of worship

- Public or Private worship

Public forms of worship

- Attending a public sermon

- The Eucharist
- Prayer
- Singing, meditating

The Eucharist

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