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How to Perform Baptism

Conducting a Baptism

Baptism is a significant religious ceremony that welcomes a new member into a faith community. Many
Christian denominations celebrate the rite of baptism; it is commonly found in Orthodox, Catholic, and
Protestant sectsThis is a rite that may be conducted early in life or later in life when a conscious decision
is made to affiliate with a particular religious tradition. Because baptism frequently marks the formalized
affiliation of a person with a tradition, it is often an important part of the conversion process.

Though each denomination has its own way of conducting the rite of baptism, at its heart it is the
symbolic use of water to cleanse a person of their sin. The water of baptism also prepares the person
receiving the rite for a spiritual fresh start as a new member of a congregation or faith tradition. Many
denominations regard baptism as a form of spiritual birth that ushers the participant into a new life as
an adherent of the tradition.

Pastors, priests, and ministers are most typically called on to perform this ceremony Baptism may
involve the full immersion of a person in water though in some cases, such as the baptism of infants, a
handful of water or even a few drops of water might be used.

Many Christian denominations conduct baptismal rites according to the Trinitarian formula, which
involves the specific mention of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The basis for this formula comes from
Matthew 28. However, some Christian denominations prefer to use the formula given by the apostle
Peter in the Book of Acts, which urges people to "Repent and be baptized [...] in the name of Jesus
Christ" specifically.

Steps to Performing a Baptism

Baptism is a relatively simple ceremony comprised of at least two people - the person receiving baptism
and the person conducting the rite. Though the precise words and actions will vary between traditions,
these are the steps that most rites of baptism include.

•The person or infant to be baptized is dressed in a white gown or robe. In Christianity, white symbolizes
spiritual purity and the rebirth offered by the rite. When an infant is baptized, the child and parents
arrive at the church or baptismal location.

•Prayers and blessings are said. These prayers cleanse the child of original sin; adults are cleansed of
original sin and all sins committed up to this point in life.
•The person receiving baptism is supported. Parents and godparents hold infants. Adult and child
recipients are supported by the minister or priest. The supported infant has water poured over its head;
in some cases the child is immersed fully in the baptismal font. Adult and child recipients lean back to
immerse themselves in the baptismal font. The minister keeps an arm behind the recipient's shoulders
and helps them right themselves after immersion. Alternatively, the baptism (particularly in the case of
adult baptism) may take place in a natural water source, like a lake or river.)

•The baptism is complete. The person receiving baptism is now regarded as a full member of the
congregation. Some denominations keep records noting the date and location of baptism; appropriate
forms can be obtained through relevant religious bodies.

A baptism may be a private event with just some family members and supportive friends in attendance
or it may take place in the company of a congregation. Baptismal rites may take place for an individual
or for a group of people if the opportunity to receive baptism will not soon be available again. The
immersion takes place individually.

When is the Right Time to be Baptized?

Each Christian denomination practicing baptism has different guidelines and recommendations
regarding the time of baptism and what might need done to qualify for this rite. Several denominations,
including the Roman Catholic Church, practice infant baptism to cleanse original sin. Denominations that
do not believe in original sin, including many Protestant denominations, offer baptism to members who
have made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and to repent of the sins they have
committed. Children and young adults might choose to be baptized; some denominations suggest that
an adult sponsor recommend a child for baptism. Adolescent and adult converts to a Christian
denomination may not require sponsorship, though some churches recommend a period of religious
education and reflection before accepting this rite.

Ministers, priests, and clergy members may be asked to counsel someone considering accepting
baptism. This is an opportunity to ask about a person's beliefs regarding this rite and how they feel it will
contribute to their spiritual development. Though baptism is a cause for celebration in people's lives, it
is also a solemn and sacred affair that can mark the beginning of a new chapter in a person's spiritual
search. A person seeking baptism should understand what this rite means to the particular tradition
they wish to join.
Steps to Performing a Baptism

• The person or infant to be baptized is dressed in a white gown or robe.

• Prayers and blessings are said. These prayers cleanse the child of original sin

• The person receiving baptism is supported. Parents and godparents hold infants

.• The supported infant has water poured over its head;

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