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Front Desk Questionnaire

1. A. What is 80% of $100? B. What is 50% of $80.00

2. Mrs. Smith, a 45 year old patient had a chemical peel done. The charge for the procedure is $200. If she is given a 10%
discount, how much would you collect?

3. Ms. Davis was prescribed Keflex 500mg BID for two weeks. How many tablets should she receive?

4. Mr. Jones, a 25 year old patient, was started on penicillin 500mg yesterday. He called this morning complaining of a rash.
What are you going to do?

5. Mrs. Clark had Juvederm injected last week, she calls and says she has terrible bruising and is very unhappy with the results.
The patient asks to speak with the doctor- the doctor is double booked with patients all day. How will you handle this

6. Mr. John Doe had an appointment scheduled for 10:00am and arrives at 10:15am. There are two patients ahead of him. After
ten minutes of waiting, Mr. Doe becomes restless and states “I have another appointment and I need to be seen right away.”
How will you handle the situation?

7. A new patient comes in for a consultation and states that Jane Doe referred her. Jane Doe is a current patient and had
liposuction at our office 3 months ago. The new patient states “Jane Doe looks so good, what did she do? I want to do the
same.” How do you respond?

8. You are speaking with a patient on the phone, you have another patient on hold, and a new patient walks in, what do you do?

9. Patient calls and is very rude and upset; you have tried to calm them down without any success. How would you handle the

10. Dr. Smith calls to refer a patient to see Dr. Newman and he needs to be seen today. The schedule is full, what do you do?
Front Desk Questionnaire

11. What is more important to you, being organized or being adaptable?

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