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Balcony : a platform projecting from the wall of a building

2. Balustrade : railing or parapet supported on short ornamental pillars

or supports

3. Bathroom : room for taking bath

4. Beam : a long piece of timber

5. Boudoir : a lady’s private room

6. Bower : a shady place under trees and creepers, arbour

7. Cabin : (in ship, railways etc) a small room or hut

8. Cabinet : a private room for consultation

9. Casement : a hinged window

10. Ceiling : the inside of the roof

11. Cellar : an underground store room

12. Chamber : a room

13. Chimney : the flue leading from the stove

14. Cup-board : a shelf for keeping vessels, provisions, etc

15. Door : entrance-gate, shutter

16. Drawing-room : reception room

17. Caves : the edge of the roof jutting out over the wall

18. Floor : the lower surface of a room

19. Flue : a passage for the escape of smoke

20. Garage : a structure or shed or an enclosure to park cats etc.

21. Garret : a room on the top floor under the roof, attic

22. Hall : the large common room in the house

23. Hearth : fire, fire-place

24. Kitchen : the room where food is cooked

25. Latrine : lavatory, privy or urinal, wash room

26. Mantel : a shelf over the fire-place for keeping things on

27. Che : a recess in wall

28. Pantry : a room for provisions

29. Parlour : a sitting room, a conversation room

30. Porch : a covered entrance, portico

31. Roof : the covering of a house

32. Room : chamber

33. Wall : the side of a building, a palisade

34. Yard : the open ground near a house

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