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Key Scripture: - Matthew 6: 33 * We will live in divine health

Key Truth: True Bible prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to * We will overcome poverty in our lives and live free from lack and failure
meet any physical need at any time - spiritual, mental, physical, social * We effectively learn to use the sword of the Spirit, resist the devil and
and financial.” stop the thief in our lives.

UNDERSTANDING PROSPERITY The devil is a thief and is out to attack and steal our finances. Why?
(Mark 8: 36). The God-kind prosperity is much more than money. God 1. He wants to stop us from getting our needs met. He wants us and our
wants us to be prosperous in every aspect or our lives. families living in lack and struggling financially week after week. He
1. Spiritual 2. Mental 3. Physical 4. Relationship 5. Finances wants us depressed and wallowing in money worries (John 10: 10)
2. He wants to hinder us from financing the gospel. The devil knows that
We can see that financial prosperity and success is only one fifth or if he can keep Christian poor and keep churches in lack, then he will
20% of God’s prosperity plan for man - 3 John 2 hinder and even postpone the second coming of Christ to a later date
(Mat 24: 14)
1. Spiritual prosperity means to be born again, spirit-filled and daily In the area of prosperity, as in many other areas, the traditions of men
living under the Lordship of Jesus (John 17: 3; Ephesians 5: 18) and theological opinions have attempted to kill the effect of the gospel.
Religious tradition has drained the word of God of its power to produce in
2. Mental prosperity means to have our minds free from fear, anxiety, people’s lives (Mark 7: 13)
depression and oppression - a sound mind filled with God’s peace -
(2 Timothy 1: 7; Isaiah 26: 3). Prosperity of the soul can be defined God’s Abundant Prosperity
as having our mind renewed to God’s Word, our will conformed to We can learn a lot about God’s principles of prosperity by looking at promi-
God’s will, our emotions controlled and stabilised, and our thinking is nent people throughout the scriptures. Everyone in the Bible who received
clear of what we think about (Philippians 4: 8) and experienced God’s abundant prosperity knew and walked in the ability
of their covenant with God.
3. Physical prosperity means to have our body healed, healthy and
strong with God’s strength, free from sickness, pain and disease 1. Abraham - Gen 24: 1; Gen 24: 35 2. Isaac - Gen 26: 12-14;
(1 Peter 2: 24) 3. Jacob - Gen 28: 20-22; Gen 30: 43 4. Joseph -Gen 39: 2 / 41: 41-43
5. Job - Job 1: 1, 3,, 9-10 6. King David - 1 Chrn 29: 3-4
4. Prosperity in relationship means to have the blessing of God 7. King Uzziah - 2 Chrn 26: 5
in our marriage and family. It means that we are growing in love
according to 1 Cor. 13: 1-8, and we are living free from strife, Prosperity Potential
unforgiveness and resentment.We have God’s divine order and We have already seen that prosperity in God’s plan covers the entire spectrum
of human need. Prosperity from God’s point of view is not only finance; it
blessing operating in our home life.
covers spirit, soul, body, marriage, job, business and more. Jesus has paid
the price for us to receive the blessing of God in every area of need.
5. Financial prosperity means that we are living in God’s abundance. 1 Kings 2: 3
We are tithing, giving, offering, paying our financial commitment,
blessing the poor and all our bills are paid. God is not opposed to us God’s purpose for prosperity is not just for ourselves. he wants to bless us
having money or material things but He is against money and things so that we can be a blessing to other people who have needs. Prosperity
having us! 2 Corinthians 8: 9 increases our ability to bless others (Genesis 12: 2). God wants to release
Jesus Christ went to the cross to redeem us from the curse of poverty abundant financial blessings upon our lives so that we can use that money
so that we could be blessed with God’s abundance to finance the spread of the gospel for winning souls, reach and win the lost,
(2 Cor. 8: 9; Gal 3: 13). to finance mission and advanced the Kingdom of God. God’s priority in the
Bible is people, not money.
God’s Word in Deuteronomy 8: 18, tells us three vital truths.
1. God is our total source - not our job, business, wages, people or People - all people - are important to God
the government. * That is why His Son died on the cross. And that is why we are to invest
2. The power to prosper and create wealth comes from Heaven. the prosperity that God gives us, into the gospel and use it to reach and
God gives us favour, wisdom, ideas and ability to succeed. win people.
3. The purpose of God prospering us with His abundance is so that the
gospel of Christ canbe financed and God’s covenant can be * In Luke 16: 8-10, Jesus said we are to be wise with money and make
established in the lives of people on earth. friends with money. The first priority with the money God gives us is that
it should be used to preach the gospel. We should invest it in reaching a
The word of God is the source and foundation of our prosperity lost and hurting world.
* Joshua 1: 8; * Psalm 1: 1-3; * 3 John 2;
God’s ordained method of blessing His children financially is through * How we deal with our finance - how we sow it, use it, spend it, invest it -
our obedience in tithes and offering. will determine how much prosperity God can give us and trust us with.
Malachi 3: 10-11 ; Luke 6: 38 ; 2 Corinthians 9: 8 We must care for people more than money we make. If we do, we
In this scripture from 2 Corinthians 9: 8 - the word all is mentioned four will use the finances and resources that God gives us to reach and win
times; all grace, always having all sufficiency in all things for all good the lost. Money is a tool to do this.
work. This is how God describes true prosperity!
* It must not be an idol or a god that we serve. Money is a good servant
Scriptural Truths about Financial Prosperity but a bad master. Money is a vehicle to fund the word of God.
When we are rooted and grounded in God’s truth and apply God’s * Matthew 6: 33
Word in our lives correctly (3 John 2; Psalm 112: 1-9), then:

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