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Applications Manual

Mintec, Inc.
MineSight®/MEDSYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Mintec, inc.
© 1978 Mintec, inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

Section 1—Introduction

Section 2—Primary Access Pathways and Major Development Using MineSight®

........................................................................................................................................ Learning
Objective ........................................................................................................................ 2—
Task 1 Well Layout 2 .................................................................................................—2
Task 2 Well cross-sectional paths at levels 6650, 6550 , 6450
and ...................................................................................................................... 6350
Task 3 Trace F/W carry crosses at levels 6550, 6450, and 6350 ..............................2—8
Task 4 Ventilation shaft layouts (2 vertical shafts at the ends of the ore body ) .........2—10
Task 5 Plot internal access ramp from level 6650 to level 6350...............................2—13
Task 6 Relay pique tracing by connecting carry levels to the "skip loading pocket" ..2—17
Task 7 Append 3-D templates .....................................................................................2—20

Section 3—Recess/Pillar Path

Learning objectives .......................................................................................................3–1
Task 1 Create solids for the entire crown-type pillar "muck" (mineral) and the entire
recess/pillar "muck" 3—2 ..................................................................................
Task 2 Separate the solids of the mineral body of Task 1 into particular recesses, ribs and
crown .................................................................................................................3-5
Task 3 ..........................................................................................................................
Rebate ..........................................................................................................................
Reserve......................................................................................................................... Estimates
...................................................................................................................................... 3— 11

Section 4—Development programming

........................................................................................................................................ Learning
Objective ........................................................................................................................ 4—
Cutting the mineral body solid and the horizontal primary development solids .........4–1
Programming.................................................................................................................. Primary
Development .................................................................................................................. 4—

Section 5—Production Scheduling

........................................................................................................................................ Learning
........................................................................................................................................ objective
........................................................................................................................................ 5– 1
Create ............................................................................................................................
partial ............................................................................................................................. file
........................................................................................................................................ 5—
Creating backup files using Multi-run5 .....................................................................—3
Summary of.................................................................................................................... Fallback
Files ................................................................................................................................ 5—
Recess ............................................................................................................................
programming using ....................................................................................................... the
........................................................................................................................................ M821V1

Section 6—Block Caving

........................................................................................................................................ Learning
Objective ........................................................................................................................ 6—
Appendix— Recess Development Path
Learning objective ........................................................................................................ a—1
Task 1 Plot drawpoint cross-section center lines for recess block 6550-2 to—....... 2

Task 2 Draw the center line of the recess drill drive at level 6550 to—5 Task 3 Draw center
line of the crown pillar drill drive in the
Level 6625 . ....................................................................................................... a—6
Task 4 Plot the slot raises and connections to the crown a—..................................... 7
pillar drill drive
Task 5 Append 3-D templates to stopedevt center lines .............................................. a—8
Section 1—Introduction

Section 1—Introduction

This manual contains a series of exercises that demonstrate how

MineSight®/MEDSYSTEM® can help the engineer in underground mine design.
The course begins with a mineral body already defined, a block model
already built and a surface topography file. The mineral body has a
thickness range of 30 - 50 feet and has an abysmal inclination. Competent
stones ofthe mineral body and wall have been found, so that a method of
sublevel lowering has been selected for the first section. The Blockcaving
design, and Room and Pillar will also have coverage. A 3-D view of the
mineral body isshown below. The relevant dimensions required for mine
design are as follows:

Mineral body strike: N10W (350 degree azimuth ) Mineral body dip:
66 degrees N80E direction Elevation range: 6650 ft. (feet) at 6300 ft.
Thickness: 30 -50 ft.

In Sections 2, 3, and 4 we will use sublevel stripping, and we will do the


A. Use MineSight® 2 to map out primary mine access and major

development headings.
B. Use MEDSYSTEM®/MineSight® 2 for recess/pillar paths and reserve
C. Use MineSight® 2 to plot individual rebate development
D. Use MEDSYSTEM® to carry out some long-term programming .

Page 1—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 1—Introduction

The appendix to the manual shows how to use MineSight® 2 for stope
development plotting. The appendix section will deal with the design of the
X/cut of the drawpo int (extraction point), recess path, crown drilling and
groove realses.

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page 1—1

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

Section 2—Primary Access Layout and Major Development Using


Learning When you have finished this section, you will be able to:
A. Design and develop an underground mine
B. Perform calculations and booking scheduling
C. Carry out the design of the stope/pillar layout , room/pillar and
block caving.

Contents The primary means of access shall be a vertical well. The mine will be a
trackless operation that uses the LHDs to load ore from draw-points and
carry it to the centrally located transfer shaft. The transfer shaft feeds the
skip loading facility at the bottom of the well and the rock will be hoisted
to the surface. The haulage levels will be elevation levels 6550, 6450 and
6350. An internal ramp from level 6650 to level 6350 will be included to
facilitate the movement of materialsand equipment between levels. For
ventilation purposes there will be two vertical inlet shafts at the ends of the
ore body with connections at each haulage level. The well will serve as the
escape opening.

A list of entitiesand information on the major development needed to make

the design is below. Distances and radius refer to the center line of the

1. Shaft: The circular (vertical) well with a diameter of 20 ft.

(feet) up to elevation 6250.
Stations at levels 6650, 6550, 6450 and 6350
Locate on the F/W side of the mineral body with a
minimum distance of 100ft. to F/W.

2. Shaft X/cuts :
10 ft openings. for 10 ft. connecting the well and
the haulage drift of the F/W.
A tipping radius of 30 ft. in the connections to the
haulage drifts of the F/W.

3. F/W Haulage Drifts: 10-foot openings for 10 ft. at levels 6550,

6450 and 6350. Locate the 50-foot rear. of the F/W of the
mineral body.

4. Vent Shafts :
Vertical circular wells (10 ft. diameter) down to elevation
Locate in the F/W at the ore body limits in the direction of
Connections to carry crosses of the F/W.

Page 2—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

5. Ramp: 10 ft. high by 15 ft. high opening. wide cut

Transverse 6650 to level 6350

Orient along the "strike" with connections to each well cross section.
-10% grade with flat switchbacks and flat connections in well
Radio volcante de 20 ft. en switchbacks.

6. Rock Pass: 10ft diameter enhancement with dip

(tilt) minimum of -70 degrees.
This extends from level 6550 down to skip loading
pockets at elevation 6275.
Centrally located along the strike of the
mineral body.
10 ft access cross-sections. by 10 ft. between
the haul and the F /W transfer shaft (front wall).
Access the cross-sections and the F/W carry
intersection ( front wall) at a 60-degree angle.

Other ancillary developments, workshops, etc. will not be considered.

Task 1 — Step 1 Set the first point on the center line of the well 100 ft behind the F/W
Well layout (front wall) at level 6650.

A. Start your MineSight® 2 project. Open a DOS window and navigate to

the UGCOURSE directory. Type MS2 in the directory.

B. Open Geometry Object 66 in the pln-ore folder, and pin the view to Azm
= 350 and Dip = -90.

C. Select the Viewer Properties icon. Append the Grid Set

66.vbm_gridset and click Volume Clipping . Limit the
view to level 6650, and click the
Snap Edit Grid to Current Plane option.

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page 2—1

Section 2—Layout of access primary

D. Create a folder named PRIDEVT (Primary Development) by

highlighting New Resource Map, right-click, select NewCFolder .
Type PRIDEVT and click OK.

E. Create a Geometry Object named clshaft by highlighting the

PRIDEVT folder, right-click, select NewCgeometry object and type
clshaft and click OK. Set the clshaft to Edit mode.

F. Active Point Snap from SNAP C Point Snap and Plane Snap from
SNAP C Plane Snap.

G. Open the Point Editor from TOOLSCPoint Editor

(Tools-Point Editor) .

H. Select Polyline C CreateC Polyline and click 6650 F/W (front wall)
near the center of the mineral body. (Approximate coordinates E:
61798, N: 38810.)

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—3

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

I. In the Point Editor window, starting from Absolute, enter Azm = 260
(perpendicular to strike), Dip = 0, and Dist = 100. Click Preview. If
the results are correct, click Apply.

Step 2 Add points to the well center line in 100 ft increments. from 6650 down to

In the Point Editor window, enter Absolute Azm =0, Dip = -90
degrees, Dist = 100, Repeat = 4 and click Preview. If the results
are correct, click Apply. Right-click. To display the well, clear
volume clipping in the Viewer Properties box.

Page 2—4 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

Step 3 Add a point to the center line of the well at the location of thewell
collar on the surface.

A. Open Geometry Object 901 in the topo folder.

B. Rotate the drawing view (Dip = -90).
C. Use Query to find the elevation of the contour line closest to the
well location (the center line of the well is represented by the
horizontal line created).

D. Calculate the difference between contour line elevation and 6650

(e.g., 7233 - 6650 = 583).
E. Turn the view to Dip = 0, select Polyline C Line CDelete and click the
segment, not the center line of the well. Right-click to disable the
Delete feature.
F. Make sure the Point Editor viewport is open, then select Polyline
CAppend. Click the highest point (6650) on the center line.
G. In the Point Editor window enter Absolute Azm =0, Dip = 90
degrees, Dist = 583 (from Step 3D), Repeat = 1. Click Apply.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—5

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

H. Click the Save Selection Edits icon to preserve the

results (Geometry Object clpozo).

Step 1 Well Cross Cut at Level 6650 (Cross Sections End 50 ft from F/W (Front
Task 2 Wall))
A. Make sure that the Volume Clipping, with the Grid Set
tracings of wells at
66.vbm_gridset, is set to 6650 and is set to ON for the Snap Edit
levels 6650,
Grid to Current Plane (Quick Grid Drive from Editing to Current
6550, 6450 and 6350
Set the view to Dip = -90.
B. Set ToolsCScalable cursor Properties to Radius of 50; Interval of 5.
Select ToolsCShow scalable cursor.
C. Create the Geometry Object clxcuts in the pridevt folder and set
it to Edit mode.
D. Make sure Point Snap, Plane Snap and Point Editor are still ON and
select Polyine C Create C Polyline . Click a point on the center line of
the well.
E. In the Point Editor window enter:
Absolute Azm = 80 (perpendicular al rumbo/arrumbamiento)
Dip = 0
Dist = 50 (remember that the well is 100 ft. backwards of the F/W
(front wall) at level 6650)

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Section 2—Layout of access primary

F. Click the Save Selection Edits icon to keep.

Step 2 Cross the well at level 6550.

A. Scroll down to level 6550 using the left/right arrows in the upper right
corner of the MineSight® 2 main window (where the current plan is
displayed). Make sure Azm = 350 and Dip = -90 on the display.
B. Select Polyline C Create C Polyline and click a point on the center
line of the well.
C. In the Point Editor window, enter:
Absolute Azm = 80 (perpendicular al strike)
Dip = 0
Dist = 50.
Click Preview, and if it is correct, click

D. Approximate the position of the next point using the mouse with the
scale cursor (click, hold and drag). The Point Editor viewport will
display the Azm, dip, and distance of this point in the background of
the MineSight® 2 viewport. The distance and dip values are good,
but Azm probably isn't exactly 80. Remove the dot by pressing the
Delete button, and enter the information again using the Point
Editor with Azm = 80, Dip = 0, Dist = value used above above.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—7

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

E. Click the Save Selection Edits icon to keep.

Step 3 Repeat Step 2 for levels 6450 and 6350 .

Add points in 50 ft increments. as needed (Step 2C.) before approaching

the last point on the string with the scale cursor. When you're done, set your
sights to Azm = 350, Dip = 0, and click OFF for Volume Clipping and
review the results(below).

Page 2—8 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

Task 3 Step 1 F/W haulage cross (front wall) on 6550 with 30 ft radio connections. to the
trace F/W carry cross section of the well.
crosses (front wall)
A. Set the Volume Clipping to ON with the Grid Set 66.vbm_gridset
at levels 6550, 6450
to 6550, enable the Snap Edit Grid to Current Plane Edit grid to
and 6350
current drawing ) in the Viewer properties dialog and open the Point
Editor. Set the view to Dip = -90.
B. Select the cross section at level 6550. Densify well cross-
sectionswith spot spacing, 30, using PolylineCDensify. Keep the
selection edits.
C. Create a Geometry Object clfwhaul1 in the pridevt folder, and set it to
Edit mode.
D. Click Polyline C Create C Polyline, and with Point Snap and Plane
Snap enabled , click the point in the well cross-section where the curve
will start.

E. In the Point Editor window, select File C Ramp editor. In the Ramp
Editor viewport, click Options C Curve Ramp and click Clockwise and
set the Ramp Editor viewport as shown below. Click Preview, and if it
looks good, click Apply.

F. Repeat steps D and E to make a radius curve of 30 ft. with

Counterclockwise (Counterclockwise) from the same starting point
of the well cross-section.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—9

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

G. Select Polyline C Append and click the tip of one of the curves. Now
add points (using the scale cursor when
clicking/holding/dragging/dropping) to fix the position of the haulage
drift 50 ft. backwards from the F/W (adelan te wall) of the ore body.

H. Repeat Step G using the other curve as the starting point.

I. Connect the carries with Polyline C Create C Polyline (a simple 2-
point string) and clicking the Save Selection Edits icon to preserve the
results to Geometry Object clwhaul1. (See next page.)

J. Remove the heel segment from the Geometry Object clpozo . The
carry of the F/W (front wall) at level 6550 is now complete and shown

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Section 2—Layout of access primary

Step 2 Design the carry of the F/W (front wall) at levels 6450 and 6350 by
repeating steps D through J , detailed above.

The same method is used to design the carry levels in 6450 and 6350. The
levels that have been created canbe imported.

A. Highlight the PRIDEVT folder.

B. Right-click and select ImportCDXF for the file. Select the
cifwhaul.dxf file.

Task 4 Step 1 Fix ventilation shaft locations on the F/W haul drive (front wall), 6550.
Ventilation shaft
paths (2 vertical A. Set the current drawing to 6550.
shafts at the ends of B. Unfold and type the azimuth of the last segment of the F/W carry
(front wall) to the North and South, as seen on the next page.
the ore body)
C. Choose Selection C Make New and click the F/W carry (front wall).
D. Open the Point Editor viewport.
E. Select PolylineCAppend and click the last carry node in the F/W

F. In the Ramp Editor window, check curved ramp counterclockwise and

enter Absolute Azm value (from Step B above), Dip = 0, Interval = 10,
Radius = 30, Sweep = 90. Click Preview, and that's fine, click Apply.
Delete the last two segments of the curve. The ventilation shaft will be
connected at the end of the curve.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—11

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

G. Repeat Steps E and F tocarry the F/W (front wall) to the South. Use
a curve clockwise (clockwise direction).

Step 2 Create the center lines of the vent well.

A. create a clvents geometry object in the folder

pridevt, and set it to Edit mode.
B. Unfold and type the coordinates of the tips of the curves (North and
South) created in Step 1 at elevation 6550.
C. Turn off Volume Clipping and set the view to
Azm = 350, Dip = -60.
D. Use Selection C Make New and click
clshaft that I already believe.
E. Select Element C Copy and click clshaft at the point at elevation
6550. In the Point Editor window, enter the X,Y coordinates of the
North curve (from Step B above) from the Absolute column. Click
Preview and you're fine, click Apply and then right-click.
F. Keep the selection edits and repeat steps D and E using the
coordinates of the South curve (from Step B. above).
G. Click the Save Selection Edits icon to keep.

Step 3 Trim the ventilation shafts to mole.

A. Open Geometry Object 901 from the topo folder.

B. Turn to the drawing view (Dip = -90).
C. Use Query to find the elevation of the contour line closest to
each vent location (the center line is represented by a small point in
this view).
D. Calculate the difference between the contour line elevation and
6650 for each vent shaft (e.g., 7368 - 6650 = 718).
E. Turn your eyes to Dip= 0 and select both vents for editing. Then
click Polyline C Delete segment and click the top segment in each
F. Open the Point Editor and select Polyline C Append. Click the highest
point (6650) on the center line of one of the wells.
G. In the Point Editor window, enter Absolute Azm = 0, Dip = 90
degrees, Dist = 718 (from Step D. above), Repeat = 1 and click
Apply and right-click.

Page 2—12 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

H. Repeat Steps F. and G. for the other ventilation shaft, using

the calculated distance.
I. Click the Save Selection Edits icon to preserve the results (Geometry
Object clvents) and close object 901 in the topo folder.

Step 4 Add the F/W (front wall) haulage connections to the vents at levels 6450
and 6350.

If the carry levels of the F/W (front wall ) are notconnected to the fan,
then use a method similar to Step 1. Curve the carry of the F/W (front
wall) and remove or add segments to create polished connections. Use the
Polyline C SubstringCSmooth option to polish the curves. The ventilation
shaft layout is shown below:

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—13

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

Task 5 The ramp will start at the tip of cross-section 6650, and will be connected with
Plot internal access the other well cross-cuts on the lower levels, at a distance of approximately
ramp from level 6650 25-30ft back from the Y-intersection.
to level 6350
Step 1 Design a ramp segment between levels 6650 and 6550 at a slope of 10%.

A. Select CLXCUTS at level 6550. Check for a 25-30 ft back point of

the cross-section tip at level 6550. Enable Show nodes and measure
distance. If there is a point, navigate to Step C.

B. Open the Point Editor. Select PointC Add, and select the last segment
in the cross section. In the Point Editor, enter Absolute AZM=260,
DIP=0, and DIST=25, to add the period. Right-click to preserve the

C. Create a Geometry Object CLRAMP in the PRIDEVT folder, and set it

to Edit mode. Make sure you have the following objects open:

D. Turn on Volume Clipping, and navigate to the drawing


Page 2—14 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

E. In the Viewer Properties window, navigate to the Clipping tab. Set

the volume clipping to unequal and the range to 12.5 volume+
and 101 volume-, so that levels 6650 and 6550 are displayed.

F. Select Polyline C CreateC Polyline and click the tip of well cross-
section 6650 (Point Snap must be enabled).

G. Create a 500 ft on-head/stroke portion using the Point Editor.

1. In thevantage point of the Point Editor, select FileCRamp
Editor , then click Options, and clear Curve ramp. Select
percent% as slope units.
2. Then configure the Ramp Editor viewport as shown in the
illustration. Click Preview, and if it looks good, click Apply.

H. Add a flat recoil path with a tipping radius of 20.

1. In the Ramp Editor window, click Options, and activate the
Curve Ramp, clockwise in the opposite direction. Then set the
Ramp Editor viewport to AZM=170, Dip=0, Interval=10,
Radius=20 , and Sweep=180. Click Preview, and if it looks good,
click Apply.
2. Click Save selection edits to preserve the ramp. Now select the
ramp and X/cut at level 6550 and choose Show nodes.

Measure and note the azimuth between the switchback terminal point
(back path), and the ramp intersection point at the cross-sectional of the

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—15

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

well 6550 (e.g. PT 1 to PT 2 AZM=342.9). You have to use Save

selection edits Keep selection edits).
(Note: Click Off in Snap CPlan Snap to set an exact azimuth.)

I. Select the ramp for editing , click PolylineCAppend, and click the
terminal tip of the switchback. In the Ramp Editor, disable Curved
Ramp and enter the azimuth measured in Step I (e.g. 342.9) with the
rest of the information as shown in the illustration below. Click
Preview, and if it looks good, click Apply.

J. To finish this portion of the ramp, click on the intersection point in the
cross-section of well 6550, and a flat segment will be created.

Page 2—16 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

Step 2 Designing the ramp from 6550 to 6450.

A. Start with a flat 40-foot segment along the strike in the cross-
sectional area of the well.
1. Move to the 6550 plan, so that elevations 6550 to 6450 can be
2. Select PolylineCAppend with the Point Editor open. Select the last
segment (flat segment) of the ramp. Populate the Point Editor with
Azm=350, Dip=0, and Dist=40. Click Preview, and if it looks good
click Apply.

B. In the Point Editor, select FileCRamp Editor, disable the curved

ramp, and enter the information as shown in the illustration.

C. Create a flat swithback at elevation 6500 clockwise. The clockwise

plane switchback has Azm=350, Dip=0, Interval=10 , Radius=20, and
Sweep =180 in the Ramp Editor. Create a ramp at elevation 6450 by
emitting field fora flat segment.

D. End the ramp by adding design segments 6450 to 6350 to the Geometry
Object clramp, using tools equal to those in Steps 1 and 2.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—17

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

Task 6 Step 1 Add a point to the center line of the well at elevation 6275.
Transfer pique
tracing by This will be the end of the mineral chimney . Use the Point Editor and
connecting carry Point C Add.
levels with loading
A. Click SelectionCMake new, and select the well.
B. Click PointCAdd, select the bottom of the well segment.

C. In the Point Editor, enter Absolute Z as 6275 and click Apply

(Apply) .

Step 2 Set the location of the ore transfer shaft at level 6550.

A. Set the current drawing to 6550, with the Snap Edit Grid to
Current Plane set to ON. Set your sights to dip -90.

B. Amplify the focus on the carry of the F/W (front wall), slightly
south of the well cross-section.
1. Measure a distance of approximately 50 ft to the nearest point of the
terminal point of the southbound haul switchback. Note the
coordinates of the point (this will be your starting point), and open
the Point Editor.
2. Get azimuth from starting point to previous point (e.g. 347).

Page 2—18 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

C. Select the Geometry Object clfwhaul for editing. Subtract 60

of azimuth (p.ej. 347-60=287).
1. Click Polyline C CreateCPolyline, and click the starting
2. Enter the calculated azimuth (e.g. 287) in the Point Editor, Dip=0
and Dist=30. Click Preview, and click Apply, then select Save
selection edits.

D. Measure the distance, azimuth and dip (inclination) from the tip of the
line created in Step C, to the elevation point 6275 in the well created in
Step 1 (e.g. azm=310.84, dip=-72.64, dist=288.12). If the dip is greater
than 70 degrees, we can use this as our transfer pique center line.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—19

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

Step 3 Trace the handover pique

A. Create the Geometry Object clrockpass in the pridevt folder, and set it
to Edit mode.
B. Click Polyline C Create C Polyline and click the start point of the
handover pique at level 6550. Add points at level 6450 and level 6350
using the Ramp Editor (e.g., Azm = 310.84, Dip = -72.64, Interval =
50, and Elev = 6450 ). Create another 6350 elevation point.
C. Click on a point at elevation 6275 in the well to complete the transfer
shaft. The (Point Snap / Quick Drive Point) must be set to ON/ON).
Click the Save Selection Edits iocno to retain.

Step 4 Construct transverse cut cuts by connecting the handover shaft to the
carry paths of the F/W (front wall) at level 6450.

A. Selecte clfwhaul for editing, and set the current drawing to the level
B. Follow the instructions in Step 2 for the first 30 ft (feet) segment of the
cross-section, and then use Polyline CAppend to connect it to the
handover shaft.

Paso 5 Repeat Step 4 for level 6350.

Step 6 Review the cross-section locations of the access ramp location .

Page 2—20 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

If you encounter crossover problems, align the access cross-sections again

to intersect the flat portions of the ramp. Use Volume Clipping with
unequal fixing to make review easier.

The design, of the center lines for primary access and major development
advances, is now complete.

The paths in the longitudinal section are parallel to the strike shown below:

The next task is to append the 3-D templates to the center lines to produce
solid forms for development work. Other shapes can be clipped to each
other at intersections and used to calculate the volume of material
excavated in the development phase of the mine.

Task 7 Step 1 Well - Circular with diameter of 20 ft.

Append 3-D
templates A. Create a folder named 3DDEVT, then create the Geometry Object
3dwell in the 3DDEVT folder, and set it to Edit mode.
B. Select the Geometry Object clshaft for editing and click Tools C
Template Editor. In the Template Editor window, click the
circular shape you select, click Center for Base Point, and enter
the Width 10, Height 10 , and Angle 0 dimensions.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—21

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

C. Choose Surface C Create Solid C Attach template along Polyline.

The Attach Template window appears. Click Entire selection and click
Preview. If the well looks good, click Apply. Click the Save
Selection Edits icon. The Geometry Object 3dshaft contains the result
of solid modeling.

Step 2 Well cross-cuts - 10 ft. wide by 10 ft. high.

Follow the same three steps above. Open and select the Geometry Object
clxcuts. Close all other objects. Create the Geometry Object 3dxcuts to
store the solids. This time, for Base Point click the Bottom. This says that
cross-section elevations are floor elevations for the solid. The results of
Examples 1 and 2 are shown below:

As can be seen in the

illustration, the solid of the
well and the solids of the
transverse cutsoverlap at
their splice points. Before
calculating volumes, you
should eliminate overlap to
avoid double counting in
other splice areas. This
can be done with the
Intersector Tool as
illustratedin the following

Step 3 Glue cross-sections of solids into the well walls and merge well and
glued cross sections to form a solid for volume calculation.

A. Create a Geometry Object 3dpozo&xcuts in the tentta 3DDEVT and

set it to Edit mode.
B. Open the Geometry Objects 3dshaft and 3dxcuts (everything
else is closed) and click Tools C Intersector tool.

Page 2—22 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

C. In the Intersection Tool viewport, click A, select the well in the

Visualizer, and right-click. Click B, select the four cross-sections, and
right-click. Highlight the Intersection Tool viewport, find the Return A
Union B icon, click on it, and click Preview. The result will be shaded
in yellow on the display. Review it and if it is correct click Apply in the
Intersection Tool window and store the results in the Open Edit object
. (If it is not correct, try another option, such as Return A- B.)
D. Add faces to 3dshafts, 3dxcuts, and 3dshaftxcuts objects. Close
Geometry Objects 3dshaft and 3dxcuts.
E. Clickc on the File C Project Settings C Volumes tab and check all
four boxes in the viewport. This highlights irregularities in the solid
that can affect volume and reserve calculations. Change thesubcell
conteo to 50x50.
F. The volume for the 3dshaft&xcuts Geometry Object is calculated by
selecting Surface C Compute Volume C Solid Volume. Select the
solid with the mouse. The results of the solid verification and volume
computation are presented in the MineSight® 2 Messenger window

Step 4 Carry the F/W (front wall) (including Y- intersection) and cross-sections
to the handover shaft: openings 10 ft. wide by 10 ft. high.

This exercise will be a bit more complicated due to the intersections of

multiple strings. Create new Geometry Objects oars to store

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—23

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

representations of the solid of the four main components of the F/W haul
path (front wall):

3dfwhaul1 - North haulage and curve connecting to well cross section .

3dfwhaul2 - short right segment connecting North and South haul roads.
3dfwhaul3 - South haul road and curve connecting to the cross section of
the well.
3DFWHAUL4 - Cross sections of the transfer shaft access

A. Open the Geometry Object clfwhaul in the PRIDEVT folder, and

close everything else.

B. Create four new Geometry Objects as listed above (e.g. 3dfwhaul1,..

,3dfwhaul4) in the 3DDEVT folder.

C. Select the northern portion of the carry levels (levels 6550, 6450, and
6350). Place Geometry Object 3dfwhaul1 in Edit mode.

D. Select ToolsCTemplate Editor. Enter 10 ft wide and 10 ft height, with

the base point at the bottom . Select a template.

E. Select Surface C Create SolidCAttach Template along Polyline.

Click Entire Selection , then click Preview. If it looks good, click
Apply. Keep the editions of the selection.

F. Follow the same step for the other three haul areas. All three levels
can be done at the same time. The exploited results (for the sake of
clarity) are shown below:

Page 2—24 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

We can get a volume for each piece and add them to get an estimate of the
volume of haulage development but this number would be high because the
overlapping areas would be counted twice. (Note that overlapping areas are
a proposed: Small ration of the total area, and therefore the estimate would
be a good one in this case.)

A more accurate estimate of volume can be made by constructing fused

solids of the four components and trimming to eliminate the possibility of
overlap. We will create the following new Geometry Objects to store the

3dfwmerg1 = 3dfwhaul1 + clipped 3dfwhaul2

3dfwmerg2 = 3dfwhaul3 + clipped 3dfwmerg1
3dfwmerg3 = 3dfwmerg2 + clipped 3dfwhaul4

To help avoid holes in other new solids the four components should not be at
the same elevation. We will therefore move an object up at 0.1 ft. (object
selected as A) at each level when using the Intersector Tool.

The following table shows how the Intersector Tool can be used to produce
the desired results. (Note: Always preview first, to review the merge and trim,
before clicking Apply.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—25

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

Solid A Lift Solid B Operation Resulting solid

on in Solid

3DFWHAUL1 0.1 3DFWHAUL2 Return A Union B 3DFWMERG1

3DFWHAUL3 0.1 3DFWHAUL4 Return A Union B 3DFWMERG2
3DFWMERG1 -0.1 or -0.3 3DFWMERG2 Return A Union B 3DFWHaulage

Go ahead and run these intersecting three solids exercises using the same
step-by-step method as in Example 3. You may have to try different
operations and different selections of A and B to get the merged result. You
may have some small openings and triangle intersections on the merged
solids depending on the number/number of points, point spacing, etc. or you
can fix them in the editor or ignore them. Below are the 3DFWHaulage
liquid, along with its volume:

Step 5 Ramp: 15 ft. wide by 10 ft. high with opening type concave.

A. Close all Geometry Objects and open clramp in the PRIDEVT

folder. Create a Geometry Object named 3dramps in the
3DDEVT folder and set it to Edit mode.

B. You have to Query (Interrogate) the ramp to ensure that it is a

continuous rope and not segments, then navigate to Step D.

C. If the ramp is in segments, they have to be joined.

1. Select the Geometry Object clramp for editing and select all
2. Select PolylineCGlobal combine. Use a threshold of 0.1.

Page 2—26 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 2—Layout of access primary

3. Click Save Selection edits and continue .

D. Select ToolsCTemplate editor .

E. Select the template for your ramp, and use height=10, width=15,
angle=0. The center line will be at the bottom of the base point.

F. Select Solid C create solidCAppend template along polyline. Click

Entire selection and Preview. If it looks good, then click Apply. Keep
it in the open edit object.

G. In the 3DRAMP properties, add faces and remove the lines.

Change the color to brown.

Step 6 Vent shafts : 10 ft circular diameter.

A. close all objects and open a geometry object clvents in the


B. create a geometry object named 3dents in the folder

3DDEVT and set it to Edit mode.

C. Select the clvents polyline, and select ToolsCTemplate editor

(Tools-Template Editor) .

D. Select the template for your vents and use height=10, width=10
and angle=0. The center line will be the center of the base point .

E. Select Solid C create solidCAppend template along polyline. Click

Entire selection and Preview. If it looks good, click Apply, and keep it
in the open editing object.

F. In the 3DVENTS properties, add faces and remove the lines.

Change the color to turquoise (blue-green).

Step 7 Rock pass: 8ft circular diameter.

A. Close all objects and open the clrockpass Geometry Object

in the PRIDEVT folder.

B. create a geometry object named 3drockpass in the folder

3DDEVT and set it to Edit mode.

C. Follow the steps as in Step 6, using a height and width of 8.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 2—27

Section 2—Access primary of tracing

D. Change the color to network (red) in the 3DROCKPASS properties and use
On to activate faces and Off the lines.

Again, you can calculate the volumes for ramp excavation, ventilation shaft
excavation and transfer shaft excavation. Remember that to get the most
accurate estimate you must create fused solids of the components with the
trimmed overlays (see Step 4).

This completes the larger development design. The results are shown below:

Page 2—28 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Section 3—Recess/Abutment Path

Learning When you've completed this section, you'll know how to:
A. Design a recess, rib pillar, and crown pillar
B. Calculate bookings

In this chapter, we will segregate the mineral body into recess, rib-type
pillar, and crown type pillar, and calculate the reserves within each. The
nominal dimensions to be used are:

Recesses: 140ft. (feet) along the angle of the course/crumbling by 75ft.

vertical, depending on the width of the thickness of the ore body.

Rib pillars: 25ft. along the angle of the course by 75ft. vertical, depending on
the width of the thickness of the mineral body.

Crown type pillars: 165ft. along the angle of the course by 25ft.
vertical, depending on the width of the thickness of the mineral body.

Below are the nominal dimensions in a longitudinal section of a typical


Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—1

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Task 1 This will be done by linking the contours of the mineral body in plan,
Create solids for the representatives of the upper and lower parts of the crown-like pillars, and the
entire crown-type upper and lower parts of the recess/rib areas. There will be three of each
pillar "muck" and the (one set for level 6550, one for level 6450, and the last for level 6350).
entire recess/rib
Step 1 Create a new folder called STOPES and two Geometric Objects,
pillar "muck" CROWNS and STP&RIBS.

A. Close all Geometric Objects. Open Geometric Object 66 in the PLN-

ORE folder.

B. It creates a new folder called STOPES and in it also creates two

new Geometric Objects, CROWNS and STP&RIBS.

C. Put the CROWNS Geometric Object in Edit mode by highlighting

it, right-clicking and selecting Edit from the menu.

D. Open the Viewer Properties window and append the Grid Set
66.vbm_gridset, if it is not. Click the Volume Clipping option to turn it
on, and then switch to drawing 6650 as shown below. This will limit the
view to those levels between level 6550 and 6650. The Clipping option
must be set to 12.5 (volume+) and 101 (volume-).

Page 3—2 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Step 2 Link the 25ft. crown and then the recess and 75ft ribs.

Since the vertical dimension of our crown-type pillars is 25ft., we will link
the 6650 and 6625 contours of the mineral bodies to create the
corresponding solid, and likewise we will link the lower contours to the
levels between 6625 and 6550 to create the solids corresponding to the
recesses and ribs.

A. Select the top two outlines to edit. Make sure that your end points have
the same relative position and that the scan orientation is the same for
both (usually this would be clockwise). Select Polyline C
RedefineCAll endpoints and Direction.

B. Enable the Linker tool from the Tools menu

(Tools) or by clicking on the corresponding icon.

C. Since this is a continuous form we can use one of the automatic link
options. In the Linker viewport, enable (ON) the Close First Face
and Close Second Face options. Click the Quick Link button. Click
on the top outline and then on the bottom outline, then right-click to
finish. Click Apply in the Linker viewport.

D. Click the Save Selection Edits icon. Close the Crowns geometric
object and put the STP&RIBS geometric object in Edit mode.

E. Select the bottom four outlines to edit. Make sure that your finishing
points have the same relative position and that the direction of
digitalization is the same for everyone. Click the Linker icon again.

F. In the Linker viewport, click to enable (ON) the Close First Face
option and click Quick Link. Click the first and second outline.
Right-click and click Apply.

G. Click to disable (OFF) the Close First Face option and click Quick
Link. Click the second and third outlines. Right-click, then click Apply.
Click to enable (ON) the Close Second End option and click Quick
Link. Click the third and fourth outlines, click right, andthen click Apply.
Don't select Merge Links just yet.

H. Close the Linker window and click the Save Selection Editions icon.
In the Properties window for the object

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—3

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

geometricor STP&RIBS, select the Surface tab and click to enable (ON)
the Show Faces option. Turn off (OFF) the Show Lines option.

I. Set the current plane to level 6550 and add solids for the second row
of recesses on the CROWNS and STP&RIBS geometric objects
(using the same methodology we used earlier).

J. Set the current plane to the 6450 level and add solids for the third row
of recesses on the CROWNS and STP&RIBS geometric objects
(using the same methodology we used earlier).

K. When Step J is complete, there must be three solids in the CROWNS

geometric object and three solids in the STP&RIBS geometric object.
You can go over them for openings or self-intersections. You can also
calculate the volume of each CROWN, and using the merge links tool
in the STP&RIBS object you can calculate the volume of the three

Page 3—4 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Task 2 This will be done by linking the contours of the mineral body in view.
Separate the From section X, representatives of our nominal recess length of 140ft., rib
solids of the mineral pillar length of 25ft., and crown pillar length of 165ft. . The length of the
body of Task 1, in recess will vary according to the length of the course of the mineral body in
each recess line (level 6550, level 6450 and level 6350).
particular recesses,
ribs and crowns Step 1 Create a folder named Grids.

We will create a Grid Set in cross section, called xsec, with the orientation
of the section perdendicular to the course. We will specify a small space of 5'
for the calculation of lengths. This will yield a fairly large Grid Set, so the
extension to the mineral body area should be limited.

A. With the crowns and stp&ribs in the display, set the view to AZM
= 350, Dip = -90.

B. Click Edit Grid C Snap to 1 Point and click the southern

end of the ore body.

C. Click Edit Grid C Edit and in the Edit Grid viewport , change the
major and bottom axis as shown below. Click Apply. Enter as the
orientation, 80 for the Azm and 90 for the Dip (Tilt) and click Appland
. Change the Base Point (% of axis) to 0 for both axes. Close the Edit
Grid viewport.

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—5

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Click the Grids folder and create a new Grid Set named xsec. Highlight
the Grids folder, right-click, and then click NewCGrid Set. Enter the name
xsec. Complete the xsec viewport as shown below and click OK.

Select the xsec Grid Set, right-click and select Edit. In the viewport, click
Snap to C Edit Grid , and then rotate the view until the tilt is 0 (Dip=0).

Page 3—6 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

The major axis is the N80E and the lower axis is equal to the elevation. Cut
them out as shown in the window below.

Close the xsec Grid Set and click Edit Grid C


Step 2 Pass through the mineral body

A. Attach the new Grid Set, xsec, to the display. In the Properties of
the visualizer, clear the Snap edit grid to current plane option.

B. Go through the mineral body with the current Volume

Clipping/plane and the xsec Grid Set.

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—7

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Step 3 Cut the ore body with the xsec grid set and store the outlines in a
new folder named xsec-ore.

Turn off Volume Clipping .

A. Click New Resource Map C New C Folder and enter xsec-ore as

the name.

B. Make sure that Geometry Objects crowns and stp/ribs are the only
objects in the visualizer. Highlight the xsec-ore folder, right-click and
select Slice View. Click xsec for the grid set, and then click OK. The
VBM xsec-ore assembly now contains the crowns and stp/ribs outlines
every 5m along the course, in a geometric object named 999.

C. Close solids (crowns and stp/ribs) and pass through contours

xsec (Geometric object 999), using volume clipping.

Step 4 Make mineral body solids for recesses, rib pillars and individual crown

A. Append the 66.VBM_gridset grid set to the visualizer. Turn on

volume trimming. The clipping should be at 101 (volume+) and 1

B. Measure the length of the course at a representative elevation (i.e.,

6550). A typical value = 875 ft.

C. Determine the number of recesses of equal length (including the rib

pillar) along the course. (For a heading length of 875ft it would
have 5 at each 165ft.)

D. Due to irregular boundaries, check the recess lengths at each level and
adjust them if necessary. (Use Volume Clipping and Current plane adjust
to review the contours in each plane.)

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Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

E. We will have five recesses in each level with each recess having rib
pillar and crown. A naming convention for the Standard Geometric
Object should be implemented to avoid confusion. We will make
mineral body solids in this Step and solids in the next step. Typically,
these are not the same due to the mine selection limitations associated
with the practical application of the mining method. Both contours are
required to calculate mine recovery and mine dilution for each rebate,
therefore the nominating convention must consider both.

F. For Stope number 1 and Stope number 2, create Geometry Objects in

the stopes folder to create mineral body solids from Recesses, Ribs,
and Crowns at level 6550.

For example:

6550-1C would mean the solid of the Crown portion of recess number 1
at level 6550. 6550-1S would mean the solid portion of the top S of
rebate number 1 at level 6550 and 6550-1R would be R ib at level 6550
for rebate number 1.

G. Build solids for each of the six Geometry Objects created above. Use
the Link Editor with xsec-ore mineral body contours and Volume
Clipping. Use AutoLink, close the tips, check the volume and shape,
and fix the links as needed. (See Task 1, Step 3 for more details on how
to do this.)

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—9

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

1. Append the xsec grid set. Adjust your view to be Azm = 260 and
Dip = 0. Change the volume clipping to be unequal, 166
1 (volume-). Use the current drawing at approximately 27008.9
(Check where your rebate starts first.)

2. In the XSEC-ORE folder, create a Geometric Object

named 6550-1S, and set it to Edit mode.

3. The ore contours are 5 m apart and we want a 140m recess, so we

select the first 28 contour sections to link them. Make sure that all
contours are in the same direction and that they have the end points
in the same relative location. Ensure that all contours are closed
with PolylineCGlobal Combine. Use Quick link or Auto Link to
link sections.

4. After linking the rebate, merge the links and keep the selection.
Check for openings and intersections. Calculate a volume.

5. Create a Geometric Object named 6550-1R in the XSEC-ORE

folder, and set it to Edit mode. The last contours (six contours)
are read following the solid 6550-1S that was created in the
previous step. Follow Step 4 above.

6. Create a 6550-1C Geometric Object in the XSEC-ORE folder,

and select all the outlines above the two solids, which we just
created earlier. Link the outlines and follow Step 4 above.

7. Recesses, crowns and ribs can be created with these same steps at
each level. We will import the rebates we have already created.

Page 3—10 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Highlight the STOPES folder, right-click and ImportCDXF

(Import-DXF). .

This figure shows the three Geometry Objects for Stope 2:

Task 3 Rebate To run backup calculations in MineSight® 2, two things must be

Reserve Present:
1. The 3-D block model must be appended to the
MineSight® 2 project.
2. An archivo executable batch named msrunres.bat must exist in your
project directory.

A block model has been created for you. The items in the block model that
we will use in the reserve calculations are:

CU - Copper Law
ROCK - Mineral body code (Rock = 1 for sterile blocks; Rock = 2
for ore blocks)
ORE%2 - Percentage of Block that is mineral (0 for sterile blocks; 1 -
100 for ore blocks)
ZONE - code for ore category (1 = Proven Ore ; 2 = probable ore; 3 =
possible ore; 4 = waste

A model view needs to be appended in MS2.

A. Create a folder named MODEL. Highlight the folder named MODEL,

right-click and select NEWCModel View. Name the view CU.

B. Click Select PCF and select the fileor Mine10.dat. Highlight the
Mine15.dat file and click OK.

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—11

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

C. Change the primary deployment item to CU on the Display tab


D. Click the Range tab, select level 18 (6575-6550), and click Apply.

E. Add the cuts of min = 0, max = 4, with increments of 0.2. Add


Look at each of these items in a Model View to familiarize yourself with how the
model is coded. Overlay Geometric Object 66 on a PLN-ORE folder to review
the location of the mineral body relative to the model.

The msrunres archive.bat runs the MEDSYSTEM® underground reserve

program (which is the M708V1 user subroutine), summarizes the results,
and displays the reservation report on the screen.

Let's close MineSight® 2, select Manager, and access this procedure in a

no-run mode.

A. At the DOS pointer, type Manager in the ugcourse directory.

B. The first time you enter Manager, it will not recognize the project
because it does not have a file named mpproj.vr.
C. Enter your initials.
D. Active Existing project , and enter MINE. Click OK.
E. Select the ug1set.dat procedure. This procedure is accessed from the
Manager by selecting:

Group (Grupo)= MineSight

Operation = Data Convert Procedure = Setup ug1res for

Fill in panels 1, 2, and 3 as shown below and on the following page:

Page 3—12 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—13

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Exit Manager and copy the mxpert.bat file to msrunres.bat. This takes
care of the pre-run preparation work of bookings directly from
MineSight® 2. This preparation work only has to be done once.

Step 1. Generate reserves for the solid 6550-1S of the mineral body .

A. Navigate to MS2 in your project directory.

B. Open your CU Model View in your model directory, and the 6550-
1S, 6550-1r, and 6550-1C solids in your STOPES directory (Note:
If you are using the OCB option, the solid does not have to be

C. Select SurfaceCCalculate Reserves. In the Calculate Reserves window,

click the icon to the right hand side of the Model View and select your
CU model. Then click on the first icon from Solid, and select your solid
6550-1S from the visualizer. Click Apply, and reservations will be
D. You can also calculate reserves for the other solids.

E. An unnamed fold is used by default if a solid has no attribution. To name

(attribut) a solid, select ElementCAttribute. Select the solid 6550-1R
(RIB) and right-click . In the check box, name it 6550-1R and click OK.

F. Now in the Calculate Reserves window, select the solid 6550-1R

to calculate reservations, and the name will appear in the dialog

Page 3—14 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000) Page 3—15

Section 3—Layout of Recess/Pillar

Page 3—16 Manual of Applications Underground (feb. 2000)

Section 4—The Programming Developments

Section 4—Development Scheduling

Learning When you have completed this section , you will learn how to:
A. Program the horizontal primary developments in each of the 3
main levels using the M650IP.
B. Cut the solid and developments in MeneSight® 2, then export to a
VBM File 25.

Cutting the solid of Step 1

the mineral body
and the solids of A. The solid we have is in two different Geometry Objects (Crowns and
STP&RIBS). The two solids have been merged into one, and we will
horizontal primary
import it like this. Highlight the PLN-ORE folder and right-click.
development Select IMPORTCDXF File, and selectthe 66solid file.dxf. Import the
file and open it. Open the 3dfwhaulage and 3dxcuts developments in
the 3DDEV folder, and close everything else.

B. The assignment of a material type is important to be able to

differentiate between objects (aspects in the
Manager/Admenistrador). We will assign a material type 20 to
3dfwhaulage and 3dxcuts. The 66solid we import will have material
type 66.

1. Runsettle the materials folder and right-click. Select

NewCMaterial type, and conceit 20 for the material. Navigate to
the properties of material type 20, and on the Materials tab,
change the 999 vbm and model code to 20 (Note: A material of 66
already exists because we imported the geology contours 66 from a
VBM). Be sure to press the Tab key after entering 20 in the
Materials properties.

2. Highlight the Geometry Objects 3dfwhaulage and 3dxcuts in the

3DDEV folder, right-click and select Properties . Change the
material type to 20 by selecting the scroll button to the right hand
side of the Material.

3. Highlight the solid Geometry Object 66 in the pln-ore folder.

Right-click and select Properties. Change the material type from
geometry (geometry) to 66. Materials 20 and 66 will be assigned to
the VBM aspects and the name of the object, during the operation to
be cut.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—1

Section 4—Programming of Developments

C. Create a new Grid Set named pln-devt in the GRIDS folder. Complete
the windows as shown below.

D. Navigate to the pln-devt Grid Set Properties and change the base
point to 50% for major and minor. Then change the major and minor
axis as shown to containment:

E. Close the pln-devt Grid Set. Create a new folder named PLN-DEVT,
highlight it, right-click, and select Slice View

Page 4—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 4—The Programming Developments

view). We will be using slices at elevations 6555, 6455 and 6355 (5 ft/ft
above ground), at the mid-level of the designs.

F. Close the 3dfwhaulage, 3dxcuts, and solid 66 objects. Append the

pln-devt Grid Set to the visualizer, and use volume clipping, pass
through the contours.

G. We will export the slice data from MeneSight®2 to VBM File 25.
1. Highlight Geometry Objects 20 and 66. Right click, then
File). Click Select PCF, then select the mene10.dat file. Select File
25, Mene25.pln, and click OK.

2. On the Plans tab, click All Plans. On the Features tab, select
skins 20 and 66. On the Export tab, click Append, and then click
Apply. Clear the Export box and exit MineSight® 2.

Step 2
A. At the DOS pointer, navigate to your project directory and enter
g primary
Manager (or click the Manager icon if you have created one). We will
schedule primary developments at level 6550 in monthly increments,
based on the feed ratio of 150 ft (feet) per month.

B. The model has to be cut into the levels that we will use for
programming. A slice file has information about the model items used
for programming.

Group Group: Scheduling Operation: Data
Convert Procedure: Extract Model Plan (IGP) –
P82901.dat. (Extract Model Plane)

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—3

Section 4—Programming of Developments

C. Enter the information in the dashboards as shown


A printout of the slice map index file (dat829.pln) is shown below. Note
that the elevations on the level maps are floor elevations and the
spacing is 25 ft (feet). These numbers are based on model block size and
coordinate limits .

Page 4—4 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 4—The Programming Developments

D. The program we will use for programming is the M650IP. Select

GroupCAdv. Plotting/VBM (Group-Plotting/Advanced VBM), then
GroupC Edit and select Edit VBM/Survey Data – vbmedt.dat (Edit
VBM /Topographic Data). Enter the information as shown below:

E. On Menu 1, set the Plane Range to 6555 and click UtilitiesCAutostep.

Enter 5 for the autostep distance and –5 for the slice
compensation. Active Feature nodes.

F. From Menu 4, select Initialize IGP. Enter dat829.pln for the area
filename, and leave the default parameter file ipparm.dat (press

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—5

Section 4—Programming of Developments

Page 4—6 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 4—The Programming Developments

G. Press the sign ( + ) from the keyboard and then the sign ( - ) to
align the slice of model 6550 (slice 18) with contours de
development in plane 6555. (If the block grid is being displayed,
use the option to disable the block grid to make viewing easier.)

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—7

Section 4—Programming of Developments

H. Using the Autominer to program the developments.

1. On Menu 4, click Autominer. Check the Digitize box box. With

Point Snap (or String Snap) enabled, digitize the South carry
field (see illustration). You can scan outside the model limits, but
no volume will be calculatedfor the portion outside these limits.

2. Enter Yes to use it, even if it is outside the model area. Digitize a
path showing the direction of progress from the well to the
southern edge. Stay within the developmental boundary (see

Page 4—8 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 4—The Programming Developments

3. Set the Target viewport and the Period window as shown below,
and enter 9 as the cut height. (500 YDS (yards) is the volume of
the 150 ft (feet) advances of 10 ft by 9 ft).

4. Enter 9 for Cut height , and click Mine All in the Multi-Run
sub-menu. Mark five months of progress generated with the
selection of Cut Reserves.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—9

Section 4—Programming of Developments

(Remember that the part of the drift outside the model

boundary is not counted by the program.) Click Exit Autominer
to finish.

5. Continue the developments by making the North haulage field if

you wish. Use Autominer. Start with month five and finish the
requirement of 500 yd (yards) for that month (calculate how
much more is needed and enter it as a goal). Then set the goal
back to 500 and the period increment, and Mine All.

Step 13 Plot a plan map showing the development program at

level 6550.

Seleccione Scheduleng ³ Plot ³ Plot IGP Cuts (Programación-Plotear-

Plotear cortes IGP).

Complete the three panels as shown below:

Page 4—10 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 4—The Programming Developments

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 4—11

Section 4—Programming of Developments

A portion of the development plan plot is shown below:

Page 4—12 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Section 5—Production Scheduling

Learning When you complete this section, you will be able to:
A. Create fallback files for each strip line.
B. Programming using a linear optimizer based on programming.

To use the M821V1 for underground scheduling, backup files that reflect
the entire extraction sequence must be configured for the developed reserves.
For example, in our case we will exploit the mine from top to bottom
startingwith line 6550 of rebates. The extraction sequence within a recess
line can also be specified. In our example, we will start at the southern
boundary of the mineral body and withdraw to the north. The rib and choir
pillarsassociated with a recess will be delayed from the extraction of the
recess, but will also proceed north on the recesses.

The next longitudinal section shows the sequence (in numerical order) for
line 6550 of the recesses. The resulting reserve file (in the M821V1 format)
containing metric tons of grade for ore and copper (including any dilution)
for each recess segment, rib pillar and crown pillar in the order of extraction
is listed immediately at theend of the section.

The first step before creating the fallback files is to create the partial files of
the solids from MineSight® 2. Partial files contain the percentage of the
solid within each block in the block model .

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page 5—1

Section 5—Production of programming

Create partial A. In MineSight® 2, navigate to the Stops folder and open all
file Its regages, ribs and crowns on line 6550 of the recesses.
B. Make sure solids don't have any openings using SURFACEC Check
for opening and Check for self-intersections.
C. In your model file , open the model view for CU.
D. Select SurfaceC Generate Partials and the Generate partials panel
E. Click the icon to the right of the model view option, and select the
CU model view. Click the first icon from solid, and select the solid
6550-1S. Rename the file from cut/fill partials to 1-S.out, and click

F. Follow the steps above for the rest of the solids on the 6550 line of the
recesses. Use the following output names for each solid.

Rates 6550-1S 6550-1R 6550-1C 6550-2S 6550-2R 6550-2C 6550-3S

Output 1-S.out 1-R.out 1-C.out 2-S.out 2-R.out 2-C.out 3-S.out
Rates 6550-3R 6550-3C 6550-4S 6550-4R 6550-4C 6550-5S 6550-5R
Output 3-R.out 3-C.out 4-S.out 4-R.out 4-C.out 5-S.out 5-R.out

You have to Exit MineSight® 2 and review some of the partial files.

Page 5—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Creating backup Reservation files can be created from partial files

files using the created in MineSight® 2 or Manager. The files needed to calculate the
Multi-run underground reserves will be the partial file, and the underground parameter
file ( The parameter file contains information about underground
recesses, zones, dilution, cuts, etc. To learn more about this parameter file,
see Appendix – Undergound Parameter File.

A. Open the Manager in the underground course directory.

Group C 3D Deposit Modeling
Operation C Report
Procedure C ug1res.dat

B. Select Run C Multi-RunCSet up new Multi-run. Enter ug reserves

for the package name, and hold your mouse under the Procedure
Name. Select UG1RES. Dat of your menu system, or enter from the
keyboard in the space provided. Select Setup and click OK in the
Procedure File Selector window. A wildcard must be fixed on the
variable that changes for the multi-run. Two wildcards will be used in
this procedure. The ? 01 will use the partial files created in the
previous steps, and ?02 will use an aspect code. Fill in the panel as
shown below and click OK when you're done.

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page 5—3

Section 5—Production of programming

C. In the Variations panel, enter the name Stopes 6550. Place your
mouse in the first wildcard slot, next to the ? 01. Click Add Value 13
times so that we will have 14 spaces to add the 14 partial files. Add the
following table:


D. The second wildcard will be the 1-14 aspects so that you can use an
add operation in the Multi-run to add the values. Click the wildcard slot
right away from ? 02 and select EditC Repeat Operation. Enter Base
Value = 1 , Operation = (+), Orperand Value = 1 and repeat the
operation = 13 times. Click Continue and you should be in the second
procedure pane, UG1RES. DAT.

E. Enter the information as shown below. The rebate number will be the
same as the aspect code , and the booking output file will be the
name of the partial file with the RES extension.

Enter the information as shown below.

Page 5—4 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Enter CU for your report item, and 0.0 for cut. Click Next to run the
procedure. It returns him back to the Multi-Run operation.

Click the USE button. The number/number of runs will be 14.

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page 5—5

Section 5—Production of programming

Keep the ug package reservations in File C Save C PackageCTo Project.

Keep the Stope 6550 responses when you click File C SaveCResponses.
Now run the Multi-Run by clicking FileCRun. A status bar will appear
tellingyou that the multi-run is running. When the multi-run is finished, exit
by clicking FileCClose. Verify that the reservation files were created.

Page 5—6 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Summary The created reservation files need to be merged. The summary of

of reservations can be carried out in one step using the UG1SUM procedure.
reservation DAT.
Group C 3D Deposit Modeling
Operation C Report (Report)
Procedure C ug1sum.dat

The output file needed for the M821V1 will be 6550.123. The report will be
by mineral type, which is proven mineral, possible, and probable. Enter
the file. The project has cu%, so the report is carried out by
(2000/100) = 20, the multiplier used for an imperial project. For Cu% in the
metric project use 22.046.

Enter the reservation files in the following order. The extraction sequence (in
numerical order) will be followed in the summary file (see Section 5 -

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 5—7

Section 5—Production of programming

The files need to be converted to M821V1 format. The results of the .123 or
. RPTs can be used to create new files for the programming program. The
files must be as follows:

(Stope#, Ore type, Total ton(nes), Grade.) These can be edited in EXCEL,
then exported as ASCII files. The format used is: 2I4,10F10.2. The top two
lines will be skipped.

The above file will be named line1.dat for level 6550. The same method
will be used for levels 6450 and 6350 . These will be named line2.dat, and
line3.dat, respectively.

Page 5—8 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Recess The M821V1 is Mintec's long-term programming program for opencast

extraction mines. The program has enough flexibility to also allow its use for some
programming types of underground programming. The created files can be edited for use
using the in the M821V1 program.

Relevant income for Six-month ore requirement: 80,000 tons

programming (Six-month ore requirement)

Production rate: 640 tons/day on a five-day week

(Tasa de producción)

Schedule objective: Maximize contained metal

(Objetivo de programación)

Panel 1 Output file names .

Panel 2 Includes ore information (type, location, target).

Panel 3 Time of operation, cost and format for reservation entry .

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 5—9

Section 5—Production of programming

Panel 4

We are using the M821V1 only for its ability to tell us where we will be
mining within each period, if we want to maximize the metal contained
each period, and satisfy the request for 80,000 tons of ore. We will
schedule eight six-month terms.

Specify the three recess lines and a mill. There is no needfor any other
destination. Mill income and cost figures may be fictitious, and the
results of them ignored.

Panel 5
A specified reservation class.

Panel 7
Specify a maximum daily mining rate along each rebate line.

Since total production requirements can come from a line in any period, the
maximum rate is 640 metric tons/day, plus a tolerance of 100 metric tons,
or 740 metric tons/day. The cycle times of 35 minutes between the lines
where the recess takes place and the mill are ignored.

Page 5—10 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Panels 10, 14, 16

Truck, shovel and loading information.

Panels 17, 18

Specify the ore tonnage requirement of 80,000 for each six-month period.
All the material will go to the mill. All other data revenue can default to
0 or some other value.

Panels 19-22 Leave blank.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 5—11

Section 5—Production of programming

Panel 24

Specify that LINE1 must stay ahead of LINE2, and that LINE2 must stay ahead
of LINE2.
LINE2 must stay ahead of LINE3.

Panel 26 Leave blank

Panel 28

Specify the Total Capacity and Period Capacity for the mill. The second
lift is for a stockpile (storage moton) direct to feed/mill input, and
provides some overflow capacity for the programmer.

Page 5—12 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 5—Programming of production

Interpreting the The standard M821V1 report file will tellus which stops, rib pillars and
results of the crown pillars are being mined in each six-month period, by comparing
programming of metric tons to the metric tons in the reserve file (line1.dat ). This will
the also indicate the tonnes, grade, and quantity (lbs) of metal produced. The
M821V1 table below shows the results for Period 1.

This hard copy tells us when stops 1 and 2 have been completed, stope
3 has started during the first six-month production period and the rib
and crown pillars of stope 1 have been recovered.

The objective of this program was to maximize the metal contained. This
can result in multiple rebate lines being activatedin one period, if such a
situation produces more pounds of copper. The results are illustrated in
period 6, where LINE2 stops in favor of the highest grade material in
finished LINE3 and LINE1.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 5—13

Section 5—Production of programming

Page 5—14 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

Section 6—Block Caving

Learning When you have completed this section, you will learn how to:
A. Design a typical block sinking path.

We will create the draw raises that connect to the grizzly drift at an
inclination of 61 degrees. The transfer raises will connect to the grizzly

Step 1 Creating an Edit Grid

A. Open your MineSight® project. create a new folder named

Block Caving.

B. Import a DXF file named solid.dxf into the Block Caving folder.
The solid will be used to create a plot of the block sinking design.

C. Draw raises, transfer raises, grizzly drift and haulage drift will be
created in a 2D grid. These will be copied and moved to their correct
elevations. Change the azimuth to 325 and the dip (tilt) to 35.
Select Snap C Point Snap. Create an Edit Grid using
EditGridCSnap to 1 point. Click on the bottom of the solid and a
planar Edit Grid should be created at elevation 6350.

D. The grid needs to be edited in the following order. Select EditGrid

CEdit (Edit-Edit Grid) and the Edit Grid panel appears. Click Show
Base & Axis. Change the base point to Major = 0 and Minor = 100,
click Apply.

E. Click Snap toCCoordinates and enter x=62031, y= 38523,

z=6350, click OK. Change the Azimuth to 350, click Apply.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—1

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

F. Change Axis length and cell spacing

Longer length 70 1-cell spacing Minor length
50 1-cell spacing Click Apply.

G. Close the Geometry Object Solid and set your view to AZM = 350,
Dip = -90.

Step 2 Creating a 2D Block Caving design.

A. In the Block Caving folder create a Geometry Object named

2Ddesign and place it in Edit mode.
B. Amplify the focus in the lower-right corner of the grid. Enable the snap
function in Snap CGrid Snap and Plane Snap. Select Polyline C
Create PlanarC Closed Polyline. Right-click to finish the edits and
save selection. We have just created the start of the draw raises.

Page 6—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

C. We want to create another draw raise (emptition piques) 7m in the x

(horizontal) direction of that current one but the grid is at 350 azim.
Check the difference of X and Y by clicking in the corner of the draw
raise and moving 7 cells in the x direction (horizontal). Review the
results in the background to the right of the MineSight® 2 window (i.e.
x= -6.89, y= -1.22).

D. Open the Point Editor and select the box for editing. Select ElementC
Copy and click the draw raise. Enter the difference X and Y above, X= -
6. 89 , Y = -1.22 (relative coordinates). Click Apply. Keep the results.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—3

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

E. We will create a transfer raise with the existing draw raise. Select the
digitized draw raise (left draw raise). With the Point Editor open,
navigate to ElementCCopy and click draw raise. Enter the coordinates,
X = -3. 89 , Y = 0.69 (relative coordinates) and click Apply.

F. The transfer raise will be 1.5 m x 1.5 m so we need to scale it but the
raise needs to be a 3D object . Select PolylineCConvert 3D to 2D )
and click Transfer Raise, right click to finish. Select ElementCScale
and click transfer raise again. Enter the scale as shown below:

G. We need to copy the transfer raises 3 times more to the north of the
current one. Keep your selections and select only the transfer raise for
editing. The Point Editor should be on the screen, choose ElementC
Copy and click the transfer raise. In the Element Copy window enter
3 for the count. In the Point Editor window enter azimuth = 350,
dip=0 and distance = 7, then click Apply.

Page 6—4 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

H. Keep the selection. Create a Grizzly drift (cross sieve gallery) by

clicking Polyline C Create PlanarC Polyline and digitize the line
passing through the middle of the transfer drifts. Start at the end of the
grid set and end the line at the end of the grid set. Keep the selection.

I. Create haulage drift by creating a line between transfer raises 2 and 3.

To make it easier and more correct, start the line with a dot in the
corner at the bottom right of the grid set when you select Polyline C
Create PlanarC Polyline. In the Point Editor window, enter
Azm=350, Dip=0 and distance =

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—5

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

12.5. Then click preview and Apply if it looks correct. This is a reference
line and will be removed after we create the haulage drift.

J. The haulage drift is perpendicular to this 50 ft (feet) line. In the Point

Editor enter azm=260 (350-90), azm=0 and distance = 50. Click
Apply and right-click to finish editing. Use Delete to delete the
created reference line.

K. Since all strings created are in the undercutting level elevation, they
need to be moved to their appropriate elevation using the Point Editor
and ElementCMove options. Select the 4 transfer raises (4 transfer
gallery) and open the Point Editor. Select to ElementCMove, click
Entire Selection, and enter –6.1 in the Z relative area. Click Save

L. Select the grizzly drift and move it down 6.2 units and keep the edits.
Select and move the haulage drift 23.8 units down. Keep the selection
when you're done.

Step 3 Creating solids from underground design

A. The draw raises will be extruded downwards until they reach the
grizzly drift. Create a Geometry Object named draw raise in the block
caving folder and put it in Edit mode. Select two draw raises and
select Surface C Create SolidCUsing Extrude Tool. Select the draw
raise on the left and use the distance + offset option. Enter 6.3 for
distance, azimuth=80 and dip=-61. Connect the Along and Against
lines. Click Preview then click Apply.

Page 6—6 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

B. Select Surface C Create Solid CUsing Extrude Tool and select the
draw raise on the right. Enter the same information as above except
that you do azimuth = 260. Keep the selection and add faces to the
draw raise object.

C. A template will be used to create a solid for grizzly drift. Create a

Geometry Object named grizzly drift and place it in Edit mode. Select
ToolsC Template Editor. Adjust the template so that it is in the center
between the two draw raises. Select a template and try entering the
information as shown below, then append the template to the grizzly
drift when navigating to Surface C Create Solid CAttach a template
along Polyline. Click Entire Selection. Click Preview if it looks good,
click Apply.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—7

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

D. Close the draw raise and grizzly drift. Create another Geometry Object
named Transfer raise and place it in Edit mode. Select the 4 transfer
raises with the Make New Selection option. Choose Surface C Create
SolidC Using Extrude Tool and click the first raise select or. Using the
distance + offset option, enter distance = 19.5 , azimuth = 350 and dip
= –61. Click Connect Polylines "Along" and "Against". Click
Preview then click Apply if it looks good.

Page 6—8 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

E. Select Surface C Create SolidCUsing Extrude Tool and click the

selected fourth raise. Enter an azimut of 170 and leave the rest of the
window the same. Click Apply. Using Surface C Create SolidCUsing
Extrude Tool again, select the second raise, change the distance to 7.2,
and leave the azimuth at 170. For the change of the third raise (pique)
change the azimuth to 350 and leave the distance at 7.2. Keep the

F. Create a Geometry Object named Haulage drift in the block caving

folder and place it in Edit mode. Select the carry line for editing and
navigate to ToolsCTemplate Editor. Select a template, select center for
the base point, and make width and height = 4.5 ay angle = 0. Select
Surface C Create SolidCAttach a Template along Polyline. Click Entire
Selection and perform a preview, if it looks good then click Apply. Add
faces and preserve the selection.

G. Close the 2D layout of the Geometry Object and open the Draw Raise,
Grizzly Drift, Transfer Raise , and Haulage Drift objects . These should
look the same as the following:

To obtain an exact volume, we can use the tool to intersect and obtain the
final result of each of the raises (piques) and drifts (crossed). The initial solids
can be used to create the rest of the crash sinking design. The underground
design does not change much in this case so we can use the copy option to
copy the piques and crosses from the ore block being mined.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—9

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

Grizzly drifts will be separated every 10 feet for a total of 5. The emptied
finger will be 4.5 ft apart for a total of 15 at each grizzly raise. These have an
inclination of 61 degrees so it will be a gravity-based system. The transfer
raises will also have an inclination of 61 degrees. There will be 3 haulage
drifts in the level.

Step 4 Final design

A. Place the Grizzly Drift Geometry Object in Edit mode. Select the
grizzly drift and open the Point Editor. Select ElementCCopy and enter
4 in count, azimuth = 260, dip = 0 and distance = 10. Keep the

B. Locate the Geometry Object Draw Raise in Edit mode. Select the two
flush piques and select ElementCCopy. Enter Count = 15 and click
Entire Selection. In the Point Editor enter azimuth = 350, dip = 0 and
distance = 4.5. Right-click to exit the command to copy.

C. Select ElementCCopy and click one of the draw raises. Click Count = 4
and Entire Selection. In the Point Editor window, enter azimuth =
260, dip = 0 and distance = 10. Click Apply. Keep the selection.

Page 6—10 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

D. Locate the Geometry Object Transfer Raises in Edit mode. Select all
transfer raises (and select ElementCCopy). Click on one of the transfer
raises. Enter count=4 and click Entire Selection. In the Point Editor enter
azimuth = 260 , dip = 0 and distance = 10, click Apply . Keep the

E. Select the transfer raises created in Step D and choose ElementCCopy,

click on one of the transfer raises. Enter Count=2 and click Entire
Selection. In the Point Editor enter azimuth = 350, dip = 0 and
distance = 23. Keep the selection.

F. Locate the Geometry Object Haulage drift in Edit mode. Select the
haulage drift and select ElementCcopy, enter count = 2 and click Entire
Selection. In the Point Editor, enter azimuth = 350, dip = 0, and
distance = 23. Right-click and keep the selection.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—11

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

Step 5 Creating a drilling pattern for the underground.

The undercut level will be cut and imported into a VBM file. The M650ED
will be used to create a fan-type drilling pattern for undercut blasting.

A. In the Grids folder, create a non-orthogonal grid set named non xcut.
Enter the information as shown below:

B. In the Materials folder, create a material named 10 and change the VBM
and Model code to 10 in Material Properties (be sure to press the Tab
key when you are changing information for the propertiesof an object). In
the properties of Geometry Object draw raise, change the geometry
material type to 10.

C. Highlight the block caving folder, right-click and navigate to slice view
(cut view). Select the non xcut grid set and click OK. A Geometry
Object named 10 will be created and imported into the VBM
Mine25.non file. Close the grid set non xcut and the Geometry Object
draw raise. Highlight the created object 10, right-click and select
ExportC MEDSYSTEM® VBM file®. Select the PCF Mine10.dat file
and the Mine25.non VBM file. For plane tab, select all plans, and on
the feature tab, select aspect 10. On the Export tab , click Append, and
then click Apply. Close the Expor t window and exit MineSight® 2.

Page 6—12 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

D. Open the Manager folder and navigate to Group C VBM,

OperationCEdit. Use the VBM file Mine25.non and enter by default,
min, max and increment. Use aspect code flag 4.

E. In M650ED, select feature range and enter 10 100 200 - 300, then
select plane range and enter
38. 100 is an aspect created forthe edge of a fan-type perforation .

F. Amplify focus on the undercut and fan-type drill edge. Select Menu 3
and click Ray generator. Select the boundary and source of the drill.
For Feature code for 1st code enter 200, then F for fan drilling. Enter
270 90 1 C for starting angle, ending angle, hole distance of 1 and
C for clockwise.

G. Keep the VBM data and exit the Manager. Open MineSight® 2 and
in the block caving folder create a subfolder named drilling. Highlight
the drilling folder and import the Medsystem VBM File®. Open the
Geometry Object draw raise.

H. In MineSight® 2 a drilling can also be carried out using the Drillhole

Design Tool or the Vertical Opening Tool.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page 6—13

Section 6—Block Caving (Sinking of block)

Page 6—14 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Appendix—Plot of the development of the Recess

Appendix—Tracing Recess Development

Learning In this chapter we will plot the cross-sections of the drawpoint (point of
objective extraction), drill drives and slot raise (slot realses) for the 6550-2 recess
block. This development prepares the recess for fan-type drilling, blasting
and extraction.

Similar development advances are required for each downgrade. These can
be presented using the same instructions proposed to thebackground, or if
the recess shapes and dimensions are similar, the advances presented here
can simply be copied to other recesses.

Insignificant dimensions needed for the plot are: Drawpoint X/cuts:

(Cross sections ofthe extraction point)

10 ft. openings ( feet) by 10 ft. with necklaces in
60 degree angle to the F/W (Front Wall) of the
haulageway, 3 per recess with the first adjacent to the rib
pillar, nominal midline spacing of 60 ft to midline.

Stope drilling drive : (Recess drill drive) 8 ft opening.

high by 7 ft. width along the contact to the F/W
(Front Wall) at the haulage level elevation.

Crown pillar drilling drive:

8 ft aperture. high by 7 ft. F /W stone width
(Front Wall) at elevation 75 ft above haulage

Rib pillar drilling chamber:

8 ft aperture. high by 7 ft. width by 25 ft. long
with collar in the cross-section of the drawpoint
(extraction point) in F/W stone (Front wall).

Slot raise: (Realse de groove) Opening of 5 ft. diameter of raise-bored

(perforation of realse) along the touch of F/W (Front wall)
adjacent to the rib-type pillar.

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page a—1

Appendix—Plot of development of Recess

Task 1 Step 1 Open the geometry objects clfwhaul, 6550- 2s and 6550-2r.
Plot drawpoint cross-
section center lines Open Geometry Object 66 in the pln-ore folder and set the current
for recess block Volume Clipping/plane to level 6550 with the Grid Set 66.vbm_gridset.
Step 2 Create a new folder named stopedevt and a new Geometry Object named
cldpxcuts. Set the new Geometry Object to Edit mode.

Set the vista to Azm=80, Dip=-12.

Step 3 Measure the clfwhaul azimuth in the recess area and register (e.g., 340),
close 6550-2sdes and densify the points (5 ft. ) in clfwhaul and 66 ( pln-ore

Step 4 Calculate the azimuth for the first dpxcut adjacent to the rib pillar (340 +
60 =40) and add 180 degrees for the purpose of plotting (e.g., 220).

Step 5 Find the point on the F/W side (Front Wall) of the pln-ore contour that is
+/- 5 ft. from lto the edge of the rib pillar at level 6550.

Click Polyline C CreateCPolyline, and make quick drive to this point (see

Page a—2 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Appendix—Plot of the development of the Recess

Step 6 Using the Point Editor, add dots every 15 ft (feet) to an absolute azimuth of
220 and a dip of 0 until you are close to the carry centerline.

Then us and point snap to the nearest point on the center line and
right-click. Click Polyline C Append and click the starting point in Step 5.
Then click on the point on the H/W side (Back Wall) of the pln-ore contour
that is +/- 5 ft from the edge of the rib pillar. Right-click. (See continued.)

Manual of Underground applications February 2000 Page a—3

Appendix—Plot of development of Recess

Step 7 Since the strike is consistent on the southern haulageway, just copy this
dpxcut every 60 ft. along the haul instead of drawing each one separately.

Do the following:

A. Click Element ➞ Copy along Polyline. In the Copy Along Polyline

window, choose Interval Distance as the Method and enter 60 as the
Count /Distance .

B. Amplify the focus at the intersection of the drawpoint and crosscut and
click the intersection point to select the string to copy and click the
same point again to identify the haulageway as the rope to copy and
also as the point from which to measure 60 ft . Click Preview in the
Copy along Polyline window and if you like the results click Apply.
(Note: You will get a duplicate copy of the original in this case so that
you delete and one of them). Edit the points as needed. (The result is
displayed right away.)

Page a—4 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Appendix—Plot of the development of the Recess

Task 2 Step 1 Create a new Geometry Object, clsddrive, and set to Edit mode.
Plot the center line
of the recess drill Step 2 Click Polyline ➞ Create ➞ Polyline then with the Plane snap active
drive at level 6550 and the fixed-scale cursor within a radius of 5 ft, digitize the center line of
the drill drive 5 ft. into the ore body from the F/W (Front Wall). (See below.)

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page a—5

Appendix—Plot of development of Recess

Task 3 Step 1 Create a new geometry object clcddrive and set it to Edit mode.
Draw crown pillar
drill drive center line Set the current Volume Clipping /drawing to level 6625
at level 6625 with the following fixings of +12.5 and -82.5.

Step 2 Click Polyline C Create C Polyline and with the Plane Snap activated
and the fixed-scale cursor within a radius of 13.5 ft, digitize the centerline
of the 13.5 ft drill drive into the F/W (Front Wall) from the F/W (Front
Wall) contact.

(See below.)

Page a—6 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Appendix—Plot of the development of the Recess

Task 4 Draw Step 1 Create a CLSLOT Geometry Object and set it to Edit mode.
the slots
Raises (slot realses) Step 2 Bring the xsec-ore contours and fix the current Volume Clipping/plane to
and connections to the section adjacent to the rib pillar (plane 67) and measure the length
the crown pillar and dip of the F/W (Front Wall) of the recess (e.g., 79 ft and 71.7 degrees).
drill drive
Step 3 Close xsec-ore and return to the level 6550 drawing view with the Geometry
Objects stopedevt open and the pln-ore folder.

Set the Volume Clipping to include level 6225. Select pln-ore contour 6225
and densify the points with 5 ft spacing.

Step 4 Select Polyline C Create C Polyline and with Point snap enabled, click
the point where the dpxcut adjacent to the 6550-2r pillar intersects the
contact of the F/W (Front Wall).

Now when clicking, drag the mouse and find the point on the contour of ore
6225 closest to the distance 79 ft and dip (tilt) 71.7. This second point will
define the raise (realse). Densify with dots every 10 ft. Click the Save
Selection Edits icon to preserve your changes.

Step 5 Check the path in the section by bringing in the xsec-ore outlines and
looking at the 67 plan.

Step 6 Since the dip is consistent in the southern half of the ore body, copy this
slot raise (realse de groove) to the other two recesses (6550-1 and 6550-
3). Use Element ➞ Copy along Polyline with the Count option.

An example of the results is shown below :

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page a—7

Appendix—Plot of development of Recess

Step 7 Set the current Volume Clipping/drawing to level 6625.

Active plane snap and point snap and create three additional strings in
the Geometry Object clslot that connect the tops of the three slot raises to
the crown pillar drill drive . Densify these strings with a dot spacing of 8.

Step 1 Drawpoint X/cuts - 10 ft wide by 10 ft high arch (concave).

Task 5 A. Create a 3ddpxcuts Geometry Object in the folder

Append 3-D stopedevt, and set to Edit mode .
templates to
stopedevt center B. Select Geometry Object cldpxcuts for editing, and click Tools C
Template editor. In the Template Editor window, click the shape of the
drift you want. Click Bottom for Base point , and enter the dimensions
of Width=10, Height
=10, y angle= 0.

C. Select Surface C Create Solid C Attach template along Polyline.

Click the Save Selection Edits icon. The Geometry Object 3ddpxcuts
contains the result of solid modeling.

Step 2 Recess drill drive- 7 ft wide by 8 ft high arched (concave)

Follow the same three steps above, using the new Geometry Object
3DSDdrive to store the solid.

Step 3 Crown pillar drilling drive - 7 ft wide by 8 ft

Repeat the same steps with the Geometry Object 3dcddrive.

Step 4 Slot Raises (5 ft diameter) and connecting the cross sections (7 ft wide by 8
ft high).

Create the Geometry Object 3dslot and make the raise portion first and
then the cross-section portion. You may notice that the realses must be
extended so that they protrude above the cross-sections that are being
connected to take into account the extra space at the top for the raise-boring
machine. Do this by extending the center lines up to 15 ft and then appending
the templates. Use the Point Editor with absolute azimuth, dip, and distance.
(Typical values are 257, 71.8 and 15.)

Page a—8 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

Appendix—Plot of the development of the Recess

The 6550 level recess development jobs designed above are shown in
the illustration below:

Some recess development openings additionally that have to be entered

include access orbetween the ramp and the crown pillar drill drive and rib
pillar drill rooms. If time permits, we'll add these, but for now we'll move
on to the next chapter for some development programming exercises.

Manual of Applications Underground February 2000 Page a—9

Appendix—Plot of development of Recess

Page a—10 Manual of Applications Underground February 2000

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