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1: Program to split the word and add # to each

2: Program to display the lines start with A
3: Program to print no of consonants, vowels,
uppercase, lowercase and numbers
4: Program to count frequently occurring words
5.Program to Create a Binary file with name and
roll number and Search for the record by the roll
no given by the user
6.Create a binary file with roll no, name and marks
and read the roll number and update mark
7) Program to remove lines start with a
8) program to create a csv file and seach for a
auther when book no is given
9: Program to create a CSV file and store the
details of item and modify the price.
10: Program to roll a dice until the user wants,
using random module.
11) Program to implement stack using list
12: Program to find the given number using linear
search technique
13: Program to find the given number using binary
search technique.
14: Program to check whether the given number is
palindrome or not.
15) program to print fabaconni series
Program 16:

Create a table Employee with following specifications. And answer the question given below:

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Empno Integer Primary key

Ename Character

Hire_dt Date Not Null

Sal Decimal

Job Character Not Null

Manager Character

1.Create the table Employee and display the structure of the table

The structure of the table

3. Insert the following data into the table.

empno ename Hire_dt sal job manager

8975 KANMANI 1989-10-01 2000 MKT MITHUN

8976 ANU 1990-02-02 200 SALES ALAN

8977 ANA 1990-12-02 300 SALES KENI

8978 ANU 1990-02-02 300 SALES ALAN

3.Display the records in the table employee.

4. Alter the structure of the table -add a new columns department and hobby of the employee.
5. Add a new column as hr.

6. Change the column width of ename as 15.

7. Remove the column hr from employee table.
8. Add values to department and hobby

empno ename dept Hobby

8975 KANMANI Admin Cricket

8976 ANU Production Chess

8977 ANA Production Cricket

8978 ANU Production Chess

9.Change the name of the employee as ANUJ who’s empno is 8978.

10. Increase the salary for all employees by 75 %.

11.Display the table in the ascending order of ename

12.Display the table in descending order of salary.

13. Display number of employee in each department.(using count *)

14. Display number of employee in each department.(using dept)

15. Display number of employee in each department.(using ename)

16. Display the hobby which is same for more than 2 person.
17.Display the day,month and year of hire date seperately

18.Dispaly the employee name and their number of year service to the company.
19. Display the name of the employee whose name doesn’t start with ‘A’.

20. Display the name of the employee whose name end with ‘i’ or ‘a’

21. Display the salary is between 300 and 600.

22. Display minimum,maximum salary from employee

23.Display sum and average salary from the table employee

24. Display the department names in the employee table.

25.Display the sum of the salary spent for each department.

Program 17.

Create the table stu with following specifications.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Rno Integer Primary Key

Name Character Not Null

Eng Integer

Maths Integer

CS Integer
Total Integer

Hobby Character

Native Character
Program 18:

Update the total by adding all subject marks and increase the cs mark for the student rno number
Program 19:

Program to read student name and search whether the student name is in the table or not.
Program 20:

Program to read student name and delete the record from the table.

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