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Day 1: Introduction to Excel

 Excel Interface and Navigation:

 Introduction to the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
 Navigating through worksheets and workbooks
 Entering and Editing Data:
 Basic data entry techniques
 Editing and deleting data
 Formatting Cells:
 Changing font styles, colors, and sizes
 Applying cell borders and fill colors

Day 2: Formulas and Functions

 Basic Formulas:
 Using arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /)
 Creating simple formulas for calculations
 Common Functions:
 Applying functions to ranges of data
 Relative and Absolute Cell References:
 Understanding how cell references work in formulas
 Using absolute references to lock cell references

Day 3: Data Manipulation and Analysis

 Sorting and Filtering Data:

 Sorting data in ascending or descending order
 Applying filters to display specific data subsets
 Conditional Formatting:
 Highlighting cells based on specific conditions
 Using data bars, color scales, and icon sets
 Introduction to PivotTables:
 Creating PivotTables to summarize and analyze data

Day 4: Charts and Graphs

 Creating Basic Charts:

 Bar charts, column charts, line charts
 Selecting data ranges and customizing chart elements
 Formatting Charts:
 Changing chart titles, axes, and labels
 Applying different chart styles and layouts
 Advanced Chart Elements:
 Adding trendlines and data labels
 Creating combination charts
Day 5: Advanced Features and Efficiency Tips

 Working with Multiple Worksheets:

 Inserting, deleting, and renaming worksheets
 Linking and referencing data between worksheets
 Data Validation:
 Setting rules and restrictions for data entry
 Creating drop-down lists and custom error messages
 Efficiency Tips and Tricks:
 Useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating and formatting
 Time-saving features like AutoFill and Flash Fill

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