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Syllabus of Review Test – 2 (11 JEE/NEET) & UT-6 (12 JEE/ NEET) 29/09/2023

Subject 11 NEET 11 JEE 12 NEET 12 JEE

Physics Projectile complete + NLM only Projectile complete + NLM only EM Wave + AC + Fluid EM Wave + AC + Fluid
mechanics (XI) mechanics (XI)
Chemistry Classification of elements & periodicity Classification of elements & Ionic equilibrium(XI) + Ionic equilibrium(XI) +
in properties + chemical bonding periodicity in properties + chemical Alcohol + Halogen Alcohol + Halogen
complete bonding complete derivatives derivatives
Maths - Sets, relations & functions + - Sequence & Series + Limits
trigonometry functions + (XI) + Continuity &
mathematics induction + complex Differentiation
Biology Morphology of flowering plants + - Biotechnology – -
anatomy of flowering plants + animal principles and processes
kingdom + microbes in human
welfare + respiration in

Syllabus of Review Test – 2 (11 JEE/NEET) & UT-6 (12 JEE/ NEET) 29/09/2023

Subject 11 NEET 11 JEE 12 NEET 12 JEE

Physics Projectile complete + NLM only Projectile complete + NLM only EM Wave + AC + Fluid EM Wave + AC + Fluid
mechanics (XI) mechanics (XI)
Chemistry Classification of elements & periodicity Classification of elements & Ionic equilibrium(XI) + Ionic equilibrium(XI) +
in properties + chemical bonding periodicity in properties + chemical Alcohol + Halogen Alcohol + Halogen
complete bonding complete derivatives derivatives
Maths - Sets, relations & functions + - Sequence & Series + Limits
trigonometry functions + (XI) + Continuity &
mathematics induction + complex Differentiation
Biology Morphology of flowering plants + - Biotechnology – -
anatomy of flowering plants + animal principles and processes
kingdom + microbes in human
welfare + respiration in

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