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Chapter 1 Ethics and Business (Philosophy and Ethics of Business)


Business ethics is a contradiction in terms because there is an inherent

conflict between ethics and the self-interested pursuit of profit
Ethical behavior is the best long-term business strategy for a company.
- Over the long run and for the most part, ethical behavior can give a
company significant
competitive advantage over companies that are not ethical.
The ethical course of action is not always clear

3 preliminary topics:

1) The nature of business ethics and some of the issues it raises

2) Moral reasoning and moral decision-making
3) Moral responsibility


2 meanings of ethics:

1. The principles of conduct governing an individual or a group

a. Personal ethics= rules by which an individual lives his or her personal
b. Accounting ethics= the code that guides the professional conduct of
2. The study of morality
a. Ethics is a kind of investigation and morality is the subject matter that

Morality= the standards that an individual or a group has about what is
right and wrong or good and
Moral standards= the norms about the kinds of actions believed to be
morally right and wrong as well
as the values placed on what we believe to be morally good and morally
- Moral norms are usually expressed as general rules about our actions
O Example: Always tell the truth
- Moral values can usually be expressed with statements about objects or
features of objects
that have worth
o Example: Honesty is good
Moral standards come from:
- Learning as a child from family, friends, and other societal influences
- As we mature trough experience, learning, and intellectual
Nonmoral standards and norms= the standards by which we judge what
is good or band and right or
wrong in a nonmoral way
- Aka conventional standards and norms
- Standards or norms we hold about things that are not moral

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