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Professional Skills IT2090

2022 November

Question 01

a) Gap analysis is an important technique in professional development planning since it compares a

i) person's existing skills, knowledge, and abilities to their intended state. It aids in self-awareness,
goal planning, focused learning and development, resource allocation, performance enhancement,
and career promotion. Individuals may create precise goals, focus on appropriate training
programs, manage resources wisely, and improve their performance and effectiveness in their
existing jobs by identifying gaps. Individuals may proactively improve themselves and boost their
prospects of job advancement by recognizing the skills and information required for the chosen
career path. Individuals can design a well-structured and successful professional development plan
by employing gap analysis as a guiding tool.

ii) Software Engineer

iii) To become a professional software engineer, follow three strategies:

• A structured learning plan.
• Hands-on experience.
• Networking, and mentorship.
Develop a learning plan that outlines the specific skills needed to acquire and the resources needed
to learn them. Identify core skills, select learning resources, set achievable milestones, practice and
apply knowledge, and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies. Gain hands-on
experience through personal projects, open-source contributions, internships, and coding
competitions. Network with professionals in the field through tech meetups, online communities,
and mentors.

Collaborate with peers to foster knowledge exchange, accountability, and motivation. Continuously
update yourself with the latest trends and technologies in software engineering.

b) Positive attitudes encourage optimism, overcoming challenges, and embracing setbacks as growth
opportunities not all that Positive attitudes demonstrate resilience, bounce back from setbacks,
and maintain a hopeful mindset.
• Enthusiasm and creativity drive individuals to tackle challenging projects.
• Positive outlook, understanding conflicts in personal relationships.
Negative attitudes involve a pessimistic outlook, focusing on potential problems or failures,
predicting negative outcomes, and engaging in excessive criticism, often without constructive
• People immediately identify obstacles and doubt project success.
• Personal relationships may lead to strained interactions due to expectations and doubts.
c) • Open Area of Arena
• Blind Spot
• Hidden Area of Façade
• Unknown
The Johari Window promotes self-awareness and interpersonal dynamics, fostering exploration
and personal growth through self-knowledge exploration, enhancing communication and

Question 02

a) • Forming:
During the forming stage, team members form a bond, displaying polite and formal behavior. They
may feel excited about the project and rely on the LIC for guidance and direction.
• Storming
In the storming stage, team members may face conflicts and disagreements due to diverse
perspectives and working styles. Conflict resolution and negotiation are crucial for progress, and
cliques or subgroups may emerge.
• Norming
During the norming stage, team members establish common goals, values, expectations, and
develop mutual respect, fostering cooperation, improved communication, and cohesion through
shared accountability.
• Performing
In the performing stage, a team is functional, productive, and focused on problem-solving,
decision-making, and quality work. High trust among members facilitates efficient collaboration.
• Adjouring
Tuckman's model includes the adjourning stage, where team members reflect on accomplishments
and say goodbyes, acknowledging contributions and expressing gratitude for their efforts.

b) • Create a supportive and inclusive environment.

• Actively listening to team members

c) • Clear and shared goals

• Effective communication
• Trust and mutual respect
• Collaboration and cooperation
• Accountability and responsibility
• Adaptability and resilience
• Continuous learning and improvement

d) • Communication
• Time Management
• Decision Making Ability
• Flexibility
• Self Confident
I can successfully lead the team, establish a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, and tackle
project-related problems. It helps me to foster trust, inspire team members, and contribute to the
overall success of the team.

e) • Engage in problem-solving activities

• Participate in group discussions and presentations
• Embrace new experiences and challenges
• Practice active listening

Question 03

a) Positive impacts of e-learning:

i) • Increased accessibility to education
• Flexibility in scheduling and location
• Self-paced learning
• Variety of multimedia learning materials

Negative impacts of e-learning:

• Reduced social interaction
• Limited personalized attention from instructors
• Technical challenges and connectivity issues
• Potential for distractions
• Lack of hands-on practical experience
ii) Remote Work
• Video Conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet enable remote
work, virtual meetings, and collaboration. Dropbox, Google Drive, and Trello help manage
projects and track progress.
Online Communication
• Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enable people to connect,
share updates, and engage in virtual interactions.
Online Shopping
• Online marketplaces, contactless payments, and delivery services like Daraz and Uber Eats
facilitated secure online shopping during lockdowns.
b) Rescue Time
Rescue Time is a Time-tracking software that automatically monitors digital activities and
applications, providing detailed reports and insights for better time management and optimization.
c) Urgent Not Urgent
Important Urgent, important tasks Important tasks are not time-
require immediate attention. sensitive.
Prioritization: Prioritization:
Prioritize tasks to avoid crises Focus on quadrant 2 tasks for
and allocate dedicated time long-term success, allocate
and resources. time effectively, and avoid
urgent matters.

Not Urgent tasks in this quadrant Tasks in this quadrant are

Important do not significantly impact time-wasting and not urgent.
academic goals. Prioritization:
Prioritization: Prioritize tasks like social
Minimize quadrant 3 tasks to media, leisure, and
reduce distractions and time- distractions to maintain focus
wasters by delegating or and productivity.
allocating limited time

d) This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action promptly and prioritizing tasks effectively
to avoid procrastination. By confronting challenging tasks early, you maintain momentum, manage
time efficiently, and overcome procrastination. This approach promotes a proactive mindset and
increases productivity by addressing tasks head-on, rather than accumulating stress.

Question 04

a) Yes.
Owning a retail shop involves key aspects of entrepreneurship, including business ownership,
opportunity identification, innovation, risk-taking, and leadership. Despite not encompassing the
entire concept, a retail shop owner can be considered an entrepreneur within a specific business
c) • Patents
• Trademarks
• GI
• Industrial Design
• Copyright
• Trade Secretes
Related IP’s
• Patent
• Copyright
• Trade Secret
Suki should assess legal and ethical aspects before implementing a new sorting method. If
developed by a young developer, intellectual property or contractual issues may arise. Consult legal
counsel to ensure compliance with laws and employment agreements. The decision to adopt the
new method should be made after careful evaluation of technical, legal, and ethical considerations,
while respecting the rights and interests of all parties involved.

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