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Spanish 3-4 Grade Description Srta.

Necoechea / Portable 3
Welcome returning and new BHS parents and students to the 2011 2012 school year! Having survived the first year of Spanish, you know what to expect. Spanish, Spanish and more Spanish! Dont worry; Ill still be using many different teaching strategies to cater to a variety of learning styles. Were going to have fun! Your success in Spanish Two this year depends on your punctuality, participation and attitude. Everyone can do well in this class! Heres how it works

You will need

Each student will receive a Spanish One Workbook. You will need a composition notebook for classwork. You MUST bring it to class EVERY DAY. You will NOT have to take a textbook home, as we will use our texts in the classroom. Please come prepared daily with lined paper and a pen or pencil. You will also get an envelope for PESOS de PARTCIPACIN. These will live in our classroom, please take good care of them!

Your grade
You will receive a PARTICIPATION GRADE worth 25% of your overall grade in the class. This will include your YA! (daily warm-ups), your PESOS de participacin (participation pesos), and your SALIDAS (exit slips). You will receive a HOMEWORK GRADE worth 25% of your overall grade. Each nightly homework assignment is worth 5 points if it is turned in on time. You will receive 4 points for an assignment that is one day late and 3 points thereafter. You will receive an ASSESSMENT GRADE worth 25% of your overall grade. This grade will include tests, quizzes, 5 paragraph essays, oral presentations, projects and a final exam grade. These assessments will reflect the material we have been working on in class. I will be available for extra help and support in Portable 3 from 3:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thursday. I will also offer make-ups as necessary (for excused absences) and test corrections for points. You will receive a PORTFOLIO GRADE worth 25% of your overall grade. This grade is based on your maintenance of your composition book as a portfolio. We will glue all of our work by date into the composition book, and your warm-ups will be done in this workbook as well. It is important that you maintain the notebook because it is a record of your performance.

Grade updates
This year I will be entering many (but not all) of my grades weekly and posting them online on Power School so that you can follow your progress in the class (your parents can too!).

To contact me
Parents please feel free to email me at anytime at, or at 510-712-0138. You can always send a message or note for me to call you through your student. Also, I hope to see you on Back to School Night on Thursday September 22!

Your daily points*

1. 5 points daily for being on time (youll lose 1 point every 2 minutes, so you get 0 points for punctuality if youre more than 10 minutes late!). 2. 5 points daily for the warm up or para empezar (I will walk around the room to make sure that you are completing the warm-up and checking your answers). 3. 5 points daily for participation, having materials (composition book, workbook, paper and a pencil) and a good attitude. * 4. 5 points for your peso de participacin.

Total possible daily points: 20 points (at least)

I will give you MANY opportunities to earn points. If you are absent you can make up the class work and if the absence is EXCUSED I will GIVE you the points for being on time, the warm-up and participation. I will deduct points from your daily participation grade for the following reasons: 1. Failure to participate actively in class activities. 2. SWEARING (one point each time). 3. Having disruptive side conversations. 4. Having a poor attitude. 5. Lack of preparation (ie. If you dont get out materials when I ask you to, etc.) 6. Chewing gum, listening to headphones or texting in class If you are disrespectful to me or to another student in the class, you will be sent to OCI for the period. I will follow-up with a phone call home. You will be able to follow your own class participation on Powerschool.

Spanish 3-4 Contract

Please sign and DETACH this sheet to show me that you have read and understand this description of your grade in Spanish One. Also, have your parent or guardian read the description and sign and this sheet as well. Your parent or guardian can KEEP the Grade Description with my contact information. This contract will remain in your para empezar folder as a reminder of how I calculate your grade. I __________________ have read the above description and I understand what Seorita Necoechea expects from me this semester. I also understand where my grade comes from in this class. _________________________________________________________ Student Name _________________________________________________________ Student Signature _________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ______________ Date Parent Contact Information: Name of primary parent(s) or guardian(s): ___________________________________ Daytime phone number(s): _______________________________________________ Evening phone number(s): ________________________________________________ Email address(es): _____________________________________________________

Due Date: Tuesday September 6, 2011

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