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1. Choose 2 tv shows, movies, or series. One that you really love, and one that you dislike.

2. Write 2 paragraphs describing what they are about and reasons of why you consider
they are good or bad programs.
3. You can check the example highlighted in the book:

Treehouse Masters

Este es un programa de telerrealidad donde Pete Nelson es la estrella y la mente maestra de cada
diseño. El programa consiste en la construcción de casas sobre arboles adecuados y con la
seguridad apropiada. Él trabaja con una cuadrilla de hombres, entre ellos estan sus hijos Charlie
Nelson y Henry Nelson ambos ayudantes de carpintería. Pete es un diseñador y carpientero Estado
unidense que ofrece su servicio, el trabajo de Pete básicamente consiste en construir casas de
árboles para sus clientes cada casa está diseñada de acuerdo al gusto y exigencia del cliente,
durante la grabación él detalla cómo se va edificando la casa y que materiales usa que tipo de
vigas y refuerzos lleva la estructura, también presenta planos de la construcción y los anima para
que el televidente entienda y algo muy interesante es que se adecua a la forma que presenta cada
árbol sin necesidad de destruir alguna parte de este. Este programa fue emitido por animal planet
entre 2013 a 2018.

Treehouse Masters

This is a reality TV program where Pete Nelson is the star and mastermind of each design.
The show consists of building houses on trees and with proper security. He works with a
crew of men, including his sons Charlie Nelson and Henry Nelson, both carpentry
assistants. Pete is a designer and carpenter from the United States who offers his
services. Pete's work basically consists of building tree houses for his clients, each house
is designed according to the taste and requirements of the client, during the recording he
details how the house is being built and what materials he uses, what type of beams and
reinforcements each house has, he also presents construction plans and encourages the
viewer to understand and something very interesting is that he adapts to the shape of each
tree without the need to destroy any part of it. This program was broadcasted by animal
planet from 2013 to 2018. For me it is an excellent program because it teaches to create
living spaces in harmony with nature, it is a combination of science, engineering and art to
make real what each client wants, it is to give life to the inner child who has always
dreamed of a tree house.

Al día con las Kardashians es un programa de telerrealidad compuesto por una familia
estadounidense muy famosa las protagonistas principales son cinco hermanas, tres hermanas
legitimas kourtney kardashian, kim kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, sus dos medio hermanas Kendall
Jenner, Kylie Jenner y su madre Kris Jenner. Esta programa de telerrealidad trata del dia a dia de
estas cinco mujeres y de las personas que las rodean ( novios, esposos, amigos e hijos) se centra
en darle prioridad a la familia mientras batallan con su fama y negocios, exponiendo su privacidad
ante los televidentes para poder entretenerlos y tener mayor aundencia, para el año 2008 fue
lanzada la primera temporada y tuvo buen aceptacion del publico pero en los ultimos años ha
perdido cierta audencia porque dejaron los valores de la familia a un lado y se dedicaron a crear
historias falsas para mantenerse al aire.
En lo personal es el peor programa de la televison es un programa cargado de antivalores feos
comportamientos de la familia, han expuesto su vida por conseguir dinero y han creado imagenes
de la mujer que siento que no son las que una mujer común presenta como

Keeping up with the Kardashians is a reality show composed of a very famous American
family the main protagonists are five sisters, three legitimate sisters kourtney kardashian,
kim kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, her two half-sisters Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner and
their mother Kris Jenner. This reality show is about the day to day life of these five women
and the people around them (boyfriends, husbands, friends and children) focuses on
giving priority to the family while battling with their fame and business, exposing their
privacy to viewers in order to entertain them and have more aundencia, for the year 2008
was launched the first season and had good public acceptance but in recent years has lost
some audience because they left the family values aside and dedicated themselves to
create false stories to stay on the air. Personally, it's the worst program on television. It is a
program full of anti-values, ugly family behaviors, they have exposed their lives for money
and fame, they have created false images of themselves making ordinary women feel
vulnerable, i feel that it is a program that does not contribute anything educational to
1. Open the document below and use your best ideas to paraphrase. Remember all
the things I mentioned in class to have a good result.
2. During the paraphrasing, try to include gerunds so I can see how you use them
with prepositions.
Directions: Write a paraphrase of each of the following sentences or passages.

1. The student requested that the professor excuses her absence, but the professor
The teacher was not interested in apologizing to the student for her absence.

2. International Center is hosting English Conversation classes. They help non-native

speakers of English practice their English-speaking skills.
The International Center offers English conversation activities. Helping non-native
speakers by organizing classes to improve their English.

3. The car that was pulled over by the police officer yesterday just had an accident. That
driver is not careful.
The car that the police stopped yesterday just had an accident. That driver is not good at
driving, he is not cautious.
4. Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head
injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a
bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet
absorbs the shock and cushions the head. From "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers,"
Consumer Reports (May 1990): 348.
It is recommended to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. According to a study reveals
that wearing a helmet while riding can reduce the risk of head trauma by 85% at the time
of the fall, you have to be careful before giving a bicycle to a child, because of the annual
bicycle deaths, half were deaths in schoolchildren due to head trauma. From "Bike
Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer Reports (May 1990): 348.
. "The Antarctic is the vast source of cold on our planet, just as the sun is the source of our
heat, and it exerts tremendous control on our climate," [Jacques] Cousteau told the
camera. "The cold ocean water around Antarctica flows north to mix with warmer water
from the tropics, and its upwellings help to cool both the surface water and our
atmosphere. Yet the fragility of this regulating system is now threatened by human
activity." From "Captain Cousteau," Audubon (May 1990):17.
The main source of cold on the planet is Antarctica, just as the sun is the source of heat.
Cousteau said that, the cold water from Antarctica circulating northward combines with
warmer water from the tropics; this place is famous for providing upwellings that cool the
surface water and the atmosphere. This regulating process is now in jeopardy due to
human activity.

Stress in Education
What it`s about.

El estrés académico se define como una reacción de activación fisiológica,

emocional, cognitiva y conductual ante estímulos y eventos académicos.
Este se genera por las demandas que se imponen en el ámbito educativo, que
desde los grados preescolares hasta la educación universitaria de postgrado la
persona experimenta, cuando una persona está en período de aprendizaje
experimenta tensión, es decir ocurre tanto en el estudio individual como en el aula
escolar y, en consecuencia, tanto alumnos como docentes, pueden verse
afectados por este problema.
Academic stress is defined as a reaction of physiological, emotional, cognitive and
behavioral activation to academic stimuli and events.
This is generated by the demands that are imposed in the educational
environment, that from preschool grades to graduate university education the
person experiences, when a person is in a learning period experiences stress, that
is, it occurs both in individual study and in the classroom and, consequently, both
students and teachers can be affected by this problem.
People who suffer
Las personas que sufren.
The term school stress has been a conceptualization of difficult agreement and complex
description for clinical literature. The children and adolescents in school, are confronted by
situations of high demand and require the deployment of all their coping capacities to
adapt to both internal and external stressors according to the evolutionary stage reached.
The symptoms associated with stress accompany adjustment, anxious, behavioral and
emotional disorders. The main symptoms associated with the presence of school stress
that may be a focus of attention for health professionals are described.
People who suffer
People of different personality types may experience academic stress. It is important to
note that each person is individual and reacts to stress differently. However, there are
certain characteristics that may be more common in people who experience academic
Perfectionists: People who set high standards for themselves and constantly strive for
perfect results are prone to academic stress. The pressure to always succeed can lead to
high levels of stress.
Overcommitted people: People who immerse themselves in many activities and
commitments, such as extra classes, extracurricular activities or part-time jobs, may feel
overwhelmed and suffer from academic stress.
Procrastinators: People who tend to procrastinate and leave tasks to be completed at the
last minute may suffer academic stress as time pressure and fear of failure increase.
Anxious individuals: People who are naturally anxious or worried may be more susceptible
to academic stress. Fear of exams, poor grades or failure can lead to high levels of stress.
However, it is important that everyone identifies their own reasons for stress.

Personas de diferentes tipos de personalidad pueden sufrir estrés académico. Es

importante señalar que cada persona es individual y reacciona al estrés de manera
diferente. Sin embargo, existen ciertas características que pueden ser más comunes en
personas que sufren estrés académico.
Perfeccionistas: las personas que se fijan estándares altos y se esfuerzan
constantemente por lograr resultados perfectos son propensas al estrés académico. La
presión de tener siempre éxito puede generar altos niveles de estrés.
Individuos demasiado comprometidos: las personas que se sumergen en muchas
actividades y compromisos, como clases extra, actividades extracurriculares o trabajos a
tiempo parcial, pueden sentirse abrumadas y sufrir estrés académico.
Procrastinadores: Las personas que tienden a posponer las cosas y dejar las tareas para
completarlas en el último minuto pueden sufrir estrés académico a medida que aumentan
la presión del tiempo y el miedo al fracaso.
Individuos ansiosos: las personas que están naturalmente ansiosas o preocupadas
pueden ser más susceptibles al estrés académico. El miedo a los exámenes, las malas
notas o el fracaso pueden provocar altos niveles de estrés.
Sin embargo, es importante que todos identifiquen sus propios desencadenantes del

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