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International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo




In this course you will be learning to relate to God in a personal way and to give a
new direction to your life.

To have an encounter with Jesus is the most beautiful experience a person can
Each week we will have a specific theme and each day you can learn a little more
about God by investing a little of your time.

Each day's lesson consists of four parts:

Content: a short text with a theme and ideas related to the theme of the week.
Livethe lesson: Contains didactic activities that will help you put into practice
what you have learned in the lesson.
📆Remember the lesson: it is a short sentence that summarizes the lesson.
📖Study the Word: is a Bible reading plan for you to begin to know the Word of

The topic of the week will be introduced in a group session led by a teacher, who in
addition to presenting the topic, will help you with all the doubts and concerns that
arise in the personal study each week.

You will also have the opportunity to know through a testimony the life and
experience of people who have been transformed by Jesus.

Enjoy the UNIVERSITY OF LIFE to the fullest!

Day 1 - It's never too late to start again
You must persevere in your dreams and not allow circumstances to shape your future.
No matter how hard life has been, today you have the opportunity to start over.
Yesterday may have been your last day of failure, today may be the beginning of a new success
In the Bible we find the story of a young man who apparently had everything. A loving father, a
home to live in and the resources necessary to live a stable life. But this young man got bored
with the life he was leading, wanted to explore different things, so he made the decision to ask his
father for his part of his inheritance and went in search of new things.
The moment this son leaves his home, he started walking down an unknown path and arrived in a
province far away from his home.
The apostle John speaks of three mirages that blind many people: the lust of the flesh, the lust of
the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). They are like deserts disguised as oases, showing a
false reality, selling the pleasures of the world as something that can bring fulfillment, but in the
end, the result will be a frustrated life, without dreams or hope.
For the young man in the parable it was like this.
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death"
(Proverbs 14:12).
Today is the opportunity to examine yourself and be honest with yourself. The prodigal son, in
the midst of his deep affliction, saw how a ray of light illuminated his understanding and he
received four precious opportunities that would give him back his life and all that he had lost.

✏Livethe lesson
1.What new things would you like to learn?
2. Do you know anyone who has learned something, when people their age do not?
3. Look up a dictionary and write down the meaning of the following words:
4.If you could choose one thing to change in your life what would it be? What do you think God
can do to change your story?

📆 Remember the lesson

No matter the mistakes, there is always a new opportunity; it is never too late to start over.

📖Study the Word

Psalm 1; Psalm 2; Psalm 3; Proverbs 1; John 1
Day 2 - Opportunity for a meeting

"You are a person who has soul, body and mind; you will never find inner joy, peace,
forgiveness, nor a sense of security with God, until your soul is satisfied; and your soul cannot be
satisfied as long as you are apart from God." Billy Graham
As human beings we were created with the ability to choose.
Every day we live is the fruit of the decisions we make.
The prodigal son made bad decisions, and the consequences of these bad decisions led him to
long for change.
He had the audacity to say to his father "give me my share of the goods".
The father did not argue with his son, he simply handed over what the son asked for.
From the moment the young man left home, every step he took led him away from his father and
into the wilderness. Everything he possessed vanished faster than an illusion, which led him to a
total abandonment and lack of even the most elementary resources.

1. He went far away to a remote province.

2. There he squandered his possessions by living in a mad life.
3. He wasted it all

In the midst of his critical situation, he compared his current life with everything he had left at
home. Any worker in his father's house had an abundance of bread and he was about to starve.
This reflection traced the path that led to the meeting with his father. Despite his bad decisions he
knew that his father would receive him.
He found himself faced with a new opportunity ~start over~.
It was not easy for him, for it meant humbling himself, lowering his head and depending on his
father's mercy. But his longing for the new led him to make the decision to say "yes" to a meeting
with his father.
"Then coming to himself, he said, 'How many hired servants in my father's house have bread
enough and to spare, and I here perish with hunger!'He arose and went to his father" (Luke
✏Livethe lesson
1. Is there anything in your life that you have lost by making bad decisions that you want to get
2. Find out what it means to "humble oneself before God".
3. Set aside time today to humble yourself before God and long to be reconciled to Him.
📆Remember the lesson
We have the opportunity to return to the arms of God. Doing so is a personal decision.
📖Study the Word
Psalm 4; Psalm 5; Psalm 6; Proverbs 2; John 2; John 3.
Day 3 - Will it be too late for reconciliation?
Reconciliation means to return in friendship, it refers to the restoration of relationships. When
God created us, He made us with the need to give and receive love. What He most desires from
mankind is genuine friendship, not only with Him, but from each one with his neighbor. God's
desire is that there be full harmony.
The prodigal son had the firm determination to confess his sins, accepting responsibility for them
and seeking mercy.
"He who conceals his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain
mercy" (Proverbs 28:13).
Confession is the result of a repentant heart that knows it has strayed from the path and decides to
return to the right path. Moments like these are what define our future.
The cross is the door that reconciles man with God. Through this God also gives us the
opportunity to reconcile with the people around us.
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray he said to them:
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do
not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses" (Matthew 6:14-15).
The best medicine for the human being is forgiveness, the strongest chains are broken by
forgiveness, the safest doors are opened by forgiveness and the thickest walls are demolished by
forgiveness. The best way to achieve forgiveness is through the cross.
Remember that the cross has two crossbeams, one vertical and the other horizontal. The vertical
represents reconciliation between God and man, and the horizontal allows us to achieve
reconciliation with our brothers. The work of the cross is complete!

✏Livethe lesson
1. Make a list of people you should forgive. Prayerfully forgive those who have hurt and
offended you.
2. What do you think were the mistakes the prodigal son made that led him away from his father?
Do you identify with any of them?

📆Remember the lesson

The cross is made up of two crossbeams, one horizontal and the other vertical. The horizontal
represents forgiveness among men and the vertical, reconciliation with God.

📖Study the Word

Psalm 7; Proverbs 3; John 4.
Day 4 - Regeneration opportunity

"But his father said to his servants, 'Bring out at once the best robe and clothe him, and put a
ring on his hand and shoes on his feet'" (Luke 15:22).
The clothes a person wears say a lot about him or her. It may reflect your personality, your
occupation, your inner condition or your state of mind.
There are many people who, no matter what they wear, do not feel beautiful because they are
wearing the wrong spiritual garments.
Since the prodigal son made the decision to return to his father, he was able to receive a special
welcome. Her father ordered the employees of the house to change her clothes, the vile dresses
for ball gowns. This is what Jesus does with each person who decides to restore his or her
relationship with the heavenly Father. The young man's clothes represent sin, which has degraded
us and left us with deep physical and emotional wounds.
But the father, when he saw him, took pity on him, immediately asked to change his dirty and
worn out clothes for gala clothes.
God's love is so great that it removes the old garments, our sin-tainted nature, to clothe us with
new clothes that represent justification.
"For our sake God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the
righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Regardless of our efforts or good intentions, the stain of sin is very deep and we cannot remove it
by ourselves. Only God can do it.
"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. As a
father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him"
(Psalm 103:12,13).
The prodigal son was transformed in every area of his life, he was restored to his place as a son,
his garments were changed and he received a ring of authority on his hand.

✏Livethe lesson
What do the royal robes mean and what do the rags represent? Which ones do you think you are
wearing today?

📆Remember the lesson

God's love restores every area of my being.

📖Study the Word

Psalm 8; Psalm 9; Proverbs 4; John 5.
Day 5 - Provisioning opportunity
"'Bring the fatted calf and kill it. Let us eat and rejoice, for this my son was dead and is alive
again; he was lost and is found'. And they began to rejoice" (Luke 15:23-24).
Dr. Derek Prince commented as follows: A distinctive aspect of God, as revealed in the Bible is
His abundance. God is not poor. He is not stingy. He is not limited. He is a God of abundance.
His grace is abundant. His love is abundant. Its supply is abundant. The consequence of sin,
finally, is misery, poverty and destitution. There is no abundance in a life of sin. But God offers
us forgiveness and provision.
God offers us the opportunity to relate to Him, to recover what we have lost and to obtain the
provision we need.
In the story of the prodigal son we can see how the father sends for the fatted calf and asks for it
to be killed for a big celebration party. This tells us about provision.
When God spoke to Abraham about giving him his son, Abraham did not argue with God, but
obeyed him immediately. The next day he took his son and went on a three-day journey until he
reached Mount Moriah. As they approached the mountain, his son asked him Where is the lamb
for the sacrifice? Abraham did not know what to answer him. At that moment, the patriarch
receives the revelation of "Jehovah-jireh," that is, "God will provide" (Genesis 22).
When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, God spoke to him saying:
"Do not stretch out your hand over the boy, nor do anything to him, for I know that you fear God,
because you did not refuse me your son, your only son" (Genesis 22:11-12).
Probably at that moment God opened Abraham's eyes and led him to have the revelation of the
cross. He understood that all of God's provision was in that son that He would give up for the
redemption of the world.
The prodigal son received all the benefits of the father, among them the fatted calf that represents
the Christ who died crucified. God gave the best that anyone could have given.
Give yourself the opportunity to experience an unprecedented life with Jesus. Just make the
decision to attend that appointment with all your heart. Now is the time.

✏Livethe lesson
1.What was the offering that God gave us, with which we can be sure that He always gives the
2. Look up the following Bible verses: Haggai 2:8;2 Corinthians 9:8;Philippians 4:19
3. According to the above verses, what is God's provision like?
📆Remember the lesson
All of God's provision is in Jesus, who was offered for the redemption of the world.
📖Study the Word
Psalm 10; Proverbs 5; John 6.
Day 6 - Who is Jesus?

We have talked about the opportunity we have to turn our lives around.
The opportunity of an encounter with Jesus is the greatest thing anyone can experience.
Historian Phillip Schaff said: "This Jesus of Nazareth: without money or weapons, he conquered
more millions of people than Alexander the Great, Caesar, Mohammed and Napoleon; without
science or formal education, he managed to bring more light to human and divine things than all
philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of a university. He spoke words of
life as if they had never been spoken before, and they produced effects beyond the reach of any
orator or poet; without writing a single line. He succeeded in setting in motion the greatest
number of pens; and he succeeded in inspiring more sermons and discussions, volumes, works of
art and songs of worship, than a whole army of great men in this time and in time past."
Today this Jesus who has changed millions of people is waiting for you to open the door of your
heart to take his place in your life.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come
in to him and dine with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20).
The invitation is open to anyone who will listen to this message of hope and faith.
Don't let another day go by. At this time take time to pray to God and to long as never before to
have an encounter with Jesus Christ.
"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation" (Romans 10:10).
The most important thing is to believe. As faith is activated, you can take the second step, which
is to confess with your mouth what you already believed in your heart.
✏Livethe lesson
The gospel consists of believing three historical facts, described by the apostle Paul: "For I
delivered to you first of all that which I also received: That Christ died for our sins according to
the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the
Scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
If you believe that Christ died for your sins, that He was buried and that He rose again on the
third day, you can say this prayer and the door will open for Him to enter your life and you can
know Him:
Lord Jesus, today I recognize that I am a sinner, I recognize that I need You, I believe that You
gave Your life for my sins, that You received the punishment that was meant for me. I believe that
you were buried, that you were resurrected and that you live forever. Forgive me my sins, wash
me in your blood. Today I receive you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Father in the
name of Jesus, Amen.
📆Remember the lesson
There is nothing that can compare to knowing Jesus.
📖Study the Word
Psalm 11; Psalm 12; Proverbs 6; John 7.
Day 7 - Four opportunities
The young man of whom the parable in Luke 15 speaks clearly reflects the position of many of us
when we turn away from God or simply have not made the decision to follow Him. When you
move away from your father God's house, you not only deprive yourself of His love or great
experiences with Him on a daily basis, you also miss out on the opportunity to live a happy life.
Remember that when the prodigal son made the best decision, he was offered four precious
1. The opportunity to have a meeting with his father.
2. The opportunity to reconcile with him and those close to him.
3. The opportunity for regeneration; what he had lost was restored to him.
4. Timeliness of provision; had access to the parent's resources.
Today is a day of reflection!
Determine to take advantage of these four opportunities that God gives you, do not allow fear,
doubt or the pleasures of this world to paint a new picture full of lies. Do not accept the idea that
a happy life without God is possible.
Jesus wants to give you the best, He died on the cross to give you life, purpose and joy.
It is necessary that you decide to seek him with all your heart.
Jesus has changed the lives of millions of people, He has given us a purpose, a destiny and a joy
so great that it cannot be compared to any pleasurable experience that anyone can live.
Seek God with all your might and He will transform every circumstance.

✏Livethe lesson
1. What changes have you seen in your life this week?
2. Of the four precious opportunities, which one do you most look forward to experiencing in
your life?

📆Remember the lesson

Jesus gives me the opportunity to meet, reconcile, regenerate and have His superabundant

📖Study the Word

Psalms 13; Psalm 14; Proverbs 7; John 8.
International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo

Day 8 - The best deal of your life

"Moreover, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls. And when he had found
one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it" (Matthew 13:45,46).
The Lord Jesus tells us about a merchant of pearls, who when he found a very valuable one, sold
all he had to obtain it. He saw in the pearl such a valuable jewel that it was worth giving
everything to obtain it. The Lord is that merchant who, no matter how high the price, gave all he
had to buy us.
Jesus had to go through crucifixion, for by being lifted up on that cross, he would open the doors
of hope for all races and people of all peoples.
"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me" (John 12:32).
We must all have the revelation of the cross. Jesus was the only one who was born understanding
that he was going to die, that his purpose would be fulfilled by dying on the cross. There was no
other way redemption could have been accomplished except through the death and sacrifice of
Jesus. He knew that dying on the cross would seal redemption for all mankind. The cross for the
Christian cannot be an occasional experience, but a daily experience that leads you to achieve all
that Jesus conquered for you through his sacrifice. That is why the apostle Paul said: "I have been
crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20a).

✏Livethe lesson
1. Learn about God's plan of salvation by answering the following questions:
- For what purpose did Jesus come into the world? (1 Timothy 1:15).
- Who did Jesus call and who received Him? (Matthew 9:13, Luke 15:2).
- Did Jesus commit any sin? (Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22).
- What did Jesus bear for us on the cross? (1 Peter 2:24).
- What was the purpose for which Jesus died on the cross? (1Peter 3:18).
2. State: The cross opened the door of hope to my life. I know that I can do all things in Christ
because He strengthens me.

📆 Remember the lesson

The work of the cross is perfect and I must experience its revelation daily.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 16; Psalms 17; Proverbs 8; John 9.
Day 9 - Jesus takes our place
For centuries God had to deal with the rebellion of his own people.
Through the prophet Isaiah, he expresses to them how he felt about them "Why should you still
be beaten? For you will still persist in rebelling. Every head is sore, and every heart is sick"
(Isaiah 1:5).
Like a compassionate father, God sought a way to save us. And he found that the only way of
redemption was through his son Jesus Christ. God had to make a choice: either destroy all
mankind in eternal damnation or punish them in the person of his Son. Jesus accepted to take our
place and go to the torture of the cross out of love for us. He suffered for the crimes that others
had committed:
"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And because
we hid our faces from him, we despised and esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. We considered him stricken, as smitten
by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our
iniquities. The chastisement that brought us peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are
healed" (Isaiah 53:3-5).
The Father knew all the adversities His beloved Son would go through. But he also knew that
Jesus' wounds would become our medicine and the greatest manifestation of love for us. His love
is unconditional, it has no limits, nor does it depend on circumstances.
"For though we were weak, yet in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Hardly anyone dies for a
righteous man. However, it could be that someone dares to die for the good guy.
But God demonstrates his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us"
(Romans 5:6-8).

✏Livethe lesson
Memorize the following verse: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

📆 Remember the lesson

The greatest manifestation of God's perfect love was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 18; Proverbs 9; John 10.
Day 10 - The miracle of exchange
"Because of the anguish of his soul, he will see the light and be satisfied. By his knowledge shall
my righteous servant justify many, and bear their sins" (Isaiah 53:11).
A divine exchange took place on the cross. All the bad that we were fell upon Jesus, so that all
the good that Jesus is may be upon us. The Lord Jesus said:
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that
they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
From the moment God created man, the devil decided to rob him of his happiness, deceiving him
in order to kill him spiritually and physically. But God the Father had planned for Jesus to come
to this world to reverse all that curse through his death.
Because of sin, there was a decree of death upon the whole human race "For the wages of sin is
death" (Romans 6:23). But God intervened by sending his Son to take our place and thus cancel
the debt.
When, in an act of faith, we look to the cross and understand all that Jesus suffered, the miracle
of exchange takes place. God takes our rebellious and sinful nature and places it upon his son.
Likewise, all the blessings that belong to Jesus, because of his perfect life, will become ours.
For all of Jesus' blessing to be ours, we must surrender all that we are to Him. We cannot receive
all that is new from God, if we do not first divest ourselves of the old things we bring with us.
Jesus decided to take all that was evil in us and endured all the pain and humiliation of the cross
to set us free from sin and all its consequences, to see us eternally free from all bondage.
✏Livethe lesson
What does the exchange consist of? At the cross we gave up nine things to receive nine things
from Jesus. Read each verse carefully and complete each sentence:
1. Jesus took my punishment and gave me His forgiveness (Isaiah 53:5).
Jesus took my ___________________ and gave me his ___________________ (Isaiah 53:4).
Jesus took me _________________ and gave me his _______________ (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus took me _________________ and gave me his _______________ (Romans 6:23).
Jesus took me _______________ and gave me his _________________ (Galatians 3:13-14).
Jesus took me ________________ and gave me his __________________ (2 Corinthians 8:9).
7. Jesus took me _______________ and gave me his __________ (Hebrews 2:10, 1 Peter 2:6).
Jesus took me _________________ and gave me his ____________ (Isaiah 53:3, Ephesians 1:6).
9. Jesus took my ___________ and gave me his _______ (Romans 6:6-7, 2 Corinthians 5:17).
📆 Remember the lesson
Everything bad that we were has been absorbed by the power of the cross of Jesus and we have
received in its place all the good that He is.
📖Study the Word Psalms 19; Proverbs 10; John 11.
Day 11 - Freedom at the foot of the cross

The death of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection on the third day is the most significant event
that could have occurred in the spiritual world. It had an impact in all spheres, physical, social,
political, etc. If we long to experience all its benefits, we must be humble enough to recognize
that everything we possess comes from Jesus.
The work of the cross is compared to the parable of the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46).
The merchant is the Lord, the pearl of great price is your life. He gave everything to save us.
The best thing that can happen to a person is to encounter the cross. Through it you will
experience eternal life and healing (Isaiah 53:5b). Only at the cross are we free from every curse
(Galatians 3:13).
✏Livethe lesson
1. When you meet the cross determine:
- Surrender your weaknesses to Jesus for Him to carry them. Accept all its strength. Write down
the weaknesses you want Him to take from your life today.
- Surrender your sins through repentance. Accept his salvation.
- Surrender your illness. Accept your health. If you are struggling with physical illness, ask your
pastor to pray for you.
Are any of you sick? Let him call the elders of the church and let them pray for him, anointing
him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall heal the sick, and the Lord
shall raise him up. And if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him (James 5:14-15).
In doing so, you are relying on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in a full way and you will be
able to say: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).
2. State the following:
- By the blood of Jesus I have been redeemed from the power of the enemy.
- By the blood of Jesus all my sins have been forgiven.

📆 Remember the lesson

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 20; Psalms 21; Proverbs 11; John 12.
Day 12 - To the last drop
The Lord gave everything for us. He gave the last drop of His blood so that we could come to
Him in freedom. He shed His blood on seven occasions, all for a specific purpose.
- Blood that gushed through his sweat. In Gethsemane Jesus was so distressed that, while
praying, he began to sweat and that sweat became great drops of blood (Luke 22:42). That night
Jesus experienced betrayal and anguish. He overcame fear, anguish, pain, hopelessness and
- Blood that flowed because of the crown of thorns. With mockery and contempt the soldiers
nailed a crown of thorns to his head. His head reached almost twice its size. These thorns
represent the thorns and thistles that the earth produced when Adam sinned. That blood redeems
the earth from every curse and allows us now to live in blessing and prosperity.
- Blood gushed from his face. Jesus bore the shame, humiliation and rejection when his beard
was plucked out (Isaiah 50:6). He lost all human beauty (Isaiah 53:2). He lost his identity so that
you can regain yours.
- Blood gushed from his back. Thirty-nine times Jesus was beaten by the Roman soldiers. His
skin was flayed. He bore our transgressions and infirmities (Isaiah 53:4-5).
- Blood that gushed from his hands. His hands were nailed to the cross. Those hands that always
did good were bound so that by his blood our hands might be redeemed from every evil work and
the gifts of the Spirit might be activated in us.
- Blood that gushed from his feet. Jesus' feet were nailed so that all our steps may be redeemed.
So that all of us who have lost our way may recover it and enter into the divine purpose.
-Blood that gushed from his heart. Jesus' side was pierced with a spear and water and blood came
out of it. Blood and water only mix in the human body when the person has suffered a heart
attack. The heart of Jesus exploded so that your heart may be healed.
The best decision is to surrender everything to Jesus, take it to the cross and there receive a new
nature. The character of Christ in you.

✏Livethe lesson
Look at the example and write what each shedding of Jesus' blood means.
Example: Through his sweat Jesus redeemed me from betrayal.

📆 Remember the lesson

Jesus shed every drop of His blood for one purpose: the fullness of my redemption.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 22; Psalms 23; Proverbs 12; John 13.
Day 13 - The Priceless Price Jesus Paid for Me
Charles Spurgeon, known as the prince of preachers, describes what Jesus experienced on the
This is the pain he willingly took for those he loved. Roman crucifixion is one of the most painful
deaths imaginable. Such horror is beyond anything we can imagine. It is almost at the limits of
the human mind to be able to imagine the physical duress his body suffered. However, the
torment of the soul in the final moments of its life extends infinitely beyond what the fragile mind
of man can comprehend.
For all eternity Christians will explore the depths of the mystery of the cross. God's children will
never cease to wonder about the great redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus took the
punishment for the sins of his people and endured an equivalent of all this. This is the price Jesus
paid. He suffered the wrath that was to be poured out upon us. It is beyond human capabilities to
plumb the depths of this wonderful, horrible and majestic act.

✏Livethe lesson
Complete the verses, then memorize them.
1. Psalms 46:1: God is our ____________ and _____________, our quick help in the
Psalm 27:1: The LORD is my light and my _______________ From whom ________________?
Jehovah is the ____________ of my ____________; Whose ________________?

📆 Remember the lesson

Jesus took all the punishment so that it would not reach me. The price for my redemption only He
could pay.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 24; Psalms 25; Proverbs 13; John 14; John 15.
Day 14 - Thinking of the cross
"I always thought love was shaped like a heart, but it's really shaped like a cross."
Jews think of the cross as a symbol of a curse. Crucifixion was the most cruel and shameful way
to torture and kill a criminal. A person could last for days hanging on the cross, dying a slow and
painful death.
It was so terrible that the historian Cicero said: "the very mention of the cross should be
completely removed not only from the body, but also from the mind, eyes and ears of a Roman
For us the cross is the greatest sign of true love, a place of victory, of freedom, of refuge, and the
source of all God's blessings.
That wood, so abominable to the whole world, was completely transformed. It was the place
where God took away every curse to give us his blessing. All the bad that we were remained in
Jesus, and through the cross, all the good that is Jesus passes to us, through our faith in Him.
Only Jesus has the power to change all things so radically, only He could turn a symbol of misery
and defeat into the greatest victory.

✏Livethe lesson
What does the Bible say about our salvation? Read each question, look up the biblical reference
and answer in your own words.
1. Can we save ourselves by our works? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
What is the means God uses to cleanse our hearts of all sin? (1 John 1:7).
If we long to be saved, what are the two things we must do? (Romans 10:9-10).
4. If we have received Jesus, what do we have? (1 John 5:12-13).
5. If we deny Jesus before men, what will He do (Matthew 10:33)?

📆 Remember the lesson

All the bad that we were remained in Jesus, and through the cross, all the good that is Jesus
passed to us through our faith in Him.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 26; Proverbs 14; John 16; John 17.

International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo

Day 15 - The best experience
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John
Chapter 3 of the Gospel according to John speaks of Nicodemus. He was a very respected man in
his time. He was dedicated to teaching the law of God, but he was also a great moralist, he fasted
twice a week and made long prayers.
One night he sought Jesus and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a
teacher; for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.
Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot
see the kingdom of God (John 3:2-3).
It would have been normal for Jesus to speak this to Zacchaeus, a thief, to Mary Magdalene, who
had seven demons. But Jesus said this to a spiritual authority among the Jews.
This means that all of us, no matter who we are, must be born again.
But what did Jesus mean by "born again"?
He was referring to changing nature through faith and the word of God.
Dr. Derek Prince said, "just as a corn seed produces corn, and an orange seed produces an orange,
the seed of God's word, which is divine, incorruptible and eternal, produces divine fruit." This
was the Lord's assurance when He said: "that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6b).
The new birth consists in receiving within us a seed that produces in us a new life.
"Whosoever is born of God does not practice sin, because the seed of God abides in him, and he
cannot sin any longer, because he has been born of God"(1 John 3:9).
When we are born again, not only does one part of our life improve, but we are completely new.
This new nature opens the spiritual eyes of the believer and this is how he can see the kingdom of
The opportunity to be born again is now!
But you must accept it in faith" for he who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he is
a rewarder of those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).
Faith can be obtained in contact with the word of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the word of God.
✏Livethe lesson
Have you met someone in church who reflects genuine faith?
What results have you seen as a consequence of a life of faith?
📆 Remember the lesson
The new birth is an experience we all need.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 27; Psalms 28; Psalms 29; Proverbs 15; John 18.
Day 16 - Recovering vision
When we are born again, our eyes are opened and we begin to see the world as a new place.
Just as we had to go through a physical birth to reach this world, we must also experience a
spiritual birth to enter the heavenly world.
The new birth only occurs when we accept Christ in our hearts as our Savior.
The new birth is possible thanks to the Holy Spirit. He, through faith engenders the spirit of life
within the believer. Only when we experience this do we acquire the right to be children of God,
our spiritual eyes are opened and we can clearly discern the kingdom of heaven.
In the Bible we find the example of Paul, who was formerly known as Saul of Tarsus. He went
about seeking out all those who had believed in Jesus and imprisoned them. One day, while on
his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians, he had his encounter with Jesus. At that time he
was completely blinded, but after three days, God sent his servant Ananias to pray for him. After
the prayer, Paul regained his sight.
When we meet Jesus this happens. His nature is so pure, so holy, that when someone manages to
see it, that light makes all darkness come out and makes the person blind to sin, so that he can see
a world he did not know before.
The new birth in Paul was immediate, the change was extreme, everything he was, his priorities
and his reason for living, changed completely after having a true encounter with Jesus.

✏Livethe lesson
Since you met Jesus, what has been the biggest change you have experienced?

📆 Remember the lesson

The new birth will cause your spiritual eyes to be opened.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 30; Psalms 31; Proverbs 16; John 19.
Day 17 - Created to grow
"Being a Christian is more than simply experiencing an instantaneous conversion, it is a daily
process by which you grow to be more like Christ...The goal of a son's life is maturity, and the
goal of a Christian life is spiritual maturity.... Let nothing and no one stand in the way of your
growth in Christ.... Remember that the goal is to be like Jesus". Billy Graham
Think about how a baby grows, it must drink milk every two hours. The apostle Peter encourages
us to long for spiritual food in the same way. As you study this material and read your Bible
every day, you will see great things happen in your life:
1. You will be cleansed (Psalm 119:9).
2. You will be sanctified (John 17:17).
You will be built up (Deuteronomy 12:28).
4. You will have power to overcome the enemy (1 John 2:13).
Reading the Bible is like entering a warehouse full of seeds. Stored seeds do not bear fruit; to be
fruitful they must be planted in good soil. The good soil is our heart. When we have contact with
the word those seeds are sown in our hearts.
As you read along, there are verses that stand out and make your mind focus on them. There you
receive enlightenment and understand that this word is for your life. When we understand that
every promise of God is for us, the word takes power and fulfills in us the purpose for which God
sent it.
The apostle Peter wrote that God gave us precious and very great promises, so that by them we
might become partakers of the divine nature.
When a promise becomes real in our lives we experience the great power of God and become
partakers of the divine nature, a nature of holiness.
Contact with God's word brings us closer to Him and distances us from the corruption of the

✏Livethe lesson
Read the following texts and write down the effects of reading the Word:
Jeremiah 15:16
Job 23:12
Psalm 119:9
4. 1 John 2:14

📆 Remember the lesson

The word of God transforms you so that the nature of God is formed in you and you become like
📖Study the Word
Psalms 32; Psalms 33; Proverbs 17; John 20; John 21.
Day 18 - A new heart
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth
alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" (John 12:24).
The new birth implies a detachment from the sinful nature so that the believer can bear fruit in
the spiritual realm. God left the door open so that anyone who wants to, can be born to spiritual
Through the prophet Ezekiel the Lord said that He would give us a new heart and a new spirit
(Ezekiel 36:26,27).
No one in this world will be able to have two hearts at the same time, no one will be able to turn a
little to God and a little to sin. He who is on God's side hates sin, and he who likes to sin does not
follow God. The Lord removes from us the pure and rebellious heart. And the Spirit we receive is
the same Spirit of God.
When God creates in us this new heart, he also gives us a genuine love for his word, which
consists not only in being in contact with it, but also in putting it into practice.
As a believer you must let the word of God penetrate the deepest part of your being. For it is his
word that will guide you, change you and help you in everything you need.
The word will also take away your desire to do the things you did before. Perhaps, it was very
easy for you to spend long hours in front of the TV or invest a lot of time immersed in social
networks. But God will give you new priorities and you will be able to say like Moses:"So teach
us to number our days that we may bring wisdom into our hearts" (Psalm 90:12).

✏Livethe lesson

1. According to John 12:24, what is meant by dying?

2. Ask God to show you if you should die to something that does not allow you to move forward
in your life of faith and write it down in your notebook.
3. Commit to give up the things God asks you to give up. Write a commitment in your own

📆 Remember the lesson

God gave me a new heart.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 34; Proverbs 18; Acts 1; Acts 2.
Day 19 - Born to a life of holiness

"When Jesus comes to live in our hearts, the seed of holiness is planted" Joyce Meyer.
When the Angel told Mary that she was going to conceive the Savior of the world, she asked:
And how will this be? Well, I don't know any male. The answer given by the Angel was: "The
Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore
the holy One to be born will be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35).
The Holy Spirit becomes part of us when we decide to become part of God. He will never try to
force things, he will not enter anyone's life uninvited. It will only move through our faith in God's
word. If we believe in the scriptures and long for their fulfillment in us, the Holy Spirit will
overshadow us and beget a holy being, who will be born in our lives. That is, it will give us the
legal right to also be children of God.
The Lord said to Nicodemus , "The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but
you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit"
(John 3:8).
Sometimes the wind is strong, sometimes it is soft, the same happens with the Spirit of God.
Some people feel strong emotions when they convert, other times people don't even realize when
the new birth happens.
The new birth means that a new life is given to us from the moment we accept Jesus in our heart.
The Holy Spirit sows in us the life of Christ when we are born again. That seed germinates and
develops, manifesting itself progressively in us. The new birth carries the certification of the
Holy Spirit, so it cannot be revoked. God Himself seals each believer with His Spirit,
guaranteeing eternal life and heavenly inheritance.

✏Livethe lesson
Find a person in the church who has been born again and ask him or her to share their experience
with you.

📆 Remember the lesson

It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the experience of the new birth.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 35; Proverbs 19; Acts 3; Acts 4.
Day 20 - Born of the Spirit
The new birth is the beginning of life. To be born again is to begin to live again. We receive a
new nature, new affections, new principles. Because of our first birth we were corrupt, formed in
sin, therefore, we must be made new creatures. This new birth is from heaven. It is a great change
made in the heart of the sinner by the power of the Holy Spirit. Something happens in us and on
our behalf that would be impossible to achieve on our own. The wind blows from wherever it
wants to us, God directs it.
The Spirit sends His influences where, when, to whom, and in the measure and degree that He
The apostle Paul made Jesus known as the second Adam when he said:"Thus also it is written:
the first man Adam became a living soul; and the last Adam, a life-giving Spirit" (1 Corinthians
15:45):45), speaking of the nature that must die in us (the living soul that reigned with the "I
will", "I feel", "I think" and of the nature that must rise in its place (the life-giving spirit that
reigns through the surrender of our will and the acceptance of God's will in our lives. By rising
from the dead, Jesus conquered the power to give life to those He called and believed in Him.
Just as a child acquires the habits of his parents, so also in the spiritual world we acquire the
nature of God "And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of
the heavenly" (1 Corinthians 15:49).
The process of sanctification is possible when every believer understands the power of the cross,
for through it the Lord gave us total victory over our human nature. If we can die to the flesh and
feel what Jesus felt on the cross. We will also be able to live a renewed life.

✏Livethe lesson
Read John 3:5-8 and answer the questions:
1. When we are born again we have access to ___________________________________.
2. We are born again through _________________________________________________.
To be born of the Spirit means that you are no longer the one who directs your own life, but you
depend on the direction of the Spirit. What will you do this week to be totally dependent on Him?

📆 Remember the lesson

That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 36; Proverbs 20; Acts 5; Acts 6.
Day 21 - A life of faith

As it happens in the natural, so it happens in the spiritual.

Your life is like a grain of grain, which is deposited in the hands of the Lord, as a living offering,
holy and pleasing to God. The Lord begins to work with you in the depths of your heart, until you
come to experience total detachment from your carnal nature. That's when you can begin to
discern things from another point of view.
There are spiritual believers and there are earthly believers. The latter may go to church, but they
have not yet had a genuine experience with God. Some are guided by the Holy Spirit and others
by their own opinion. Some walk by faith and others by logic.
The heavenly man always bears the image of Jesus in him.
The adversary works in people's lives by presenting them with the opposite of what God wants
for them. But when we receive a new nature, we can enjoy what God planned for us. Let's look at
several examples in the Bible:
- Abraham went from being childless to being a father of nations (Genesis 17:3-5).
- Jacob ceased to be a supplanter and became a prince with God (Genesis 32:27-28).
- Moses was such a violent man that he killed a man, but then he became the meekest man on
earth (Numbers 12:3).
- Job went from being a person full of fears to placing his trust in God (Job 13:15).
- Hannah was a barren woman and God made her the mother of a great prophet (1 Samuel 1:20).
- David went from being a simple shepherd of sheep to reigning over all Israel (1 Samuel 13:14).
When we believe in God's promises, extraordinary things can happen.
The new birth produces in us a nature of faith.

✏Livethe lesson
What has the Holy Spirit spoken to your heart? What new dreams has He brought into your life?

📆 Remember the lesson

The new birth allows us to hear the voice of God that changes everything.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 37; Proverbs 21; Acts 7.
International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo

Day 22 - The Enemy

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils" (Mark
Although we may not like it, we human beings are in a war, and it is our responsibility as
Christians to fight it.
The enemy's best strategy is to go unnoticed. To make people think that sin is something light,
that there is nothing wrong with it. In this way, he tries to entangle them in it, until they are
trapped. The enemy wants people not to understand his way of engineering the destruction of
every life.
Who is our enemy?
A spiritual being whose purpose is to remove God from man's heart and block his mind so that
the message of salvation is not received.
Formerly he was a cherub who led the praise in heaven and enjoyed authority. But he gave place
to pride in his heart and in his haughtiness he wanted to overthrow God in order to have ruthless
control over everything.
He lost all his privileges and was expelled from heaven.
How does it work?
When people sin, Satan acquires a legal right over their lives and begins to afflict them as he
To do so, it relies on an organized militia. Under his authority are principalities, powers, rulers of
darkness (Ephesians 6:12). These are spiritual beings of different ranks who act under his orders.
To completely destroy man is their mission.
The enemy fights with all his might to divert people from the path. Jesus said: "The thief does not
come except to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).
A war is continually being waged in the spiritual realm. From this day forward understand that
there is a battle for your soul. Look at sin as God sees it and remember that it is through sin that
the devil gains authority to afflict you.
However, Jesus came into the world to undo the works of the devil. Jesus takes away all sin to set
us free, he annulled the act of decrees, the legal right of the enemy, which was contrary to us, he
took it out of the way and nailed it to the cross.
When we repent, the enemy ceases to have authority and we are free from all oppression. Jesus
not only took away sin but defeated our enemy.
✏Livethe lesson
1. Write out the following verses: Colossians 2:14; Revelation 12:11; Luke 10:19.
📆 Remember the lesson Jesus already defeated our adversary on the cross.
📖Study the Word Psalms 38; Psalms 39; Proverbs 22; Acts 8.
Day 23 - A life of conquest
"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known
by its fruit" (Matthew 12:33).
There is an enemy who seeks to prevent Christians from living apart from sin. The Lord compares our
lives to trees. A good tree has to bear good fruit.
When Satan departs from a person, the evil that was in him comes out. This is a miracle, because when we
are free from evil, God replaces our old life with a life of good, and the life of good is Jesus Christ. If you
are a tree of Christ whose life is His, the fruit you bear must be fruit of integrity, righteousness and truth.
There can be no such thing as: "I am a Christian, but I fornicate". You are either a Christ tree, or you are
not. It is by the fruit that the kind of tree is determined. Some are confused, they attend church but are not
Going to church is not a guarantee of salvation, we attend church because we are new trees that bear good
fruit, different people who long to express deep worship to God in his house. The Father's life in you is
demonstrated in the kind of fruit you bear. Our life must be a reflection of God's word.
"For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of good treasure brings forth
good things, and an evil man out of evil treasure brings forth evil things" (Matthew 12:34,35).what is in
your heart is expressed through your words.
When a person complains, his fruit is bad. When he curses, his fruit is evil. When he speaks negatively,
his fruit is bad, when he doubts everything or questions everything, his fruit is bad; but when a person is
full of God, his words are always of faith, full of hope and optimism. Their words lead to success, they
encourage those who are down, they are not influenced by circumstances and they always speak according
to the Word of God.
Your life should be a reflection of Christ. He must be present in your actions, your thoughts and your
words. You must watch your lifestyle very closely and practice a life of repentance, faith, prayer and
- Repentance: sin gives the enemy legal right over people. Repentance is a genuine and visible change.
- Faith: is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Through it we can relate to God, and without it it is impossible to
please Him. It is nourished by contact with the Bible.
- Prayer: is the channel that God established to communicate with his children. In it we can express our
feelings, desires and requests. Through her we can receive direction and comfort and we can conquer in
the spiritual realm all that we need.
- Fasting: is one of the most powerful spiritual weapons the Lord has given us.
✏Livethe lesson
1. Fasting is abstaining from food for a period of time for a definite spiritual purpose. Think of a situation
in your life that you need to conquer and fast for that purpose. Depending on your physical condition and
your daily activities, you can fast until noon, until 6:00 pm or all day. Do this for three days. During these
three days use your meal times to read the Bible and pray for your needs.
📆 Remember the lesson
To be a conqueror you must be a tree that bears good fruit.
Study the WordPsalms 40; Psalms 41; Proverbs 23; Acts 9.
Day 24 - The secret weapon
"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, because they
loved not their lives unto death" (Revelation 12:11).
There is a veil that falls from the minds of believers when they understand the redemptive work of Jesus.
Jesus' work on the cross is complete. The blood of Jesus is the most powerful weapon a Christian has to
overcome the enemy and obtain victory in all areas of his life.
When the people of Israel were in slavery in Egypt, God sent Moses to deliver them. The Egyptians
hardened their hearts and did not want to let the people of Israel go, so God sent a judgment of ten plagues
upon Egypt. Before the last plague, the Lord gave specific instructions to his people.
That each father of the family should sacrifice a lamb, whose blood should be deposited in a container,
then the father should take a hyssop, a kind of shrub from those regions, and introduce it into the container
so that it would be wet with the blood of the lamb. Next, the father was to sprinkle the blood on the lintels,
posts and walls of the house with that swab. If the father took the vessel and did not use the hyssop to
apply the blood, this act would be worthless, the hyssop was needed, he could not use any other element,
for that was the specific instruction left by the Lord.
The blood of this sacrifice represents the blood of Jesus, the hyssop is the confession of the believer.
Every Christian should know the power of confessing all that the blood of Jesus did for us.
The plan of redemption includes redemption, forgiveness of sins, regeneration, justification and
sanctification. In this way the work of the cross is complete and perfect.
"In whom we have redemption through his blood" (Ephesians 1:7a).
Redeem means to ransom or redeem from slavery by the payment of a price. Through sin mankind was
enslaved by Satan and, in order to redeem it, a very high price had to be paid. This could not be done with
money or good works. The only thing that could cover the cost was the blood of Jesus.
No person can redeem another, nor give God the price of his ransom to be forgiven. The psalmist
said:"none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God his ransom (for the redemption
of his soul is of great price, and will never be accomplished" (Psalm 49:7-8).
God saw that it was necessary for His own Son, holy and without blemish, to pour out His life on the
cross. Jesus' death was our death to sin. The punishment Jesus received was the punishment we deserved,
and only by believing in Him are we free from all condemnation. When we confess what the blood of
Jesus did for us, it becomes evident to all that we have accepted its benefits and belong to the kingdom of
✏Livethe lesson
Confess: By the blood of Jesus I have been redeemed from the power of the enemy. Satan has no power
over my life because I have been translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
2. Write the Bible verse from Ephesians 1:7a; then memorize it.
📆 Remember the lesson
The blood of Jesus has redeemed us.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 42; Psalms 43; Proverbs 24; Acts 10.
Day 25 - All my sins are forgiven

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of
your flesh and give you a heart of flesh" (Ezekiel 36:26).
Most people look for what Jesus can do to solve their needs, but the most important thing is to
receive forgiveness for our sins, because this brings freedom in all areas. When we receive the
forgiveness of our sins, everything else takes its place, because the arguments against us
Forgiveness is the greatest expression of love that one person can give to another.
There is only one way to receive forgiveness for our sins, and that is by accepting the love of
Jesus expressed through his blood.
Why did the blood of Jesus become the only price and the only means that can cleanse sin?
When God created Adam he gave him pure, undefiled blood and put him in the Garden of Eden
to till it. In the center of the garden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the Lord
had warned him that he could not eat from that tree, for in doing so he would die. But Adam
disobeyed and ate of the fruit. Because of this, sin entered mankind and his blood was
contaminated, which affected all his descendants. Another blood that had not been stained by sin
was required for the redemption of mankind to take place. That was the blood of Jesus.
One strategy of the adversary is to make us believe that some of our sins have not yet been
forgiven; he does this to maintain control over our lives. But if you confess with full certainty and
believing it, you can experience complete victory.

✏Livethe lesson
Confess: "By the blood of Jesus all my sins have been forgiven".
2. Write out the Bible verse from Ephesians 1:7b; then memorize it.

📆 Remember the lesson

The blood of Jesus means that there is no sin that God cannot forgive.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 44; Psalms 45; Proverbs 25; Acts 11.
Day 26 - Whiter than snow

"Remove my sin with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow"
(Psalm 51:7).
The word "pure" comes from the Latin "purus" and the Greek "pyros" and means fire. Originally
the word referred to the sacrifice in the fire, which was associated with the cleansing and renewal
of the object being sacrificed. Over time, the connotation of sacrifice that the term used to have
was forgotten, and the meaning that refers to the cleaning and decontamination of something
There are many processes by which objects become purified, such as washing with water or
subjecting the object to high temperatures, as in the case of precious metals. Just as in the natural
world everything has its own way of decontamination, in the spiritual world God designed a
purification process for his children: the blood of Jesus. This process is directly related to a
sacrifice, the sacrifice of the perfect and spotless Son of God.
It is the blood of Jesus that frees us from the slavery of sin. And that freedom is forever. The
blood of Jesus must be continually applied to our lives "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all
sin" (1 John 1:7).
We can notice that the tense of all the verbs in this verse is in the present tense. It is as if he were
saying: "The blood of Jesus cleanses me now and cleanses me continually from all sin". We live
in a world where the filth of sin wants to splash our lives, but as we walk in the light and
fellowship with other Christians, the blood of Jesus maintains a process of sanctification, which
prevents the stain of sin from touching our hearts. That blood will keep our garments clean.
God can keep us in complete purity always, but this will be the result of walking in the light, in
obedience to his word and in harmony with our brothers.

✏Livethe lesson
Confess: "Because I walk in the light and have fellowship with my brethren, the blood of Jesus is
cleansing me now and continually from all sin.
2. Write out the verse from 1 John 1:7; then memorize it.

📆 Remember the lesson

The blood of Jesus cleanses me continually from my sins.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 46; Psalms 47; Psalms 48; Psalms 49; Proverbs 26; Acts 12.
Day 27 - As if I had never sinned

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him"
(Romans 5:8-9).
Many say they love, but true love has a price and requires sacrifice and surrender. Jesus gave
himself completely to win our liberation. However, many times we do not take care of that
freedom with enough determination and end up being victims of our carelessness.
Some Christians feel very confident living with their old nature, not realizing that even if they try
to exercise control over their own desires and try to lead a right life, at the least expected moment
the carnal nature can rise up and destroy them. There is only one way to deal with this nature and
that is to put it to death. Jesus, in his infinite love, took the place we deserved and gave us his life
so that the sin nature would be destroyed.
A divine exchange took place at the cross. God took his son Jesus, who knew no sin, and gave
him up to receive the punishment we deserved. Jesus took upon himself all our sins and, in
return, gave us his righteousness. Although He knew no sin, He was judged as having committed
the most heinous sins of all, and received the condemnation given to criminals. For this reason,
the apostle Paul said: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we
might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
The only thing the Lord asks of us now is that we believe. Because of our faith, all his blessings
become ours. Jesus took all the bad that I was and, in return, gave me all the good that He is. In
doing so, God no longer sees us as what we were in our sinful condition, but as he sees his Son,
without stain or sin. By confessing what his blood did, we rebuke the accusing spirit, which
brings guilt and condemnation.

✏Livethe lesson
Confess: "By the blood of Jesus I have been justified and God sees me as if I had never sinned.
2. Write out the Bible verses from Romans 5:8-9; then memorize them.

📆 Remember the lesson

The blood of Jesus justifies you.

📖Study the Word

Psalm 50; Proverbs 27; Acts 13.
Day 28 - Separated for God
"Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside
the gate" (Hebrews 13:12).
When the Israelites were in Egypt, and Pharaoh did not want to let them leave, God sent several
plagues, the last of which was the death of the firstborn. That night death would haunt every
God spoke to his people about celebrating the Passover, which consisted of killing a lamb, taking
its blood in a container and sprinkling it on the doorposts of their houses with a hyssop. That
would protect them. Each parent, together with his or her spouse, gathered their children. That
night no one could leave his house, for the angel of death would smite the firstborn of Egypt. The
terror of death haunted the nation.
What happened that night became the most important celebration of the Jewish people. Although
no householder of the children of Israel dared to leave his house that night, the Bible says that
there was one who suffered outside the gate, Jesus. Although death wounded him, his shed blood
became our greatest protection; that blood not only redeemed us, but also sanctified us, we were
set apart for God.
Remember, if you confess with faith the benefits of the blood, the atmosphere and circumstances
change, the heavens clear and hell recedes. Demons cannot bear to be reminded of the redemptive
work of the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus speaks on our behalf.
In the face of any attack from the enemy, use the powerful weapons at your disposal: the blood of
the Lamb and the confession of the Word.

✏Livethe lesson
1. Take a break and find a place where you have privacy. Then, in an audible way, confess what
the blood of Jesus has done for your life:
- By the blood of Jesus I have been redeemed from the power of the enemy. Satan has no power
over my life because I have been translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
- By the blood of Jesus all my sins have been forgiven.
- Because I walk in the light and have fellowship with the brethren, the blood of Jesus, the Son of
God, cleanses me now and continually from all sin.
- By the blood of Jesus, I have been justified and God sees me as if I had never committed sin.
- By the blood of Christ I am sanctified, separated unto God.

📆 Remember the lesson

You were set apart to serve Jesus.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 51; Proverbs 28; Acts 14; Acts 15.

International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo


Day 29 - The Gathering

The enemy is enraged against those who decide to have an encounter and live for God. He is
against your life because he no longer owns you and will try to attack you to regain control of
your life.
Satan has no real chance of victory, since Jesus defeated him overwhelmingly on the cross.
Although he cannot recover from his defeat, he will try every possible means to be a stumbling
block in your relationship with God so that you cannot serve Him fully.
You must be on the alert for any attack from the devil. He will use all his resources, including
people close to you, to try to discourage you and get you off the path you have started down. But
don't be afraid. As the Lord Jesus said: "These things I have spoken to you that in me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the
world" (John 16:33).
The writer of the book to the Hebrews compares the Christian life to a marathon. It is not a fast
race in which all the energy is burned in a short time, but a long race that lasts a lifetime and must
be run with patience. You have already started, but the reward is not for those who start the race,
but for those who finish it, so get ready to finish it!
"Therefore we also, having so great a cloud of witnesses around us, let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set
before us" (Hebrews 12:1).
Be determined not to take a step back and to deepen your relationship with God. The difference
between those who complete the race and those who fail in the attempt is that the first ones do it
by the hand of God, while the others try to do it by their own strength and in their own way. Ask
God to help you every morning with the challenges you face. God will give you everything you
need on a daily basis so that you can reach the goal, no matter what trial or difficulty you may
face. God has the provision you need so that you will never lack anything.
✏Livethe lesson
1. Complete the following Bible verses:
Philippians 4:13 ___________ I can at ______________ that I ________________!
Psalm 46:1: God is our _____________ and ______________, our quick help at
Ephesians 6:13: For this cause take all __________________of God, that ye may ____ in the evil
day, and after ye have accomplished all, be _______.
📆 Remember the lesson The Christian life is like a marathon, the important thing is to start it
and go all the way to the end.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 52; Proverbs 29; Acts 16; Acts 17.
Day 30 - 180 degrees
"He who conceals his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain
mercy" (Proverbs 28:13).
There are two requirements to attain divine mercy: confession of our sins and turning away from
them. This is what is known as repentance. Repentance means change of thinking and attitude. It
is not about making a nice prayer or crying, there must be a change in the way we think and act.
We must recognize our mistakes and confess them before God as sins. Trying to hide them is
useless, since God knows all things. Trying to justify oneself is also useless. We must recognize
our sin for what it is and not make it seem less serious.
Sadly many people only confess their sins, but are unwilling to forsake them. As soon as they
have the opportunity, they commit them again. That is not repentance.
When Jesus went to Zacchaeus' house, he repented of his sins. He used to be greedy, but when he
repented he stopped loving money; he gave half of what he had to the poor and used the rest to
restore those he had robbed (Luke 19:8). Zacchaeus changed his way of thinking and acting, so
Jesus said:"Today salvation has come to this house" (Luke 19:9).
Repentance should not remain in words or tears. It consists of making a 180-degree turn in your

✏Livethe lesson
John the Baptist preached that it is necessary for us to bear fruits worthy of repentance, that is, we
must make it known to others that we have repented and changed.
Draw a leafy tree with lots of fruit. On each of the fruits write how you are going to make
restitution for each of the things you regretted.

📆 Remember the lesson

Your repentance must be evident to all people.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 53; Proverbs 30; Acts 18; Acts 19.
Day 31 - Take what is yours

Jesus did on the cross all that needed to be done for all people in every age. Read Hebrews 10:14.
It is not necessary to add anything to the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross; it is complete,
sufficient and perfect. Jesus conquered in it our forgiveness, healing, righteousness, life, blessing,
abundance, glory, acceptance, and gave us a new nature. Legally all these things belong to us.
However, some Christians do not enjoy some of them.
Jesus made us worthy of all the things he conquered on the cross. Everything is legally ours, but
there is an enemy who opposes our receiving what God has given us.
The story of the people of Israel entering the Promised Land is a model of how we can do to live
in fullness, enjoying the benefits that Jesus won for us. We must have faith in God's promise and
act accordingly. You must be completely convinced that everything Jesus conquered on the cross
is for you, even if what you are living is the opposite.
If you are sure that it will be as God said, you will begin to see the changes in your life. Don't
worry about how He will do it, leave that in God's hands, that is His responsibility. He will do it!
By filling your mind with God's word you will receive the faith necessary for you to live your life
to the fullest.
Read Joshua 1:8.
✏Livethe lesson
Of the nine exchanges that Jesus arranged for us on the cross, is there one that is not part of your
life? Underline it in the following table and write a biblical promise next to it and memorize it.

Exchange Pledge
1. Sorry
2. Health
3. Justice
4. Life
5. Blessing
6. Abundance
7. Gloria
8. Acceptance
9. Spiritual nature
📆 Remember the lesson
Jesus conquered everything you could ever need on the cross. You must appropriate every benefit
by faith.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 54; Psalms 55; Proverbs 31; Acts 20.
Day 32 - The greatest medicine
Read Matthew 18:23-35.
Is there anything that has made you lose your joy?
There are people who have very difficult problems, because of which they have not smiled again:
an ordeal, the loss of a loved one, a financial setback or the betrayal of the person they loved the
Forgiveness is not an emotion, nor a feeling. When you forgive you feel the presence of the Holy
Spirit in your life and you smile again.
Holding a grudge against those who wronged you does not hurt them, it only hurts yourself.
Unforgiveness not only causes bitterness in people, but also prevents them from attaining divine
To forgive means to have mercy on those who do not deserve it. It is giving up the right to
condemn someone when we could legitimately do so.
The evil servant in the parable did not invent his fellow servant's debt and did not act against the
law when he sent him to prison. However, the king sent him to prison, because he did not show
the mercy he had received.
Just as God forgave our sins without our deserving it, so that He can see us as if we had never
committed them, we must forgive those who hurt us, even if they do not deserve our forgiveness.
We know we have forgiven when we can see the other person as if they had never done anything
against us.

✏Livethe lesson
1. Make a list of the people who hurt you and whom you should forgive. Prayerfully forgive them
sincerely, remembering what forgiveness means and, if possible, talk to them to reconcile.

📆 Remember the lesson

Forgiveness is the medicine that keeps hearts healthy.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 56; Psalms 57; Psalms 58; Acts 21; Acts 22.
Day 33 - Take care of your freedom
Read Luke 11:24-26.
The unclean spirits that leave a person intend to return and will do everything possible to regain
dominion over this life. They are not satisfied being outside, that is why they do not return alone,
but bring reinforcements, they want to succeed at any cost. Jesus taught it and we must be aware,
if an unclean spirit is not inside a body, it finds no rest, and therefore does everything in its power
to return. Jesus also gives a warning that we cannot ignore: if you allow them in, you will be
worse off than you were before you received deliverance.
Jesus compares people's lives to a house, whose exterior reflects who lives in it. Before you met
Jesus, your life was defenseless, there was no one to protect the house, so unclean spirits came
easily to destroy your life.
Jesus teaches that in order for someone to conquer a house, he first needs to dominate the one
who lives in it (read Mark 3:27). The most effective way you can defend yourself is to make sure
that the strongest of all, Jesus, lives in your life. If He is the one who dwells in you, it does not
matter if the unclean spirit brings seven, seventy or seven million worse than him. Jesus has all
power, all authority and has already defeated them in a crushing way (Colossians 2:15). If He
defends your home, nothing and no one can ever harm you.
Jesus taught how to make Him live within us (read John 14:23). For Him to live within us there is
one condition: to obey His word. He is the King and we must be willing to yield the throne of our
lives. This means that we are no longer in control and are no longer the decision makers.
✏Livethe lesson
Here are seven steps to living in God's blessing. Study them and apply them one by one until you
feel you are living full freedom:
Confess your faith in Christ and the sacrifice He made on your behalf (Romans 10:9-10).
2. Repent of all your transgressions and sins (Mark 1:15).
3. Claims forgiveness of sins (1 John 1:9).
4. Forgive all people who have hurt or offended you (Mark 11:25).
5. Renounce all contact with any occult or satanic practices (2 Corinthians 6:14-15).
6. Pray to be free from any curse (Mark 11:24).
7. Believe that you have received what God offers you, and press on in God's blessing (Ephesians
📆 Remember the lesson
The way to remain free is to yield the throne of your life to Jesus.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 59; Psalms 60; Psalms 61; Acts 23; Acts 24.
Day 34 - Change your nation, twelve people at a time
God has a longing in His heart, He wants people to be reconciled with Him. He loves him so
much that he did not mind living as a man, letting himself be beaten, insulted, humiliated and
nailed to a cross. Jesus endured all these things because He knew that, as a result of His sacrifice,
mankind would have the opportunity to be reconciled to Him.
Read Matthew 9:37,38. The word "harvest" means harvest. In this biblical text Jesus says that the
work of harvesting is very great. Think for a moment how many people you know live far from
God. You will realize that the vast majority need to be reconciled with God. The work of
bringing them back is that of reaping the harvest of which Jesus speaks. The Lord sees each
person as a worker; Jesus' church is compared to a body. Will there be any member in your body
that remains asleep? No! Each cell has a specific job to do. Some organs have more striking
functions than others, but no part of our body is idle. Can anyone in the body of Christ afford to
fall asleep? No! We all have a role in God's plan. We can all help to reconcile people with God.
That is why every member of the church must become a leader, because the church is a living
organism. Read Matthew 28:18-20.
Jesus has already done His part, let us remember that the work on the cross is perfect and
complete. Now it is up to us to do ours, we must continue what He started. We must go and make
disciples of all nations!
Evangelizing a nation is very simple. God gave us a strategy to do so: the G12 vision. Our
approach is that each person is responsible for discipling 12 others. Imagine if each of those
twelve did the same and took care of twelve others. The first generation would be 12 people; the
second, 144; the third, 1728; the fourth, 20736; the fifth, more than 200,000; the sixth, more than
2 million; and the seventh, more than 35 million.
How can we transform a nation with the gospel? Focusing on twelve. To disciple twelve is to
work for their lives to be transformed by the gospel.
It is not enough to have the vision to change nations, we must also work.
✏Livethe lesson
1. What role do you have in this great work? How can you start? Take a look at the following
challenges and try them at least once a week.
- Tell someone what Jesus has done for you.
- Invite someone to the cell you attend.
- Invite someone to the meeting at your church.
📆 Remember the lesson
Our mission is to reconcile the world with God and we all have a task to fulfill.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 62; Psalms 63; Psalms 64; Acts 25; Acts 26.
Day 35 - Holy Spirit I need you!
"And when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak
of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to
come" (John 16:13).
It is impossible to speak of a new beginning without the help of the Holy Spirit. No matter how
good our intentions, the excellence of our plans or the motivation we put into things, we will not
be able to do it without the help of the Spirit.
When the Lord Jesus came, he motivated his disciples to do his work, but the tools they had
before being called were not the most adequate to do it. The work assigned by the Lord was very
hard, impossible to do if they did it in their strength. Jesus knows that the human heart is
hardened and the tip of the divine diamond is needed to break it. That is why he told his disciples
to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them.
How often do we think that doing God's work involves filling our minds with information and
working hard?
The Lord Jesus gave us an example, for thirty years he did not have any public manifestation, he
did not dare to forge a single disciple. He waited for the right time to begin his ministry, the time
when the Holy Spirit came upon his life after he was baptized. At that moment the heavens
opened, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and a voice came from heaven saying,"This is my
beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). There he received God's approval.
The Lord Jesus gave us an example, only until the Holy Spirit came did He begin to do the work
of God. He said:"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me" (Luke 4:18)
What did he anoint him for? To bring good news to the poor, to heal wounded hearts, to set free
those who are oppressed.
What a tremendous team, the word and the Spirit working together to enlarge the kingdom of
The Holy Spirit is a person, He is very real. Jesus said:"I go away, but I will not leave you
orphans, but I will give you another comforter, the Spirit of truth" (John 14:16-18). Comforter is
someone who comes to encourage us. The Holy Spirit is the greatest motivator there is. He did
not come to condemn but to motivate. He did not come to shame, but came to honor. He comes to
lift the spirits of his children and help them in all the challenges they have in their lives. That is
why the most important thing is to learn to cultivate friendship with Him.
✏Livethe lesson
Write in your own words a prayer that expresses the reasons why you need the Holy Spirit.
📆 Remember the lesson
The secret of success lies in cultivating friendship with the Holy Spirit.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 65; Psalms 66; Acts 27; Acts 28.

International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo

Week 6

Day36 - We need a personal relationship with God

Just as the experience of love is unique, so is the devotional experience.
It is only understood by those who practice it. There is an example in the Bible about a man who
demonstrated that his devotional life was his highest priority, there was nothing that could rob
him of his time with God, we are talking about Daniel. He did not care about the law that King
Darius had created, which forbade him to pray to Jehovah, but continued to do so (Daniel 6:10).
Because of his devotion he was cast into the den of lions (Daniel 6:16). But the Lord delivered
him and gave him a great victory (Daniel 6:20-22).
Have you ever been motivated by love enough to fight against circumstances? Why do you think
Daniel ignored the law and continued to pray every day as usual, even though he was putting his
life at risk?
Our talk with God can never be boring, for every second that He allows us to be in His presence
becomes the most impacting, almost indescribable experience. We wish that the time does not
end, because there is nothing more important than being in your company. He makes us feel
important, shows us his love, reveals his will to us, protects us under his shadow and supplies all
our needs.
God is immensely great, much greater than our universe. The heavens of heavens cannot contain
it (1 Kings 8:27). But in spite of His greatness and our littleness, He longs to relate to us. The
Lord says to each of his children "show me your face, let me hear your voice" (Song of Solomon
2:14) It is wonderful that God longs to see us!
Have you lived the experience of showing love without being reciprocated? God, who has shown
us His love in so many ways, still sees that some of His children remain distant and indifferent.
Did you know that God loves you? Think for a moment about which of the things you have
experienced God has demonstrated His great love for you. Do you plan to reciprocate that love or
ignore it? The decision is yours.
Through prayer we can talk to God.
Through Bible reading we can listen to God.
✏Livethe lesson
1. Write down three things you would do if you wanted to get to know a person you have just
been introduced to better.
2. Write down how you can apply them to know God more intimately.
📆 Remember the lesson
God longs to relate in a personal way with each of his children.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 67; Psalms 68; Romans 1; Romans 2.
Day 37 - Listening to God (I)
The most exciting thing about a relationship is getting to know the other person. This is achieved
by sharing time and talking with her. The more we do, the more we can get to know her. We can
hear many things about someone, but only when we can share experiences with them do we
really get to know them.
There is a big difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone. In our
devotional time, time alone with God, we can have a conversation with Him. When we pray, we
speak to God; but when we read his word, it is God who speaks to us.
The main difference that exists between the Bible and other books is that the content of books
comes from the minds of people, in them they express their discoveries, fantasies, investigations,
etc. But the Bible is different, it is not a simple book, it is not a product of human imagination, it
is the words of the one true God, words full of truth, authority and power. That is why even
though it was written over 1600 years, by 40 different people, it has a unified message, a defined
purpose, and has remained valid throughout the history of mankind "The word of the Lord
endures forever" (1 Peter 1:25).
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
equipped for every good work"(2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The word of God TEACHES because it allows us to know God's will, his heart, his laws and
commandments, it REDUCES if any part of our life is in disorder, it CORRECTS and shows us
what is wrong and how we can change it, it INSTRUCTS and is a guide to make the right
Correct attitudes towards the word
 Pay attention to the voice of God (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).
 Obey it (Luke 6:46).
 Communicate his message to others (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).
✏Livethe lesson
1. From the reading you will have today, choose a commandment and a promise and write them
2. Are you obeying this commandment? If the answer is no, think about how you are going to
start doing it.
3. Is this promise conditional? It means you have to do something in order to claim it) if it is,
reflect on what and how to do to get the blessing.
📆 Remember the lesson
The Bible is not a common book, it is the word of God.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 69; Psalms 70; Romans 4; Romans 5.
Day 37 - Listening to God (II)
"Desire as newborn babes the spiritual milk that is unadulterated, that by it you may grow up to
salvation" (1 Peter 2:2).
As a newborn baby needs the milk that his mother gives him, the spiritual baby needs to be
nourished by the word of God, since it is the only thing that can help him in his growth.
We must love the word and its teachings, obeying its indications as the captain of a ship does
with his compass. The Bible is the greatest of treasures and has the answer to all our needs. It is
the greatest literary work ever written, for it contains God's revelation to man. Ronald Reagan
said, "Within the Bible are the answers to all the problems man can face."
Just as our body cannot live if we do not eat, our spirit needs food to stay alive. If someone goes
through their daily activities without eating properly they can suffer from a number of
undesirable symptoms.
In the same way, he who does not feed his spirit adequately suffers similar symptoms. We must
make the study of God's word as natural a habit as eating. To achieve this, we must be disciplined
and constant. To acquire this habit it is recommended:
 Set aside a daily time to pray and read the Bible, preferably at the same time. It should be an
exclusive time and it should be done every day.
 Find a quiet place to disconnect from the world, removing all distractions.
 Have a notebook: to make notes of the things you understand, of what God tells you and also
of your concerns.
 Have as a goal to read the entire Bible.
God's word is the compass He left us to guide us in the world. We should not only read it, but
apply what we learn from it in our lives.

✏Live the lesson

1. How can you apply the following text to your daily life:"And you shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your
strength" (Mark 12:30).
2. Write down two other Bible passages that you have read in the last few weeks that stood
out to you and write below how you can apply them.

📆 Remember the lesson

The word of God is the spiritual food that gives us strength and helps us to grow.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 71; Psalms 72; Romans 6; Romans 7.

Day 39 - Talking to God (I)

The Lord desires that we enjoy being with Him in the same way that a loving parent enjoys a
relationship with their children. When we read God's word He speaks to us, directs us, teaches us
and shows us His purpose and will for our lives. However, as in any conversation, there are times
when we must speak as well. We talk to God through prayer.
The Lord took special time to teach his disciples how to pray (Matthew 6:9) and gave them clear
instructions on how prayer should be carried out in order to be effective. If you are a disciple of
Christ, you must learn how to communicate with God.
Beginning to pray with joy and thanksgiving
Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with rejoicing..... Enter into his gates
with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him; bless his name (Psalm
Nothing can produce greater joy in our hearts than to be in the presence of our God. Our attitude
determines our success in prayer, for to persevere in prayer we must always be joyful. A grateful
heart is one that knows how to recognize God's work in every aspect of his life. The door that
will lead us to His Majesty's castle is called "gratitude".
Think of all the things for which you should thank God. Gratitude should flow from our hearts at
all times, in good and adverse situations, because we know that everything that happens to us
works for our good.
The apostle Paul said: "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for
you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
✏Livethe lesson
Write down five things God has done in you since you started the University of Life, and five
other things God did before, for which you are thankful.
Before starting the University of Life
N° Before the U of Life During the U of Life
Make a daily resolution to remember those things for which you are grateful, especially those that
happened that day. Do it just before going to sleep and thank God for them.
📆 Remember the lesson
Gratitude is the key that opens the doors to communicate with God.
📖Study the Word
Psalms 73; Psalms 74; Romans 8.

Day 40 - Talking to God (II)

Remembering and confessing the things for which we are grateful to God opens the doors of his
presence. There is nothing more exciting and sublime than being in the presence of God.
The psalmist said:"In your presence there is fullness of joy; you delight at your right hand
forever" (Psalm 16:11).
When you address God, you must do so in the name of Jesus. "For there is one God and one
mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1Timothy 2:5).
In doing so, He becomes a bridge that communicates you with the Father. When we come before
God in the name of Jesus we are trusting in what Jesus did for us on the cross, and not in
ourselves. We are clothed with the righteousness and holiness of Jesus, which he won for us on
the cross, we can enter confidently into God's presence, just as a beloved child enters to speak
with his father.
Jesus said:"And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:13-14).
The scriptures teach that we can address God the Father directly. Every prayer you pray must be
addressed to the Father in the name of Jesus. Your prayer may be: "Lord, I come before you in
the name of Jesus and I present to you these needs (specify each one of them) trusting that by
your divine grace I will obtain them.
God is the Lord of all. In Him is abundance, and He is always generous to each of His children.
His goodness and favors are unlimited, and you can begin to enjoy all his blessings.

✏Livethe lesson
1. What is the difference between talking to someone as a stranger and talking to someone as
their child?
2. Make a list of three things you need to be supplied this week. Pray for them (remembering
that you are a child) and write down on the side the date you got the answer.

📆 Remember the lesson

Thanks to Jesus we can talk to God as children.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 75; Psalms 76; Psalms 77; Romans 9; Romans 10.
Day 41 - Devotional
The devotional is like an appointment with God, it is a time that we set aside each day to be alone
with Him. It is there where we can express to Him what is in our heart through prayer and where
He will reveal His will to us through the word demonstrating His great love for us.
This habit is of vital importance for everyone. It is best to dedicate a specific time each day to be
alone and intimate with God.

Suggestions for the devotional

 Look for a private and quiet place. Disconnect from distractions.
 Define the time and duration of your devotional.
 When praying, be honest with yourself and with God.
 Keep your Bible handy, as well as a notebook, to write down what God speaks to you through
His word.
 Write a list of the requests you will present to the Lord in prayer.

How to make the devotional

 Begin with a time of prayer, remembering that gratitude is the key that opens the door that
leads to the presence of God.
 Take some time to read the word. Record in a notebook what God tells you each day. Keep in
mind the promises for your life and the commandments you must obey.
 Take some time to meditate on what you read and how to apply it in your life. It is important
that you also record this in your notebook.

✏Livethe lesson
Organize your schedule by setting aside time to do your devotional each day. Write down what
time you are going to do it and how long it will last:
"I pledge to set aside time between ___________ and _________ each day to be alone with
God." Signature:__________________________

📆 Remember the lesson

The devotional is to have an appointment alone with God.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 78; Romans 11.
Day 42 - Dream book
God is very pleased when we describe in detail each request when we pray. We must detail
everything we want. It is very useful to make a "Dream Book" where we specify each thing we
want and place images of what we wish to have.
"And this is the confidence that we have before him, that if we ask anything according to his will,
he hears us" (1 John 5:14).
Our requests cannot be personal whims, nor lists of the first thing that comes to mind. We must
ask according to God's will. Our dreams should be God's dreams for our lives.

How to make a dream book

 You can separate your dreams into the following categories: spiritual (your relationship with
God), personal, family, ministerial and secular (study and work).
 Pray to know the dream God has for you in each area and write them down.
 Complement the petition in each area with images, from magazines, internet, etc. And with a
biblical promise that God has given you in this regard.
 The dream book is not to be made and put away, but a tool for you to pray with every day.
 When a dream is fulfilled note the date and witness to others.

✏Livethe lesson
Make your first dream book. You can ask your cell leader for help.

📆 Remember the lesson

By doing the dream book I will be able to see God's faithfulness and how He answers prayers.

📖Study the Word

Psalms 79; Psalms 80; Psalms 81; Romans 12; Romans 13; Romans 14.
International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo
Week 7
Day 43 - Decide to serve Jesus with all your heart
Saul became one of the most important figures in Christianity because of his firm determination to serve
Jesus. His conversion was supernatural. He received the heavenly vision to disciple entire nations. Let's
look at some of the things Paul experienced, in Acts 9:
- He was confronted with his past (vs. 4-5). The Lord asked him: "Why do you persecute me? "At that
moment all his knowledge became unfounded. For the first time he felt unable to hold on to what was his
- He received the revelation of his own nature (v. 6). Saul was trembling and fearful at the time the Lord
appeared to him on the road. When we are confronted with God, the hidden part of our heart comes to
light and we feel ashamed. We know that we are weak and powerless before His Majesty.
- He had his first encounter (v. 9). For three days he was intimate with God. He did not eat or drink, the
only thing he longed for was prayer.
- A man of God prayed for him(v. 17). Through this act he received vision and the filling of the Holy
- He made the decision to be baptized (v. 18). I knew that God is a God of covenants. He understood that
God relates to his church through the covenant of baptism, which identifies us with the death of Jesus.
- He spent time being discipled (v. 19). This time provided him with the foundations to develop his
- He preached diligently (v. 20). He gave testimony about the experience he had with Jesus.
- He strove (v. 22). Paul said: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16). It is important that we put ourselves in evidence and
share about what we experience by accepting Jesus.
- He believed that Jesus was the Christ. Although he knew the biblical prophecies he could not understand
them until he had his own encounter with Jesus. Personal experience led him to understand the biblical
teaching. Paul was able to leave the things he had lived and gave his life to serve God, in the place, time
and way He required.
✏ Live the lesson
1. Write in front of each stage lived by Paul:
If you have already lived it, write your experience. If you haven't experienced it, write, in a different color,
why you think you haven't yet.
- Confrontation with the past:
- Revelation of the new nature:
- The first encounter:
- Prayer on behalf of a man (or woman) of God:
- Baptism:
- Time of discipleship:
- Preaching of Jesus Christ:
- Effort:
- Faith in Jesus:
📆 Remember the lesson The best decision is to live for Jesus.
Study the Word Psalms 82; Psalms 83; Psalms 84; Romans 15; Romans 16.
Day 44 - Make up your mind to stand firm in the face of attack
Read: Ephesians 6:10-11.
One of the strategies that the enemy uses, after we have had an encounter, is to prepare a great
attack, cunning and fast, with the purpose of stealing all that we received from God in those days.
Satan finds it hard to accept that those who were once his slaves are now experiencing freedom,
and he will try by all means to cool them in their relationship with God. For that he uses things
that these people longed for in the past, but had not been able to achieve.
The enemy looks for an occasion against us, offering us apparently very attractive things, whose
end is death, just as he did with the Lord Jesus at the moment of his temptation. But when we are
able to discern these attacks and submit our will and desires to God, we can stand firm in the face
of temptation, and the enemy flees. "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
When Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt, Pharaoh made one last attempt to return them
to slavery, marching against them with his entire army. God's instruction was for them to
continue on their way and not to turn back.
It is important to remain firm in our decision for Christ and to continue marching forward in spite
of the adversary coming with all his strength to try to push us back. The apostle Paul speaks of
the danger of returning to the old life "for if I build up again the very things I destroyed, I am a
transgressor" (Galatians 2:18). If we turn back, having received the grace of God's forgiveness,
we violate the covenant and despise the abundant life He offers us.
✏ Live the lesson
Ephesians 6:11-12 instructs us on how to be ready to stand firm in the face of every attack of the enemy.
Complete the list left to us by the Apostle Paul. Put on this spiritual armor every day and stand firm in the
face of temptation.
What does it mean?
Gird your loins with:_________________________
Shod feet with it:_____________________________
Above all take it:________________________________
And the sword of the Spirit which is the:
📆 Remember the lesson
I will not yield to the temptation of the world.📖 Study the Word
Psalms 85; Psalms 86; Psalms 87; 1 Corinthians 2; 1 Corinthians 3.
Day 45 - Decide to stand firm in front of yourself
We must understand that within us there is a nature that tries to reveal itself against God, to make
us slaves of our own desires. Our carnal nature is as dangerous as a trained feline that only needs
to taste a drop of blood to revive its savagery and rise up against its masters.
To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account several aspects that the apostle Paul mentions in
his letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 4:22-32).
Here are eight tips to renew our nature:
- Cast off what you were: "Cast off the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts"
. Someone who is corrupt is someone who has given himself over to vices. The only way to be
free is to renew our mind through the Word of God.
- Cast away falsehood:"Casting away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor".
Satan is the father of lies and Jesus is the truth and the life. When we become part of God's
family, we must speak according to the truth that comes from God.
- Be angry, but do not sin:"Be angry, but do not sin". Solomon said that anger rests in the heart of
fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9). But he also said that the soft answer takes away wrath (Proverbs 15:1).
We should always strive to ensure that our words and attitudes remove anger, rather than increase
- Do not give place to the devil: the angry and lying person opens the door to the adversary. It
will no longer attack from the outside, but from the inside.
- Restore what you were doing wrong: determine not only to stop doing what you were doing
wrong, but to do what you were doing right.
- Watch your mouth: every negative and complaining word is like a polluted river. If the cross is
at the center of our lives, every word that comes from our lips will be a spring of living water.
- Be mindful of the Holy Spirit: "and do not grieve the Holy Spirit". Indifference and spiritual
lightness makes the Holy Spirit saddened, and the light of blessing may disappear.
- Take care of your temper: give control of your temper and emotions to the Holy Spirit. Allow
Him to remove from you all that hinders the manifestation of God's character in you.
To walk in the new life that God offers us, we cannot have the same thoughts, habits and attitudes
that we had before. Everything must be renewed.
✏ Live the lesson
Pray based on Ephesians 4:22-32. Make this passage a reality in your heart. Express to God all that you
long to change in your life. Use this prayer as a reference: "Thank you Lord that all my old nature was
nailed to the cross. As of today I discard anger, rage, lying and dishonorable acts. Forgive me if I have
spoken foolish things, and help me every day to gladden your heart. I love you Lord and I pray in Jesus'
name, Amen."
📆 Remember the lesson The only way to be free is to renew the mind through the Word of God.
📖 Study the Word Psalms 88; Psalms 89; 1 Corinthians 4; 1 Corinthians 5; 1 Corinthians 6.
Day 46 - Make up your mind to depend totally on God
The people of Israel came out of Egypt in victory and this was cause for great celebration.
Pharaoh thought to destroy them all in front of the Red Sea, but when Moses stretched out the
rod, it opened and the people crossed to the other side through the dry land. In the same way He
has freed your life from captivity, but He still desires to show you great wonders.
- The Lord is your strength (Psalm 27:2). You must learn to place all your strength in God, this
will give you an impetus that will help you to successfully complete your career. Momentum is
the impulse, the vehemence that makes us move forward with intensity and strength. God will
sustain us so that we will not faint along the way. We cannot start the race accepting thoughts of
failure, or remembering what was our weakness; we must know that now everything is different,
because we have God's support and He will help us to obtain the victory.
- The Lord gives you strength in your weakness. The apostle Paul said: "It is sown in weakness, it
will rise in power" (1 Corinthians 15:43). This statement leads us to understand that for a
weakness to be transformed into a strength, it must be sown, that is, detached from it and placed
at the foot of the cross, so that the death of Jesus may absorb it. When this happens, we will
experience that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead will revive us and raise us up with
the same strength. We will not feel any fear of moving forward because we know that all our
weakness has already been overcome by Jesus on the cross. The writer to the Hebrews, referring
to the heroes of the faith, said: "they drew strength from weakness, they became strong in battle"
(Hebrews 11:34).
- The Lord is with you. The Lord appeared to Gideon and said, "The Lord is with you, you mighty
man of valor" (Judges 6:12). This produced a very strong impact on this man's mind. Gideon
thought that God was mocking him, because everyone in his family had turned their backs on
him. Just like Gideon, today the Lord is saying to you: "I don't care about your past, from now on
I am with you". Gideon was weak, insignificant, of no value to himself, but the word of God was
so powerful that it transformed all those circumstances.

✏ Live the lesson

Let Psalm 27 be part of your life. Have a time of prayer using the words of the psalmist and
believing that as you do so, faith is strengthened within you.

📆 Remember the lesson

The success of your Christian life is that you can depend on God every day.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 90; Psalms 91; Psalms 92; 1 Corinthians 7; 1 Corinthians 8.
Day 47 - Make up your mind to be hardworking and courageous
When God spoke to Gideon he said to him: "a mighty man of valor. When he heard it, he could
not believe it, for he was not a striving man, for he hid the wheat so that the Midianites would not
take it. Where was its value? He lived in hiding for fear of his enemies! But the Lord called him
"a mighty man of valor".
When God sets his eyes on us, he does not look at our past, failures or circumstances. God always
sees the purpose He has outlined for us and that changes our destiny.
Believing in God's purpose
What made God's words come true in Gideon's life? The fact that he believed in those words. He
did not take them lightly, nor did he renounce them, but accepted them with all his heart, and
when you believe with all your heart, miracles happen.
"Go in this thy strength, and thou shalt save Israel out of the hand of the Midianites"
(Judges6:14). In other words, God was saying to him: "with this my strength that I have placed
within you, you will save Israel". It is not by our strength that we gain victory. When we do
something using our strength, God respects our decision to do it alone and his strength is not
The Lord also said to him,"Did I not send you" (Judges 6:14). Being sent by God means having
his full backing, as when an ambassador is sent on a mission to another country.
Conquering weakness
Each person knows what his or her weakness is. Below are some of the most common
weaknesses we must face in order to live in conquest:
- Fear: is the greatest enemy of the anointing. He is a preacher from hell and says "you can't do
it." He is the one who pronounces an argument from the past and says "I know your life". When
fear comes against you, you must say: "God is with me and his strength is my strength". Fear
must be faced, not run away from. Today you can defeat what you feared because you are no
longer alone, now God is with you.
- Inferiority: it is that spirit that wants to make you feel incapable, worthless, unimportant. Now
you should know that God values you and that you are His child.
- Negativism: is a spirit that makes adversity look bigger than it is. He says, "You can't because
it's too big." To overcome negativism we must accept that God's strength is our strength. When
one has the strength of conquest that comes from God, there are no challenges that cannot be met,
no wall that cannot be broken down, no army that cannot be overcome. Everything is possible
because you have the strength of God within you.
✏ Live lesson 1. Confess the following sentences out loud:
- As of today I know that God is with me and I accept that my strength is His strength.
- I am so valuable that God paid the highest price, he gave his life for me.
📆 Remember the lesson When God looks at me, He sees the purpose He has outlined for me and that
changes my destiny.
📖 Study the Word Psalms 93; Psalms 94; Psalms 95; 1 Corinthians 9; 1 Corinthians 10.
Day 48 - Make up your mind for victory

Gideon did nothing extraordinary to achieve victory. He just obeyed and believed the word. What
did you do? By God's command he chose three hundred people to defeat an army as numerous as
the sand of the sea. What weapons do I use? Nothing special, but an empty clay pot, a torch and a
God makes decisions that at first glance seem strange, but they always bear good fruit.
What do these weapons mean?
The empty clay pot represents our weakness and the fact that we have nothing. God wants empty
vessels, he wants none of our strength. An empty vessel is a broken life. The empty vessel is the
person who renounces his wisdom.
The torch is the flame of the Spirit and the word, which is the power of God illuminating our
The trumpet represents the proclamations we make, because through the word divine truths are
Gideon said, "Look unto me, and do as I do" (Judges 7:17). The secret for Gideon was that all his
soldiers had the same feeling and spoke the same language. But it was also in waiting for God's
timing to carry out His plan. They acted and won the victory. They waited for midnight, blew the
trumpets, broke the vessels, and shouted "by the sword of the Lord and of Gideon" (Judges 7:20).
The Holy Spirit used this proclamation to disrupt the enemy army, killing each other because
there was great confusion and Gideon was victorious.
Surrender today your weakness at the foot of the cross and you will see how the Lord will
transform it into strength.

✏ Live the lesson

Answer the following questions:
1. What weakness do you decide to give to God today?
Remember: He will transform it into your greatest strength.
2. Write down a specific promise you have received from God for your life. Memorize it and
make it yours.
3. Decide to share with others the message of Jesus. Think of one person to whom you can share
this week. Write the name of this friend and pray that God will give you the grace to share their
📆 Remember the lesson
I will obtain victory because He transforms my weakness into strength.
📖 Study the Word
Psalms 96; Psalms 97; Psalms 98; Psalms 99; 1 Corinthians 11; 1 Corinthians 12.
Day 49 - Make up your mind to serve others
It was the last night Jesus shared with his disciples before being crucified. I knew that moment
was going to be engraved in their hearts. He spoke to them about many important things, but
there came a time when he did something unexpected. He took off his cloak, fetched a towel and
began to wash the feet of his disciples. For them, it was a surprise. They had seen all the power of
God manifested in Him, and suddenly that wonderful being was before them on his knees, doing
the work of a servant. Stunned, they looked at each other not knowing what to say or think. When
Jesus had finished with them all, he said to them: "Do you understand what I have done to you?
You call me Master and Lord; and you are right, for I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have
washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet" (John 13:12-15).
Having all the authority, power and position to be served, he took the place of a servant. If Jesus
did it, do we have an excuse for not doing the same?
The way up
On many occasions the disciples of Jesus discussed which of them would be the most important.
Once two of them asked Jesus to sit next to them in his kingdom and the other ten got upset.
Jesus took this opportunity to teach them an important principle. "Then Jesus called them and
said to them, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great
exercise authority over them. It will not be like that among you. But whoever desires to be great
among you shall be your servant; and whoever desires to be first among you shall be your
servant. In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his
life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:25-28). Jesus taught us that it is not about using our
strength to mistreat the weak, but that we must give ourselves to serve others and thus we will be
great. We are not strong in order to pass over others, but to help and support the weak (Romans
Martin Luther wrote: If there is anything in us, it is not ours; it is a gift from God. And if it is a
gift from God, it is a debt we owe entirely to love. This is the law of Christ. And if it is a debt we
owe to love, we must serve others, and not ourselves with that gift.
So my knowledge is not mine, it belongs to the ignorant and it is the debt I owe them. My
wisdom belongs to the foolish, my power to the oppressed. Thus my wealth belongs to the poor,
my righteousness to sinners.
✏ Live the lesson
1. Write down five real, practical ways you can serve and commit to doing so.
-In my house (to my family) e.g.: washing the dishes every night.
- At my work or place of study (to my colleagues). E.g.: make sure there is always water in the refrigerator
or dispenser.
- In the church (to my leaders, fellow servants, disciples). E.g.: take someone home in my car.
📆 Remember the lesson I will follow Jesus' example and serve others.
📖 Study the Word Psalms 100; Psalms 101; Psalms 102; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 Corinthians 14.

International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo

Week 8

Day 50-I am a son

"For you did not receive the Spirit of bondage again to be under fear, but you received the Spirit
of adoption as sons, in whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father'" (Romans 8:15).
When a child is adopted, he/she acquires the same rights as a legitimate child. Both share the
same inheritance, the same family, the same treatment and the same privileges.
When we came to the Lord, how did we find ourselves? Most of us were in a pretty pitiful
situation, comparable to the lack of a father and mother. We were helpless, malnourished and
spiritually naked.
The Lord looked at us and saw so much filth, so much ugliness that he thought: "But I already
have a people of my own, the people of Israel. I am more than satisfied with them. God could
have looked at us as strangers, but He did not. Although we had no hope of redemption, he
extended his mercy and loved us with his infinite grace. We, like a malnourished baby, stretched
out our arms to the Lord and He was moved to mercy. Although we were not his original people,
he made us his people. Although we were not his legitimate children, he adopted us as such and
was pleased to give us the same rights as his children.
God took us from the darkest place, made us his children so that we no longer have to live in fear.
He is your Father, you are His child. The moment you decided to give your life to the Lord, He
adopted you so that you have the right to be a child of God.
When God adopts us we receive His heart and His character. When God adopts us we become
heirs of his riches and privileges.
✏ Live the lesson
There are many differences between a person who is visiting a house and someone who is a child
of that house. Establish the differences and make an evaluation of your situation within the
family of God. Do you feel like a son or a visitor? Son: ______ Visitor: ______
So far I have felt like_____________ because I am____________________ in God's house.
From my attitudes I would like to change__________________ to be a better son.
📆 Remember the lesson
You are no longer a foreigner, you are a child of God.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 103; Psalms 104; 1 Corinthians 15.
Day 51 - The best inheritance
Read Romans 8:17.
God adopted us as His children out of His infinite love and mercy, so that we are not second-class
citizens to Him. On the contrary, because of our faith in Jesus, He raised us to the same dignity as
His Son. Now we are not only partakers of Jesus' privileges, but we can also enjoy his
inheritance. In addition, we have the best guide, the Holy Spirit. He reveals to us both the Father
and the Son, and guides us along the path we should walk.
Add the value of the properties that your heavenly Father has, how much would the amount be?
God is the owner of all creation, He owns everything that exists. And do you know anything?
You are his heir! You are co-heir with Christ of all his riches, which means that you have the
right to obtain the same riches.
God has prepared many spiritual and material blessings for your life. If you have not achieved
them yet, it is because you lack the essential element: faith. For "without faith it is impossible to
please God" (Hebrews 11:6) He has more to give you than you can ask of Him! While you think
about the little things, God wants to give you something big. He Himself said:"Ask of Me, and I
will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession"
(Psalm 2:8).
Read 1 John 3:21,22.
The adversary, astutely, sowed the idea in the hearts of some believers that asking for material
things is ostentation. Because of this concept, many have had to battle against the spirit of
poverty. The adversary believes that the fewer economic resources believers have, the less impact
they can have. But when Christians understand their privileges and claim them before the Lord, a
great impact can be made on the nations of the earth in a very short time. God wants to give you
superabundant blessings, He wants to bless your life, your home, your family, your church and
your nation.
Read Romans 8:32.
✏ Live the lesson
God has provision for your life, not only in some things, but in all the areas that compose it.
Analyze the following verses and connect with a line each promise of God with the area it
Romans 8:38-39 My calling with God
Psalm 2:8 My family
Joshua 24:15 My work or study
Jeremiah 29:11 My spiritual life/My relationship with God
Psalm 20:4 My personal wishes
📆 Remember the lesson
God has reserved the best for you.
📖 Study the Word
Psalms 105; 1 Corinthians 16; 2 Corinthians 1.
Day 52 - God's will
In the Bible we find the story of two brothers who were twins. The older brother's name was
Esau, and the younger brother's name was Jacob. From the day they were born there was great
competition between them. Although Esau came out of the womb first, claiming the blessing of
the first son, Jacob was born clutching his heel. It was as if they had been fighting to see who
would be born first.
For the Jewish people, the birthright was the greatest blessing one could have, so Jacob longed
for the blessing of being the eldest son. Rebecca, his mother, felt the oppression of two natures
struggling inside her womb. The two lived fighting continuously, and she sought divine guidance
when, because of her weariness, she wished for death. But, God revealed to him in that battle that
for God the firstborn would be the one born of the second. Read Genesis 25:23.
Jacob represents the spiritual man and Esau represents the carnal man. We must understand that
God's will is fulfilled in those who are willing to live a life in the Spirit. It is important that we
analyze the difference between living in the Spirit and living in the flesh.
The carnal man is the one who wishes to stand on his own without taking God into account, and
since he knows that what he does God does not approve, he prefers to live distanced from Him.
Read Romans 8:5-8. The spiritual man strives to live always pleasing to the Holy Spirit. Read
Romans 8:9-11.
God knows us from before our birth and has sent us to this world with a specific mission. God
has reserved a special blessing for us, but only those who are determined to live in the spirit will
be able to attain it.

✏ Live the lesson

According to Romans 8:5-11 write three characteristics of the carnal man and three
characteristics of the spiritual man.
Carnal man Spiritual man

📆 Remember the lesson

God's will is fulfilled in my life when I determine to live in the spirit.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 106; 2 Corinthians 2; 2 Corinthians 3; 2 Corinthians 4.

Day 53 - Accepting God's thoughts

"Faithful is he that calleth you, who will also do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
God has the best for us, his children. He called us to give us an abundant and purposeful life. He
wants us to remain in His original idea, to enjoy His blessings. However, it is our decision
whether or not to choose that kind of life that God offers us.
Human behavior is determined by the ideas he accepts in his mind. As an example of this truth,
we find in the Bible the story of Esau and Jacob.
Jacob longed for the blessing and from the beginning struggled to be the firstborn. On the
contrary, Esau looked down on her. See Genesis 25:27-34.
Esau accepted thoughts that came from the adversary: What have you obtained by being the
firstborn? You'd better sell your birthright before you starve to death.
The strategy used by the adversary is to release seeds through thought, this is equivalent to
baiting people in order to control their lives. The adversary uses the desires of the flesh to blind
the eyes of the spirit, thus blocking the understanding and preventing the voice of God from
being heard. He guides them to act clumsily in order to have dominion over them.
God respects the freedom of choice that every human being has.
As Christians, we have a responsibility to take care of what enters our minds, the thoughts we
accept and the decisions we make.

✏ Live the lesson

Read Philippians 4:8 and analyze your thoughts according to this verse.

📆 Remember the lesson

God's thoughts are much higher than ours.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 107; 2 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 6; 2 Corinthians 7.
Day 54 - God is my strength

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness" (2 Corinthians
The most distressing night in Jacob's life was the one when he learned that his brother Esau was
coming to meet him. The memory of threats came to his mind, for the last time they had seen
each other, Esau had promised to kill him for taking the blessing from him (Genesis 27:41).
This led Jacob to take refuge in prayer and he prayed intensely until he felt the deliverance of his
soul (Genesis 32:30).
Jacob called the place where he met God Peniel. Peniel means "the face of God". All the pressure
that had built up in the spiritual world was gone, the fear, anguish and despair were gone.
Great peace and confidence came into his life, as if an army of angels were with him.
The next day when he met his brother, Jacob already had control over the circumstances, for he
had spent a whole night battling for the blessing and had attained it (Genesis 32:24; 33:4).
What made Esau change his attitude? Prayer. Prayer changes circumstances.
The life of the believer should be a life of faith. We cannot pretend to conquer in our own
strength. Everything must be won first in prayer and by leaning on God. When He sees a heart
that seeks Him and depends on Him, He bends down to listen to it, moves His hand in our favor
and gives us His grace.

✏ Live the lesson

What has been your weakness? Take some time to write a prayer asking God to be your strength.

📆 Remember the lesson

In His presence God erases our weakness and gives us His grace.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 108; Psalms 109; 2 Corinthians 8; 2 Corinthians 9; 2 Corinthians 10.
Day 55 - A renewed mind

Read Romans 12:2.

We are the sum of our thoughts (Proverbs 23:7a), which we express in words.
The enemy works through thoughts. He starts throwing all kinds of darts at us. If we do not
accept them and our will remains firm, we will not suffer any harm. But whoever falls into the
enemy's trap and accepts his darts, will be spiritually unprotected, like a city without walls, very
easy to conquer.
The enemy frequently uses the media to try to contaminate us with negative messages and fear,
through television, the internet and music.
Likewise, the enemy tries to influence us through people who are part of our lives, so you should
be careful with your circle of friends. Let your friends be people who build you up and bless you
(1 Corinthians 15:33).
Norman Vincent Peale said, "You will not get bigger results than your thoughts. Big thoughts get
big results; small thoughts get small results."
Thinking big means having a renewed mind. And having a renewed mind depends on our contact
with the Word of God. The best way to invest your time is to search the Word of God.
Joshua's success depended on the way he filled his thoughts (Joshua 1:8). Today you have the
opportunity to feed your mind with the best nutrient: the Word of eternal life.

✏ Live the lesson

Answer these questions:
1. Name four TV shows or movies you watched this week.
2. How much time did you spend on social networks during the week?
3. What songs did you listen to this week?
4. What are the names of your five closest friends?
5. Did you study the Bible every day this week?

📆 Remember the lesson

You will not get results bigger than your thoughts.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 110; Psalms 111; Psalms 112; Psalms 113; 2 Corinthians 11; 2 Corinthians 12; 2
Corinthians 13.

Day 56 - I am a winner

Read Numbers 13:30-31

Meditate for a few moments on this question: What were some of the things Jesus thought about
when he was on earth? Everything Jesus thought was linked to the Word. Every word Jesus spoke
had the approval of the heavenly Father. He never allowed his mind to be idle. Just like Jesus, an
overcomer never thinks or speaks in the wrong way, he always sees the solution to every
problem, because he knows that with God everything is possible.
The life of faith implies an effort on our part and is completely opposed to the life of sin. Sin
always leads people down the easy path and turns life into a race to the bottom. Faith, on the
other hand, demands our effort, and leads us to climb the mountain where the difficulties lie with
the full certainty that we will overcome them.
When the people of Israel were in the desert, God wanted Moses to send twelve men as spies to
evaluate the land He was going to give them. Almost all the spies returned with a mentality of
defeat and failure, but Joshua and Caleb arrived with the attitude of winners, with full confidence
of victory over the enemies, for the Lord Himself had assured them of triumph. From this story
we learn the following:
-We cannot conquer that which we fear.
-We must always speak words of faith.
-We must remove the complaint from our lips.
God fights the battles for you. He has the solution to all your problems and struggles. Take
courage and believe in His promises to live more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

✏ Live the lesson

1. Set goals by month, by week, and by day. Don't allow any thoughts of doubt, don't speak
anything negative. If you achieve the goal for a whole day, try to do it for a week. If you succeed,
try it for a month. If you can meet it, extend the goal to one year. In this way, you will become a
2. Make a list of faith statements that you can read aloud every day.

📆 Remember the lesson

An overcomer always has thoughts and words of victory.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 114; Psalms 115; Psalms 116; Galatians 1; Galatians 2.
International Charismatic Mission - Maracaibo
Week 9

Day 57 - Starting over

The Israelites lived 400 years of slavery in Egypt, none of them knew freedom. All were born
slaves, lived as slaves and saw their parents die as slaves. They did not know a different world.
But suddenly, after many signs and wonders that God did to show that He was with them and
against the Egyptians, they were completely free. They left Egypt and found themselves facing
the Red Sea and behind them was the Egyptian army that had followed them to return them to
God intervened once again on their behalf, to separate them completely from Egypt and slavery.
The Red Sea opened so that they could pass through without difficulty and when the Egyptians
tried to follow them, the sea closed and they all drowned. The people of Israel were liberated,
their enemies were no more, with the sea at their backs and a desert ahead, they were on their
way to a promised land where milk and honey flowed. They finally had a chance to start over.
We also have that same option, taking a step of obedience to detach ourselves from that old
nature and begin a new stage. That opportunity is called "baptism".
"Baptism" means "immersion." New Testament baptism involves total immersion.
Jesus was baptized at the age of 30. His baptism marked the beginning of his ministry. Just as
when the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea to have a new beginning, baptism for Jesus was the
transition between his simple life as a carpenter and his great ministerial work.

✏ Live the lesson

1. What habits and attitudes would you like to leave behind so you can have a fresh start?
2. Pray to God asking Him to show you what other things are hindering you and not allowing you
to have a fresh start. Write them down.

📆 Remember the lesson

Baptism is a transition between two states, a complete change, a total immersion. It's a chance to
start over.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 117; Psalms 118; Galatians 3; Galatians 4.
Day 58 - Who has this opportunity?

The apostle Peter while preaching the gospel of Jesus in the house of Cornelius saw the Holy
Spirit descend with power upon all who heard the message. The Jews who went with Peter were
amazed. Read Acts 10:47-48. Peter's experience with that Gentile family signified God's approval
of it.
In ancient times, Gentiles and Jews did not meet together, for since the time of Moses, God had
commanded His people to separate themselves completely from the other nations that inhabited
the Promised Land, so as not to learn their sinful behavior and not to be contaminated by them.
Even Peter considered the Gentiles as unclean people; for that reason the Holy Spirit had to
convince him in a vision to go and preach to Cornelius' house. Up to this point in history, God
related only to his people: the Jews. The meeting in Cornelius' house opened the doors for all of
us to be disciples of Jesus. When Peter understood that God had also chosen people of other
nationalities, he baptized them. He did this to make us understand that anyone can be baptized, if
they are willing to follow God without reservation.
Jesus' last instructions to his disciples were clear. The mission of making disciples and baptizing
them continues. Read Matthew 28:19-20.
The opportunity to start over through baptism is only for those who want to live as disciples of

✏ Live the lesson

Complete the following verse: Go therefore and make__________________________ known to
all nations, _____________________ in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teach them _____________ all things that I have commanded you. And behold, I am
with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).
2. Look up the definition of the following words in a dictionary: disciple, baptism.
3. To grow as a disciple of Jesus I must:_________________________________
4. The new thing I want to see in my life is:_____________________________________

📆 Remember the lesson

Baptism is for every person who wants to be a disciple of Jesus.

📖 Study the Word

Psalm 119:1-44; Galatians 5; Galatians 6.
Day 59 - Can I do it now?

The book of Acts speaks of a great evangelist named Philip. When Saul participated in the
persecution of the church in Jerusalem, many fled to other cities, preaching wherever they went.
Philip went to Samaria to preach the gospel, performing many miracles and signs, with which the
people were amazed and believed the Word, because God backed him up.
Read Acts 8:12.
Later Philip was led to a road by an angel (Acts 8:26), where he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an
official of Queen Candase, who was reading the prophet Isaiah but could not understand it. Philip
came to him and explained to him from this scripture the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. This man
received the conviction that Jesus was the true Messiah.
Read Acts 8:36-38.
We do not know the words with which Philip explained the gospel to the Ethiopian, but we can
see that he spoke to him about baptism in such a way that as soon as he saw the water he wanted
to take that step. He decided to be part of that blessing and ordered to stop the car to be baptized.
We can see that the natural step after believing in the gospel is to be baptized. The only thing
Philip demanded of the eunuch was to have faith.
Dr. Derek Prince comments: If you are baptized as an unbeliever, you will go down into the
waters as a dry sinner and come up as a wet sinner! That is the only transformation that will
Let us remember that a person who believes in Jesus must have repented of his sins and for that
he must have heard the gospel.

✏ Live the lesson

1. The only thing Philip demanded of the Ethiopian eunuch was that he believe wholeheartedly.
Do you believe wholeheartedly? If a person asked you to explain what you believe in, what
would you answer? Write your own statement of faith:
I think...

📆 Remember the lesson

Baptism should be an immediate decision to conversion. Its only requirement: faith.

📖 Study the Word

Psalm 119:45-88; Ephesians 1; Ephesians 2.
Day 60 - The example of Jesus
Read 1Peter 2:21.
This verse indicates the pattern we follow to reach perfection, and that pattern is Jesus.
Before beginning His ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ came to the Jordan to be baptized by John.
Although John the Baptist did not know that Jesus was the son of God when he came to be
baptized, because of the testimony he had all his life, John recognized that Jesus was more
righteous than he was and so he said to him, "I need to be baptized by you, and you come to
me?"(Matthew 3:14). Before John's astonishment at this act of humility, Jesus said to him, "Let
us leave now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:15).
Normally John baptized for repentance, but that was not the case with Jesus. He never sinned and
therefore had nothing to repent of. Although he was baptized by John, his baptism was not like
the others; Jesus gave it a new meaning.
When Jesus says "it is fitting" he means that it is appropriate to fulfill righteousness in this way.
When we are baptized in the name of Jesus as one of his followers, we are not receiving a
baptism of repentance. We already repent, but that is not the reason we are being baptized. We
are baptized to "fulfill all righteousness" or to complete all righteousness.
As Christians we have a responsibility to be like Jesus. He is our role model. Our greatest goal is
to be like Him so that the world may know Him through our lives. If the Lord Jesus Christ
himself, without having committed sin, fulfilled the requirement of baptism, how much more we,
who are about to begin this new stage, in which our old nature is buried and we are born to new

✏ Live the lesson

1. Write down 5 things you admire about Jesus and how you can imitate him.
What do I admire about Jesus? How can I imitate it?

📆 Remember the lesson

Jesus is the model for all Christians to follow.

📖 Study the Word

Psalm 119:89-132; Ephesians 3; Ephesians 4.
Day 61 - What it means to me
Being imitators of Jesus, we are baptized to follow the example He left us. However, baptism has
a spiritual significance that is more important than it appears at first glance. It is not a mere ritual.
Read Romans 6:3-4.
Water baptism means identifying with Jesus in his death, burial and resurrection. As we go down
into the waters of baptism, we are dying to our nature and, as we rise, we are being reborn to a
new life with Christ. Baptism means to be buried. The Lord does not ask us to go to the torture of
the cross, since he has already borne our guilt, sin and curse. The only thing He commanded is
that we go down into the waters of baptism, which identifies us with His death on the cross. Read
Romans 6:5-6.
Paul explains that the part of us that dies is the "old man", that rebellious one, inclined to sin and
an enemy of God. There is no other possible end to our ancient nature. If we want a new life, we
cannot reform the one we lead, our old life must die. It must be destroyed.
Many times we want to "tame" our old nature and live a Christian life by indulging in behaviors
that do not correspond; however, the only way to experience the fullness that Christ offers us is to
leave behind forever that old way of living and accept all that Jesus is.
Baptism signifies not only our death, but also our resurrection. Just as Christ did not remain in the
tomb, we do not remain in the waters, but arise, clothed with the new nature, free from the
slavery of sin.
Baptism is a total transformation, nothing of our old nature remains. We are completely
transformed. Through baptism we begin a new life.

✏ Live the lesson

Ask a person in the church who has already been baptized what changes occurred in his or her
life after being baptized. Write down what struck you most about his testimony.

📆 Remember the lesson

Baptism means the death of my old nature and a new life for me.

📖 Study the Word

Psalm 119:133-176; Ephesians 5; Ephesians 6.
Day 62 - You decide!
Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-15.
When we are immersed and rise from the waters of baptism, our life no longer belongs to us. If
someone wanted to continue living in his own way and making his own decisions, he should not
be baptized, since baptism is a determination to die to our nature and have the opportunity for
resurrection. When this happens, our life belongs to the Lord.
Jesus in his last instructions indicated the two ways to make disciples: baptize people and then
teach them (Matthew 28:19-20).
In the story of Philip we learned that baptism takes place immediately after people are converted.
Baptism was the sign of the commitment of every believer to give himself unreservedly to God.
In the early church many people dared to take the step of faith of baptism to manifest their
conviction and their desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. This act of bravery showed that
above and beyond the circumstances, they were all willing to set their lives on the right course. In
order to make a decision, it is not necessary to pay much attention to the circumstances or
conditions that surround us, but rather to the destination we want to reach and why we make the
decisions we do.

✏ Live the lesson

1. Reflect on the following statements and respond according to your conviction.
Affirmations Y No
I believe that Jesus is the son of God, that he died on the cross for my sins, receiving
the punishment I deserved, that he was buried and on the third day rose from the dead.
I have confessed all my sins. I have a clear conscience because I am not indulging
anything out of order in my life.
I am willing to die to my old way of living. To leave completely my sins, habits and
everything that displeases God.
I recognize that my new life does NOT belong to me. I am willing to faithfully obey
Jesus in EVERYTHING He tells me, even if I don't want to, don't like it or don't agree
with it.
I know that baptism is only the beginning. I commit myself to persevere, to keep
learning and that being like Jesus will be my main goal. Jesus will be my ONLY role
Baptize yourself only if you checked YES for all answers. Otherwise take the time to think, pray
and then make your decision.
📆 Remember the lesson
Baptism is a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus.
📖 Study the Word
Psalms 120; Psalms 121; Psalms 122; Psalms 123; Philippians 1; Philippians 2; Philippians 3.

Day 63 - New life

Baptism represents our death and burial, but also our resurrection. Baptism is the beginning of a
new life.
Now we are free from the slavery of sin "For in that he died, he died unto sin once for all: but in
that he liveth, he liveth unto God" (Romans 6:10). Before, when we were slaves, sin determined
our every move. He would tell us "go" and we would go, we had no choice. It was as if we had a
gun pointed at our head at all times and before which we were defenseless. But thanks be to God,
sin no longer has power or authority over us. When he returns to tempt us (for temptation will
come), his words will be as ineffective as if he were asking a dead man to raise his hands. Sin
will no longer dominate us because we are dead to it.
Our new life is for God. Loving because we are loved, living in Christ because Christ lives in us.
We no longer have to bear our sins because Jesus bore them and carried them to the cross! Now
we can enjoy a wonderful freedom unknown to those who still live in slavery. Finally we can live
to the fullest!

✏ Live the lesson

1. Make a list of the things you have been transformed into.
2. Write a prayer in which you thank God for where He brought you from and how far He has
brought you. Never lose sight of this so that your heart will always be a grateful heart. And
remember: He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus
Christ! (Philippians 1:6).

📆 Remember the lesson

After we are baptized, a new life begins in which we can know true freedom.

📖 Study the Word

Psalms 124; Psalms 125; Psalms 126; Psalms 127; Philippians 4; Colossians 1; Colossians 2.

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