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was started at the year 1460 after E) with the establishment of
the conquest of Istanbul by Mehmed Republic of Turkey
DID YOU KNOW? hero in the mountain and the flaming rocks WKH&RQTXHURULQ7KH3DODFH &HYDS&
continued to breathe fire since then. Today, was completed in 1478. It was built
7+(752-$1+256(After 10 years of it is known that the source of the fire is
long bloody war, the Greek soldiers made upon a 700.000 square meter area :KLFKRIWKHIROORZLQJLVWUXH
natural gas, which has been burning for at ORFDWHGDWWKH,VWDQEXO3HQLQVXOD DFFRUGLQJWRWKHWH[W"
a sneaky plan to take the city of Troy. They least 2,500 years.
built a huge wooden horse and chose the between Sea of Marmara, Bosporus A) It’s the biggest palace-museum in
strongest warriors to hide inside it. The
Greeks pretended to sail away, and the ,I\RXFDQÜWEHDWWKHPMRLQWKHPWhen was the administrative, educational B) It was of no importance during
people thought the horse was a gift and you fail to change others’ behaviour, and art centre of the Empire for the Ottoman Empire.
pulled it into their city. Later that night, you might have to change yourself nearly four hundred years. After C) It has been used as a museum
the Greek soldiers climbed down the instead. In this way, you can adapt to the the establishment of the Republic since it was constructed.
horse to open the gates for their army and circumstances. RI7XUNH\7RSNDS¿3DODFHZDV D) It is visited less than any museums
destroyed the city. Today the archaeologists 7KHJUDVVLVDOZD\VJUHHQHURQWKH transformed into a museum on April LQýVWDQEXOHYHU\\HDU
agree that Troy was burnt down and the RWKHUVLGHRIWKHKLOO: When people are 3th, 1924 and it was the first museum E) It is on the coast of sea of
wooden horse is just an imaginary figure. dissatisfied with what they have, they of the Republic of Turkey. It is also one Marmara, Bosporus and Golden Horn.
7+(0$,'(1Ü672:(5According to usually want whatever they don’t have. of the biggest palace-museums with &HYDS(
the myth, an emperor had a very beautiful They think there are better opportunities its architectural structures, collections
daughter. One day, fortune tellers told out there. and approximately 300.000 archive 9HULOHQF¸POH\HDQODPFDHQ\DN¿Q
him that his daughter would be killed by 'RQÜWFRXQW\RXUFKLFNHQVEHIRUHWKH\ papers. It’s the most visited place in VH£HQH½LLÅDUHWOH\LQL]
a poisonous snake at the age of 18. So, he KDWFK You shouldn’t be too optimistic and ýVWDQEXOZLWKDURXQGPLOOLRQYLVLWRUV Archaeologists have excavated the
decided to put her in a tower which was excited about an outcome as your plans ever year. ancient city extensively.
built on a small island. However, her fate might not work out. So, it’ll be a good idea A) This ancient city has survived
was sealed. The princess was killed by a to wait and see until you succeed. And then 7RSNDS¿3DODFHZDV several times.
snake which came in a basket of delicious you can think about your next step. EXLOW B) Archaeologists are digging to
fruit on her 18th birthday. Of course, it is <RXFDQÜWWHDFKDQROGGRJQHZWULFNV A) in the 20th find the treasure.
just a sad legend of the awesome tower Old people usually can’t learn new things century C) The ancient city has been
which was used as a lighthouse and a or adapt to changes easily in life. So, it is B) for 4 hundred excavated extensively.
prison in the past. Today, it is used as a important to train a person early in life. years D) Archaeologists tried to discover
restaurant. 7KHHDUO\ELUGFDWFKHVWKHZRUP If you C) between 1460 the ancient city.
02817&+,0$(5$Once upon a time, are motivated to get what you want, you and 1478 E) The ancient city will be explored
there was a horrible dragon with the will have a chance for success. So, when you soon.
head of a lion, the body of a goat and prepare well and get started early, you will &HYDS&
the tail of a snake. This aggressive have an advantage over others.
fire-breathing dragon used to live in
Mount Olympus. According to the
mythology, the dragon was
killed by a


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