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:- 12th Sub:- Computer Time:- 50 Min

Marks:- 40 Date:- 14/07/2023

 Answer the following questions as directed : (Each carries 2 Mark) [40]
1. Which of these elements in HTML can be used for making a text bold?
(A) <a> (B) <pre> (C) <br> (D) <b>
2. Which tag do we use in HTML for inserting a line-break?
(A) <a> (B) <br> (C) <b> (D) <pre>
3. How to create a hyperlink in HTML?
(A) <a link = “”> </a>
(B) <a> < /a>
(C) <a href = “”> </a>
(D) <a url = “” /a>
4. In HTML, how do we insert an image?
(A) <img src = “jtp.png” /> (B) <img href = “jtp.png” />
(C) <img link = “jtp.png” /> (D) <img url = “jtp.png” />
5. Which tag do we use to define the options present in the drop-down selection lists?
(A) <list> (B) <option> (C) <dropdown> (D) <select>
6. In HTML, which of these would add a background color?
(A) <marquee bgcolor = “plum”> (B) <marquee bg color: “plum”>
(C) <marquee color = “plum”> (D) <marquee bg-color = “plum”>
7. Which HTML tag do we use to display text along with a scrolling effect?
(A) <div> (B) <scroll> (C) <marquee> (D) None of the above
8. In HTML, we use the <hr> tag for ___________.
(A) horizontal ruler (B) new line
(C) new paragraph (D) vertical ruler
9. What is the correct way of sending mail in HTML?
(A) <mail ab@b</mail> (B) <a href = “ab@b”>
(C) <a href = “mailto: ab@b”> (D) None of the above

Ascent School of Science, Palanpur – 385001 Page 1

10. In HTML, the tags are __________.
(A) in upper case (B) case-sensitive
(C) in lowercase (D) not case sensitive
11. Which of these tags helps in the creation of a drop-down box or a combo box?
(A) <input type = “dropdown”> (B) <list>
(C) <ul> (D) <select>
12. Which tag is used in HTML5 for the initialization of the document type?
(A) <Doctype HTML> (B) <!DOCTYPE html>
(C) <Doctype> (D) <\Doctype html>
13. What is the correct way in which we can start an ordered list that has the numeric value count
of 5?
(A) <ol type = “1” start = “5”> (B) <ol type = “1” num = “5”>
(C) <ol type = “1” begin = “5”> (D) <ol type = “1” initial = “5”>
14. Which one is the HTML document’s root tag?
(A) <head> (B) <body> (C) <title> (D) <html>
15. Which HTML tag do we use for displaying the power in the expression, (x² – y²)?
(A) <p> (B) <sub> (C) <sup> (D) None of the above
16. In HTML, the correct way of commenting out something would be using:
(A) ## and # (B) <!– and –> (C) </– and -/-> (D) <!– and -!>
17. How does the <bdo> element work?
(A) changes direction of the ltr text
(B) override the direction of the rtl text
(C) stops writing in current direction of text
(D) override the text direction
18. What attribute do we use for data binding?
(A) datasrc (B) mayscript (C) name (D) datafld
19. The non-ASCII characters would be replaced with ________ by the process of URL encoding.
(A) “+” (B) “%” (C) “&” (D) “*”
20. Which of these entities is not defined in the XML?
(A) apos (B) quot (C) copy (D) gt


Ascent School of Science, Palanpur – 385001 Page 2

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