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Вступне тестування з англійської мови

до 5 класу гімназії №172 «Нивки»

Варіант 1
Task 1. Повідом про себе інформацію своєму товаришу з листування (для його щоденника).
Name and surname _______________________________________________________
Favourite subjects at school ________________________________________________
Age ______________________ Favourite meals/drinks _________________________
Country ________________________ Pet ____________________________________
City ___________________________ Favourite colour _________________________

Task 2. Напиши відповіді на ці запитання.

1. Fourteen minus three is _____________________________

2. Five plus three is __________________________________
3. Six plus six is _____________________________________
4. Seventeen minus fifteen is ___________________________
5. Twenty-nine plus thirty-one is _______________________

Task 3. Встав `am`,`is`,`are`,`have` або `has`.

1. Where __________ they from?

2. Paul comes from Canada, he ________ Canadian.
3. Anna and Mary ___________ at work now.
4. I ______________ a pupil of the 5th form.
5. She ____________________ at home now.
6. They ________________ a big living-room.
7. _____________ Kate from Lviv?
8. The Browns _____________ a new goldfish.
9. There _________ two museums in our town.
10. Bill _______________________ a nice flat.
11. There _______________ a river in London.
12. Ben ____________________ 5 years old.

Task 4. Встав “many” або “much”:

1. How_________________ trees can you see?

2. How_________________ money have you got?
3. How__________________ eggs are there in the fridge?
4. How__________________ milk do you want?
5. How__________________ bread do you want?
6. How__________________ boys are there in your class?

Task 5. Дай короткі відповіді на запитання:

1. Is the girl watching T.V? Yes, _________________________

2. Was Jim at work yesterday? No, __________________________
3. Does she drink lemonade? No, __________________________
4. Did my brother swim in the sea last summer? Yes, _________________________
5. Can dogs fly? No, __________________________
6. Has the boy got a bicycle? Yes, _________________________

Task 6. Утвори ступені порівняння прикметників.

Наприклад: new – newer – the newest

1. Big _____________________________________________________________
2. good ____________________________________________________________
3. bad _____________________________________________________________
4. difficult _________________________________________________________
5. little ____________________________________________________________
6. long ___________________________________________________________
7. lazy ________________________________________________________
8. large _______________________________________________________
9. many ______________________________________________________

Task 7. Вибери і впиши правильне слово.

1.Sam_____________________this performance recently.

(saw, sees, has seen)
2.Her grandparents usually _______________________ coffee twice a day.
(drank, drink, are drinking)
3.We ______________________ to Kremenets now.
(have gone, go, are going)
4.My Granny ________________ ill this week.
(was, has been, is)
5.They ________________ married in Paris two years ago.
(have got, got, get)
6.Peter _________________________________ up his friend tomorrow
(didn’t ring, isn’t ringing, won’t ring)

Task 8. Напиши запитання. Почни їх зі слів, що стоять в дужках.

1. My friend’s family lives in Kyiv. (Where)

2. Mike has got a funny T-shirt. (What)
3. My brother can play hockey well. (Who)
4. Tom and Sam will get up very early. (Will)
5. They are playing tennis in the yard. (Where)
6. Last month I visited Odesa. (When)

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