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Can Xue Interview

Jonathan Griffith

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Can Xue Interview
Jonathan Griffith

first met Can Xue in April 2009 at the reading for the New Hunan Daily News before 1957. My mother
her newly published novel Five Spice Street at the worked at the newspaper too. We were a big family—
92nd Street Y in New York City. Can Xue, whose eight children and a grandmother lived together in
pseudonym means “the dirty snow that refuses to that house.
melt,” and I had already been in correspondence after I wrote In China, all the newspapers belonged to the Party,
a letter to her via the publisher of her wonderful story col- so my father was a very honest Party member and a
lection Blue Light in the Sky. A few weeks after I sent
the letter, an e-mail from Can Xue appeared in my in-box,
which was so typical of my experience with this important
Chinese writer. She not only answered my rather awkward
questions with humility and clarity, but she also pushed my
thinking to another level and offered to continue the dialogue.
Can Xue’s diamond clarity is something that distinguishes
all her work. Wrestling with it brings the reader/participant
to his or her own sense of clarity. It’s dialogue as a dance that
requires, as she says in this interview, initiative and effort on
the part of the reader, and it can at turns be both very serious
and hilariously funny.
This interview began over a wonderful weekend of con-
versation at Can Xue’s apartment in Beijing in September
2009 and continued through numerous e-mails, more discus-
sion, and more clarification. The apartment where Can Xue
and her husband live is part of a larger group of apartments
set off from the busy Beijing traffic. The place is quiet—not
what I’m used to from my previous visits to Shanghai and
Beijing—modest, comfortable, and wonderfully full of light
since the apartment spans the width of the building, giving
views on both sides to the courtyards below. The walls are
white and unadorned, a bit of a surprise since Can Xue has a
passion for art, but there is something right about this as well
for a writer who strives for what she calls “breaking through.”
Several bookcases hold her book collection, which includes
volumes of her work, those by her favorite writers, and books
of art. She had prepared for the weekend by writing notes on
one sheet of paper both in Chinese characters and in English.
Can Xue is intense but extremely patient, and she laughs very serious man. And he studied Western philosophy
chinese literature today summer 2010

very easily, putting people at ease.—Jonathan Griffith (mainly Marxism-Leninism) very hard. From my
impressions, my family was a very orthodox family,
Jonathan Griffith: You were born in 1953 in a par- as most Chinese families were at that time—very
ticular time and place in history. What were the cir- possibly the most orthodox among the orthodox
cumstances of your childhood? What were you like families. That means every member in this family was
as a child? very honest with each other and never told a lie. We
shared delicious foods, candies, and fruits very fairly,
Can Xue: I was born in a “revolutionary” family. My and our parents were supposed to divide them for us
82 father was the director and also editorial director of impartially. The most important thing for us kids was
studying, and we seldom talked about material things. CX: This question would have to have a very long
But that also meant our father’s and mother’s words answer. I would just like to give some main points here.
were forever correct. We children should listen to How did I survive? Or, how did my spiritual world
them at any time and any place. And we should not come into being?
have a different opinion. Actually, that was the social As you know, I grew up in a family that was full
atmosphere in the 1950s and ’60s, an atmosphere of idealism and peremptoriness. So from a very young
that was modest, sincere, and idealistic. But at the age (two or three), what could mesmerize me most
same time, it was very depressing and full of a were spiritual things. I invented all sorts of stories—
dictatorial spirit. It made a child like me always very warm, beautiful, adventurous stories for myself since
nervous (afraid of breaking the rules) and extremely I was two or three years old. Usually it would be like
introverted. this: as I sat still, with my grandmother in an adults’
In 1957, my father was identified as an “Ultra- meeting, or with my dad, or sometimes just by myself,
Rightist” by the Party during the Anti-Rightists the interesting stories would come to my mind. I loved
movement. Our big family moved to a very small those stories intensely, so I thought about them all the
apartment (just two small rooms) in the suburb of time and was reluctant to give them up. I still remember
Changsha City. Behind our apartment was Yue Lu some plots of the stories from when I was three.
Mountain, a beautiful mountain with a lot of trees, When I was a little bit older (four to eight years
some streams, and many old beautiful graves. So old), I detected spiritual materials (usually at home)
although that was during the Great Leap Forward like a hunting dog—things like a colorful rag, a chalk,
when people could not get enough food to eat and a beautiful new button or an ugly old button, a glass
families like ours were extremely poor and miserable, ball, a peach pit, a knitting needle, a crude painting, and
for us kids, going to the mountain was paradise. If so on. All of them could become my materials. I told
it was not raining hard or in cold winter, we were myself (or sometimes my younger brother or a certain
on the mountain almost every day—looking for friend) those stories again and again. But most of the
edible wild herbs, wild fruits, mushrooms; collecting time, I just kept a silence and told them in my heart
firewood; planting vegetables; or just playing. So we over and over. I was secretly excited for a long time. At
were very hungry every day, but our spiritual life was that time, a family like ours couldn’t seek any material
so rich, so colorful. things. So my spiritual seeking was exceptionally
These were my young days in the ’50s and ’60s. I persevering.
think there were four special things that helped mold As soon as I learned to read, I fell in love with
my character: the idealism of the ’50s and ’60s; living it. When I read primary literature stories, I began
among nature in those years of crucial importance an undertaking—playing the parts of my stories in
in my childhood, which let me know what beauty my mind. Those parts—sometimes they were from
was; the fact that our family fell to the bottom of the my reading materials, sometimes they were just my
society, which made me experience life as a common inventions—but if I loved a certain character in a book
person and not as anyone special; and the family very much, I acted that character many times, and was
atmosphere, with its peremptoriness yet at the same moved deeply by the acting.
time extreme attention to our spiritual life—these Language is a magical thing. When a child who
two caused me to be both painfully introverted and is very sensitive to spiritual things enters that world,
to bestir myself. his or her imagination will proliferate wildly, and
performances will become his or her real life. So
JG: I love the foreword of Dialogues in Paradise, “A although I didn’t begin writing formally until I was
Summer Day in the Beautiful South.” It’s incredibly thirty, I gave performances all the time. And only these
evocative of exactly what you are talking about, sorts of performances could satisfy my needs. All the
chinese literature today summer 2010

the feeling of paradise on the mountain during other things were at most second-best compared with
this time of your youth, yet, reader beware, what’s this.
being described is incredibly painful—the ever- Back to your question: How did I survive? I
present threat of starvation, the ways your family survived through my spiritual performances. And I will
tricked yourselves to survive in a time of incredible do so in the future. I think that spiritual things have to
deprivation. The essay is very funny yet heartrending. be realized through one’s acting. One has to practice it
After all, your grandmother essentially starved herself every day. You practice, you survive. And your stories
so that her grandchildren would survive. How did continue to proliferate. If someday you totally give up,
you survive with your spirit intact? you will die soon. 83
JG: Deprivation in your case in some ways may have by this spiritual action. The stronger the internal
allowed independent thinking. I know that your pressure, the more powerful the springing back. This
formal schooling was stopped at a young age, yet you is the way of the artist. But you seem to have been
became highly educated in an idiosyncratic way that practicing this from a very young age—in the stories
seems critical for your formation as a writer. Was this you told yourself, in your recognition of spiritual
the influence of your father? Do you think it made material that others might think of as common or
you more independent? sordid, in your performances. Did you recognize your
experience as being unusual?
CX: Yes, I agree that I got my knowledge in an
idiosyncratic way and that it was critical for my CX: My character when I was a child was inclined
writing. And it was indeed mainly because of the toward an extremity. But I don’t think that my early
influence of my father. After I finished my primary experience is unusual. Possibilities are often unlimited
schooling (five-and-a-half years), if I wanted to go to for a child when she is very young. If you give her an
a middle school, it was very possible. But I thought elegant factory-made doll, she will be mesmerized by
that if I went, maybe there would be scorn, insults, that doll. If you don’t give her anything, maybe she
and all sorts of difficult things waiting for me at the will find something by herself—a flake of wood, an
school. I was such a thoughtful kid, always burning old shoe, a peach pit, or something like these. I think
with anxieties. That’s a heavy burden on my heart. So I maybe the imagination for the latter is nearer the
complained of it (not without some exaggerations) to essence—the core—of aesthetic activities. Because the
my father, whom I loved most in our family. My father material is prosaic and modest, it opens an unlimited
sighed and agreed with me. He said that I could stay space for a child’s imagination. In my view, the best
at home. I remember how relieved I felt on that day! literature always uses material that has the most
And although I did get a lot of advantages from not universality. Some advanced literature uses material
going to school, I don’t think this [not going to school] that borders on coming from a vacuum—maybe we
was critical for my formation as a writer. I think even if could call it “pure imagination.” So I think I was just
I had been in school, I would still have been a writer. very lucky at that very early time because I had the
For a person like me who is very sensitive to spiritual chance to come very close to the essence of beauty
things, whether you press her hard or give her some and was always engaging in an aesthetic activity.
freedom, she will continue her pursuing. Calvino That’s also why material is not a problem for Can
went to schools, and he turned his knowledge into the Xue’s writing. Actually, I can develop stories from
fodder and methods of his literature so wonderfully. any material. This way of writing is totally different
What really matters is whether you have the strongest from the way of realistic writing. I think of modern
desire for idealistic things. If you have, then even in people, think of why a lot of them are so lazy. Maybe
the lowest conditions, you will automatically change mass-manufactured products kill their capability for
your environment to serve your ideals. And you will imagination from when they are infants. They are lazy
practice your skills for pursuing it every day. As time now. And it seems they will be lazier and lazier in their
goes by, your ideals will take shape. minds in the future.
My father protected my desires. He always A comment about “dirty” and “ugly”—what
encouraged me to read. He even taught me some is “dirty,” what is “ugly”? We children get these
Western philosophy and history for a time. I think conceptions from adults, from society. In a very
his example is always in my heart. My view is this: young child’s mind, usually she is not that concerned
Recognize your desire; protect it and let it exert about whether an object is “dirty” or “ugly.” What
rationally. Then you will have independent thinking. she is concerned about most is whether the object is
But people usually don’t know what they want at a interesting. And this standard is usually not according
chinese literature today summer 2010

young age; how can they choose? In my experience, to adults’ standard; it’s according to the child’s own
reading some literature and philosophy will help you sense. So I think a very young child’s sense is often
recognize your desire. the nearest to the intuition of arts or literature. But
of course it’s not equal to the real art intuition—that’s
JG: This reminds me of another comment you made another story.
at the 92nd Street Y about the internal spring that She didn’t have beautiful toys; she only had those
coils tighter and tighter, then springs back, in essence “ugly” materials, which was what she was able to find
powering your art. The point you were making was by herself. In a certain sense, she found beauty at the
84 that the suffering of those early years was transformed same time.
JG: You say in the foreword to Dialogues in Paradise we turn these materials into transparent things, almost
that you began writing when you were thirty. What as if from a vacuum, and use them to build up our
triggered this sudden self-expression? What was the transparent palaces. That’s a magical process.
writing about?
JG: You speak of Calvino and Schulz, and you frequently
CX: The ’80s were a time when Deng Xiaoping wanted cite Kafka, Borges, and Dante as being strong influences
to liberate the thinking of the Chinese. So the possibility in your development. In fact, you have published
came to me. Before that time, it was impossible for a commentaries in China on these writers.What is it that
person like me to get my works published. I saw the these writers share that you feel such affinity for?
chance and got very excited. I had written some diaries
and some paragraphs for some stories. I was a housewife CX: I think these writers belong to the first rank
and a mother, and my family was very poor. If I wanted of writers, including Goethe, Shakespeare, Beckett,
to put my time in on my writing, I had to double my Hölderlin, and Rilke, among others. What their works
efforts first. That’s why my husband and I learned to share is that all of them have the same subject—the
make clothes by ourselves and started a workshop to deep nature of human beings. You can discern the
teach others. I practiced writing whenever I had time. structure of spirit in each work if you read them again
Actually, it was not a sudden self-expression. For a long and again carefully. This structure is also in our first-
time, something had formed inside me. I felt that I had rank artworks. I call the structure “a projection of
a lot of words to say; I longed to communicate. I was humanity.” It appears in aesthetic objects. And it works
sure that this sort of communication belonged to the during all your aesthetic activities.
world of language and that I was a part of that world I have studied the above spiritual phenomenon
almost every day. for a long time and have written six books analyzing
What was the writing about? Very soon, I found it through these classical writers’ works. I have become
my style. I still write in that style today. I think what I more and more sure that it’s the structure that decides
wanted to express is the essence of the human being. the cutting degree of depth of our literature. My
Or to say it another way: expressing the possibilities standard about first-rank work is whether the work
of the human being as human being. The writing was has this structure in it. If it has, the aesthetic activities
about this at that time. And it is today. In a sense, all will become very exciting. The reading will become an
the characters and backgrounds in my works have to adventure, a rebuilding of oneself. But if the structure
serve that purpose. They are not social people, and does not exist in the work, the reading for me will
the backgrounds are not political either. I endow become very boring and I can’t continue on for
them with deeper meaning. The processed materials another page. Of course, often the structure is very
are something that I metamorphose in my “vacuum- obscure in a writer’s work. And it can be concealed by
processing workshop.” But this way of creating is not layer upon layer of plot. Sometimes it can even take me
unusual anymore today. A lot of modern artists have several months to find it! But I always think that kind
practiced it time and again. I was very surprised when I of labor is a worthy one. Once you do it, you will see
was in the United States in April 2009, when I told some the light of God. That’s really a wonderful moment.
of my readers that my novel [the English translation of For the appreciation of readers, these works have
Five Spice Street, which had been published in spring the same characteristic—readers can’t get anything
2009 by Yale University Press] was not a political thing, from superficial plots. All the descriptions serve a great
they didn’t agree with me. Of course, you could see it subject. So what can we do when we face such a
from that perspective if you like. But if you are a person work? In my experience, meditating is the best way to
who has great interest in spiritual things, and you are approach this sort of work.You read and reread it; then
not satisfied with superficial plots in works, then you you close your eyes. Suddenly the structure floats on
chinese literature today summer 2010

have to train yourself (I mean come into contact with the sentences! But most of the time, you will fail. If you
modernist art and literature again and again), and turn fail, don’t give up. You should assemble your spiritual
your perspective toward another direction, put yourself force for a second attempt! If you fail every time, you
into the works, ask yourself, ”What am I like?” when should put aside the book and read other modernist
you appreciate the works. literature. But you shouldn’t forget it entirely in order
My writing is like something Calvino and Bruno to try again in the future.
Schulz described: using air to weave transparent cloth— These works make one feel full of pain. But after
or using “nothing” to make transparent clothes. We your painful course, you may get the most enjoyable
artists get our material from the worldly world. But things in the world! If you are a person who would 85
like to seek a high quality of spiritual life, you will take early ones, some are later ones. The latest is Blue Light
part in these sorts of aesthetic activities again and again in the Sky. Several stories from it are from as recent as
voluntarily and never feel bored. 2001. Five Spice Street is my early novel that was written
in 1988. But I think it’s one of Can Xue’s representative
JG: When did you start publishing, and what was the works. Three of my books were published by my best
response? You were clearly writing a different kind of friend Jonathan Brent, who is the editorial director at
literature from anyone else in China. Yale University Press. Another two will come out from
him shortly, including the commentary about Kafka.
CX: I published my first story in a small magazine in I think Jonathan has the deepest insight about pure
Changsha City in 1985 through my friends in literary literature, and he is a very good writer himself, too.
circles. At that time, the movement of liberating the Writing commentary is a big and important part
thinking of China was a rising high tide. People of my work. I hope when my commentary on Kafka
around China were still denouncing the Great Cultural comes out, things will be much better for me in the
Revolution. So naturally, some critics in China United States. I have found that some of my American
read my stories as a memory of the Great Cultural readers have difficulty understanding my works. They
Revolution. Especially because of my unusual aesthetic are not familiar with my style. I gave some clues to
way, they were inclined to treat my “ugly” characters readers in a few interviews last spring when I visited
as the oppressors in the Great Cultural Revolution, Yale and New York City. But that’s not enough. I’m
and treated the backgrounds in my fiction as the going to do some more works about this. So when you
backgrounds in the Cultural Revolution. Their articles recommended building a website at MIT, how happy
always used words like “denounce,” “allude to,” “satire,” I was! I agree with you that the website should be for
and so on. Some old leaders in the literary circles didn’t the readers. And I’m going to give information about
like Can Xue’s works very much. And they criticized my creative life continuously to it.
the works, said that they were too “cold-blooded,” too
“malformed.” But there were also some really good JG: I was interested in your comment about the study
readers then. They were very excited about my works of philosophy being as much a mirror as literature is.
and read carefully every one of them that appeared I know that your older brother, Deng Xiaomang, is a
in the magazines. It’s they who gave me a great famous philosopher in China, and you’ve said that your
consolation. And they are my readers still today. father read philosophy very diligently every day and
At that time, publishing was a big problem for me taught you philosophy as a child. It seems there is a very
in China.The publishing house did not want to publish strong bent toward philosophy in your family. Does the
my collection of stories, although I was able to publish study of philosophy engage you in a different way than,
stories from the collection in a few magazines. My first say, reading literary writers of the first rank? Do you
collection was published in Taiwan. It was my good and your brother see the world in the same way, or are
friend Jon Solomon who took the manuscript there. you very different?

 CX: I’m very happy to answer the question. I always

think that the current world literature is more and
JG: Of your books, we have available in English more philosophical. The two are flowing together.
Dialogues in Paradise, the two novellas Yellow Mud Street This tendency is especially obvious in the works of
and Old Floating Cloud, The Embroidered Shoes, Blue the first-rank writers like Kafka, Borges, Calvino,
Light in the Sky, and the latest, a novel from the ’80s, Beckett, Schulz, Goethe, and so on. All of them are
Five Spice Street. I understand that Yale is coming out very familiar with philosophy. And their works are full
with another novel and with your commentary on of philosophical sense. On the other hand, philosophy
chinese literature today summer 2010

Kafka at a later date. Yet in China you have published today is nearer and nearer to poetry. I think literature
much more than that. Is the work that’s being translated and philosophy are the two legs of human beings. They
from a specific period of your career? What are we are two ways and two world outlooks. One belongs
English-speaking readers missing about your full body to rational cognition; another belongs to perceptual
of work because of what’s available to us? cognition. The current position is a result of a naturally
developing course because in ancient times the two
CX: I think these works that you mentioned above can were in a family.
provide a good outline of my fiction. The five books Yes, our family has a very strong bent toward
86 are about one-fifth of all my fiction. Some of them are Western philosophy. My father was a person who
had a high degree of rational consciousness. This Nowadays, mainstream literature can’t satisfy these
was very unusual among Chinese at the time. My young people’s needs anymore. They want to develop
brother Deng Xiaomang has inherited and developed their personalities freely. That means they want to
my father’s spiritual quality. He has studied Western pursue spiritual things. Some of them said that they
philosophy for forty or more years and has been sought and sought, and at last they met Can Xue. Of
building his own system of philosophy in recent years. course I have done a great deal of writing to introduce
He calls his philosophy “life philosophy.” In China, he Can Xue to them, too.
has published a lot of works and has attracted many Can Xue’s works are very difficult and full of
readers among young people. As for me, I haven’t force that repels readers. But in the past ten years, I
read philosophy since I became a grown-up because have found some excellent commentaries about Can
I love literature much more. I am always reading Xue on the Internet here. Sometimes a certain young
literary works—I never stop. I think I have gained my reader even tries to write commentaries that address all
philosophical knowledge mainly from these first-rank of my works. They read them very carefully and take
literature writers. And the knowledge enters into my the reading as an undertaking.
works imperceptibly. I also think maybe the knowledge
I received when I was very young can be found in my JG: When you say that there is a force in Can Xue’s
works. But since last year, I have tried to study the work that “repels” readers, I understand it on one level.
aesthetic activities in literary works. And I have read a Can Xue doesn’t allow readers to have their world
book of aesthetics by my brother and some articles by confirmed for them, but instead forces the reader
the Western philosophers. We discussed these things. into these untenable situations. For some readers, this
Suddenly we found that we two had pursued the same will seem like a repelling force. For others, they come
thing for so many years! And although our opinions to Can Xue for exactly this because they know that
are not always the same in one thing or another, our their work as a reader to break through the untenable
world outlook is definitely the same. So I also would situation will lead to greater understanding. But you
like to call my literature “life literature.” This kind of may be saying something else?
literature is different from Western literature. And I
believe that it is not pure Eastern literature at all. CX: Yes, you are right! As you said, on one level, my
works have a force that repels the readers who are
JG: I know when I visit China, I hear a lot about halted by their “conventional reading.”To these readers,
young people’s pursuit of money. Of course I know my works don’t provide grounds for continuing their
it’s a generalization, and the main cities I have visited reading. So they are repelled outside my world. On the
in China are Shanghai and, to a lesser extent, Beijing, second level, the repelling force is a very welcome one
where I see young people in business schools. Yet you for readers who want to find strength for their life and
seem to be seeing another side to Chinese youth in are used to interrogating themselves often, to analyzing
their attraction to your brother’s “life philosophy” themselves in a clear-minded, uncompromising way.
and to your “life literature.” You’ve mentioned in Because when you are reading, you have to find the
interviews before that young people are your primary grounds by yourself. You read and reread, back and
readers. What do you think young Chinese readers are forth; at last, you build up your own image, or your
seeing in your work? own self through the works. Superficial plots repel you;
you resist the repelling, and enter into a deeper level.
CX: Since China converted to a market economy, I This kind of reading is always like that. 
have sold many copies of my works. And I also have a
celebrity blog on the Internet. So from the information An extended version of this interview can be found on our
I gathered, I know that most of my readers are young website:
chinese literature today summer 2010

people between 20 and 45. I’m very happy about the

phenomenon because that means there is reason to
hope for its continuance.
Maybe the reasons they choose my works are
these: Although the time is full of material things and
most of the young people are pursuing money hard,
not everybody is like that. China is a country that
has a long-standing history of cultural self-cultivation
through literature, history, philosophy, and so on. 87

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