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rights pacem in terris 11

Let's talk about the rights of man. Humans, man have the right to live and have bodily integrity. This
means that they deserve proper and basic needs, man has the rights to the things that will help him
properly develop in life. He has the right to have food, shelter, clothing, medical care, rest, and
social services. As a result, he has the right to be taken care of in ill-health; disability due to work;
widowhood; old age; enforced unemployment; or whenever he is deprived of the means of
livelihood, with no fault of his own.

Evangelii Vitae 5
According to Pope John Paul II, today, there exists a great number of human beings, unborn children
in particular, that are weak and defenseless. Their rights to life being trampled upon. In the last
century, the Church was not silent about the injustices man were facing. The Church spoke out for
those who were threatened and despised, those whose human rights were violated. So why should
she be silent today? Why should the Church not speak out when the social injustices of the past,
those that are not yet overcome, are being intensified by many parts of the world by more
disastrous forms of oppression and discrimination, even if they are being viewed as signs of
development in the context of a new world order. Brothers, the happenings now is meant to be an
enlightenment of human life and its divineness. It is an important message addressed to each and
every one, in the name of God: respect, protect, and serve life! Serve life with goodness and
passion, for we have one life on earth and this life is given to us only by Him who loves us. Love your
brothers and sisters like how Christ has loved us, despite your differences. Respect and protect one
another, may those people be your enemies, family, or strangers. Only in this path brought by God
will you find true justice, development, true independence, peace, and joy.

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