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Conversation 6

E:Good morning guys ! How are you ?

M: Hello Erika .I’m good
Ay: Hi! I’m fine
An: I’m happy
S: I am,too
Ak: I feel very well today
Ay: What time do you get up ?
AK: I get up at 6:00 o'clock,
S: I get up at 9:00
An: I get up at 10:00
M:What time do they leave school and have breakfast ?
M: I leave school at 3:00 pm and have breakfast at 6:30
Ay: I leave the university at 2pm and have lunch at 3:30pm
E: I leave school at 1:40 pm and have breakfast at 10:00 am
Ak: What time do they do their homework?
An:I do my homework at 4:30 pm
Ay: I do my homework at 10 pm
S:I do my homework at 4:30 pm
An:What time do you go to sleep?
E: I go to sleep at 11:30 p.m.
M: Sometimes I go to sleep at 9:00 pm since I go to class and sometimes at 12:30 am.
Ak: I go to sleep at 11:25 p.m.
S: What time do they go to recess at school?
E:I have a break at 10:30 am
Ay: I don't have a break
An: I have a break at 10:20 am
E: What time do you have nothing to do?
Ak: have free time at 6:30 p.m.
S: I have free time at 3:00 PM
An: I have free time at 2:00 PM

M: I'm free at 8:00 pm .Guys look at that game it looks fun!

E: Yes come on guys

An: Wow that's great
S: I find it funny
Ay:if it looks good let's go

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