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InstantConfig Implementation

Are you using Alta, Akamai's cloud-based application delivery platform for
web applications hosted anywhere? Learn how to use InstantConfig to set up
unlimited properties in a single configuration.

About InstantConfig 4. The edge server performs a DNS lookup on the hostname to identify
InstantConfig is a standard feature of Alta, and is also available as an the edge hostname and check if it belongs to an InstantConfig
option with Dynamic Site Accelerator and Web Application Accelerator. enabled property. If the DNS server finds a match, it returns the
With InstantConfig, you can associate unlimited properties in a CNAME chain.
single configuration, without listing the domain names as a property 5. The edge server looks up the edge hostname and finds the
within the configuration file. It lets you on board and manage these configuration file. The edge server then caches the result for
domains easily, with only a CNAME change pointing to an InstantConfig repeated requests.
common configuration.
6. The request is processed and the Web page is served to the client
InstantConfig is an ideal solution for hosting sites, leveraging vanity via the Akamai network.
domains for site and media, and instantly onboarding a large number
of enterprise applications.

How InstantConfig Works

For InstantConfig to work, you must:
• Set InstantConfig on the Luna Control Center.
• Create an intermediary hostname, to which additional domains
will CNAME.
• CNAME the intermediary hostname to an InstantConfig Edge hostname.

InstantConfig DNS Naming

The following are examples of DNS naming patterns available with

Option URL Example CNAME Chain
Example The following limitations exist with InstantConfig.
• InstantConfig does not work on Edgekey SSL (ESSL) and it is not
InstantConfig www-dualstack.
edge hostname available on subordinate ESSL maps such as Client Access Control.
IN CNAME saas. • InstantConfig is not available for China CDN.
hostname • Enhanced Content Control Utility (ECCU) is not available with InstantConfig.
Third-party site IN CNAME • If a property hostname conflicts with an InstantConfig hostname, the property hostname takes precedence over the InstantConfig hostname. This can cause the InstantConfig configuration to not work
as expected or to not work at all.
End-to-end Request Flow
Note: To resolve a conflict between the property hostname and the
The InstantConfig end-to-end request flow is as follows:
InstantConfig hostname, remove the conflicting property or explicitly
1. The client requests the Web page. define the hostname in question as a property for the InstantConfig
2. The request is mapped to an optimal edge server on the configuration.
Akamai network.
3. The edge server attempts to locate a configuration file by matching Prerequisite
on the host header for the request. Because the hostname is not Before implementing InstantConfig, ensure that your contract includes
directly specified by the configuration, it fails to find a match. the required entitlements to create InstantConfig edge hostnames and
configurations. For assistance, contact your account representative.
Implementing InstantConfig Create a DNS Naming Pattern
To implement InstantConfig, perform the following tasks: After InstantConfig is enabled on the Luna Control Center, you must
• Enable InstantConfig on your property create a DNS naming pattern with intermediary URLs that will CNAME
• Create a DNS naming pattern to the InstantConfig edge hostname. The third-party URLs will CNAME
• Test your InstantConfig configuration to the intermediary URL.

Enable InstantConfig on Your Property Test Your InstantConfig Configuration

To enable InstantConfig on your property, follow these steps: To test your InstantConfig configuration, follow these steps:

1. Complete the prerequisite task. 1. Create a test property in your DNS.

2. Log on to the Luna Control Center and open Property Manager. 2. Configure the origin to serve content for the request for the SGDP
3. Select the property for which you want to add InstantConfig and host header.
click Add Behavior. The Add a Behavior for this Rule dialog box
3. CNAME the test hostname to the intermediary hostname.
4. From the Available Behaviors drop-down menu, select Multiple Origins
InstantConfig, and then click Insert Behavior. InstantConfig is Multiple Origins is used when an unknown number of hostnames are
added to the property. coming into the configuration, and each needs to be mapped to a
5. Scroll to the top of the property’s page, and click Activate. different origin. To implement Multiple Origins, contact your account
6. On the Create Edge Hostname page, type the hostname in the representative.
Hostname field, type the instantConfig domain in the Domain field, As an example, the following domains are being onboarded and each
and then select the Enable Instant Config for this Hostname check domain points to a different origin hostname; however, they all follow a
box. This appends the hostname with .mdc.<domain>.net. specific pattern while creating the origin hostname.
7. Click Create Edge Hostname to save the instantConfig Edge 
hostname. 
Note: If you have exceeded the entitlements allowed for your 
contract, you will see the following message: “You have reached
the maximum number of InstantConfig edge hostnames you can
configure.” If you are unable to create InstantConfig edge hostnames,
contact your account representative.

©2017 Akamai Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission is prohibited.
Akamai and the Akamai wave logo are registered trademarks. Other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Akamai believes that the
information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Published 10/17.

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