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Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) (uc Luc i 1 1 1 , Loi ndi dau (Introduction ).. Baing tir viét tt ( List of English abbreviations/words 3 Module 1; Pronunciation(Phat am). 4 Module 2: Stress(Trong 4m) 12 Module 3: Verb tenses( Thi cia dong tix) .. 18 Module 4: The sequence of tenses( Sr phéi hyp thi) 26 Module 5: Subject and verb agreements( Su hoa hop chii ngir va dong th) . 37 Module 6: Modal verbs(D6ng tir khiém khuyét) 47 Module 7: The subjunctive mood( Thitc gia dinh) 62 Module 8: Gerund and infinitive verb( V-ing /to V/V(bare) ) + L6i néi phy ho: B Module 9: Tag questions( Cau héi dudi) 83 Module 10: Comparisons(Swso sanh 93 Module 11: The orders of the adjectives(Trat tu cia tinh ti’ 116 Module 12: Articles(Mao tir) ut Module 13: Word formation(Cau tzo tt)....... 26 Module 14: Expressions of quantity( Tir chi dinh hrong) Module 15: Passive voices(Thé bi dong Module 16: Conditional sentences and wish(Cau ditu kin & cduditu wéc). Module 17: Reported speech (Cau twong thuat).. Module 18: Relative clauses(Ménh dé quan hé).. Module 19: Phrase and clauses(Cym tir va mot cu) +Clauses of manner with.. Module 20: Inversion(Dao ngit) . Module 21: Conjunctions(Lién ti). Module 22: Prepositions( Gidi ti) . Module 23: Phrasal verbs( Cum déng tir) Module 24: Idioms{ Thanh ngi) Module 25: Collocations( Cum tir cé dinh)... Others structures( Mét sé cau tric khdc).. Correct the mistakes (Tim ldi sai ) 355, Communications( Chitc nang giao ti8p) ..0.nennnmnnnn os oan 86 Common family words( Bang tirloai théng dung) 359 Irregular verbs( Bang d6ng tir bit quy tic)... Page 4 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) GINOIDAU | Cac ban than mén! Theo xu thé phat trién xa h9i va hoi nhap kinh té toan cu, Ting Anh ngay cang tro nén quan trong va cin thiét hon bao gid hét. Tuy nhién ng6n ngé la mot pham tri rat rng nén viée théng thao ngoai ng dai hdi ngwoi doc phai kién tri,quyét tam va dic biét la cin cé phuong phép hoc tap hiéu qua. * Ban cdm thdy khé khin véi viée hoc nhieng cong thirc, mu c4u ngir phdp Tiéng Anh phitc tap va cach giai thich dai dang khé hiéu. * Ban da hoe di hoc lai nhiéu in nhwng vin khong thé ghi nhé dugc nhivng kién thire ngir php 46 * Ban bin khodn vé kha nang ghi nhé cita minh truéc mot hrong kién thitc khéng 1d trong ng6n ngir mdi ngay * Ban néi va viét Tiéng Anh nhung rat so” ngwéi nghe, ngwoi doc hiéu nham y vi sai ngir php cia cau. Quyén sch Ngir Php Tiéng Anh ban cam trén tay gitip ban hoc va ghi nhé ngir phap Tiéng Anh mét céch nhanh chéng qua nhimng vi dy minh hoa va So dé tw duy (Mind Map ) Kién thitc siéu day dit Ap dung dé dang Phi hop véi moi trinh dé ,moi déi tong tir gido vién dén hoc sinh. Quyén sch nay sé gidip ban! * Détphé vide ghi nhé cdc kién thire + Nam tron ngi phap thong qua nhimg tir khéa chinh * Kich thich sw phat trién nao bé qua cdc so dd tuduy * Tang tinh tng dung thuc té trong cactinh huéng Trong qué trinh bién soan séch c6 thé c6 nhiing thiéu s6t nhét dinh.T6i mong nhan duoc sur g6p ¥ quy bau ciia céc ban dé sch hoan thién hon. Chuc ban hoc tot ! ee tee {So d0 tw duy dure ménh danh 1a“ cOng cu van nang! | cho b nao” mt phuong phap trinh bay ¥ twong,kién | \ tngccbang nhong tir khéa chinh, hinh anh va mau s4c, gidip nao bé phat huy t6idakha nang ghinhé —, t A Page 2 Basic Grammar in use (Grammat LIST OF ENGLISH ABBREVIATIONS/WORDS 1 1 1 2 1 ' x STT Tén viét tat Tén viét day di Ynghia 1 s Subject Chi ngir 2 v Verb Déng tir 3 o Object Tan ngit 4 Adj Adjective Tinh tir 5 Adv Adverb ‘Trang tir 6 N Noun Danh ti 7 Vp2 Past participle Qué khir phan tir 8 Sb Somebody Motai dé 9 st Something Mot cai gi do 10 V-ing Gerund / present participle Danh déng tir/hién tai phan tir 11 Np Noun phrase Cum danh tir Page 3 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) MODULE 1: PRONUNCIATION ) PHAn AA ee Nguyén am ngan - Short Nguyén dm dai - Long vowels vowels - / a/: ago, mother, togethe || - / i:/ meet, beat, heat ~ /i/: hit, bit, sit schgol, food, moon -/s/: study, shut, must ther, star, car - /» /: got jab, hospital ort, more, store ~ /a/: put, should, foot - -/3: /: bird, shirt, early -/e/: bed, send, tent, spend - / 2 /: cat, chat,man ~ /b/: bag, baby ~ /p/: pupil, pay, stop. - /A/: dog, daddy, dead - /k/: kiss, key - /m/: mother, map, come - i/: yes, yellow - /n/: many, none, news - /s/: see, summer = /\j: ove, lucky, travel. + /2{:200, visit + /+/: xiver, restaurant - /h/: hat, honey = /t/:tea, teach - / dg /: village, jam, generous -/e/: get, game, go - /@/: thin, thick, something, birth - /f/: fall, laugh, fiction - / 8 /:mother, with, this + /v/: visit, van -/§/: she, sugar - /w/: wet, why + /3n /:vision -/tf/: children, chicken, watch -/1)/: thank, sing Page 4 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar * PHAT AM “ED” or “S/ ES” ") pf th (kp phe phurdng ti thui , Gh, X,5,Z, Sh, SE, CE, GE (=) SESE an Khi tan cing truéc no 1a nguyén am va cac phy am con lai Cach phat 4m dudi-ed Note audi -s Note duoi -ed = "se" doc la "2" or *s" Dust -ed trong cfc tinh tirsau duge phét im ~"Ce=s" id: aged, learned, beloved, blessed, naked, id Seca ra DER OSE ea es ragged wicked , blessed , wretched Page 5 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1. A. pottery 2. A. artisan 3. A. environment 4. A helped 5. A. chairs 6. A. endangered 7. A. traditional 8. A. environment 9. A. pottery 10. A. handicraft 11. A. pottery 12. A. surface 13. A. weather 14. A. historical 15.A. carved 16. A. attraction 17. A. drumhead 18.A. strip 19. A. thread 20. A. embroider 21.A east 22. A. although 23. A. developed 24. A. capital 25. A. famous 26.A. surface 27.A layer 28. A. drum 29. A. weave 30. A. although DOPOD MDOP OD DOOD DOOM DOOM SO DDoDw local establish environmental struggled suitcases generation graduation repeat ‘opinion publish product layer thread system impressed artisan illustration visual treat preserve head southern located liberty neighbour attraction artisan culture treat authenticity C. control C. attraction C. entertainment C. remarked C. things C. accept C. handicraft C. embroider C. communicate C. remind C. workshop C. frame C. together C. landscape C. embroidered C. frame C.earplug C. artistic C. plgasure C. benefit C. street C. theatre C. founded. C. empire C. harbour C. lacquerware C. frame C. museum Cdeal C. through fold handicraft document watched calculators memorable grandparent transfer birthplace rather business weaved handicraft drugstore remind deadline effect season these completed mingle southern artisan place sculpture drumhgad tablecioth poD990D090900990099000000000009 |. Choose the words whose others in each group 1. A. pressure 2. A. encourage 3. A. delighted 4. A. advice 5. A. collaboration 8. A. wipe 7. A. cleaner 8. A breathe 9. A. choose 1 1 1 Sass >>p? POOP DODD DOOD underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the depressed empathy continue sympathize particularity alive threat ethane moon survive sandy hummock C. expect C. embarrassed C. medicine C. decide C. manage C. micro C. ahead thank C. food C. curtain C. travel C. scrublands D. relaxed D. remember D. situation D. responsibility D. activate Dlink D. instead D. healthy D. look D. furnish D. stable D. gun Page 6 13.A. basic 14. A. separate 15. A. stretches 16. A. insect 17. A. agencies 18. A. crisis 19. A. serious 20. A. chart 21.A. tival 22. A. golden 23. A. clear 24. A. wrestling 25. A. ranked 26. A. childhood 27.A. culture 28. A. conflict 29. A. lighthouse 30. A. conducis POO TO OOOH DD MO DD OOD Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) desert network slopes percent medicine exist thousand postcard title Compete dear level gained champagne popular forbidden heritage returns C. president C. letter C. ranges C. wetland species primary found leopard silver hgst wear medal prepared chapter regular reliable hotel wanders, pepe9eeanNENNNO D. season D. prepare D. faces D. extinct D. circle D. fertile D. around D. hardly D. surprise D. propose D. sear D. result D. proved D. charity D. fabulous D. determine D. hour D. wonders, |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 41. A. columnist A. helpline A. tense A. resemble . A. delighted A. dumhead A. stip A. thread . A. embroider 15. A. embroider 16. A. treagure 17. A. daughter 18. A. dials 19. A. education 20. A. embarrassed 21. A. concentration 22. A. exist 23. A. recognize 24. A. urban 25. A. artisan 26. A. skill 27. A. advice 28. A. study 29. A. concentrate 30. A. embarrassed PO VOOM OOOO OOM DTDOOMDDOT ODD OwD frustrated September skill adolescence depressed illustration visual treat preserve shguider exotic illystration mine treat preserve pleasure author calls graduate awareness question exchange ‘pinion craft handicraft house-keeping decision adulthood self-aware depressed C. study C. embarrassed C. decision C. independence C. embarrassed C. earplug C. artistic C. pleasure C. benefit C. cognitive C. destroy C. earplug Cline C. pleasure C. benefit C. engure C. laundry C. says C. individual C. abandoned C. attraction C. extreme C. adolescence C. organize C. machine C. tense C. delighted C. columnist C. stressed C. helpline D. adulthood D. depressed house-keeping destruction relative drugstore remind dead line . effect cold |. mentor . drugstore remind . deadline D. conflict D. Canada D. heritage D. decision D. helpline D. frustrated D. tense D.empathise Page 7 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group A. mind . A. collaboration A. pressure . A. encourage A. delighted A. emotion A. Ranging . A. behaved A. imagination increase shifts busy bags ules coach clap maximum kidding gue climbing problem tose notebook dam theory 29. A. shoot 30. A. dosage RPRRRPYNNNRES ABB eee BB DONDE ONS SNSRESRVS SSNS ARENAS PEEP HDHD rH SS Er yy ° |. Choose the words whose others in each group 1. A. astounding A. tents enough because marriage limestone geological wonder . A. historic 10. A. plumber 11.A. island ©Prnonson PPPPE>y PPD POPP OO DODD DOOM OD MDDO DODO DOD PROD TPDoDDD sympathize particularity sentence empathise continue indecisive belong passed average ‘surprise thinks basic graphs shares chore catch jump signal gite realize tooth amount basket popular house hoping planning therefore mood mas: C. decide C. manage C. membership C. embarrassed C. medicine C. obesity C. singer C. entertained C language C. release C. joins, C. summarize C. whistle C. course C. lead C. theme C. country C. subway C. convenient D. possibility D. action D. repeat D. replace D. situation D. believable D. anger D. changed D. appearance D. promise D. soups D. angwer D. days D. dates D. check D. handle D. abrupt D. slight D. gable D. speak D. mother D. noun D. clu D.rod D. cloud D. potato D. candle D. weather D. smooth D underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the cavem keys tough nurse dosage pilgrim imagine complex Picturesque sculpture pilgrim citadel beds laugh horse collage rickshaw agency backdrop enter C. méasure C. surprising epeeapeannN D. acceptance D. days D. though D. purpose D. shortage D. citadel D. together D. proper D. sentence D. structure D. shrine Page 8 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 12.A sculpture B. structure C. fulure D. culture 13. A. complex B. citadel C. cavern D. contestant 14. A. pleasure B. measure C. treasure D. great 15. A. aging B. cavem C. cave D. ancient 16. A. cleaned B. caused C. decided D. studied 17A. B. history C. honor D. honest 18. B. tables C. teachers D.lips 19. A. found B. sound C. source D. count 20. A. scream B. sneaky C. pleasant D. feature 21.4. style B. type C. classify D. sympathy 22.A. storage B.encourage —_C. shortage D. garage 23.A. classify B. geology C. psychology —_D.. photography 24. A. amusing B. practising C. advertising _—D. arising 25. A. universe B. technical C. profession D. content 26. A. climate B. comic ©. hike D. website 27. A. worked, B. laughed C. hoped D. naked 28. A. cover B. category C. ancient D. degorate 29.A. erupt B. humor C. UFO D. communicate 30. A. chorus B. champion ©. cheap D. child |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1. A. trench B. depressed C. expect D. relaxed 2. A. encourage B. pedestrian C. embarrassed —_D.. replace 3. A. delighted B. continue C.anniversary _D. situation 4. A. advice B. decide C. impossible D. likelihood 5. A. collaboration B. particularity C. manage D. activate 6. A. hobby B. honest C. humor D. hole 7. A. measure B. dream C. weave D. team-building 8. A. misbehave B. minor C. equipment D. initial 9. A. relaxed B. depressed C. expect D. pressure 10. A. mention B. entrance C. encourage D. melting 1. A. know B. knowledge C. knee D. kind 2.A. measure B. cheaper C. weave D. team-building 3. A. populous B. cosmopglitan C. annoying D. downtown 4. A. exhausted B. employed C. implant D. regular 5. A. tradition B. generation C. question D. fiction 11.A. know B. knowledge C. knee D. kind 12. A. measure B. cheaper C. weave D. team-building 13. A. populous B. cosmopolitan —_C. annoying D. downtown 14. A. exhausted B. employed C. implant D. regular 15. A. tradition B. generation C. question D. fiction 16. A. religion B. divide C. primary D. comprise 17. A. attended B. started C. persuaded D.leamed 18. A. campus B. access C. underpass D. backpack 19. A. invention B. suggestion C. information —_—_. protection 20. A. pedestrian B. equipment C. trench D. elevated 21.A. artisan B. handicraft C. attraction D. authenticity 22. A. cafve B. cart © C. sculptiire D. facing ~ Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 23.A. versatile B. layer C. cookery 24. A. willow B. charcoal C. over 25. A. tunnel B. underpass CC. upgrade 26. A. satisfied B. matched C. thatched 27. A. consequence B. obedient C. demand 28.A. suffer B. rubber C. suburban 29. A. weather B. sympathetic C. worthy 30. A. happens B. vehicle C. exhibition D. teacher D. university D. depressed D. exhaust |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group TA 7A 13.8 19.0 25.0 2A 8D 14.0 20.D 26.A 3.B 9A 15.B 21.B 27.B 4.8 10.C 16.C 22.C 28.C 5.B 11.C 17.B 23.A 29.D 6A 12.A 18.D 24.C 30.A e |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronoun: others in each group iced differently from that of the TA 7A 13.A 19.A 25.A ZA BA 14.0 20.C 26.6 3.A 9.0 15.8 24.C 27.A 4.0 10.B 16.0 22.B 28.C 5.C 11.0 17.C 23.C 29.0 6.0 12.A 18.B 24.D 30.A |. Choose the words whose underlines others in each group d part is pronoun: \ced differently from that of the 1.A 7.D 13.A 19.D 25.C 2c 3B 14.68 20.B 26.0 3.c 9.C 15.D. 21.8 27.8 4.8 10. C 16.C 22. 28.C 5.D 11.D 17.D 23.D 29.0 6.8 12.8 18.C 24.8 30.A Page 10 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1.0 7.0 13.B 19.B 25.A 2.8 8.B 14.0 20.B 26.C 3.D 9.0 15.C 21.0 27.C 4.8 10.8 16.C 22.C 26.0 S.A 11.C 17.A 23.A 29.C 6.C 12.4 18.D 24.C 30.8 |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1.8 7.0 13.B 19.C 25.4 2A B.A 14.D 20.C 26.B 3.D 9B 15.B 21.D 27.D 4.A 10.C 16.C 22.D 28.C 5.C 11.B 17.B 23.A 29.A 6A 12.C 18.D 24.8 30.A |. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group TA 13.D 19.B 25.0 2.8 14.D 26.A 3.A 15.C 27.B 4.C 16.A 28.C 5.B 17.0 29.B 6.B 18.C 30.A Basic Grami in use (Grammar) en { MODULE 2:STRESS_ ! ae ae ee JS Ting Anh la ngdn ngi da Am tiét. Nhirng tir cé hai am tiét tré lén Juén cé mot Am tiét phat 4m khac biét han so véi nhitng Am tiét cn lai vé dé dai, 46 lén va dé cao. Am tiét nao duoc phat 4m to hon, giong cao hon va kéo dai hon cac 4m khac trong cling m6t tir thi ta n6i 4m tiét 6 duoc nhn trong am. Hay ndi cach khdc, trong 4m roi vao am tiét dé. Khinhin vao phién 4m cia mét tir thi trong 4m cia tir 46 duc ki hiéu bang dau (’) 6 phia truéc, bén trén Am tiét 46. ~ Danh tir hodc tinh tir: nhdin & Gm tiét dau - DOng tit: nhdin & Gm tiét cudi Danh tir kép, trong am roi vdo Gm tiét dau 6. Tinh tir kép, d6ng tir kép, bad-tempered, old- trong am roi vio dm tiétthtr |~—*_ fashioned understand, hai overflow Page 12 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Trong dm khong bao gier roi vao dm /a/hotc li dm /av/. Di v6ri tir 6 2 Gm tiét: ~ khi Am tiét dau duc phét Am la /a/ thi trong Amroi vai am tiétthe 2 PRACTICE EXERCISES |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 1. A. preservation 2. A attisan 3. A. pottery 4. A. control 5. A. attraction 6. A. surface 7. A. transfer 8. A. handicraft 9. A. opinion 10. A. workshop 11. A. craftsman 12. A. embroider 13. A. workshop 14. A. competition 15. A. family POOP OBO O SOB DO C. decision C. paradise C. embroider C. carpet C. particular C. bamboo: C. accept C. museum C. department C. grandparent C. museum CC. impress C. outskirts C. conical C. grandparents D. exhibition D. handicraft D. handkerchief D. basket D. variety D. technique D. remind D. sculpture D. drumhead D. village D. department D. desire D. village D. authenticity D. embroider Page 13 |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. A. exhausted . A. exciting A fascinating . A. galleries A. exhibition . A. education A. metropolitan A. fascinate . A. feature 0. A. fabulous 1.A. periodic 2. A. environmental 3. A. arrangement 4. A. respectable 5. A. particular aeons omnogauns POOP ODDDDDODDOD . frightening . rural ancient . neighborhoods disappointed . facility organization restaurant . ancient . pagoda . contagious . conservatively tourism . affectionate environment C. populous C. annoying C delicious C. museum C. entertaining C. development C university C. expensive C. drawback C. determine C electric C. approximately C. opponent C. kindergarten C. advertisement D. stressful . forbidden comfortable cultural interesting . intelligence multicultural difference conduct convenient . suspicious . considerable . contractual . occasional circumstances s9000009D000000 |, Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 1. A. worried 2. A. wonderful 3. A. adolescence 4. A. worried 5. A. relate 6. A. independence 7. A. informed 8. A. cognitive 9. A. earplug 10. A. disappoint 14. A. attraction 12. A. metropolitan 13.A feature 14. A. helpful 15. A historic B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. . cognitive emergency . independence relaxed . contain . embarrassed . delighted . emotion . gossip |. medical changeable polluted . culture: . delicious excitin C. concentrate C. adulthood C. discipline C. resolved C. boredom C. adolescence C frustrated C. self-care C. headmistress C. confident C. framework C. forbidden C. tradition C. ancient C. polluted D. frustrated indicator . metropolitan aware informed expectation self-ware . negative discuss badminton problem affordable statue c9990000000000 in 22 ach group. illterate . programme operate boundary convinced worthwhile obese household SNOgeeNs PPPPPEEy> POPP TDDD |. communicate . downtown . express: . concentrate . collaborate: . igloo . dogsied suppose C. entertainment C. postman C. emerge C. conflict C. particular C. habit C. extend C. Arctic hoose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other D. traditional D. behavior D. resolve D. comfortable D. cognitive D. practice D. remote D. diet Page 14 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma 9. A. transformation B. independence 10. A. uncontrollable 11. A. damage 12. A. develop 13. A. illiterate 14. A. programme 15. A. grandparent DDDDDD . biological }. event understand ‘communicate . custom violence ° . understanding C. particularly C. behave C. imagine C. entertainment C. postman C. buffalo D. illiterate D. seniority D. surprise D. consider D. traditional D. personality D. importance |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 1. A. fortress . carefully excited measure refreshment lacquerware authentic embroider . flyover . A. tolerant A. affordable . A. adolescence A. A. A PPrypprr> . emergency fabulous picturesque aaa aanwwmrvomsen 0, 1 2. 3. 4. 5. DODD DODDDDDODOD . success . correctly . comfortable . decorate . sculpture . drumhead craftsman . preserve . skytrain . minority indicator . cognitive . frustrated reliable metropolitan C. incapable C. limestone C citadel C. divorce C. exciting C. sculpture CC. workshop C. artifact C. underpass C. equipment C. achievement C. concentrate C. independence C. variety C. independence . sincere . personally . memorable promise . intention . artisan layer . initial . misbehave . assignment importance . comfortable . decision spectacular adulthood p909D900DDD000000 6) Lc in each group. A. anniversary . A. surprised A. upgrade A. boundary A. convinced A. preservation A artisan . A. surprised . A. operate 0. A. railway 41. A. surprise 12. A. develop 13. A. illiterate 14. A. programme 15. A. importance 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 1 | ocppappanepssea emergency . minor hostile concentrate . collaborate . recognition citadel . violent . library . initial event . understand . communicate . attendant violence C. cognition C. dilemma C. emerge C. remarkable C. particular C. decision C. paradise C. dilemma C. program C. flyover C behave C. imagine C. entertainment C. postman C. buffalo hoose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other emotion . abandoned resolve shopkeeper elevated . exhibition handicraft . abandoned resolve ). tolerant damage . consider . traditional . custom D. grandparent po90900D000000 Page 15 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) HONETICS e |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 1.€ aA 7B 10.8 13.8 2A 5.B aC 1A 14.C 3.C 6A 9D 12.8 15.D |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the othe! in each group. 1A 4c 7.B 10.A 13.B B 5.D 8.C 11.A 14.A 3.C 6.A 9.D 12.C 15.C |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. a) 48 7.0 10.4 13.C 2.8 5.C 8.B 11.4 14.B 3.c 6.B 9.D 12.A 15.D |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the othe! in each group. 1A 4c 7A 10.B 13.C 2.B 5.D 8B 11.D 14.8 3.B 6.C 9.D 12.B 15.A |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the othe in each group. 1A 4.C 7A 10.A 13.C 2.8 5.B Exe 1.8 14.4 3.A 6.D 9D 12.A 15.D Page 16 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 6 |. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 1A ac 7A 10.8 73. 2.B 5.D 8.B 11.D 14.B 38 6c oD 12.8 15.A Page 17 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) l MODULE 3:VERB TENSES J Thi ‘SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE PAST Dane (Hign tai don) (Qua khir don) dink S+V[-s/es] S+V-ed/V cot 2 Phi dinh S+don't/ doesn't + V1 S+didn't+Vi Nghi van Do /Does +$+V1...? Did+S+V1..2 - always, usually, occasionally, often, ... ~yesterday last week, last Sunday. mils, |aucagytem eee er em) | nes ago ona ag ve sears 7 nce a day, twice... 3 times... «in the past, in + year (past): in 1990, .. Thi PRESENT CONTINUOUS PAST CONTINUOUS Dang (Hién tai tiép dién) (Qué khié tiép dién) Khdng S+am /is /are + V-ing S+ was / were + V-ing Phu dinh| _S+am not /isn't /aren't+ V-ing 3+ wasnt / werent + V-ing Nghi van ‘Am /Is /Are + 5 + V-ing Was / Were +5 + V-ing .. - now, at present ~ Atthat moment sprerided- shana iim / As +S + (simple past), $ + was/ were Déu higu | - Sau ciu ménh lénh : -ing nh4n biét | Vd: Keep silent! The baby is vanes T came, she was crying, sleepin; . 7 ‘ eee Hels running. Vd: A dog crossed the road while I was driving ae S+has /have + V-ed/V cot3 S+had +V-ed/V cot 3 Phu djah | S+hasn't/ haven't + V-ed/ V cots S+hadnt+ V-ed/V cots Ngbi vin | Has /Have + $+ V-ed/V c0t3 .. Had +S + V-ed/ Veot ey already, ever, yet,recently, | _ after + $ + had Viyeo, (simple past) Dau higu ~ before + (simple past), $+ had Vireo uhigu | - since, for: since 1995, for 9 years , nha bigt | SE upto now, Itig the fect - By the time + $+ V(simple past) + had eee Vs: cho dén Page 18 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) wane S+will+V1 S + will have+ V-ed/ Vcot3 Phu dinh S+wont+ Vi S+won'thave + V-ed/ Vegt3 Nghi van Will+S+V 1? Will+ $+ have + V-ed/ Vc0t3..? “tomorrow Dauhigu | - next +time: next week, next ~ by the end of this month , phan biét | Monday, - by the time+S+ V (simple present), S + will - in the future have Vireo NEARFUTURE FUTURE CONTINUOUS (Twong lai gin) (Twong lai tiép dién) S + am/is/are going to + V1 $+ will be + ving : Dien at iké hoach, dy dinb, - Dign ta 1 su vie dang xiy ra 6 tuong lai. PRACTICE EXERCISES VERB TENSE REVISION @ 1, When | last saw him, he. in London. A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living 2. We Dorothy since last Saturday. A. don't see B. haven't seen C didn't see D. hadn't seen 4 The train, half an hour ago. ‘A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left 4 Mysister, for you since yesterday, A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked 4 Christopher Columbus, American more than 500 years ago. A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. had been discovering {He fell down when he. towards the church. A. run B. runs CC. was running D. had run 1. I'll.come and see you before | for the States A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave 4 John, a book when | saw him. A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading 4. Her brother. in Canada at present. A. working B. works C. is working D. work Page 19 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 0. 1 to the same barber since last year. A. am going B. have been going C.go D. had gone 1. Her father when she was a small gir. A. dies 5. died C. has died D. had died 12 Almost everyone. Sor home by the ime we arived. A. leave C. leaves D. had left 1%. I couldn't cut the grass because the lawn mower. a few days previously. A. broke down B. has been broken C. had broken down D. breaks down 14. Since. Ihave heard nothing from him. A. he had left B_ he left C_ he has left D. he was left 15. After |. Junch, | looked for my bag. A. had B. had had C. have has D. have had {6. By the end of next year, George. English for two years. A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn 11. Henry, into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner. A. was going B. went C. has gone D. did go {8. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he dinner. A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing 1. 1 from him since he- two years ago. A. hadn't heard; disappeared B. heverit heard; diseppeered C. didn't hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears 10, After the guests, . she, back into the living-room and. off the light. A. left; went; turned B. had left; had gone; turned C. have lettt; will got; turned D. had left; went; tuned 4, By the time you finish cooking they, their homework A. will have finished B. will finish C. had finished D. have finished 22.1 will tell John about it. - ‘A. when | will see him this afternoon. B. when | see him this aftemoon. C. when | saw him this afternoon. D. after | had seen him this afternoon. 23.| have heard nothing from him since he, school. A. had left B. left C. has left D. leaves 24.He fell down while he, towards the church. B. runs CC. was running D. had run 25. Bill's mother won't let him go out with his friends, A. when he finished his homework B. after he had finished his homework Page 20 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) C. once he finished his homework D. until he has finished his homework 26. Her academic performance has greatly improved since she her study, methods. A. will change B. changed C. was changing D. would change 27. You may not see how important your family is . A. after you had lived far from home B. when you were living far from home C. until you live far from home D. as soon as you lived far from home 28. The city has changed a lot since | last. it A. visited B. would visit C. will visit D. visit 29. He will take the dog out for a walk. . A. as soon as he finished dinner B. as soon as he will finish C. as soon as he has finished B. as soon as he was finishing 30. Ask her to come and see me, . A. when she finished her work B. when she has finished her work C. after she had finished her work D. as soon as she was finishing her work VERB TENSE REVISION @ 1. John, tennis once or twice a week. A. is playing usually B. is usually playing C. usually plays D. plays usually 2. Tom, his hand when he was cooking dinner. A. burnt B. was burning C. has burnt D. had burnt 3. Jim is away on holiday. He, to Spain. A. is gone B. have been C. has been D. was 4. Everything is going well. We any problems so far. A. didn't have B. don'thave C. haven'thad D. hadn't had 5. Jane, just a few minutes ago. A. left B. has left C. leaves D. had left 6. Timson, 13 films and | think the latest is the best. A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making 7. Robert lately? A. Did you see B. Have you seen —_C. Do yousee D. Are you seeing 8. When | was a child, |___the violin. A. was playing B. am playing C. played D. play 9. He, for the national team in 65 matches so far. A. has played B. has been played _C. played D. is playing 10. I'm busy at the moment. | ‘on the computer. A. work B. worked C. am working D. working 11.When | looked round the door, the baby. quietly. A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. were sleeping 12. Robert. il for three weeks. He is still in hospital. Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) ‘A. had been B. has been D. was 13. I'm very tired. | over four hundred miles today. A. drive B. am driving C. have drived D. have driven 14, What time, to work this morning? A. did you get B. are you getting C. have you got D. do you get 15. When | this man, he was running away A. see B. was seeing C. saw D. had seen 16. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she the fire department. A. was telephoning B. telephoned C. had telephoned D. has telephoned 17. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he, homesick. A. will have left B. felt C. feels D. is feeling 18. After the race, A. had been won B. is won the celebration began. C. will be won D. has been won 19. The earth, on the sun for its heat and light. A. is depended B. depends C. is depending D. has depended 20. When | entered the room, everyone A.has been dancing B.wasdancing __C. had danced D. danced 24.1 was very tired because | all the day. A. have worked B. have been working C. had worked D. had been working 22. How long, able to drive? - Since 1990. A. could you B. have you been —_C. were you D. are you 23. When she. the noise, she. down to the kitchen and on the lights. A. hears; goes; tums C. heard; was going; turned 24, Jane and | school in 1987 A. finish B. have finished 25. Pasteur, jn the 19" century. A. was living B. lived 26. When he came, A. Iwas watching TV. B. | watched TV. 27.Everyday, my sister the, A. usually clean 28. After they, A. have; go 29. Father. A. smoked; read C. had smoked; read 30. When we came to the stadium, the match A. already begins. C. already began. their breakfast, they, B. had had: go his pipe while mother, B. cleans usually B. heard; went; turned D. had heard; went; had turned C. finishes D. finished C. had lived D. has lived C. lam watching TVD. | have watched TV. floor. C. usually cleaned —_D. usually cleans shopping yesterday. C.had;had gone —_D. had had: went a magazine. B. was smoking; was reading D. smoking; reading B. had already begun. D. have already begun. Page 22 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) VERB TENSE REVISION © Chia dang dung cia déng tiv trong ngoac, dya vao cdc thi dng tir da hoc 6 trén. Exercise 1: 1.1 (not hear} from him since he (disappeer), two years ago. 2. After the guests (leave). , she (go). back into the living-room and (turn) off the light. 3. By the time you finished cooking they (do), their homework. 4. This time yesterday they (sit), in the train on their way to Paris 5. I came late to class. When | (enter). the teacher (write), something on the blackboard 6. She (get) into her shoes, (put), on her coat and (go), to the door. T. David (be). born after his father (die) 8. When I (be)_a child, | (want)___to be a doctor. 9. At 4 p.m. yesterday? Well, | (work), in my office at that time. 10. The audience (listen) to everything he said last night 11. Yesterday thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur coats while the guests (dance) 12. He (do), his homework before he went to the cinema. 13. What you (do), after you (go) home yesterday? 14. Tom (not come), here tomorrow. 1, John (watch), TV at 8 last evening. 16. Dick (start)___school before he (be)___seven 17. What you (do), when | (ring), you last night? 18. John (drive), that car ever since | (know), him, 19. Columbus (discover), America more than 400 years ago. 20. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games. Exercise 2: 1. My brother (join), the army when he (be), young. 2. He (lose). his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. 3. They think he (be)__here last night. 4. Lien (not go) to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay), at home and watch TV. 5. The film (end). by the time we (get), there. 6. After | (finish), all my homework, he (invite). me a drink. 7. They (go). home after they (finish), their work. 8. At a.m yesterday, | (iron) my clothes. 9. My grandfather (die), many years ago. 10. They (tel) me about it last week. 11, My mother (come), to stay with us next weekend. 12. 1 (walk), along the beach while my sister (swim) 13. After the telephone (buzz), for a minute, the doctor (answer), it. 14. At 5 p.m yesterday, I (watch), Vv. 15. Thu (look), after her little brother next Sunday. Page 23 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) ANSWERS KEY Exercise 1: 1. Két hop thi: Hign tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua kh don. — Dap an: haven't heard; disappeared 2. Két hgp thi: After + qua khur hoan than, thi qua khir don. — Dap én: Had left; went; turned 3. Két hop thi: By the time + qua kh don, thi qua khtr hoan thanh. > Dap An: had done 4. "This time yesterday” [a trang ti di kem voi thi qua khtr tiép dién. Dap An: were sitting 5. Két hop thi: When + qua khiv don, qué kh tiép din (mt hanh d6ng dang dién ra trong qua kh thi bi 1 hanh déng khdc ct ngang). — Bap an: entered; was writing 6. (CO ay di giay, mac do va ra khdi civa.) V6i mét chudi hanh d6ng xy ra lién tiép nhau trong qua khir thi ta ding thi qua khir don. — Dap An: got; put; went 7. Két hop thi: Qua khtr don + after + qué khw hoan thanh. ~ Dap an: was; had died 8. Khi ké vé hi We, ta st dung thi qua khe’ don. — Dap an: was; wanted 9. At + thoi gian 4- yesterday la trang tir di kem voi qua kht tiép dién. — Dap an: was working 10. Last night a trang tir di kém voi qué khie don. — Dap An: listened 11. (Ngay hém qua, tén tr6m dét nhap vao nha va ldy trém rat nhiéu do léng trong khi khach mai khiéu vo.) => Hanh d6ng "dot nhap’, "idy trom” xay ra néi tiép nhau nén chia thi qué kh don. Hanh dong "khiéu va" xay ra truéc hai hanh déng kia va vn con dang xay ra khi hai hanh déng dé xen vao. Do dé: — Dap an: broke; stole; were dancing 12. Két hop thi: Qué khtr hoan thanh + before + qué kh’ don. — Dap an: had done 13. Két hop thi: Qué khir don + after + qua khtr hoan thanh. — Dap an: did you do; had gone 14. Tomorrow la trang tir di kém véi thi tong lai don. — Dap an: will not come 15. At + thdi gian + last evening a trang tu di kem voi qua knw tiép dign. — Dap dn: was watching 16. Két hgp thi: Qué khir hoan thanh + before + qué kh don. > Dap 4n: had started; was 17.Két hop thi: Qua khi tiép dién + when + qua khtr don (mét hanh déng dang din ra trong qué kha thi mét hanh dong khac cat ngang). — Dap an: were you doing; rang 18. Két hop thi: Hién tai hoan thanh + since + qua khtr don. Bap an: has driven; knew Page 24 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) 19. "Ago" la trang tlr di kém voi qua Khir don. —»Bap an: discovered 20.Két hop thi: When + thi qua khw don, thi qua kh tiép din (mot hanh dong dang dign ra trong qué khir thi bi mét hanh déng khdc ct ngang). —> Dap 4n: were playing Exercise 2: 1. Khi ndi v8 mét hanh dong hi cdn tré thi ta diing thi qué khtr don. Bap an: joined; was 2. “Last month” la trang ti cia thi qua khir don, cdn since la trang tir clla thi hién tai hoan thanh. — Dap an: lost; has been 3. "Last night" la trang tu di kem voi thi qua kh don, —> Dap én: was 4. "Tomorrow’ la trang ti di kém véi thi tuong lai don. > Bap 4n: will not go; will stay 5. Két hop thi: qué khir hoan thanh + by the time + qué khi don. Bap an: had ended; got 6. Két hop thi: After + qua khir hoan thanh, qué khts don. — Dap an: had finished; invited 7. Két hop thi: qua kh don + after + qua khu hoan thanh — Dap dn: went; had finished 8. At + gid + yesterday Id trang tir di kém v6i thi qué khé tiép didn. — Dap an: was ironing 9. "Ago" la trang tir di kém voi thi qué kh don. > Dap an: died 10. "Last week" la trang tir di kém v6i thi qua khir don — Dap an: told 11. "Next weekend” la trang tu’ di kem voi thi tong lai don. — Dap an: will come 12. Két hop thi: aud khtr tiéD din + while + qué khtr tiép din. —»Bép 4n: was walking; was swimming 13. Kéthop thi: After + qué khu hoan thanh, qué khi don. ~> Dap an: had buzzed; answered 14. At + gid’ + yesterday la trang ti di kem voi thi qua kht? tiép din. ~ Dap dn: was watching 15. “Next Sunday’ la trang tl’ di kem véi thi tuong lai don. ~> Dap an: will look Page 25 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma ee “MODULE 4: THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES! Cee eee eee MOt cau cé thé bao gdm mot ménh dé chinh (main clause) va mot hodc nhiéu ménh dé phu (subordinate clause). Khi trong cau cé hai ménh dé trélén, cdc d6ng tir phai c6 sw phéi hop vé thi. >» MOts6 cach hoa - i mt dé chinh va cr dé the ‘ ian: Hién tai Hién tai (Qué Khir Qué Khir Tuong lai Hien tai 1._ Sw phéihgp thi trong ménh d@ trang ngir chi thoi gian: Trong QUA KHU: WHEN + S + V (qué khit don), S + V (qué khir don) dién ta hanh déngxay | Eg: When he saw me, he smiled, at me. ranéitiépnhau Trong TUONGLAI: WHEN + S+ V (hign tai don), S + V (tong lai don) Eg: When I see him, I will remind him to call you. Trong QUA KHU: WHEN + S + V (qua Khir don), S + V (qua khit tiép dién) dién té m6t hanh dong | Eg: When I came to see her, she was cooking dinner. dang xay ra thi c6hanh dng khdc xen vao Trong TUONG LA WHEN + S+ V (hign tai don), $ + V (twong lai tiép dién) WHEN Eg: When you come in, your boss willbe waiting for you there. Trong QUA KHU: WHEN + S+ V (qua khir don), S+ V (qua khir hoan thanh) dién ta mot hanh dong _ | Eg: When larrived at the airport, the plane had taken off xy raxong trrécmét | Trong TUONG LAI: hanh dong khac WHEN + S+ V (hién tai don), S + V(twong lai hoan thanh) Eg: When you return to the town, they will have finished building a new bridge. Trong QUA KHU: ASSOON AS +S +V (quikhit don), $ + V (qué khirdon) Eg: As soon as she saw a mouse, she shouted and ranaway. ASSOON | dién ta hanh dng xay AS | randitiépnhau Trong TUONG LAL: ASSOON AS +S +V (hign tai don/hign tai hoan thank), S + V (twong lai don) Eg: I will call you as soon as | have finished /finish the work. $+V (hign tai hoan thank) + SINCE + V (qua khir don) SINCE | dién tAnghia‘tirkhi” | Ee. we have known each other since we were at high school. Trong QUA KHU: dign tahanh dongkét | BY + trang tir cia qué khir + S + V (qué khir hoan thanh) BY+ | thactinh dén mot diém | Eg: By last month, we hadwarked for the company for 9 years. TIME | nao dé trong qua Trong TUONG LAL khhir/twong lai BY + trang tir cita twong lai + $ + V (twonglai hoan thanh) Eg: By next month, we will have worked for the company for 9 years. AT dién ta hanh dng dang | Trong QUA KHU: Page 26 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) THIS/ | xy ratai mOt thoi diém | AT THIS/THAT TIME + trang tir ctia qua khir + S + V (qua khit tiép THAT | xdc dinh trong qua dién) TIME _| kehit/twong lai Eg: At this time last week, we were preparing for Tet ‘Trong TUONG LAI: ATTHIS/THAT TIME + trang tir cita twong lai + $+ V (twong lai tiép dién) Eg: At this time next week, we will be having a big party in the garden. Trong QUA KHU: BY THE TIME + S + V (qua khir don), $ + V (qua khir hoan thanh) BY THE Eg: By the time she got home, everyone had gone to bed. dign ti nghfa "vio li ‘TIME Trong TUONG LAI: BY THE TIME + S + V (hién tai don), S + V (trong lai hoan thanh) Eg: By the time she gets home, everyone will have gone to bed. Trong QUA KHU: AFTER + S + V (qua khtr hoan thanh), S + V (qua khir don) dign tahanh déngxay | Eg: After she had done her homework, she went out for a walk. AFTER | ra xong rdi méi téi hanh dng khac Trong TUONG LAL AFTER + S + V (hign tai hoan thanh), S + V (hign tai don) Eg: After she has done her homework, she goes out for a walk. Trong QUA KHU: BEFORE +S +V (qué kh don),S + V (qué kht hodn thank) dién ta hanh d6ngxay | Ep: Before she went to bed, she had locked all the doors. BEFORE | ra xong truéckhi co hanh dongkhictsi | Trong TUONG LAL: BEFORE +S + V (hign tai don), S + V (twong lai hoan thanh) Eg: Hurry up or the film will have ended before we go to the movie. $+V (trong lai don)/ V(bare)/DON'T + V(bare) + UNTIL/TILL + S+V UNTIL/ | dién ta nghia‘chotéi | (hign tai don/hién tai hoan thanh) TILL | khi” Eg: I will wait for you until it is possible. Wait here until I come back. > CHANGE INTO THE PAST SIMPLE <> PRESENT SIMPLE PERFECT 1S + Last +V2/ed + time +ago/in+ méc thoi gian./when + clause => S +have/has + not + V3/ed + for +khoang thi gian. + since + méc thoi gian. =>lt's + time + since + +last +V2/ed =>'The last time + S + V2/ed +wast time + ago 2. This is the first time +S + have/has + V3/ed =>S + have/has + never + V3/ed + before 3.5 started/began + Ving/to V + +khodng thoi gian +ago + In + méc thai gian. /when + clause =>S+have/has+V3/ed —_+for + khoang thoi gian +since + méc thoi gian 4.When + did + $+ started/begin + to V/Viny =>How long + have/has +S + V3/ed...? 2 Page 27 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1: Chia dang ding cua d6ng tir trong ngoac 1. When | (come), , She was cleaning the door. 2. When | (come), , She will be cleaning the door. 3. When he went home, his mother (cook), dinner, so he took off his coat to help her. 4, When he went home, his mother feook), so be had a delicious meal, 5. When he went home, he (cook"), because his wife were busv. 6. When he goes home, he (cook), dinner because he wants to make his wife surprised. 7. When he goes home, his mother (cook), because she always wants her son to have a delicious meal after @ hard work day. 8. When | moved here, | (live). in a remote area for 5 years. 9. When she receives the letter, she (call), you. 10. When | was young, | (harbor), the dream of a famous doctor. 11. When | grow up, | (get). married you. 12. When he grew up. he (join), the army. 13, When | see him, | (remind). him to call you. 14. When | saw him, | (remind), him to call you. Exercise 2: Chon phurong an dung 11. your brother at Green Street yesterday afternoon. A. meet B. met C. have met D. had met 2. He, A cigarette and, to the window. A. light; walked B. lit; walks C. lighted; walked —_D.. lights; walks 3. After she, for help, she, off her shoes and. in to save him. ‘A. shouted; took; jumped B. had shouted; took; jumped C. had shouted; had taken; jumped D. shouted; had taken; jumped 4. I can’t go with you because I my homework yet. A. haven't finished B. had finished C. finished D. finish 5. He, for London 2 years ago and since then | him, A. have lett; didn't see B. left; haven't seen C. eft; hadn't seen D. had left; have't seen 6. The performance. at 7 o'clock and, for 3 hours. We all it very much, ‘A. had started; had lasted; enjoyed 8. had started; lasted; enjoyed C. started; had lasted; enjoyed D. started; lasted; enjoyed 7. Tell them to stop and take a rest. They, Jong enough. ‘A. have worked B. had worked C. have been working D. had been working 8. "You. here before?’ o "Yes, | my holidays here last year.” ‘A. have you been; spended B. have you been; spent C. had you been; spent D. were you; spent 9. We our housework by tomorrow evening. ‘A. will finish B. will have finished C. will be finishing D. are going to finish 10. "Your face is dirty, Tom." = *Alll right, | it” ‘A. am washing B. am going to wash C. will wash D. will have washed Page 28 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma 11. Coming into the room, he Mary where he. her. A. see; left B.saw;hadleft C.hadseen; left —_D. Saw; was leaving 12.1 from him since he two years ago. A. hadn't heard; disappeared B, haver't heard; disappeared C. didn't hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears 13. After the guests, she, back into the living-room and, off the light. A. left; went; turned B. had left; had gone; tumed C. have lettt; will got; tured D. had left; went; turned 14. By the time you finish cooking they. thelr homework. A. will have finished B. will finish C. had finished D. have finished 15. "You have just missed the last train.” o "Never mind. > A. will be walking B. am going to walk _C. will walk D. am walking 16."L the way to the Globe Theater.” o"OK. | you." ‘A. don't know; will show B. won't know; will show C. don't know; am showing D. don't know; am going to show 17. Come in, please. | for you long. A. have waited B. have been waiting C. had been waiting D. have been waited 18. Who you____to the cinema with last night? A. went B. did you go C. had gone D. did you went 19, Detective: I'm afraid | must ask both of you. What, at 10.20 p.m yesterday? Mr. chess with my wife. Mr. Y: to a play on the radio. A. were you doing; am playing; was listening _B. did you do; played; listened C. were you doing; am playing; am listening _D. were you doing; was playing; was listening 20. You, my sister for a long time, come to see us tonight? ‘A. haven't seen; Will you B. wont see; Will you C. hadn't seen; Would you D. haven't seen; Are you going Exercise 3: Tim va sira Idi sai trong cau . This is the most beautiful place | ever visit. . This time next week they will sit in the train on their way to Paris. . The radio has been played since 7a.m, | wish someone would turn it off. Icame late to class. When | entered the teacher writing something on the blackboard. . They will have English from nine to ten in this room. Don't annoy them then. . Imade cakes. That's why my hands are covered with flour. . Igot a sore throat because | have been speaking for 3 hours. . Itis raining hard. We can't do anything until it stopped. 9, She had got into her shoes, put on her coat and went to the door. 10. What tune had they played when we came in? 11, That evening we stayed up to talk about the town, where he has lived for a long time. 12. | have lived in this city for 15 years. My family had moved here when | was 10 years old 13. We are very tired. We have walk for three hours. 14, | haven't seen her since we leaved school. @NONbONS Page 29 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) 15.| have been thought about you a lot lately and I have come to conclusion that | won't be able to live without you. 16. Coming into his room, he found that someone broke into it. 17. It always rains when they had just cleaned the windows. 18. The last time | saw him, he wore a black suit 19. By the first of next July | had worked for this company for 20 years. 20. This is the talking between two friends who had just met up each other. Exercise 4: Chia dang diing ciia d6ng tir trong ngoac 1. Last night, we (watch) television when the power (ail). 2. We (be) in this class for 4 years next September. 3. When we came in, they (prepare) the meal for us. 4, There (be) many changes in our village in the past few year. 5. Think carefully. I'm sure you (remember) his name. 6. After ancient Greek athletes had won a race in the Olympics, they (receive) a simple crown of olive leaves. 7. They (build) that bridge when | (be) there last year, they (not finish) it yet. 8. As soon as my parents came, we [go] out for dinner. 9. | (search) everywhere for the pen | (lose) yesterday. 10. "What you (do) at the moment, Ann?" "I (pack). | (catch) a plane to London tomorrow morning." 11. Since | left Venezuela six years ago, | (return) to visit friends and family several times. 12. When my parents (arrive) for a visit tomorrow, they will see our baby for the first time. 13. Don't worry. | finish) the report by 10 o'clock. 14, Ill return Bob's pen to him next time | (see) him. 15."1 {go] out to buy a moming newspaper.” “But it (rain) now. Why don't you wait until the rain (stop)?" 16. Whenever | travel abroad, | (forget) something | need. 17. Hurry up or you (be) late for class. 18. He (be) to the theater three times this month. 19. Hurry up or the film (be) over before we (get) home. 20. Before | (start) the car, all passengers had buckled their seat belts. Exercise 5: Chia dang dung ciia d6ng tir trong ngoac |. 'm going out for a walk. | (read) too long, | (do) my homework when my mother (send) me to the chemist's with the prescription the doctor (give) her. By the end of this week | (read) 200 pages of my newnovel. He (do) the experiment when the light (go) out. At this time next week, we (live) in USA. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow. Go on the next test as soon as you (finish) this one. When | (look) at my suitcase, | could see that somebody (try) to open it. We (be) a few minutes late, so the film (start) when we (get) to the cinema 10. I'm going to bed now. | (work) for hours and I'm very tired. 11. | think she is the nicest person | (meet). 12. He [come] into the room after he (stand) outside for a moment. Page 30 y OPNMAEYS Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 13. After the telephone (buzz) for a minute, the doctor (answer) it. 14, He (have) a bad fall while he (repair) the roof. 15. Yesterday, when | (see) Tom he (sit) in a comer with a book. | (tell) him that he (read) in very bad light. 16. James (weed) while Alex (cut) the grass in the garden this time yesterday 17. Susan (wait) for you at 9 o'clock tomorrow. 18. By next summer, she (finish) her 3rd novel. 19. This is the first time we (see) the Statue of Liberty. 20. By the time Anne graduated from high school, she (attend) seven different schools because her parents moved frequently. ANSWERS KEY Exercise 1 Sit | Dapan bau higu Dich nghia 41 [came when; was cleaning | Khi t6i dén, c6 dy dang lau nha. 2 | come ‘when; will be Lic tdi d&n, c6 Ay 88 dang lau nha. cleaning 3 | was when; went; took off | Khi anh Ay vé nha, me anh Ay dang nu &n, vi cooking vay anh ay thay quan do dé giip me mot tay. 4 | had cooked | when; went; had Khi anh ay vé nha, me anh ay da nau n xong, vi vay anh Ay c6 mét b0'a ngon miéng. 5 | cooked when; his wife were | Khi anh ay vé nha, anh ay dindu com bdi vi vo busy anh dy ban. 6 | will cook when; comes Khi anh Ay vé nha, anh dy sé ndu biva t6i béi anh Ay muén lam vo bat ngé. 7 |willhave | when; comes Khi anh ay vé nha, me anh ay sé nau xong bia cooked t6i vi ba luén mudn con minh c6 mét bia an ngon sau mot ngay lam viéc vat va. @ |hadlived | when; moved; for | Khit6i chuyén toi day, 61 da song o mét noi héo lan trong khoang 5 nam. will call when; receives: Khi c6 dy nhan duge thu, cd ay sé goi cho ban. 40 [harbored | when Iwas young _ | Khi t6i cdn tré, t6i da 4p Ui gidc mo tre thanh mét bac st ndi tiéng. 11 ‘| will get when | grow up Khi én lén, té sé ly cau. 12 [joined when he grew up _| Khi In/én, anh ay da tham gia quan doi. 13 | willremind [when see him Khi t6i gap anh dy, t0i sé nhac anh dy goi cho ban. 14 [reminded | when! saw him Lic gp anh ay, t6i da nhac anh ay goi cho cau i Exercise 2 STT | Dapan Dau hiu Dich nghia 1 B Yesterday aftemoon | Te gap anh trai ban trén duéng Green chiéu Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) qua. 2 Hanh dong xay ra_| Anhta cham thuéc va di ra cla sO. néi tiép nhau 3 After + S+ V (qua ‘Sau khi cé Ay kéu ciru, cd Ay thao gidy va nhay khw hoan thanh), S_| xudng ctu anh dy. + V (qua khtt don) 4 Yet To khOng thé di voi cau vi t6 chu lam xong bai tap vé nha. 5 ‘Ago, since then Anh ay da ri Lon Don 2 ndm trvéc va toi 4a kh6ng gap anh dy ké tir do. 6 Tudng thuatlai mot | Budi biéu dién bat dau llc 7 gid’ va kéo dai 3 sy viée xay ranéi_| giéy ddng hé. TAt ca chting tdi déu thich né. tiép nhau. 7 Dich nghia Bao ho divng va nghi ngoi di. Ho da lam viée lau lam ri. 8 Before, last year _| Ban da t6i day truéc kia ri phai khong? - tr, nam ngoai te 4 di nghi mat 6 day. 9 By tomorrow ‘ao t6i mai, chiing t0i sé lam xong viéc nha. evening 10 Dich nghia (dién ta | “Mat cau ban dé Tom." - “¥ nhi, to sé di ria hong dy dinh ngay." dugc lam ngay tai thoi diém néi) 1 Dich nghia Budc vao phong, anh ay gap Mary & chinh noi ma anh Ay da chia tay o6 ay. 12 Quy tae twee Téi da Khéng nghe tin gl vé anh ta tir Khi anh “since” va sau since | dy bién mat cach day 2 nam. 13 After + S + V (qua ‘Sau khi khach kha da vé hét, cd Ay quay lai khi hoan thanh), S| phéng khdich va tat dign. + V (qua khts don) 4 By the time +S +V_| Vao Iicma cau nau &n xong thi ho sé da lam (hign tai don), S + V | xong bai tap vé nha. (tuong lai hoan thanh) 15 Dich nghia (diénta | “Ban via moi Io chuyén tau cudi cing rd.” - nhirng dy dinh "Khdng sao. Toi sé di bd." duge lam ngay tai thoi diém noi) 16 Khi dign ta mot "TO khéng biét dudng t6i nha hat Globe.” "Ok, quyét dinh dua ra tai | to sé chi cho cau.” thoi diém néi, ta dung thi tyong lai don. 7 Khi dign t& mot hanh | Xin mdi vao. Téi da doi anh qué lau rd ong xay ra trong Page 32 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) qua Khir, kéo dai dén hién tai, ta dung thi hign tai hoan thanh tiép dién khi muén nh4n manh qua trinh lién tuc ctia hanh déng 18 B Last night T6i qua cau di xem phim véiai thé? 9 D Gid + trang ti cia _| Tham tir: Toi e rang t6i phai héi ca hai anh. qua knw vVao luc 10:20 161 qua cac anh lam gi? Mr X: Téi dang choi ctv véi vo ti Mr Y: Téi dang nghe mét vé kich trén dai. 20 a For, tonight ‘Anh a khong gap chi em trong m6t thei gian dai. Téi nay anh sé dén choi ch? Exercise sit Dap an Giai thich T | ever visit >have ever Khi két hgp voi cau so sanh nhat, ta ding hién tai visited hoan thanh. 2 | will sit willbe sitting _| This time next week ta ding vdi thi tuong lai tp dién. 3” _|has been played Since 1a trang tt di voi thi hign tai hoan thanh. Hanh —has been playing déng mé radio & day kéo dai lién tuc dén hién tai nén ta dling hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién. 4 | writing >was writing Két hop thi: When qua khi don, qua kh@? tiép dién (mot hanh dong dang dién ra thi mot hanh dong khac c&t ngang). 3 [will have will be having | Khi din ta mt hanh dng sé dang xy ra tal mot thdi iém trong tuong lai, ta diing tuong lai tiép dién. 6 | made have made Hanh d6ng “lam banh" la hanh d6ng xay ra trong qua khir dé lai du higu 6 hign tai la “tay dinh day bot" nén ta ding thi hién tai hoan than. 7 [have been speaking For la trang tu di Kem voi thi hién tai hoan thanh, had been speaking nhung hanh dong nay xay ra truéc va la nguyén nhan tia mét hanh dong khac trong qué khir nén ta sir dung thi qua khi hoan thanh tiép ign. 8 | stopped stops ‘Ap dung theo quy tac cia "until": true “until” chia tuong lai don, sau chia thi hién tai don. 3 | had got >got Khi dién ta mot chudi hanh dong xay ra lién tiép nhau, ta dung qué khir don. | 10 | had they played Kéthop thi: qua Khir tiép dién + when + qua Khir don ~were they playing (mot hanh dong dang dién ra thi mot hanh dong khac dt ngang). TT | has lived >had lived That evening [a trang tir di kém véi qua khw don. For Page 33 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 1a trang tur di kém voi thi hién tai hoan thanh, nhung hanh dong "live" xay ra tre hanh dong “stay up to talk about" nén ta chia & thi qué khir hoan thanh. 12 | had moved >moved Mothanh d6ng xay ra tir Khi con nhé thuéng duoc chia v6i thi qua kht? don. 13 | have walk For la trang tir di kem voi thi hién tai hoan thanh. —shave been walking Hanh dong di b6 kéo dai dén hién tai nén ta sir dung hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién. 14 | Teaved left Két hop thi: hign tai hoan thanh + since + qua khe, don 15 | have been thought Lately 1a trang tir di kem voi hién tai hoan thanh. —shave been thinking Hanh déng suy nght lién tuc t6i hién tai nén ta chia hién tai hoan thanh tiép didn. 6 | broke had broken Két hop thi: Hanh déng xay ra truéc chia vé thi qua khir hoan than, hanh déng xdy ra sau chia thi qua khir don. 17 | had just cleaned Just Ia trang tir di kém voi thi hign tai hoan thanh. —shave just cleaned 18 | wore >was wearing The last time duge si dung voi thi qua Khir don. Hanh d6ng an mac luén duge chia & thi tiép dién. 18 | had worked Cn ci vao “by the first of next July” cho thay cu nay will have worked chia ca 6 thi tuong lai hoan thanh. 20 | had just met—>have just _ | Just [a trang tir di kém voi thi hién tai hoan thanh. met Exercise 4 ‘STT ‘Dap an Dau higu T | were watching; Két hop thi: qué khir tiép dién + when + qua khtr don. (mat failed hanh dong dang din ra thi mot hanh d6ng khdc ct ngang) 2 | will have been ‘Since + méc thoi gian [a trang tir di vdi thi hién tai hoan thanh 6 thém “next September" nén ta chia cau nay & thi tuong lai hoan thanh. 3 | were preparing Két hop thi: qua khtr tiép dién + when + qua khir don. (mot hanh dong dang din ra thi mot hanh dong khac cat ngang) 4 | have been “In the past few years” (trong mot vai nam qua) nén ta chia thi hién tai hoan thanh. 3 | will remember Khi dign td mét dy doan dya trén suy nghi cA nhan, ta ding will. 6 | received Kéthop thi: after + qua kh hoan thanh, qua kh don 7 =e bullding: was; Dich nghia: Ho dang xay cay cau khi ti & d6 nam ngodi, ho van chua xy xong. Cn cir vao nghia cla cau + last year + yet + when S| went Kéthop thi: as soon as +- qua khir don, qua khir don (hai hanh dong xay ra lién tiép nhau) Page 34 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) 9 have been lost Yesterday [a trang tl di kém voi thi qua ki? don nén dong tir "lose" phai chia 6 thi qua khi? don. Tuy nhién, déng tir “search” phai can cw vao nghia cila cau. Dich nghia: Téi da tim khdp moi noi chiéc but ma tdi lam mat ngay hém qua. 10 are you Going; am | At the moment [a trang tir di kém Ai thi hi6n tai tiép dién Patching “Tomorrow morning” la thi tuong lai nhung vi day la ké hoach sé thyrc hién nén ding thi hién tai tiép dién. 41 _| have returned Since [a trang tir di km voi thi hién tai hoan thanh. 2 | arrive Két hop thi: when + hién tai don, tuong lai don. 43 | will finish Ta si dung will dé thé hién Idi haa. ‘14 | see Két hop thi: tuong lai don, hién tai don. 15 | will go/ is raining 7 | Khi dién ta mot quyt dinh tai thoi dim nd, ta ding “will”. stops "Now" [a trang tir di kém vdi thi hién tai tiép dién. Sau until ta ding thi hign tai don. T6 | forget Khi din ta mét thdi quen 6 hién tai, ta dung thi hién tai don 17 | will be Khi dién ta mét viéc trong tuong lai, ta ding thi tuong lai don. 78 | has been Khi dién ta mét hanh dong lap di lap lai nhiéu Tan, ta dung thi hi€n tai hoan thanh. 13 | will have been/ get_| Kéthop thi: tuong lai hoan thanh + before + hién tai don. 20 | started Két hop thi: before + qua khiy don, qua kh hoan thanh. Exercise § sit Dap an Dau higu T | have been Khi dién ta mot hanh déng kéo dai ti qua Khir dén hién tai va reading nhén manh tinh lién tuc, ta dung thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dign. 2 | was doing; sont; | Kat hop thi: qua kh tiép dién + when + qua kht don. Hanh had given dong & ménh dé sau (give) xay ra truéc nén chia & qua khir hoan thanh. 3” | will have read By the end of this week ta chia thi tuong lai hoan thanh. 4 | was doing; went | Két hop thi: qua khtr tiép dién + when + qua kh’ don (mét hanh d6ng dang xay ra thi mot hanh déng khac ct ngang). 3_ | will be living gid + trang ty ca tuong lal ding thi twong lai tiép dién. 6 | will be working __| gid + trang tU cia tuong lai ding thi twong lai tiép dién, 7 [have finished ‘edu ménh Iénh + as soon as + hién tai hoan thanh. 8 | looked; had tried | Két hop thi: hanh déng xay ra truéc chia thi qué kh hoan thanh, hanh dng xay ra sau chia thi qua kh? don. 3 | were; had Két hop thi: hanh déng xéy ra truéc chia thi qua Khir hoan started; got thanh, hanh dng xéy ra sau chia thi qua kh’ don. | 10 | have been For la trang tir di kém voi thi hién tai hoan thanh. Hanh déng working lam vigc kéo dai dén hién tai va la nguyén nhan cia mét hanh dong hién tai khéc nén ta sir dung thi hién tai hoan thanh Page 35 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) dién. TT | have met Khi két hop trong cau cé so sanh hon nhat, ta thurong dung voi hign tai hoan thanh. 72 | came; had stood | Két hop thi: qué kha don + after + qua kha hoan thanh. T3 | had buzzed; Két hop thi: after + qua khw hoan thanh, qua khw don. answered 14 | had; Két hop thi: qua khir don + while + qué khir tiép dién (mot was repairing _| hanh déng dang xy ra thi mot hanh d6ng khac ct ngang). 15 | saw; was sitting; | K&t hop thi: when + qua khir don, qua khir tigp dién (mot hanh told; was reading | dong dang din ra thi mot hanh déng khac cat ngang). 16 | was weeding; Két hop thi: qua kh tiép dign + while + qua khd tiép dién. was cutting 17 | will bo waiting __| Gio + trang tw cla twong lai ding thi (wong lai tp din. 78 | will have finished | By + tong Iai ding thi chia twang lai hoan thanh 19 [have seen The first/ second... time I hién tai hoan than. 20 | had attended Két hop thi: by the time + qua kh don, qua kha hoan thanh. Page 36 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) Quy tac chung: Chi ng@r 1a danh tir s6{t hoc danh tir khOng dém durgc di cling dng tir s6 ft va chi ngor s6 nhieu di cing dong tir s6 nhiéu. Tuy nhién, ddi khi chi ngi cdn hoa hyp voi dng tir tuy theo ¥ turéng din dat hogc danh tir/dai tir ding truéc theo cic quy tic nhdt dinh. Sau day I mét s6 quy tic co bin vé sy ho’ hep gita chi ngit va d6ng tir: V(sdit) Chit ng la danh tir va cum danh tir s6 it. Chii ngir a cdc dai lrong chi thi gian, khoang cdch, tién bac, hay sy do lwong. Chi nga cdc dai tir bat dinh: someone, anything, nothing, eve-eryone, another Chiing@lA ménh dé danh tir Ex: All want to do now is tosleep. Chii ng bat dau bang ‘to infinitive” hoac"V-ing’. Chii nga bat dau bang cum tir "Many a’, Chiingir bat dau 1a mét phan s6 cé tirs6 la 1. Ex: 1/2 is larger than 1/3. Chii nga la mots danh tix dc biét cd hinh thirc s6 nhigu: mon hoc (Physics, Maths), mon thé thao (billards, athletics...), tin tire (news), cic loai bénh tin 1 s6 quéc gia va t6 chtic (UN, the United States, loai dong vat (ants, elephants...) Chii ngu bat dau bing: Most of All of/Plenty of/ + N (Khong dém dwoc/s6it). Chii ngit bat dau bing “The number of + N (s6 nhieu)". Chi ngir bat dau bang “None of + N (s6 nhieu)/ No + N (so it)”. Chii ngir bat dau bang Nz (56 it) of No. Chii ngirla cum danh tir chi nhém dong vat (s6 ft) mang nghia “bay, dan”: flock of birds/sheep, school of fish, pride of lion, pack of dogs, herd of cattle... ‘Alarge amount/A great deal + N (khong dém duryc/ sd it). Neither (of) /Either of + N (s nhiéu) Ex: - Neither restaurants is expensive. - Either of them works in this company, Chi ngirla mot twa dé. Ex: “Chi pheo” is a famous work of Nam Cao. Chi nga bat du bing “A pair of + N (56 nhiéu)”. Ex: A pair of pants is in the drawer. V (s6 nhiéu) Chi ngir lA danh tir va cum danh tir s6 nhiéu. Ex: Oranges are rich in vitamin C MOt s6 danh tir két thuic bang ‘s” nhurng dling sO nhiBu: people, police, cattle, children, geese, mice... Ex: People are searching for something to eat. Hai chii ngi n6i nhau bang “and” va cé quan hé dang lap Ex: Jane and Mary are my best friends. Tuy nhién, néu 2 danh tir cing chi mét ngudi, mot b6 phan hodc 1 mén An... thi dng tir chia & sé it. (Luru Y: khOng c6 “the” & truréc danh tir sau “and”.) Ex: Bread and butter is their daily food. Cu triic “both Ni and N2” Ex: Both Betty and Joan are cooking for their dinner party. Chi ng la 1 dai tix several, both, many, few, all, some + N (s6 nhiéu). Page 37 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Ex: Several students are absent. Chui ngirla “The + adj’, chi mot tap hyp ngudi Ex: The poor living here need help. Chi ngit bat dau 1a mét phan s6 cé tirs6 tir 2 trd lén. Ex: 2/5 are smaller than 1/2. Cc danh tir ludn ding dang sé nhiéu (thwong di theo cp): trouser, eyeglasses, jeans, tweezers, shorts, pliers, pants, tongs... Ex: The pants are in the drawer. Chii ngit bat dau bing: Most of All of/ Plenty of/Some of/Majority of/ The last of/ One of/Half of/Part of /The rest of/Percentage of/A lot of/Lots of/A third of/Minority of + N (s6 nhiéu). Ex: Most of people in the factory are male. Chi ngir bat dau bang “A number of + N(s6 nhiéu). Ex: A number of students going to class decrease. Chii ngir bat dau bang “No + N (s6 nhieu). Ex: No people understand what he says. Chii ngir bat dau bang “Ni (s6 nhieu) of Na”. Ex: The studies of how living things work are called philosophy. Chiingir 14 cum danh tir chi nh6m dng vat (s6 nhiéu) mang nghia “bay, da flocks of birds/sheep; schools of fish; prides of lion; packs of dogs; herds of cattle... Ex: Flocks of birds are flying to its destination. Chit ng duge néi véi nhau béi céc lién tie: “as longas, as well as, with, together with, along with, in addition to, accompanied by”. Vchia theo chi: ngirdautien | - She, along with her classmates, is going to university this year. - Mrs. Smith together with her sons is going abroad. Vchiatheo cic | Not only ~. butalso... danh tir thie200 | “°F nor... Not... but... Page 38 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1: Chon dang ding cla dong ti trong ngoac . The trousers you bought for me (doesn't/ don't) fit me. . Physics (was/ were) my best subject at school. |. Fortunately the news (wasn't/ weren't) as bad as we had expected. . The police (wants/ want) to interview Fred about a robbery. ‘Three days (isn't/ aren't) long enough for a good holiday. . Where (does/ do) your family live? . England (have/ has) lost all their football matches this season. . (Does/ Do) the police know about the stolen money? 9. Can | borrow your scissors? Mine (isn't aren't) sharp enough, 10. 'm going to take a taxi, Six miles (is/ are) too far for me to walk. 11. John, along with twenty friends, (is/ are) planning a party. 12. The picture of the soldiers (bring/ brings) back a lot of memories. 13. If the duties of these officers (isn't/ aren't) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project. 14. Advertisements on television (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before. 15. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is/are) at an all-time high. 16. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/ has) proposed some changes of the rules. 17. The levels of intoxication (vary/ varies) from subject to subject. 18. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight. 19. Anything (is/ are) better than going to another movie tonight. 20. Skating (is/ are) becoming more popular every day. @PNONeONS Exercise 2: Chia dang diing cilia dng tw trong ngoac 1. Anumber of reporters (be) at the conference yesterday. 2. Anybody who (have) a fever must go home immediately. 3. Your glasses (be) on the bureau last night. 4. There (be) some people at the meeting last night. 5. The committee already (reach) a decision 6. A pair of jeans (be) in the washing machine this morning. 7. Each student (answer) the first three questions. 8. Either John or his wife (make) breakfast every morning. 9. After she had perused the material, the secretary thought that everything (be) in order. 10. The crowd at the basketball game (be) wild with excitement 11. A pack of wild dogs (frighten) all the ducks away 12. The jury (be) trying to reach a decision. 13. The army (have) eliminated this section of the training test. 14, The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (be) appalling 15. There (have) been too many interruptions in this class. 16. Every elementary schoo! teacher (have) to take this examination. 17. Neither Jill nor her parents (see) this movie before. 18. There (be) no girls in this class 19. There (be) no key for this door. Page 39 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar 20. 80% of the students (have) voted. Exercise 3: Trong méi cau sau cé mot 16i sai, tim va siva lai cho dang. 1. Geography are fascinating. 2. Where is my gloves? 3. Each ticket costed $5. 4. The boy with his dog are here. 5. John or Tom are bringing the car. 6. His hair are turning gray. T. Are there anybody at home? 8. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him. 9. Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific research. 10. Two-thirds of these books is novels 11. There are a car and two vans in front of my house. 12. Why is the poiice standing there? 13. So far everything is all right. 14, More men than women is left-handed. 16. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam. 16. None of my classmates speaks Arabic. 17. Every student are tested twice a year. 18. Each of the items in the bill are correct. 19.10 years in prison were too long for him. 20. None of the children were awake. Exercise 4: Dién vao méi ché tréng sau mot dong tir thich hop 1. No smoking or drinking, allowed during work time. 2. Indians. a lot of junk food. 3. More than one student late for class this morning. 4. The United Nations, found in 1945. 5. A number of boys ‘swimming in the lake, but | didn't know the exact number of them. 6. One and a half day. what | need. 7. There, stil the possibility of heavy rain and high winds. 8. Politi cs @ constant source of interest to me. 9. The pilot as well as all the passengers. rescued from the crash. 10. Half of the cookies, been eaten. Page 40 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) ANSWERS KEY StT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét T | don't _ | Chiingir trong cau la "The trousers” (quan tay) & hinh thire s6 nhiéu nén dong tir di kem phai duge chia la “dont, Z|was | Ching “Physics” (mon vatlify la mot mon hoc nén mac du tan cling 1a *-s" thi dOng tir can duge chia & sé it. 3] wasn't | Chungor “the news" la danh tu khong dém duge nén dong tir cin duoc chia & sé it 4] want | Chiingir “the police” a danh tir sO nhiéu. Vi vay, d6ng tir can phai chia theo ngdi sé nhiéu 6 thi hién tai don. 5 | isn't | Chingi “three days” thuéc nhém thé’ gian nén duoc coi la danh tir sd ft. 6 do Chi ngir "your family’ trong cau nay dugc hiéu 1a cac thanh vién trong gia dinh nén sir dung nhy danh tir s6 nhidu. T has ‘Chu ngir chi quéc gia "England" (nuéc Anh) la mét danh tir sé it. 8 do ‘Chu ng “the police” [a danh tur sd nhidu. 3 | aren't | Chiingi “mine” trong cu nay duoc hidu la "my Scissors” nén [a danh ter s6 nhiéu. 10 is ‘Chi ng@ “six miles" (6 dam) thudc nhém chi khoang cach nén dugc col la danh tir sé it. 7 is ‘Chui ngir bao gém hai danh tly ndi bang “along with" thi dong ty duge chia theo danh tr phia truéc. O day, danh tu phia truéc la "John" & hinh thie sé it | 12) brings | Khi chi ng@ 1 mét cum hai danh tu duoc néi voi nhau bang “of ", déng tir dugc chia theo danh tir phia truéc. Trong cau nay, chil ng phia truéc la “the picture" (bire tranh) & hinh thiec $6 it. | 13] aren't _ | Khi chiingg la mét cum hai danh tu duoc ndi voi nhau bang "of", dong tiv dug chia theo danh tir phia truéc. Trong cau nay, chii ngt phia truéc la "the duties" (nhiém vy) 6 hinh thie sé nhiéu. 4 are ‘Chu ng@ “advertisements” (quang cao) la danh tu s6 nhiéu. 15 are ‘Chi ngo gdm hai cum danh tir ndi vei nhau bang “as well as” thi dong tir durgc chia theo danh tir phia truéc. Danh tir phia truéc trong cdu nay la “living expenses” chi phi sinh hoat la danh tir sé nhidu. 16 has ‘Chui ngir gdm hai cum danh tir ndi voi nhau bang “accompanied by’ thi 6ng tir duge chia theo danh tir phia truéc. Danh tir phia truéc trong caunay, Mr. Jones, la danh tir $6 it. 7 vary Khi cht ng@ gdm hai cum danh tir néi voi nhau bang “of" thi dong tir duc chia theo danh ty phia truéc. Danh tir phia truée trong cau nay, the levels (mirc dé, cdp 46), a danh tu s6 nhiéu. cy is Khi cht ng@ gém hai danh tv néi véi nhau bang “neither ... nor” thi 46ng tir dugc chia theo danh tir phia sau. O day, danh tir sau [a "Mary" 6 ngdi sé it 3 is (Cc dai ti bat dinh nhu “anything” thi dOng tir chia & 36 it 20 is “Skating” (mén trugt bang) la mn thé thao nén dong tir chia 86 it Page 41 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Exercise 2 STT| Dapan Giai thich chi tiét 7 were ‘Cum danh ti gdm “a number of + danh tu sd nhibu thi dong tyr chia sd nhidu. Cn ctr vao trang tir thdi gian "yesterday" nén ta phai chia 6 thi qua khtr don. > were 2) has | Cac dai tir bat dinh nhu “anybody” thi déng tir chia sé it. Dich nghia: Bat ct” ai ma bi s6t thi phai ngay lap tire tro vé nha. => has z wero ‘Chu ng@ "your glasses” (Mat kinh clia ban) la danh tw sé nhiéu. Cn ctr vao trang tir thdi gian “last night" nén ta phai chia & thi qué khir don > were 4) were | Khi chiing@’ a "there" thi déng tir duoc chia theo danh tir phia sau. Trong cau nay, danh tiv phia sau la "some people" & hinh thirc s6 nhigu. Cn ctr vao trang ty thdi gian “last night" nén ta phdi chia & thi qua kh don, => were S| Have | Chiing@ “the committee” (uy ban) dugc sir dung nhu mét danh tir 58 already | nhiéu reached | Can ctr vao "already " nén dong tir "reach" & day chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh. = Have already reached ©) was | Chiingir chinh “a pair" la mét danh ty $6 it. Can cw vao trang tt thoi gian “this morning” nén ta phai chia & thi qua khur don. >was T has Danh tu gdm each + danh tu sé it thi déng tir chia sé it. Dich nghia: answered | Méi hoc sinh da tra Idi xong ba cau héi dau tién. = has answered & | makes | Chango gdm hai danh tir duoc néi voi nhau bang “either ... or” thi Ong tir dug chia theo danh tiv phia sau. Trong cau nay, danh tir sau, “his wife”, la danh ti $6 it. Can cir vao tir “every” nén ta phai chia dOng tu "make" 6 thi hién tai don = makes g was Cac dai tiv bt dinh nhu "everything" thi déng tir chia sé it. Quy tac ctia "after": ménh d& sau after" chia thi qua khty hoan thanh, ménh 48 con Iai chia thi qua kh don. >was 10| were Danh tu "the crowd at the basketball game” (dam d6ng ¢ tran bong ré) dugc sv dyng nhu mot danh tu’ sé nhiéu, chi cac khan gia 6 tran déu Page 42 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) nén déng tir chia s6 nhiéu. Dich nghia: 4m déng 6 tran ddu béng ré v6 cling phan khich. = were (hanh d6ng 6a xay ra) mW has ‘Chu ng@ chinh, “a pack" (mét bay) la danh tir sé it. frightened | Dich nghTa: Mét dan ché dai da lam ca dan vit hoang su chay tan loan. Khi ngudi ta muén dién t& mét hanh déng 44 xay ra trong qué kht nhung khéng 15 thoi gian, ta ding thi hién tai hoan than. = has frightened ‘are | Chingi “the jury” (ban gidm khdo) la danh tir tap hop. Dich nghia: Ban giém khao dang cé gang dua ra quyét dinh. >are have “The army” (quan di) dugc str dung nhu mét danh tir s6 nhiéu. = have is ‘Cum danh tir bao gdm “the number of” + danh tir sé nhiéu + V (sé it) >is 5} have _| Khi chi ng(i [a “there” thi dong tir duoc chia theo danh tir phia sau. Danh ti’ "many interruptions” (nhiéu gién doan) la danh tly sé nhiéu. Dich nghia: Dé c6 nhiéu gidn doan trong lép hoc nay. = Cau nay chia thi hign tai hoan thanh >have has Danh tir gém every + danh tir sé it + V( sé it. Dich nghia: Moi giao vién c4p hai déu phai tham gia ki thi nay. = has 17| have seen | Khi chi ng gém hai danh ti néi vi nhau bang "neither ... nor” thi Ong tw duge chia theo danh tir phia sau. O day, danh tiy sau la "her parents” (bé me cd Ay) la danh tir sé nhiéu. Cn cir vao trang ti "before" ta chia cu nay é thi hién tai hoan than. => have seen 78) are _| Khichiingi la “there” thi dong tw duoc chia theo danh tw phila sau Danh tir “no girls" duoc ghép bei hai tir “no” va “girls*. Ta e6 quy thc ‘no + N( sd nhidu) + V( s6 nhidu) >are 3 is Khi chi ng@’ a there thi d6ng tir duoc chia theo danh tir phia sau. Danh tly no key duoc ghép bdi 2 tl’ “no” va “key” Ta 6 quy tac ‘no + N" (sé it) + V( sé it) >is 20 have Khi chi ng@ 1a ti I phan tram thi chia theo danh tir. O day, “students” ( hoc sinh) la danh tir sé nhidu nén dng tir chia sé nhidu. = have 4 4 4 d Exercise 3 STT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét T] are >is | "Geography" (m6n Dia li) la danh tyr sé it nén dong tu phai chia & dang sé ft. ge 43 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Dich nghia: Mon Bia Irrat hap dan y is are | Chiing@ trong cau [a “my gloves” (d6i gang tay) la danh ty 86 nhiéu nén dong tir chia 6 dang sé nhiéu Dich nghia: Déi gang tay cla minh & dau nhi? 3 | costed — | Danh tu gdm “each + danh ti’ sé it" thi déng tw chia & dang 88 it. costs _| Dich nghia: Mai cdi vé 06 gid 5 dé la. 4" are Sis | Hai dan tl’ ndi voi nhau bang “with” lam cha ngG thi d6ng tir duoc chia theo danh tir truéc. "The boy" la danh tir sé it nén déng tl chia & dang sé ft. Dich nghia: Thang bé vi con ché dang 6 day. 3 are >is | Hai dann ty ndi voi nhau bang “or” lam chu ng@ thi dong tr duge chia theo danh tir sau. "Tom" & day la danh tir s6 it. 6 | are >is | His hair (téc cla bac dy) id danh tu khéng dém duge nén duoc suv dung v6i déng tir sé it T] are —is | Dai ti bat dinh “anybody” duoc si dung vei dong ti s6 it. Dich nghia: 06 ai nha khong? 8 | seem — | Hai danh tiv ndi voi nhau bang “neither... nor” lam chit ng@ thi dong tir seems | duoc chia theo danh tir sau. “Blame” (khién trach) la danh tir khng dém dugc nén str dyng voi dong tur 86 it. Dich nghta: Biéu dwong hay la khién trach déu duéng nhu khéng 06 tac d6ng gi véi anh dy. 3] were —> | Chiingirla phan sO + danh ti sO itthi dong ty chia theo danh tir 86 It was _| Dich nghia: % gia tai olla anh 4u dug danh céng hién cho nghién ctu khoa hoc. 10) is are | Chi ngo la phan s6 + danh tir sO nhidu thi dong tir di kém 6 hinh thirc s6 nhiéu. Dich nghia: 2/3 trong s6 nhng cudén sach nay Ia tiéu thuyét. 11) are >is | Néu danh tl trong chudi liét ke bat dau la danh tu sé it hoac danh tir khong dém duge, chung ta dung “There is". Néu danh ty trong chuéi liét ké bat ddu la danh tir s6 nhiéu, chung ta diing "There are”. Trong cau nay, danh ti bat dau la "a car" (sé it) nén ta phai dung "There is”. Dich nghia: Cé mét chiéc xe hoi va hai chiéc xe tai trvéc nha tdi. T2| is are | "The police” (cnh sat) la danh tir ludn & hinh thire s6 nhidu. Dich nghia: Tai sao canh satlai dang dirng & dé thé? 13] is has | Bai tir bat dinh nhu “everything” dug str dung voi dong tir sO it. Can cr been | vao trang tir "so far" cau nay chia thi hién tai hoan thanh, Dich nghia: Gan day moi tht déu dn ca. 4] is are | Chi ngir "men" (dan éng) ld mét danh tir s6 nhiéu nén dong tir phai chia sé nhidu. Dich nghia: Nhiéu dan 6ng hon phu n@ thuan tay trai 18| are >is | Chui ng la s6 long: “fifty minutes” luén chia d6ng ty & dang s6 it. Dich nghia: Nam mui phitt a thoi gian t6i da duoc phan bé cho bai thi. ‘16 speaks = | Danh ty gém “none of + danh ti sé nhi8u’ thi déng tl’ chia o dang sd speak | nhiéu. Dich nghia: Khong cd ai trong sé nhOng ban cling lép tdi ndi tiéng A Rap. Page 44 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) 7] “are is | Cum danh tlr gdm “every + danh ti s6 it" thi dong tlr chia 36 it. Dich nghia: Méi hoc sinh dug kiém tra hai lan mot nam. 18)" are >is | Cum danh tu gdm “each of + danh ty sO niu" thi dong tir chia s6 it. Dich nghTa: Méi mét thar dd trong hod don nay déu chinh xac. 18] were is | "10 years" ld danh tir thudc nhém chi thdi gian nén dug sir dung nhur 1 danh ti sé it. Dich nghia: Mudi néim ta la qué lau cho anh dy. 20|" were > | Danh tir gém "none of + danh tw sé nhiéu" thi d6ng tir chia & dang sé it was _| Dich nghia: Khéng 06 diva tré nao cdn thirc. Exercise STT | Dap an Giai thich chi tidt dp an T is "No + danh tir sd it" duoc sti dung vai dong tiv sd it. Dich nghia: Hut thuéc hay la uéng rvou déu khéng duoc phép trong gid lam vic = to be allowed: dugc phép = Dap an: is z eat _| “Indians” (nguoi An BO) ia danh te sO nhigu. Dich nghTa: Nguoi An 86 an rat nhiéu dd hop. z was More than one + danh tir s6 it duoc str dung voi dong tu sé it. Dich nghta: Hon mét hoc sinh dén lép muén sdng nay. CAu tric: to be late for: mudn Cn ctr vao trang tl "this morning” nén dap an la "was". 7] was Banh tW chi mét td chire The United Nations (Lién Hop Quéc) Ia danh ti 86 it Dich nghia: Té chirc Lién Hop Quéc dugc thanh lap nam 1945. = Cau nay la bi dong ctia thi qua khtr don nén dap an la"was” 5 were | “A number of + N’ déng tu phia sau duge chia nhu voi danh tt sO nhidu. -'The number of +N’ d6ng tty phia sau duge chia nhw véi danh tir sé it. Can ctr vao tir “didn't’ nén dong tir & ché tréng phai chia thi qué khir don. Dich nghia: Mét chang trai dang boi trong hd, nhung tdi khéng biét chinh xac s6 ngudi ho. = Bap an la “were” ¢ is “One and a half las lung dong vai tro lam cha ngo cua cau nén déng tir chia 6 sé it. Dich nghta: Téi can mot ngay rus = Bap ania: T is Cu tric: There + be + N+ .... Chii ngif [a “there” thi dong tir dug chia theo danh tiv phia sau. Danh ti “possibility” ( kha nang) la danh tir s6 it Dich nghia: Vn C6 kha nang la tri mua to gid lon. = Dap ania “is” e is Politics (chinh tr) 18 danh tu 86 it. Page 45 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) Dich nghia: Chinh tr] la mot ngudn hing tha vo tan voi ti. => Bap an [a “is” was | Chu ngi la cum hai danh ti durgc ndi bang “as well as” thi dong tur urge chia theo danh tir phia truéc. The pilot - phi cng la danh tur sé it nén déng tir chia sé it. Dich nghfa: Phi céng véi hanh khdch déu duoc gidi ciru tir vu va cham Cu trite: to be rescued from: duge giai cttu khdi = Dap an la “was’. have — | “Phan sé + danh tir s6 nhiéu" dugc sir dung voi dong tl sé nhidu. Dich nghia: Mét niza sé cookies da bj an hét Khi ngui ta muén dign ta mot hanh déng da xay ra trong qua Khir nhung khong 16 théi gian, ta ding thi hién tai hoan thanh. Chi ngir 1a “cookies” nén cau nay phdi chia & dang bi déng. = Dap 4n [a "have". Page 46 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) =~ — — — — — ~ — — ~~ MODULE 6:MODAL VERBS | L Dinh nghia SS eee - DOng tir khuyét thiéu la Ong tir nhung lai khong chi hanh dng ma né chi gitip b6 nghia cho dong tir chinh. - Nhiing ddng tir khuyét thiéu nay c6 thé ding chung cho tat cd cdc ngoi va khong chia theo thi. Cac Ong tir theo sau dOng tir khuyét thiéu nay dugc git nguyén thé, = Cdc d6ng tir khuyét thiéu thuéng ding la: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, need, have to. I. Cach ding 1. Modal verb + V1 Dign th hd ninghién | a, swim-Toicéthé | Can va Could edn dvoc ding tai hoe twong lai mi | oy trong cu hai d nghi/xin phé Can mot ngwdi cé thé lam ~ . . ie ght, phép, dase tojemden [ican Trbicbehé | yeu chu an mua. Vidi vigc c6 thé xay ra. - Could you please wait a moment? - Ban c6 thé dgi mot lat duoc khong? ~My brother could speak Didn ta kha nangxayra_| English when he was five - Could | trong qua kht. Anh trait6i da c6 thé mdi | 01 sit here? - Toi c6 thé ngbi tigng Anh khi anh dy 5 : diy duc khong? tudi. ~ You must get up early the morning - Ban phai pain dat aan tie __ | day s6m vao bu6i sing. uoc a hien tar hoac | vou must be tired after | Mustn't - chi surcém dodn tuong lai. work hard - Ban chic chan | Vi dy: You mustn't smoke here - sé mét sau khi lam viéc Ban khéng duoc hut thuéc & cham chi. diy. - You must be here before Must —_| Duara loi khuyén hodc suy luan mang tinh chac chin, yeu cau duge ahin manh. 8am - Ban phaicé mate day truéc 8 gid. Did td su can thit phai | /RAVeTOwear helmets lam ginhung|la do mn ening am | Don't have to = Don't need to/ Have to ‘ - T6i phai di mi bao hiém ° Kthéch quan (nt guy, | een clustguy | Beeda't (Chis khong cin thie) quy dinh...). vy. (Luge quy dinh nhu vay) Dién td dibu gi c6 thé May xay ra@ hién tai nhung ~ May va might ding d@xin phép Kemay beabomb-N6 ¢6 | hug cé tinh chat trang trong thé 1a mét qua bom. khong chic. hon can/ could. Nhung might it Dign ti digu gicdthé _|-Shemightnotbeinhis | dugc ding trong van néi, chi might | #7746 qua ke house. - CO dy c61é khong | yéu trong cau gian tiép: Might dugc ding khong | énha anh tanita. ~ May I turn on TV? phai la qué khir cha -Where is John?I don't _| - I wonder if he might go there Page 47 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) May. know. He may/might go out with his friends. - John 6 dau rdi? - TOi khong biét. C6 leanh dy ra ngoai voi ban. alone. Didn dat, dur doan su viéc xay ra trong twong ~ Tomorrow will be sunny. - Ngay mai trdi sé ning - Did you buy sugar? Oh, wil ta az. | Sorty.I'llgonow.-Bancé | Ding Will hay Would trong cau Dua ra mét quyét dinh ° \ " selthdl dif na mua duréng khéng?- O,xin | d8 nghi, yéu chu, loi mai. 16i. Gi minh sédi mua. _| Will youhave a cup of coffee? Dign i mt gid dinh xay | He was so tired. He would | Would you like a cake? Woura | fho¥e dw dodn su vige | got up late tomorrow - c6 thé xay ra trong qué _| Anh dy rit mét. Ngay mai, ki. chéc anh y sé day mudn. Ding d@ xin § kién, loi | Where shall we eat op Shall Khuyén. "Will" duoc sir_ | tonight? - Téi nay ching ta a vol hal ngot “I” va dung nhigu hon an 6 dau? You should send this report by 8th September. Chi su bat budc hay bén | - Ban nén gui bao céo may phan nhung é mirc dd | truéc ngay 8 thang Chin. nhe hon "Must". - You should call her. Should | dua ra loi khuyén, - She worked hard, she kién. should get the best result. Ding 4é suy doan. = C6 dy hoc rit cham, cé dy sé dat dugc két qua cao hat Chi sw bat bude. Manh | You ought not to eat candy Ought to | hon "should"nhung —_| at night.- Ban khong nén chua bang "Must. n keo vao buéi téi. Page 48 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) 2.Modal perfect ( khiém khuyét hoan thanh ) : Modal + have + V3/ed a { Modal perfect So 7? NEEDN'T + HAVE + VP2: chi nhirng viéc lé ra da vse" kh6ng cn thiét phai lam nhung 4a lam. COULD + HAVE + VP2: chi ning vide lé da xay ranhung trén thuc té thi khong Mét sé cach bién d6i twong dwong: * be necessary (for 0) + to-V = © beunnecessary (for 0) + to- V = don’t need / don’t have to Ex: Itis unnecessary for him to study many subjects. He needn't study many subjects He does not have to study many subjects. * be possible / impossible + to-V = can/ cannot + V hodc may/might Ex: Itis impossible for me to finish it now. I can't finish it now © perhaps( c61é) = may/might * it’s better/it’s time .....= should * benot permited /be not allowed = mustn’t Page 49 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar) PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1: Chon phuwong an ding 1. You don't look well. You, see a doctor. A. could B. need to C. are to D. should 2. She. home yesterday because her little son was sick. A. could have stayed B. must have stayed C. had to stay D. should have stayed 3. You, disturb him during his work! A. should not B. needn't C. mustn't D. don't have to 4. Whose car is this? — It be Anton's. | think | saw him driving a red car like this one. A. could B. might C. must D. would 5. Though he was ill and weak, he. get out of the burning building A. was able to B. might ©. could D. should 8. Jending me your CD player for a couple of days? ‘A. Can you B. Would you mind C. Would you D. Could you 7. The windows look clean. You, wash them. A. are not to B. needn't C. dont have to D. mustn't 8. I don't believe it. It be true. A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. wouldn't 9. Young people. obey their parents A. must B. may c. will D. ought to 10. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It, have cost 2 fortune. A. must B. might C. will D. should 11. You, to write them today A. should B. must C. had D. ought 12." you hand me that pair of scissors, please?” A. May B. Will C. Shall D. Should 13, Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She. harder. ‘A. must have studied B. could have studied C. should have studied D. must studied 14, Marcela didn't come to class yesterday. She an accident. A. should have had B. must have C. might have D. may have had 15. John still hasn't come out. He, ‘A. must have been preparing C. will be preparing 16. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He. A. shouldn't have driven C. would have driven 17. The photos are black. The X-ray at the airport, A. should have damaged C. would damage 18. Tom didn't do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. He, ‘A. must have done everything for the trip now. B. must be preparing D. will have prepared ‘so fast. D. might have driven them. B. should have B. would have damaged D. must have damaged B. should have done his homework. Page 50 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma C. might have D. will have done 19. My car stopped on the high way. It out of gas. A. may runB. must be ©. may have run D. should have run 20. | be here by 6 o'clock? - No, you A. Shall; mightn't B.Must:needn't —_C. Will; mayn't D. Might; won't Exercise 2: Chon phurong an ding 1. “Where do you think Rooney is today?”. "| have noidea. He. late." A. should have left B. would sleep C. would have sleep D. may have slept 2. Barbate painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He, a different color. A. had to choose B. must have chosen C. should have chosen D. could have been choosing 3. The children “thank you" to you when you gave them their gifts. A. will have said B. should have said C. must say D. should say 4. It we had known your new address, we, to see you A. came B. will come C. would have come D. would come 5. These two boys look identical. They. twins. ‘A must have been —_B. should be C. must be D. should have been 6. You've been working non-stop for ten hours. You. be really tired. A. should B. must C. would rather D. ought to 7. The fortune teller predicted that inherit a big fortune before the end of this year. A. will B. she will C. would D. she would 8. I'm feeling very tired this morning. |, have stayed up late last night. A. couldn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. to stopping 9. He helped her, but it was not necessary. He needn't her. A. help B. tohelp C. be helping D. have helped 10." you like to play a game of tennis?" "I'd love to.” A. Could B. Will C.Do D. Would 11. His letter is full of mistakes. He, the mistakes carefully before sending it. ‘A. must have checked B. should have checked C. could have checked D. can have checked 12."I bought two bottles of milk." "You, have bought milk; we have heaps of it in the house." A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D. hadn't 13. When | first went to England, | English, but | it ‘A. can read; can't speak B. can read; couldr't speak C. could read; couldn't speak D. could read; can't speak 14, The car plunged into the river. The driver, out but the passengers were drowned. A. is able to get B. could get C.wasable toget —_D. can get 15.1 got lost and, ask a policeman the way. ‘A. have to B. must have to C. had to D. would 16. We have some days off after the exam, spend some time together? A. Let B. Shall | C. Shall we D. Would you like Page 51 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma 17. You, ring the bell; | have a key. A. may not B. needn't C. mustn't D. couldn't 18. You, drink this; it's poison. A. must B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 19. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They. have sailed from South America. ‘A. might B. must C. should D. had 20. She felt ill and, leave early. A. has to B. must C. had to D. ought Exercise 3: Chon phurong an ding 1. The man was found unconscious at the foot of the cliff. He, have fallen 200 meters. A. needn't B. must C. should D. mustn't 2 When the fog lifts, we. where we are. ‘A. could see B. will be able to see C. must have seen D. are seeing 3. The swimmer was very tired, but he. the shore before he collapsed. A. was able toreach B. can reach C. could reach D. has reached 4. Ifa letter comes for me,, you please forward it to this address. A. shall B. could C. must D. should 5. I don't believe it. It be true. A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. wouldn't 6. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. | work very hard today. A.can B. may ©. should D. would 7. Leave early so that you. miss the bus. A. didn't B. won't C. shouldn't D. mustn't 8. He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He. himself. A. could have hurt B. should have hurt C. must have hurt D. will have hurt 9. Robert arrived without his book. He, it. A. mighthavelost. —_B. should havelost C. would have lost. will have lost 10. Twenty years ago, David speak Arabic fluently. Now he's forgotten a lot. A. could B. might C. needed D. must 11. Jessica hasn't made up her mind about where to go to school. She. attend Duke University. She just doesn't know yet. A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can't 12. This box isn't as heavy as it looks. You, help me with it. Thanks anyway for offering to help. A. must B. mustn't C. might D. needn't 13. Yesterday everyone in the office. Jeave the building for a fire drill. | am glad it wasn't areal fire. A. may B. might C. must D. mustn't 14. You play loud music at night. The neighbors will call the police. A. mustn't B. needn't C. might not D. couldn't Page 52 Basic Grammar in use (Gramma 15. You, stand up. There are a lot of seats available on the bus. A. couldn't B. mustn't C. needn't D. might not 16. People who use public parks, clean up after themselves. A. must B. may . ought D. might 17. This library book is overdue. | better return it today. A. need B. must C. might D. had 18. Our company provides free advice on the use of our products. You, pay us. A. must B. haveto C. needn't D. mustn't 19. Whatever, come, | will always be by your side. ‘A. must B. may ©. could D. need 20." you hand that book, please?" "Sure. Here itis.” A. Could B. Should c. Must D. May Exercise 4: Dién vao méi ché tréng sau bang mot déng tir khuyét thiéu da hoc. 1. Ileft my bike here and now it's gone. Someone, have borrowed it. 2. "The door was open." "It have been open. I had looked it myself and the key was in my pocket.” . I want this letter typed, but you. do it today. Tomorrow you will do. We, forget to shut the gates. If you go to a dentist with a private practice, you. pay him quite a lot of money. . You talk to other candidates during the exam. . "Have you seen John?" "No. But he, be studying in the library’. . As | won't be at home tonight, | do my homework during my lunch break. 9. Passengers smoke until the signs have been switched off. 10. There are a lot of tickets left, so you pay for the tickets in advance. 111, have wom my best suit to the party yesterday; everyone else was very casually dressed. 12. "What are you doing this weekend?" "I haven't decided yet. |, go ona picnic with my family." PNOASY 13. Can you repair my bicycle? -Oh, yes, | do it now. 14, It's a secret. You Jet anyone know about it 15. 'mnot sure. | ‘come a few minutes late. 16. Secondary school students nowadays, wear uniform. 17. |had read the book last night before | went to bed. 1 never took it out of this room. It be lying around here somewhere. Where. itbe? 18.When you have a small child in the house, you. leave small objects lying around. Such objects, be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. 19. You take your umbrella along with you today. It rain later on this afternoon. 20.1 be at the meeting by 10 pm | will probably take a taxi if | want to be on time. Page 53 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Exercise 4 ANSWERS KEY STT Giai thich chi tiét dap an 7 Dap an D Dich nghia: Ban trong khong dugc khoé. Ban nén dikham bac si. = Bap an la D (should + V-bare: nén lam gi) Dich nghia: Chac la hom qua cd dy da & nha béi vi con trai cd Ay bi 6m. = Dap anlaB (Must 4- have + Vp2: dién ta suy luan logic dya trén nhang hién trong co that & qué khu.) Dich nghia: Ban khéng duoc quay ray anh Ay trong khi anh dy dang lam viée. => Bap an 1a C Mustn't + V (bare): khéng duoc phép Cac phuong an con lai: A. shouldn't + V (bare): khong nén lam gi B. Needn't + V (bare): khong cn thiét D. don’t have to + V (bare): khong cn phai Dich nghia: Chiéc xe dy la cla ai? NO co thé |a cla Anton. Toi nghi la toi da ting nhin thay anh Ay lai mét chiéc xe mau dé giéng nhu thé. = Dap an la B (might + V-bare: ding 48 din ta nhing phéng doan khéng chdc) Dich nghia: Mac di anh Ay 6m yéu nhung anh Ay van cé thé thoat ra urgc khdi ngéi nha dang chay. = Bap an aA (Dung "was able to + V" dé dién ta nhGng kha nang phai do c6 géng vat va mdi lam duge) Can could! would you + V (bare): Ban c6 thé.....? Would you mind + V-ing: Ban cé phién ....? C&n ctr vao tiv "lending" nén dap An [a B. Dich nghia: Phién ban cho tdi muon chiéc may chay dia vai ngay duoc khéng? Dich nghia: NnOng chiéc cta s6 vin sach. Ban khdng cn lau ching dau. = Dap an la B (needn't + V (bare): khong can thiét lam gi) Dich nghia: Toi khong tin digu dé, No khong thé la sy that = Dap anlaA Dich nghia: Ngudi tr8 phai vng Idi bd me minh. = Dap an la A (must + V (bare): phai lam gi) 10 Dich nghia: Nnan dinh hén cia Jenny rt to. NO c6 lé phai dang gid dén cd mot gia tai y. = Bap aniaA (Must + have + Vp2: suy doén logic dya trén nhang hién tugng c6 that & qué kh.) Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Can ot? vao tl "to" nén ta loai phurong an A va B. Vi should/ must + V (nguyén dang) C. have to + V (bare): cn phai lam gi D. ought to + V (bare): chi sy bat budc. Manh hon “Should” nhung chua bang “Must” = Bap 4n [a D (vi “today’ la hién tai nén ta khéng ding had (dang duoc chia 6 thi qué kh don) Dich nghia: Ban phai viét ching hom nay. 2 B Can ctr vao tir "you" ta loai phuong an C. Vi "Shall" chi di voi ngéi / We. Dich nghia: Lam on dua gitip minh cai kéo voi. => Cau nay co sac thai dé nghi nén dap an la B. | c Dich nghia: Jeanette lam bai kiém tra rat 6. CO 4y dang |é ra phai hoc hanh chéim chi hon. = Dap an la C (Should + have + Vp2: dign ta nhiing viée dang Ié ra phai lam nhiing 43 khong lam.) 14) D | Can ctr vao trang tir "yesterday" nén ta loai phuong an B/C. A. should have Vp2: di&n t nhiing viée dang Ié ra da phai lam nhang khong lam. D. may have Vp2: dién ta nh@ng viéc c6 1é da xay ra nhung khong chac. Dich nghia: Marcela khéng 4&n lop ngay hom qua. C6 kha nang 18 o6 dy 44 bi tai nan = Dap an la D 18) B | Dich nghia: John van chwa ra. Anh ay chac van dang chudn bi cho chuyén di, > Bap an la B (must be + Ving: chic la dang lam gi) 16| A | Dich nghia: Thomas bi phat vi chay qua téc d6. Anh Ay dang lé khong nén lai xe nhanh nhu thé. = Dap an laA (Shouldn't + have + Vp2: din ta nhing viée dang Ié ra khéng nén lam nhung 44 lam.) 17|~D | Dich nghia: Nning birc anh bi 6 den. Cé é Ia do cac tia X & san bay da lam héng ching. = Bap nD (Must + have + Vp2: din ta nhding suy dodn logic dya trén nhing can ctv.) 1 5 Dich nghia: Tom khong lam bai tap vé nha, vi vay giao vién da rat tc gian. Anh dy dang nhé ra nén lam bai tap vé nha. = Dap 4n la B (Should + have + Vp2: din ta nhing viée dang 1é ra da nén lam nhung 43 khong lam.) 18|C ] Dich nghia: Chiéc xe 6 t6 cila tdi chét may trén cao t6c. N6 C6 [é 1a do hét xang. = Bap an lac (may + have + Vp2: dién ta nhang sy viéc 06 lé da xay ra nhung khong chdc) Page 55 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Dich nghia: TOi c6 phai cé mat & day vao Itc 6 gid’ khéng? - Khong, khong can thiét. = bap aniaB (must + V (nguyén dang): phai lam gi. Needn't + V (nguyén dang): khéng can thiét lam gi). Exercise 2 STT_| Dapan Giai thich chi tiét D___| Dich nghia: Ban nghi la hém nay Rooney & dau? 16 Khong biét. Anh y 06 thé la da ng nuéng. = Can ci? vao cau "I have no idea." Chon duge dap 4n [a D. (may +haye + Vp2: dién ta nhGng sy viée cé thé da xay ra nhung khong chdc.) 2 | Dich nghia: Barbate son phong nga cla anh dy mau den. No trong rat t6i va dm dam. Anh dy lé ra nén son mét mau khéc. => Dap an la C (should + have + Vp2: dign ta nhing viéc lé ra da nén lam nhung khéng fam.) 3 5 Dich nghia: Bon tré Ié ra da nén ndi cau “cam on” véi ban khi ban cho chuing qua. = pap anlaB Can ctr bang “if va" had known" = diéu kién loai 3 = Dap an Ia C. Dich nghia: Néu ching t6i biét dia chi méi cla ban, chung ti sé dén tham ban. 5 | Dich nghia: Hai thang bé nay trong rt giéng nhau. Ching chdc la anh em sinh déi. = Bap an la C (Must +have + Vp2: din ta suy doan logic dya trén nhding hién tung 6 that & qua kh Must be: dign ta nhang suy doan logic dya tren nhong hién tong co that & hign tai.) 6 EB | Dich nghia: Ban 4a lam viéc khéng ngoi tay trong khoang 10 tiéng ddng hd. Bay gid chac 1a rAt mat. = Bap an laB (Must be: dign ta nhtng suy doan logic da trén nhimg hién tugng cb that & hién tai.) 7 0 (An cit vao tir “predicted” nén ta chon phuong an D. Dich nghia: Thay boi phan rang co Ay sé duyc thira ké métgia tai kéch xi trudc cudi nam nay. e 5 Dich nghia: Sang nay tdi da rAt mét. T6ilé ra t6i qua khong nén thee mugn. = Bap 4n la B (shouldn't +have + Vp2: di&n ta nhding viée dang Ié ra khéng nén lam nhung 4a lam.) 9 D | Dich nghia: Anh ay a giup 46 cd ay, nhung né [a khéng can thiét. Anh y Ié ra da khOng can thiét phai giuip ob Ay. ge 56 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) = Dap an la D (needn't + have + Vp2: din ta nhOng viéc |é ra da khéng can thiét phai lam nhung da lam.) Cu tric: would you like to + V (bare)? = Dap an la D Dich nghia: Ban 06 muén choi mét van tennis khong? - Minh thich lm. 1 Dich nghia: Birc thu cia anh Ay toan nhiing Idi chinh ta. Anh Ay dang nhé ra nén soat di chinh ta mét cach can than truéc khi gli nd. = Dap an la B (should + have + Vp2: dién ta nhing viéc Ié ra 44 nén lam nhung khong lam.) Dich nghia: "Toi da mua hai chai sa”. "Ban |é ra khong can thiét phai mua, ching ta v4n cén rat nhiéu." = Dap 4n a B (needn't + have + Vp2: din ta nhiing viéc |é ra d& khong cn thiét phai lam nhung da lam.) Cn ctr vao ménh dé “when | first went to England” nén vé sau phai chia 6 thi qua kht don. => Dap an laC Dich nghia: Khi lan dau dén Anh, toi co thé doc tiéng Anh nhung khong thé ndi dugc n6. 4 Dich nghia: Chiéc 6 16 lao xudng sng. Tai xé c6 thé thoat ranhung hanh khdch thi bi chét duéi = Dap an lac (Néu mét ngudi nao dé trong mot hoan canh phai lam mot viée gi 46, cé gang xoay x6 48 lam mét viée gi dé thi ta sir dung "was/ were able to") Can cu vao cum tir "got lost" dang & thi qua knw don nén ta loai cac phuong an A/8. Dich nghia: Toi bj lac duéng va phai hdi canh sét. => Bap an la C Dich nghia: Sau khi thi xong, ching ta sé c6 vai ngay nghi. Ching minh hay danh thei gian bén nhau nha? = Bap an (Shall we + V-bare: 48 nghi cng lam gi) Dich nghia: Ban khong cn thiét phai 4n chudng; t6i c6 chia khoa. = ap an la B (needn't + V-bare: khong can thiét mustn't + V-bare: khéng dugc phép) Dich nghia: Ban khéng duoc phép udng nd. Né [a chat déc. = Bap an aC (needn't + V-bare: khong can thiét mustn't + V-bare: khéng duoc phép) Dich nghia: Khong ai biét lam thé nao ma nhOng nguoi dau tin dén dugc nhong hon dao nay. Ho co thé la da chéo thuyén tw Nam My toi. ge 57 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) = Dap an la A (might +have + Vp2: di&n td nhding viéc c6 thé da xay ra nhung khéng che chan.) 20 c Cn cu vao dong tir “felt” - thi qué khir don ta chon duge dap an C. Dich nghia: C6 dy bi ém va phai vé som. Exercise 3 STT | Dapan Giai thich chi tiét 5 | Giai thich: must + have + Vp2 ding dé di&n ta mét suy Iuan hop Ii trong qué khir. Dich nghia: Ngudi dan éng dugc tim thay la dang bat tinh duéi chan vach 44. Anh ta chdc chan da roi tir 4 cao 200m. z B | Giai thich: to be able to + V = can + V ding dé dién ta mét digu gi d6 cé thé xay ra. Dich nghia: Khi may tan, ching ta sé 06 thé nhin thay chung ta dang & dau, 3 A | Giai thich: Could + V va to be able to + V cing diing dé dién ta mét didu gi dé co. thé da xay ra. Tuy nhién, néu mét ngudi nao dé trong mot hoan canh phai lam mét viéc gi 66, o6 gang xoay x6 48 lam mét vige gi dé thi ta str dung "was/ were able to”. Dich nghia: Ngudi boi nay rt mét rdi, nhung cau dy van cé thé dén dugc be truéc khi nga guc. 4 B | Giai thich: Could + S + V dung dé din ta mét yéu cau lich sy. Dich nghia: Néu cé thu cho tdi, ban lam on chuyén cho tdi qua dia chi nay nhé 5 4% | Giai thich: Can't + V ding 48 dién ta chdc chdn 99% diéu gi d6 khéng thé xay ra & hign tai Dich nghia: Toi khéng tin. Bidu nay chac chén khéng dung. 6 B | Giai thich: May + V dign ta didu gi d6 o6 kha nang xdy ra hién tai hoac tuong lai nhung khéng chdc. Dich nghia: Laura, em va céc con ctv an t6i ma khéng cn doi anh. Anh cé thé phai lam viée ca ngay hom nay. T B [Dich nghia: Roi di sém dé ma khong lb xe bus. 8 A | Giai thich: Could have + Vp2 ding 48 dién ta mot didu cé thé da xay ra nhung trén thye té la khong. Dich nghia: Anh ta da rét may man Idc anh ta nga khdi cai thang. Anh ta 6 thé da lam minh bi thuong. 3 A | Giai thich: Might have + Vp2 ding 48 dign ta mot didu c6 Ié 4a xay ra nhung khong chéc chén. Page 58 Basic Grammar in use (Grammar ) Dich nghia: Robert dén ma khong mang theo sach. C6 lé anh ta mat sach 16. 0 % | Giai thich: Could + V diing dé dién ta mot diéu cd thé da xay ra trong qua khw. Dich nghia: 20 nam truéc, David cé thé ndi tiéng A Rap rt tréi chay. Bay gid ng 4y quén nhidu tir ri. 1 B | Giai thich: May not + V ding dé dién ta mét diéu 06 thé khong xay ra. Dich nghia: Jessica van chua quyét dinh hoc trudng nao. Cé dy o6 Ié khéng hoc Trutng Dai hoc Duke. Cd Ay cing chua biét. % D | Giai thich: Needn't + V nghia la khong can lam gi. Dich nghia: Cai thing nay khéng nang l4m. Ban khéng can giuip tei. DU sao cling cam on ban. 3 B | Giai thich: Might + V ding dé dién ta mot diéu c6 thé 44 xay ra trong qua knw. Dich nghia: Hom qua moi ngudi trong co quan cé thé da phai rdi khéi van phong dé dign tap chéng chay. Cting may la khéng phai chay that. « ® | Giai thich: Mustn’t + V nghia la khong dug phép lam gi do. Dich nghia: Ban khong dugc phép bat nhac to lic na dém. Hang x6m $6 goi canh sat ig C | Giai thich: Needn't + V nghia la khéng cn lam gi 46. Dich nghia: Ban khong can dung dau. Con nhiéu ghé trong trén xe ma. 16 A | Giai thich: Must + V nghia la phai lam gi dé. Dich nghia: Nn@ng ngudi té chirc hoat dong 6 cong vien phai ty minh don sach sau khi str dung. 7 D | Giai thich: Chi cé "had" di véi “better” — had better: tat hon hét nén lam gl. Dich nghia: Cuén sach mugn tir thu vién nay qua han rbi. T6i nén tra no hom nay. w © | Giai thich: Needn't + V nghia la khéng cn lam gi 46. Dich nghia: Cong ty cia ching t6i cung cap dich vu tu van mién phi trong viéc st dung san phdm. Ban khong cn tra tién. [3 5 Giai thich: Whatever may come la mét cum ti oé dinh: bat ké diéu gi 06 thé xay dén. Dich nghia: Cho du chuyén gi xay ra. 16i cing luén 6 bén ban. 20 A | Giai thich: Could dign ta yéu cu lich sv. Dich nghia: Ban cé thé chuy&n cho tdi cudn sach dé dugc khong? - Vang, cia ban day. Exercise 4 Page 59

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