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Test Bank for Global Americans, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Maria Montoya, Laura A.

Belmonte, Car

Test Bank for Global Americans, Volume 1, 1st

Edition, Maria Montoya, Laura A. Belmonte, Carl J.
Guarneri, Steven Hackel, Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor
Lon Kurashige

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

True / False

1. After the American Revolution, enslaved people, seizing on the Revolutionary rhetoric, petitioned courts for their
a. True
b. False

2. After the American Revolution, birth rates dropped dramatically for all women, including slaves.
a. True
b. False

3. Following American independence, motherhood became for Native American women a greater source of power than it
had been in the past.
a. True
b. False

4. The Articles of Confederation were drafted to prevent the concentration of power which many felt had led to abuse
under British rule.
a. True
b. False

5. The 1783 Treaty of Paris did nothing to acknowledge the tens of thousands Native Americans who had participated in
the conflict.
a. True
b. False

6. The American Revolution reduced migration in North America.

a. True
b. False

7. As European and American traders travelled throughout the Pacific, they brought diseases such as tuberculosis,
syphilis, and smallpox to indigenous peoples.
a. True
b. False

8. Wartime dislocations brought about by the American Revolution lead to an economic depression in the 1780s.
a. True
b. False
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

9. The compromises that made their way into the articles of the Constitution demonstrate existing tensions between the
desire for popular sovereignty and central control.
a. True
b. False

10. The Bill of Rights was thought of as necessary by many, but no states required it as a condition for ratifying the
a. True
b. False

Multiple Choice

11. According to the notion of popular sovereignty, legitimate power resides with _________________ who authorize
governments to act on their behalf.
a. people
b. electors
c. nations of the world
d. representatives
e. None of these are correct.

12. Following the Declaration of Independence, the most radical experiment in government was the _________________
Constitution of 1776.
a. Massachusetts
b. Pennsylvania
c. New York
d. Virginia
e. South Carolina

13. After independence, governments in the form of state capitals moved closer to
a. urban centers.
b. ports.
c. average farmers.
d. wealthy areas.
e. None of these are correct.

14. Under gradual emancipation laws

a. freedom for slaves was postponed indefinitely.
b. children born to slaves after the passage of the laws would be freed eventually.
c. all slaves would be freed after a few years.
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

d. allowed for slavery to continue but restricted the slave trade.

e. None of these are correct.

15. Under the process of manumission,

a. owners still needed permission from state legislatures to free their slaves, but the process was made easier.
b. slave owners no longer needed permission from state governments to free their slaves.
c. a slave could petition for his freedom in certain circumstances.
d. only the children of slaves could be freed.
e. slaves gained extra protection from abuses.

16. _________________ asked her husband to "remember the ladies," while he attended the Second Continental
a. Martha Washington
b. Martha Jefferson
c. Abigail Adams
d. Dolley Madison
e. Deborah Reed Franklin

17. After the American Revolution, free white women

a. prided themselves on virtue and self-restraint.
b. had fewer children.
c. were still denied many rights, especially after marriage.
d. made a virtue of their legal and political limitations as they were free from the corruptions of money and
e. All of these are correct.

18. Disestablishment meant

a. lessened degrees of religious freedom.
b. that Protestantism was displaced by Catholicism as the dominant religion in the Northeast.
c. that state governments stopped collecting taxes to pay ministers or maintain congregations.
d. that religious affairs were increasingly handled by the national government rather than state governments.
e. increased taxation to support churches rather than infrastructure.

19. The Act for Establishing Religious Freedom was passed by the _________________ assembly in 1786.
a. Philadelphia
b. Rhode Island
c. Massachusetts
d. South Carolina
e. Virginia
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789


20. Following the American Revolution,

a. many state constitutions allowed women the right to vote.
b. many state constitutions allowed free blacks the right to vote.
c. property qualifications for voting were abolished.
d. property qualifications for voting were maintained, but many state constitutions reduced property requirements
to allow more men to vote.
e. Native Americans were given political representation.

21. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could

a. print money.
b. regulate relations with Native American tribes.
c. conduct foreign policy.
d. establish a post office.
e. All of these are correct.

22. Under the Articles of Confederation, the President of the Congress

a. had executive powers.
b. functioned similarly to the British Prime Minister.
c. presided over Congress but had no separate powers.
d. had to own a certain amount of property to qualify for the position.
e. None of these are correct.

23. While the Articles of Confederation were adopted in 1777 by the Second Continental Congress, it was not until
_________________ that all states ratified them.
a. 1779
b. 1781
c. 1783
d. 1786
e. 1787

24. In the wake of the American Revolution, native peoples

a. wanted to break all alliances with Great Britain.
b. wanted to raise revenue by selling land to Americans.
c. wanted to roll the line of white settlement back to the Ohio River.
d. were unable to establish any sort of pan-Indian alliance.
e. ceased all fighting with Americans.

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

25. The 1783 Treaty of Paris named the _________________ as the western boundary of the United States.
a. Appalachian Mountains
b. Great Lakes
c. Mississippi River
d. Missouri River
e. Ohio territory

26. In 1784, Spain

a. forbade American settlers from settling in Spanish territories.
b. gave Americans full access to the Mississippi River.
c. declared war on the United States.
d. closed the lower half of the Mississippi and the port of New Orleans to the United States.
e. granted freedom to all slaves within its colonial borders in North America.

27. While the 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War,
a. the young United States did not have a Congress strong enough to deal with post-independence challenges.
b. Britain and Spain still contested North American territory.
c. shifting Indian alliances provided a diplomatic challenge.
d. national post-independence challenges were not dealt with effectively as states were more concerned with
local matters.
e. All of these are correct.

28. After the Revolutionary War, Loyalists

a. lived on temporary pensions funded by the British treasury.
b. who owned slaves moved to the Caribbean to secure their property rights.
c. remained on their land, claiming they had been neutral.
d. had been uprooted as patriots had seized their property.
e. All of these are correct.

29. Loyalists after the war, black Loyalists

a. enjoyed status as freemen.
b. were given pensions by the British treasury.
c. were easily able to establish themselves as loyal citizens deserving refugee rights.
d. were claimed by former owners as illegally seized property.
e. None of these are correct.

30. Sierra Leone

a. was successful as a plantation colony fueled by slave labor.
b. was a west African British colony established as a refuge for freed slaves.
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

c. was established by the young United States.

d. was French colony.
e. was run by black leaders.

31. Indian allies of the British

a. were embraced as U.S. citizens.
b. were deported to the Caribbean.
c. avoided going to Canada as it was under U.S. control.
d. were given no rights to live, hunt or farm on land claimed by the United States.
e. had their property rights fully restored after the American Revolution.

32. The 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix

a. was agreed upon mutually by Haudenosaunee representatives and the United States.
b. was accepted by all native groups in the Great Lakes region.
c. was an agreement entered into by the Seneca and the British.
d. was a treaty among the British, Spaniards, and native peoples.
e. established the United States' claim to the Ohio Valley.

33. The Free African Society

a. repatriated former slaves.
b. intercepted slave ships coming from Africa.
c. established schools and mutual aid funds to help former slaves after the American Revolution.
d. was an organization that had existed since the seventeenth century.
e. was established by the British.

34. Reports from _________________ of his encounters in the Hawai'ian Islands, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
spread interest in Pacific trade throughout the rest of the world.
a. Captain James Cook
b. Richard Allen
c. Joseph Brant
d. John Ledyard
e. Alexander McGillivray

35. The phrase "not worth a Continental" refers to

a. scorn towards native peoples.
b. devalued American currency.
c. merchants unable to make a living during the postwar economic crisis.
d. the weak national governmental that existed under the Articles of Confederation.
e. None of these are correct.
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789


36. After the American Revolutionary War,

a. British merchants flooded American markets with finished goods.
b. American eagerly bought British finished goods after years of deprivation caused by nonconsumption and
nonimportation agreements.
c. British ceramics manufacturers exported ceramics to the United States decorated in American patriotic themes.
d. personal debt grew as Americans engaged in new purchases.
e. All of these are correct.

37. As a result of British trade policies after American independence,

a. American merchants were able to carry out lucrative trade with the French West Indies.
b. British ports in the West Indies were closed to American ships.
c. Congress exercised tight control over American trade policy.
d. the United States achieved a trade surplus.
e. Americans were able to keep valuable specie within the United States.

38. Congress paid for the American Revolution by

a. printing paper money.
b. borrowing from the French.
c. borrowing from Dutch investors.
d. issuing promissory notes.
e. All of these are correct.

39. Shays's Rebellion was a response to

a. native groups who raided frontier settlements.
b. a slave insurrection.
c. British soldiers still stationed in the frontier.
d. taxes levied by the Massachusetts legislature.
e. state governments' refusal to pay veterans' pensions.

40. Which of the following is not true about the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
a. It stated that Indian lands in the Northwest Territory could be seized at will by American settlers.
b. It created the territorial status as an intermediate step towards statehood.
c. Slavery was outlawed in the Northwest Territory.
d. Fugitive slaves in the territory could be recaptured and sent back to their owners.
e. The Ordinance included the provision of one lot in each township for a public school.

41. The Constitutional Convention took place in

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

a. 1785.
b. 1787.
c. 1789.
d. 1791.
e. 1793.

42. Which of the following is true about the Virginia Plan?

a. It was proposed by Jefferson.
b. It sought to maintain, for the most part, the structure of the national government under the Articles of
c. It called for concentrating most governmental power in the legislative branch.
d. It called for a system of checks and balances.
e. It concentrated power further in the hands of the state governments.

43. The New Jersey Plan

a. was opposed by small states.
b. wanted each state population to determine representation in Congress.
c. was presented as a counterpoint to the Virginia Plan.
d. was proposed by James Madison.
e. All of these are correct.

44. The three-fifths compromise

a. provided for the gradual emancipation of slaves at the national level.
b. determined how women would be counted in the census.
c. determined how slaves would be counted in the census.
d. determined how native peoples would be counted in the census.
e. determined how states would be represented in Congress.

45. Article I of the U.S. Constitution prohibited Congress from outlawing the importation of slaves until
a. 1805.
b. 1810.
c. 1850.
d. 1865.
e. None of these are correct.

46. The electoral college is responsible for

a. selecting the U.S president.
b. determining who has the right to vote.
c. writing laws to regulate election procedures.
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

d. electing representatives to Congress.

e. determining when elections should be held.

47. Anti-federalists were

a. those who supported the Constitution.
b. those who opposed the Constitution.
c. those who opposed ending the slave trade.
d. those who opposed giving native peoples rights of citizenship.
e. None of these are correct.

48. The Federalist Papers were authored by

a. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
b. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.
c. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
d. John Adams, John Jay, and Charles Pinckney.
e. Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams.

49. In the original version, the Constitution did not

a. allow the national government to raise a permanent army.
b. have a bill of rights.
c. provide for a president with executive powers.
d. provide for a national judicial branch.
e. provide for a national Congress.

50. The U.S. Constitution was ratified once _________________ state conventions voted in favor of it.
a. 13
b. 12
c. 10
d. 9
e. 7

51. The U.S. Constitution became law in

a. 1787.
b. 1788.
c. 1789.
d. 1791.
e. 1793.

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

52. According to the U.S. Constitution, members of the electoral college are chosen by
a. the governor of the state.
b. voters.
c. state conventions.
d. state legislatures.
e. Congress.

53. The Constitution gave the U.S. Congress new economic powers, including the power to
a. regulate foreign trade.
b. tax citizens directly.
c. regulate interstate trade.
d. coin money.
e. All of these are correct.

54. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention

a. included Revolutionary War veterans.
b. were all comfortably wealthy white men.
c. included many who had served in the Confederation Congress.
d. included many lawyers.
e. All of these are correct.

55. The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776

a. forbade imprisonment for debt.
b. allowed all free men over the age of 21 who had lived in the state for a year and paid public taxes to vote.
c. included a bill of rights.
d. provided for religious freedom, trial by jury and freedom of speech.
e. All of these are correct.

56. Due to emancipation and manumission in the late eighteenth century,

a. laws forbidding interracial marriage were overturned.
b. the free black population increased from a few thousand to tens of thousands.
c. race relations improved dramatically.
d. equal rights were granted by legislatures who believed that natural rights applied to all.
e. All of these are correct.

57. Following the Declaration of Independence, state constitutions

a. strengthened elected legislatures.
b. revoked veto powers for governors.
c. gave legislatures the right to appoint judges.
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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

d. allocated more representation in the legislature to backcountry farmers.

e. All of these are correct.

58. The Act for Establishing Religious Freedom

a. ended compulsory taxes to support churches.
b. ended mandatory church attendance.
c. ended religious oaths for those serving in political offices.
d. religious and civil authority become strictly separate.
e. All of these are correct.

59. The Bill of Rights

a. were not included in the original constitution due to an oversight.
b. provide protections for individual civil rights.
c. consists of the first twelve amendments to the Constitution.
d. constitute the only amendments proposed to state legislatures.
e. were not ratified for twenty years after the Constitution became laws.

60. The Federalist Papers

a. were written after the Constitution was ratified.
b. made the case for supporting the new constitution.
c. criticized the new constitution sharply.
d. were written in support of preserving the Articles of Confederation.
e. None of these are correct.

Subjective Short Answer

61. Term for identification: popular sovereignty

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

62. Term for identification: constitutions

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

63. Term for identification: petition

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

64. Term for identification: Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

65. Term for identification: free state

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

66. Term for identification: gradual emancipation laws
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

67. Term for identification: manumission

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

68. Term for identification: Abigail Adams

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

69. Term for identification: disestablishment

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

70. Term for identification: Act for Establishing Religious Freedom

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

71. Term for identification: civil rights

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

72. Term for identification: Articles of Confederation

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

73. Term for identification: tariff

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

74. Term for identification: western lands

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

75. Term for identification: Alexander McGillivray

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

76. Term for identification: Tupac Amaru

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

77. Term for identification: Sierra Leone

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

78. Term for identification: Free African Society

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

79. Term for identification: Treaty of Fort Stanwix of 1784

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

80. Term for identification: Captain James Cook

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

81. Term for identification: specie

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

82. Term for identification: bills of credit
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

83. Term for identification: war bonds

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

84. Term for identification: Daniel Shays

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

85. Term for identification: Northwest Territory

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

86. Term for identification: Land Ordinance of 1785

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

87. Term for identification: Loyalist diaspora

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

88. Term for identification: Absalom Jones

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

89. Term for identification: Richard Allen

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

90. Term for identification: kua pai au

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

91. Term for identification: Continentals

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

92. Term for identification: Northwest Ordinance of 1787

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

93. Term for identification: territories

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

94. Term for identification: fugitive slaves

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

95. Term for identification: Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

96. Term for identification: the Constitutional Convention

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

97. Term for identification: Confederation Congress

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

98. Term for identification: Virginia Plan
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

99. Term for identification: checks and balances

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

100. Term for identification: New Jersey Plan

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

101. Term for identification: Constitution of the United States

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

102. Term for identification: three-fifths compromise

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

103. Term for identification: electoral college

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

104. Term for identification: Federalists

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

105. Term for identification: federalism

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

106. Term for identification: Federalist Papers

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

107. Term for identification: Antifederalists

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

108. Term for identification: factions

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

109. Term for identification: tyranny of the majority

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

110. Term for identification: Bill of Rights

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

111. Discuss the following statement: "Men and women who had supported the losing side in the Revolution faced some
tough options at war's end."
ANSWER: Answers may vary.


112. Discuss the effects of the American Revolution on the following: white women, free black women, enslaved black
women, and Native American women.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.
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Test Bank for Global Americans, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Maria Montoya, Laura A. Belmonte, Car

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Chapter 7 - American Experiments, 1776–1789

113. Discuss disestablishment and how it manifested itself after American independence.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

114. Describe the characteristics and limitations of the Articles of Confederation.

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

115. What effect did the American Revolution have on native peoples?
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

116. Discuss the sources of tension that the post-independence United States encountered with Spain on the North
American continent.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

117. Analyze the effect that British commercial policies had on the American economy following independence.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

118. Describe the causes and consequences of Shays's Rebellion.

ANSWER: Answers may vary.

119. Compare and contrast the Virginia Plan with the New Jersey Plan.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

120. Discuss the main issues surrounding the debate over the ratification of the Constitution.
ANSWER: Answers may vary.

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