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Instructions for self-learning R tutorials

There are 5 R tutorials:

- Module 1 (Discrete-time MC)

- Module 3 (Continuous-time MC)
- Module 4 (Simulations)
- Modules 5.1-5.3 (Stationary Time Series), and
- Module 5.4 (Nonstationary Time Series).

These tutorials are all included in the zip file. After downloading the zip file, follow the steps below:

1. Unzip the file and do not alter the folder structure.

2. Download and install R from the link . The most updated version
of R is recommended as some packages and features may not work in older versions.
3. Download and install Rstudio from the link .
4. Install the package “learnr”.
5. For each module, open the Rmarkdown file (i.e. file with extension .rmd) in Rstudio and click
on the Run Document button to compile it. All necessary packages have been included and
will automatically install as you run the script.
6. When running the Rmarkdown file for the first time, a window will pop up. Follow the
instruction in the pop-up window to install some packages.
7. Enjoy your learning materials in R!

A comprehensive introduction to Rmarkdown can be found here if you are interested in learning
more about it .

We hope that you enjoy the tutorials and find them useful in learning the main concepts in this

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