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Adjectifs qualificatifs

Complétez les phrases à l'aide des éléments imposés (vous aurez parfois besoin d'ajouter des
exemple : man - intelligent ex: film- funny
réponse : he is an intelligent man réponse : a funny film.

1. car (voiture) - English (anglais) => It is ............................................................................................

2. girl (fille) - Italian (italien) => She is .................................................................................................

3. story (histoire)- interesting (intéressant) => It is ..............................................................................

4. socks (chaussettes) - blue (bleu) => They are ................................................................................

5. girl (fille)- pretty (joli) => She is ........................................................................................................

6. school (école)- old (vieux) => It is ...................................................................................................

7. shirts (chemises) - green (vert)=> They are Display .......................................................................

8. glasses (lunettes) - big (grand/gros)=> They are ............................................................................

9. ball (ballon) - big (gros)=> It is .........................................................................................................

10. boy (garçon)- small (petit)=> He is ................................................................................................

Reconstituer la phrase
1. Ce sont des élèves très bruyants.

pupils. – noisy – They – are - very


2. Ce sont des professeurs très occupés.

busy - teachers. – are – They - very


3. Tu es très rapide !

are – very – fast – You - !


4. Ce sont des filles très grandes.

are – They - girls. – tall - very

5. Ce sont des garçons très jeunes.

young – are – They - boys. – very


6. M. Shepard est un très vieil homme.

Shepard – is – a – Mr – old – very - man.


7. C’est un garçon très intelligent.

a – very – is – intelligent – He - boy.


8. C’est une femme très riche.

very – is – rich - woman. – a - She


9. Tom et Jerry sont des animaux très drôles.

are – Tom – and – funny - animals. – Jerry - very


10. Tommy est un très gros cochon.

is – big - pig. – very – Tommy - a

Complétez les phrases à l'aide des éléments imposés (vous aurez parfois besoin d'ajouter des

1. It is an English car 2. She is an Italian girl 3. It is an interesting story 4. They are blue socks 5. She is
a pretty girl 6. It is an old school 7. They are green shirts 8. They are big glasses 9. It is a big ball 10. He
is a small boy

Reconstituer la phrase
1. They are very noisy pupils. 2. They are very busy teachers. 3. You are very fast! 4. They are very tall
girls. 5. They are very young boys. 6. Mr Shepard is a very old man. 7. He is a very intelligent boy. 8.
She is a very rich woman. 9. Tom and Jerry are very funny animals. -ou- Jerry and Tom are very funny
animals. 10. Tommy is a very big pig.

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