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Hi and good morning to all the judges. My name is Gabrella Emilly Jelluie binti Joseph.

I am eleven
years old. I am the participant for Primary School in English Category. Today I am going to make a
book review on one of my favourite story book. This book’s genre is folk story and fantasy, which is
my favourite. The title of the book is Tanggang. It was written by Ramsiyah Amir and published in
2014. This book has 24 pages and has graphic which is fun to read.

The story is about a young boy named Tanggang. Tanggang was a very good son to Pak Talang and
Mak Deruma. He had a very high ambition. He wanted to be a sailor. One fine day, he saw a big ship
was anchored at the nearby port. He met the ship’s captain and asked the captain if he can join
them. The captain decided to take Tanggang with them after he observed his skill.

Years after years, Tanggang slowly forgot about his hometown and family. He was a very hardworking
young man. The captain regarded Tanggang as his foster son. Tanggang became the new captain as
the former captain was falling sick.

Tanggang was a good businessman. His reputation reached the Sultan’s ear. He offered his daughter,
the princess in marriage to Tanggang. One day, their ship stopped at his hometown. Mak Deruma
was so happy to see his son. By the time she met Tanggang, he did not want to admit Mak Deruma as
his mother. Mak Deruma was very upset and pray to show that Tanggang was a very ungrateful son.
By God’s power, Tanggang turned into stone suddenly. His wife and all the crew also turned into

From this book, I learned that we always have to be grateful to our parents. Pak Talang and Mak
Deruma are very good parents and always remembered their son. They also supported Tanggang to
become a sailor. Pak Talang and Mak Deruma are like my parents. They are my support system. The
are always at my back and cheering for me.

To conclude, this book is enjoyable and suitable to all readers. This book is full of values and lessons.

I would really recommend everyone to read this book. Thank you for listening to my book review.

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