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Case Study:

Workplace Health and Safety Issues at Tesla Inc.

The renowned electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Inc. has encountered a number of workplace
health and safety difficulties, which have led to employee injuries and legal repercussions. The
business runs manufacturing facilities with quick production lines and sophisticated automation

Key Health and Safety Issues:

- Inadequate ergonomics: Poor ergonomic design results in musculoskeletal diseases and
repetitive strain injuries.
- Lack of expertise in emerging technologies: Accident risk is increased by a lack of
thorough training in modern robotics and automation.
- Failure to manage manufacturing risks, such as those associated with chemical exposure,
electrical risks, and inadequate machine guarding.
- Insufficient record-keeping: Poor workplace injury documentation impedes prevention
and inquiry.

Potential Legal implications and outcomes :

Citations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) may be issued for
violations of workplace health and safety laws.
- Lawsuits and settlements: Employees may pursue lawsuits to recover damages, lost
earnings, and compensation for medical costs.
- Reputational damage: Workplace health and safety concerns have the potential to damage
Tesla’s brand, which might result in a decline in investor and customer confidence.
- Increased regulatory vigilance: Ongoing problems may lead to increased regulatory
vigilance and scrutiny from government organizations.
- The implementation of corrective actions: Tesla may be forced to carry out extensive
training programs, enhance hazard reduction efforts, and promote an open culture of
reporting safety problems.

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