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United Nations Quiz bee (Reviewer)

I.SDG – Social Development Goal

 There are 17 sustainable development goals
 SDG – Sustainable Development goal
 Three pillars of sustainable development: Society, the economy, the environment
 The sustainable development goals is adopted during 2015 as part of an action plan to
be completed by 2030.
 The Sustainable Development Goals aim to provide every human being
with a dignified life, safe from poverty. Thus cheap labor goes against
these objectives and is not part of it. On the contrary, the Goals promote
decent working conditions that allow workers to earn enough money to
support themselves and their families properly.
 The development aid provided by Switzerland in 2015 was about 92 cents per citizen per
day. It's less than the price of a croissant.
 1.2 billion people, or 1 in 5 people worldwide, still do not have
access to electricity. The majority of them are concentrated in a
dozen countries in Africa and Asia.

 With 63.8% of women in the Chamber of Deputies, Rwanda is at the top of the world
rankings. In Switzerland, the proportion of women is 15% in the Council of States and
33% in the National Council (2018).

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