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"Beating the races is 75% Mathematics and onlv 25% Horses"











YOU like to play the races. works. And then "squawk their heads off" when the result of the
Unquestionably, you do and that is why you have selected running of the race makes evident the fact that the race was on
this book. And the chances are that the fundamental reason the level, and that the only culprit was the crooked tout who wil-
you have an interest in racing is because you have got to the place fully lied in order to induce the sucker to bet. He probably told
in your speculation on horses where you would like to win. And as many different stories to as many different suckers as there
you are not the only one. were starters in the race, realizing that he would then have at
Racing is the sport of kings with a long and aristocratic tradi- least one client on a winner, and stand to collect a share of the
tion, but the sport of kings has now become a billion dollar, busi- winnings.
ness, with millions of dollars invested in stables, training and The stranger who approaches you and asks for a match or the
breeding farms, tracks and track equipment; and the backbone and time of day, or begs to be permitted to look at your programme,
life blood of this gigantic business is betting. is a tout, fie is present, with countless others of his ilk, at every
Glance over these figures for a moment. In 1937 $278,415,985 race track, and should be squelched before he "goes to work on
was fed into the mutuel machines throughout this land. Book- you." You place yourself in the "boob" class if you entertain any
makers at the Metropohtan tracks handled nearly $50,000,000 proposition made to you at the track or in a bookroom. But few
more, and statisticians estimate that were one to total these two touts operate around handbooks, as only regular bettors visit the
amounts and multiply by eighteen, one might arrive at somewhere rooms, and they will not fall for the tout's line.
near the amount that is bet in handbooks and poolrooms from Considered as a whole, racing is on the level. The officials make
coast to coast. a genuine effort to prevent abuses and while they may occasion-
Racing and betting being as closely associated as two scrambled ally be incompetent, track officials are almost never dishonest.
eggs, the question naturally arises: At the eastern tracks where the eagle eyes ot the bookmakers are
constantly on the alert to warn authorities of the first intimation
IS RACING HONEST? of malpractice, it is almost impossible to run a "ringer" or a
"shoo-in." At mutuel tracks it is somewhat easier and even at
When a field of classy thoroughbreds turns into the home- the larger mutuel tracks a "fixed" race occasionally gets by. The
stretch, each horse is doing its utmost to take the lead and win experienced bettor can usually "smell" an "elected" race and
the race. A horse knows nothing about cash purses or bets. But always passes them up. Don't try to outsmart the crooks. Of course
men as well as horses are connected with racing and the oppor- a good horse represents an enormous investment to an owner.
tunity for jockeys, trainers, owners, gamblers or even the lowly And even the best horses can run only a limited number of races
handler to reap a handsome reward from crooked manipulations at top form. The only way an owner can realize on this investment
is manifest. is by winning races at reasonable odds. In closely run races both
The crooks are ever with us, but this is true in every business the horse and the jockey must take hazardous chances and when-
and profession, and quite naturally, where there is so much cash ever a favored entry has stiff competition and betting emphasis
money handled each afternoon there will be crooks who attempt has made its price disproportionately low, it is not an uncommon
to devise schemes to annex some of it. Any man or coterie of men Eractice for the trainer to refuse to permit the jockey to exert the
who can arrange for a "shoo-in" or win a race with a "ringer" can orse unduly in this particular race. The horse will run and will
collect a king's ransom. It is therefore not in the least surprising not be checked but the chances are the jockey will not hazard
that the racing stewards frequently have to warn owners and injury to'himself or his horse by trying to force through small
trainers and caution jockeys, as well as tricksters, racketeers, holes, manoeuvering for better position. This is a prevalent prac-
gangsters and other objectionable characters, and keep them tice among all stables and I am too much a practical race horse
under close and constant surveillance. man to regard it as strictly dishonest. Horse-racing is a business
But racing speculation, as a whole, is conducted on as high a and why should a trainer or an owner risk injuring a valuable
plane as any line of speculative business anil ninety-nine out of piece of horse flesh only to be paid off at odds way out of propor-
;. a hundred races are run strictly on the level. With the closely knit tion to the horse's probable chance of winning and to all the risks
j : supervision of the stewards at each meet and the Racing Commis- taken.
U sions governing the sport in nearly every state, anyone takes an This is not a "fixed" race but a race in which one of the logical
p awful chance becoming tangled up in a crooked transaction that contenders does not unduly exert himself. It is a practice so gener-
|.'may take away his livelihood. ally accepted as to be almost predictable.
And the investment in racing is too great for the tycoons not Giving due consideration to all these angles, we maintain that
gtn take every precaution to see that it is run honestly. The' you nm just as much risk of trickery and of being "taken" when
^franchises are too valuable to risk inviting any unfavorable pub- you speculate on the stock market as when you back a horse to
/licity which, consequently, might outlaw horse-racing in every win. In any event, you will get a run for your money.
f'city, village and hamlet. If you don't feel that way about it; don't bet at all!
Occasionally, however, a "boat race" is run on even the most Thank God that racing is honestly conducted. For even at best
representative tracks in America. A "boater" or "boat race" is a it is a tough game to beat. "You can't beat the races" is a common
race that is arranged for by the fringe of driftwood that manages expression and one that is borne out by the experience of 90% of
' to hang on to the outer edge of horse-racing. These people are all bettors. But you can beat the races, and approximately 10% of all
the bane of the stewards' lives at every race track in the world. bettors do. The percentage is against you, of course. Five percent
The Jockey Club would like to see them in hell and every legiti- plus breakage is deducted from all pools on parimutuel tracks,
mate owner, trainer and follower of racing wishes that these and bookmakers,' odds on eastern tracks are figured to give the
. . leeches, when they are apprehended, could be given a life sentence operators a comparable advantage. The inexperienced and un-
in the State Penitentiary instead of simply being refused the disciplined player, therefore, figures to lose even if he is a fairly
.5 privilege of the courses thereafter. good picker. But some people do win and win handsomely. And
s But any. man who does not believe that racing is honestly con- you can become one of these selected few by following their methods
f ducted should not bet. Why go up against what one considers to and discovering an organized plan of play which fits your purse and
f be a brace game? your objectives. And if you have never speculated on the races you
Hf". And many of those who are loudest in criticism of the sport and are extremely fortunate because from the beginning you will
Iphe abuses which more or less frequently are brought to light, are have in this book a foundation which will send you forth equipped
Khe very ones who are ever ready to listen to a tout when he to win.
pblaii^;. to have information relative to a fixed race or has "seen Pittsburgh Phil, one of the most spectacular American plungers
bthe trhirier take a trip to the drug store." They will ordinarily once said: "Beating the races is 75% mathematics and 25%
KetT4.®J|ce. but if informed that the race is fixed or that a certain horses." Operating on this basis, he amassed a fortune of several
^pMdj®t^v ringer" or that one of the starters will be given its million dollars during the few years he spent on the turf.
"Chicago." O'Brien was another of the great and successful
^0ing 40
^le P<>S
*' t'ley unbelt and shoot the
: Page 3
operators in America whom you couldn't budge a fraction of an But picking even with a fair degree of accuracy the most likely
inch from his original choice and with his phlegmatic disposition contender is not enough. Winning a race depends upon so many
he beat the bookmakers of this land for plenty. factors that it is essential for you to have a planned method of
There are others. You may have read of their sensational play. And if you want to benefit from the experience of all success-
wagers and the fortunes that they took away from race tracks. ful bettors you will depend primarily upon figures rather than on
Just remember this, however, that each and every one of these horses. In this book I give detailed instructions for following two
men used a mathematical method, ignored hunches and never methods of play which have stood the test of actual experience.
depended upon luck. They used only proven figures and left 1. The Great Discovert—A method of handling your
nothing to chance. Everything they did was figured out with
mathematical exactness. money which gives you the greatest possible assurance
There are two acceptable methods of obtaining information of showing a profit when playing a handicapper's prime
about what horse you are going to bet. You may purchase a selections.
scratch sheet or a daily racing paper, and follow the selection of 2. Meli.en's Master Key System—the only mathemati-
a handicapper who is nationally known or you may depend upon cally correct method of accurate longshot play.
your own handicapping.
Handicapping is a science requiring years of experience and Five billion dollars were wagered on horse races last year.
expert knowledge of every phase of racing, and even professional Ninety percent of those who wagered this money were suckers
handicappers must devote hours each day to a thorough analysis using hit-or-miss methods or relying upon word-of-mouth infor-
of the factors and have competent observers to assist them. Few mation. If you have been one of these there is no longer any reason
bettors have the time or experience to competently handicap for you to continue to he a sucker.
races themselves, but all regular racing papers and the racing Racing is a business and you are in a position to become a
sections of most morning and afternoon daily papers employ pro- partner in that business; but this can be done only by carefully
fessional handicappers to predict the probable results of each studying proven and tested successful methods of play and select-
race. These handicappers' jobs depend upon picking a certain ing one or more which can be best adapted to your requirements.
minimum percentage of winners, usually from 25 to 30% and The two methods outlined in this book have been successfully
the fact that their selections win that consistently is incontro- tested time and again and are based upon incontrovertible mathe-
vertible evidence that racing is on the level. matical probabilities.

Page 4


A Tested Method of Progressive

Betting, Based on Sound

Arithmetic Principles,

Which Has Been

Figured Out with




EVERY person who regularly plays the races picks some based upon sound mathematical principles. It cannot be left to
winners; but practically all players are losers at the end of chance and if you are using The Great Discovery Method you
the year. They back a sufficiently large number of winners must completely disregard your own hunches. The Great Dis-
to enable them to show a good percentage of winning selections, covery is a Method of Play for those who want the highest assur-
but they do not show a profit because they do not bet in a system- ance of a fair profit after a reasonable length of time and is not
atic manner. recommended for emotional or intuitive players.
Betting in a haphazard manner, they have small sums down As explained previously a handicapper's job depends upon
when they wager on winners, and they find themselves backing selecting a certain percentage of winners during a series of races
losers when they bet larger amounts. This is the experience of and The Great Discovery Method has been worked out after care-
most players—they cash the small bets and lose the big ones. fully analyzing the percentage of winners selected by a group of
And they are at a loss as to how to remedy the difficulty. accredited handicappers employed by responsible racing papers.
If a player hopes to win, he should adopt some Method of Play To determine the races to be played and the horses to be selected,
which will cause him to have a larger bet down when he backs a you may choose your own handicapper and you may employ
winner after having made two or more losing bets. If he does this, either of the suggested systems outlined on pages 7-8; or use
one winning bet should "make him even." It is the purpose of any other practical method. It is advisable to play Carmac's
The Great Discovery to advise the player as to the amount he selections or the selections of any handicapper employed by the
should- bet in order to accomplish this. Racing Form, the Morning Telegraph, or the American Racing
This Method has been worked out with mathematical exactness Record or a similar publication. This saves the player the work
and precision. It leaves nothing to chance. It indicates the exact incident to handicapping and selecting probable winners, and
amount that should be wagered in each instance in order that the these expert and experienced handicappers as a rule will give him
player, when he backs a winner at 8 to 5 or better, recovers all more winners than he would be able to pick for himself.
the losses he has previously sustained in the current series or cycle But once you have decided on a method of determining the race
of bets. At times it also shows a profit that may be agreeably large to be played and the horse to be selected, this method must be
if it so happens that the winning bet is on a horse which pays a used consistently and continuously. And never play any race where
good price. the probable odds on the indicated horse are less than 8 to 5.
Some few players and most of the professional handicappers Then if you employ The Great Discovery Method of progressive
employed by the racing papers, such as the Racing Form, pick a betting as outlined below, you have more than reasonable assur-
fair percentage of winners. The selectors on these racing papers ance of showing a satisfactory profit after a long series of plays.
must necessarily be experts and produce good results in order to The Method of Progression used in connection with The Great
satisfy their followers. Such professional handicappers and selec- Discovery Method is shown in this table:
tors average between 25% and 30% winners, month after month.
There are periods when they average even better than 30%, just 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55
as there _are occasional short intervals when their percentage of
winners is small. However, they generally select enough winners It is important to memorize this table which is the schedule of
to keep a player ahead of the game, provided his money is bet progressive betting employed in The Great Discovery Method.
methodically and intelligently. After two losing bets the third bet is equal to the total amount
It must be borne in mind at all times that flat bets (bets of equal lost on the two preceding bets, etc.
amounts) on the selections of even the most expert handicapper The following explanation is made on the basis of a $1.00 play.
cannot be expected to show a profit over an extended period of For larger amounts, multiply figure given by 2 or 5 or such amount
time. Handicappers must select the horses that actually figure to as you use-for your first bet.
win and quite frequently such horses are short-priced favorites, The first two bets are always $1.00 each—win or lose. Continue
many of them at odds-on. There is no profit in backing such horses betting $1.00 as long as you win. When you have lost two bets
day after day but the handicapper is unable to select another in a row, the next bet is $2.00. If that bet loses, the next bet is
home to beat them. He must be guided by the Past Performance $3.00, as shown in the Table above. Refer to this Table and you
Chart. will note that the next bet is always the sum of the two losing
A selector or handicapper may hit a stride that produces fre- bets immediately preceding. For instance: If the $3.00 bet loses,
quent winners and at good prices, so that for a time a flat bet on the next bet is $5.00, or the sum of $3.00 and $2.00, the two losing
each of his selections will show a profit. But he also falls into a bets immediately preceding. If the $5.00 bet loses, the next bet is
slump at times and then may have a long losing streak with only the sum of $5.00 and $3.00, or $8.00. So continue, increasing the
an occasional winner. Playing all of a handicapper's selections size of the bet as long as you lose. If the $8.00 bet loses, you then '
for a year can result in profit only in case some of the larger wagers are a total loser of $20.00.
are made on winners that pay a good price. A flat bet will rarely The next bet after the $8.00 loss is $13.00. If that one wins,
show a profit. The handicapper gives the player enough wirmers even if the price is exactly 8 to 5, the winnings are $20.80, or
to keep him ahead of the game, provided he has sufficient capital enough to recover all your losses on the current series or cycle of
to carry on and places his money in a systematic manner. bets and show a profit of 80 cents as well. If the price on the winner
There is no profit in making flat bets on favorites or public is 2 to 1, the profits are $26.00, or sufficient to recuperate the losses
choices. About one-third of the favorites win. Many of those and show a profit of $6.00. Naturally, as the price increase^, the
which lose are quoted at less than 8 to 5. Some trainers will not profit increases. There will be but few bets on which the odds are
accept such short prices and do not instruct their jockeys to ride not better than 8 to 5, although a late change in odds may cause
to win when the odds are short. By following The Great Discovery a lower price to be shown. When playing with a handbook it is
Method the player is kept off of many short-priced favorites that advisable to mark your slip "Price must be 8 to 5 or better or bet
receive easy rides and do not win. Odds-on choices frequently does not go." At the track the Approximate Odds board will guide
lose. Records kept over a period of 28 days at a prominent track you.
recently showed that 15 odds-on choices had won while 13 had If the $13.00 bet loses, the next bet is $21.00. Then $34.00 and
lost. A player backing all of them would have lost money, although then $55.00 in case you do not have a winner.
he had more winners than losers. In order to profit, the player If the first nine bets lose (and that includes the $34.00 bet) you
should receive odds of at least 8 to 5 for his money.
Flat bets will not show a profit. will be $88.00 loser. But if the $55.00 bet wins, even if the odds
A gradual progression or increase in the size of the bet is necessary are only 8 to 5, the full $88.00 is recovered on the one bet. Often
after playing two or mere losers in succession. a player will start with a bet of $1.00 and cash several bets before
Such increase, however, must not be too rapid, otherwise it losing two in a row and being forced to increase the size of his
soon requires the betting of a sum so large as to be beyond the bet. He bets $1.00 as long as he wins, and until he has lost two
ineans of most players. And the method of progression must be consecutive bets, when he increases the amount of his bet.

2- - ¥ — if Up-* I
Important: As soon as you have cashed a bet, no matter at what that of seven handicappers there were five who would have carried
Coint in the series, go back and start all over again with the $1.00 a player through the entire period without giving him the ten
ets. Lay the profits aside, and proceed as before. A player may consecutive losing plays which would have resulted in closing a
run along to the $8.00 bet, for instance, and then later, to the series.
$5.00 bet and again to the $13.00 bet and cash on these bets and The follower of either of the other handicappers, Sharpshooter
lay up quite a large amount of profit all in the one series or cycle and Phar Lap, would have gone along for the full ten days, play-
of bets, for a series does not run out until he has suffered ten con- ing some losers and increasing the size of his bet and then getting
secutive losses, which include the $55.00 bet. a winner and starting again with the minimum bet of $1,00 and
At no time should more than $55.00 be bet. To continue the continually piling up profits, so that when eventually he suffered
increase would require more capital than is at the command of ten consecutive losses he should have accumulated profits suffi-
most players. Even if the $55.00 bet is lost, take the loss on this cient to cover a considerable part if not all of his losses.
specific sequence and endeavor to make it up on the next series. While it is evident that every handicapper will have a string
This Method of Progressive Betting must always be employed of 10 losers in a row at one time or another, it is not reasonable
exactly as outlined. But it is impossible to play every race and in to expect this to happen very often.
order accurately to determine the races to be played and the The player who desires greater security, and is satisfied with
horses to be selected, the following additional rules must be care- fewer plays, may find it preferable to play only his handicapper's
fully studied and memorized: Best Bet. He may not get many plays, as most of the Best Bets
will pay less than 8 to 5, but he will go for a long while without
1. Decide upon a uniform method of following handicapper's playing ten losers in a row and being forced to close a series.
selections and use this method consistently. Do not And when he does close it, the chances are it will show a substan-
shift handicappers in the middle of a series. tial profit. In Kentucky for instance, at Churchill Downs and
2. No horse should be played unless the odds are 8 to 5, or Latonia, May 23rd to July 6th inclusive, a record of 14 handi-
better than 8 to 5. This is $1.60 to $1.00 which is the cappers indicates that only one had as many as ten losers in a
same as a $5.20 mutuel payoff. Unless the horse you row. One handicapper (Sharpshooter) had no more than two
fancy happens to be an outstanding favorite, the odds consecutive losers during the entire period of five weeks. Strangely
quoted will almost always be better than 8 to 5. But enough, the handicapper who had the longest losing streak
when the odds are less than 8 to 5, no play should be (eleven) made the best showing in money.
made. As an aid to students of The Great Discovery Method of play
3. No maiden races should be played. A horse has no in their search for horses that may be expected to win we give
estabhshed form until it has won a race, and horses Rules from two of the Systems which have been published and
without form cannot be handicapped accurately. sold recently under different names. Herein they will be desig-
4. Races for maiden jockeys should not be played. Even if nated by numerals.
mounted on the best horse, a jockey who has never,
ridden a winning race is not a safe bet.
5. No steeplechase or hurdle races should be played. SYSTEM NO. 1
6. No bets should be made if- there has been a change in
track conditions after the handicapper has made his This System depends for its success upon the elimination of the
selections. When these selections have been made for strongest contention. If a handicapper gives certain horses as his
a fast track they are rarely worth much if the going first, second and third choices they may figure pretty close, but
becomes heavy and holding. It should be borne in if one (or more) of these horses is scratched it improves the chances
mind, however, that a heavy shower just before post of the one that starts, as it means that the most dangerous con-
time may cause the track to be sloppy on the surface tention has been removed.
while the underfooting remains firm and a fast track
horse should show the same speed as if no rain had
fallen. After an hour or more, when the water has The Rules
had time to soak in and penetrate the soil, the con-
dition of the track changes from "Sloppy" to "Slow" 1. Select a handicapper whose work you regard favorably
or "Muddy" or "Heavy." It is then that mud horses and play only his selections.
should win and fast horses should not be played. It is 2. Do not play his first choice unless his second choice has
better to pass up a-race, in case there is any question been scratched. If both his second and third choices
as to the extent to which track conditions have are scratched, the first choice will figure to win by a
changed, rather than to make a bet on a horse that wider margin.
may not figure to win in the going. 3. Play your handicappers second choice only when both his
7. A player should not permit others to influence him. He first and third choices have been scratched.
should play his handicapper's selections regardless of 4. Make no play during the first 6 days of racing on any
tips, rumors and the opinions of others. The man who circuit. The New York tracks (Belmont Park, Aque-
hasn't sufficient will-power to stick to his selections duct, Jamaica, Empire and Saratoga) constitute one
regardless of what he hears is not going to have much circuit; the New England tracks (Rockingham, Nar-
success as a bettor. Solid horses—the horses that" ragansett, Suffolk Downs and Agawam) comprise a
figure to win—are generally up there at the finish; distinct circuit; the Kentucky tracks (Louisville and
and there is enough money lost on hot tips every year Latonia) are on the same circuit; Pimlico, Laurel,
to pay France's war debt to the United States. Bowie and Havre de Grace comprise the Maryland
8. All bets should be straight—To win only. No Place or circuit; Lincoln Fields, Hawthorne, Arlington Park
Show bets should ever be made. and Washington Park the important tracks on the
Illinois circuit. Consider only these tracks and pass
By carefully observing the rules and the restrictions for play, up the less important tracks. During the winter
using The Progressive Method of Betting it is impossible to suffer months consideration should be given to Hialeah
a loss on any series, unless you run into a terrible streak of bad (Miami) and Tropical Park as being on one circuit;
luck and record ten consecutive losing bets. the California tracks may be considered as a group.
Handicappers do not often have a losing streak of ten in a row, After the first week on any circuit, the horses may be
although at times they all show poor form, and the chances are expected to race to form fairly well.
that a player will run along for a considerable period before en- 5. At times it may be advisable to select a different handi-
countering bad luck and a series of ten consecutive losers. capper at each track or group of tracks, as some handi-
At the Jamaica track, April 20th to 30th, 1935, inclusive, the cappers specialize on the races in one section.
record of some of the best handicappers was as follows:
Following the above rules, your play frequently will be re-
Carmac had no more than 6 losers in a row. stricted to one or two plays a day.
Reigh Count had no more than 6 losers in a row.
Hermis had no more than 7 losers in a row.
Welles had no more than 8 losers in a row. SYSTEM NO. 2
Walsh had no more than 9 losers in a row.
Sharpshooter had no more than 10 losers in a row. The Consensus as printed in the Daily Racing Form is used as
Phar Lap had no more than 10 losers in a row. the basis nf play under this System, both the first and second
horses shown in the Consensus being played to win only. No place
It must be borne in mind that these men were giving selections or show bets are made.
in every race on the card, each day. Used in connection with The Great Discovery, the first choice
This is a check made over a comparatively short period of time, in Consensus should be played as one series of bets, with the
at the period when this Method was being compiled, hut it reflects second choice played as a different series. It would be the same
in a .general way the success of the handicappers. It is evident as two men playing, one taking the top horse in each Consensus
Page 7
and the other playing the second horse. The play in each series Having done all this you will be able to judge for yourself exactly
would be independent of the other. If the top horse won the fourth what course to pursue.
race, for instance, after losing three races the bet on it would be This information is offered for the consideration of those in-
$3 and the next bet on the top horse would be $1, going back terested in racing and wagering, as it demonstrates how method-
and starting all over. And the next bet on the second choice in ical progression may recover early losses. It is not intended as an
Consensus would have to be $5, progressing as shown in the Table. invitation or inducement to bet. Nor should The Great Discovery
This System has shown satisfactory results under various tests. Method be confused with the Master Key System for picking long-
Ordinarily it is considered poor policy to wager on two horses in shot winners, which is explained in the following chapter.
the same race, but used in connection with The Great Discovery, The Master Key System (outlined in the following chapter) is
the results have been satisfactory. Bui only if the -probable odds also a method of play based upon mathematical principles but its
are 8 to 5 or better. purpose is to enable you to select longshot winners with a pre-
Regardless of the method or system used for locating the races dictable degree of accuracy and the mathematical probabilities
and horses to be played, it is advisable to bet no real money until are naturally different. However, The Great Discovery Method
after you have tested the method or system; made certain you are of Progressive Betting can profitably be used in connection with
working the progression properly; and also satisfied yourself that The Master Key System if you observe carefully the rules and
you have chosen a handicapper whose work will prove profitable. restrictions designated in the next chapter.

Page 8 /




The Only Mathematically Correct Method

for Continuous Longshot Play

This system was tested on 424 consecutive races at the

Illinois tracks (Arlington and Washington).

Summary (When using $2.00 flat wagers only)

Straight winners—mutuel payoff $ 1,770.20
Cost of wagers—424 at $2.00 848.00
Net profit $ 922.20

If the Great Discovery had been used:

Straight winners—mutuel payoff $12,461.20
Cost of wagers 4,248.00
Net profit. 8,213.20

(See authenticated chart on page 14)



MELLEN'S MASTER KEY SYSTEM is a method of Column 1—the date and race number.
picking longshot winners based upon mathematical Column 2—the number of horses running.
probabilities using a numerical index together with a Column 3—a record of the win, place and
handicapper's graded selection and a precise method of progres- show horses numerically indicated. Thus 761
sive play. (Not progressive betting.) The numerical index and the in this column means that the handicapper's
method of progressive play indicates the specific horse to be 7th selection ran first, his 6th selection sec-
played in each race. Substitute races, and races in which track ond and his 1st selection third. When horse'
conditions change after the handicapper makes his rating should munber 8 or higher wins indicate by zero.
be passed, but the indicated horse must be bet in every race flayed. Thus if 8, 9, 10 or higher had won the column
Nothing is left to guesswork and the player's discretion is used would read 061. This column is for record
only in determining the handicapper to be followed. only and is not used in selecting the horse to
In playing this system we are not concerned with the number play.
of winners selected so much as we are concerned with the amount Column 4—the rotating column. This column
the winners pay, and the total amount we have to invest before figures prominently in determining the se-
picking a longshot winner. Play is divided into two categories lection and is discussed in greater detail
which are followed alternately as system requirements dictate. below.
Column 5—the index column, also explained
Low Play—In which the indicated horse is 1, 2, 3 or 4 and fully below.
occasionally 8, 9 or 10. The numerical index tells you Column 6—the number of the horse to be
exactly which horse must be played (see page 11). played, when playing low.
High Play—In which the indicated horse is 5, 6 or 7. A bet- Column 7—the number of the horse to be
ting sequence tells you exactly which horse to play, played, when playing high.
(see page 12). Column 8—the name of the winning horse.
Column 9—the amount bet.
When playing high, flat wagers only should be placed. When Column 10—the amount paid (if system selec-
playing low The Great Discovery Method of Progressive Betting may tion wins).
be used if you have an extremely large capital, but The Master
Key System can be profitably played without any betting progression Obviously columns 10 and 3 cannot be filled in until after the
by making uniform wagers on every race. race is run. The information in all the other columns, however,
On page 14 you will find an analysis of 424 consecutive plays. is filled in before the race is run (see page 13).
Using The Master Key System in every race the profit on this
series of straight $2.00 win bets was $922.20. If the Great Dis- HOW TO RATE THE HORSES
covery -had been used when playing low, net profit would have IN A RACE NUMERICALLY
been $8,213.20.
But the amount wagered would have been $4,248.00 and in two First select a handicapper to be followed, either Sweeps in the
or three instances an entire sequence of ten bets would have been New York Form or Hermis in the New York Telegraph, or
lost. So you can see that a large capital is required for safe pro- Carmac in the Racing Record, or the graded handicap in the
gressive betting. Chicago Racing Form, or any other graded handicap that you
This profit was based upon the pari-mutuel; had the bet been have confidence in. Let us assume that you are going to follow
placed with a bookmaker the profit would have been slightly less the graded handicap in the Chicago Racing Form. In the Chicago
(cost of insurance). Inasmuch as The Master Key is a longshot Racing Form the entries are graded in the past performance
system—when playing high numbers it is important always to insure sheets. The Form's handicapper "Chicago" on the handicapper's
bets placed with, a bookmaker in order to receive maximum track odds. page gives the first three selections but the remainder are found
While no system of playing the races is infallible and no system in the past performance sheets in the summary at the beginning
can absolutely be guaranteed always to show a profit more than of the entries for each race.
2,000 copies of The Master Key System have been sold at $6.00 each After scratches are eliminated the selections are then numbered
and not a single complaint has ever been received. Also every test that in accordance with the handicapper's indication of their probable
has ever been made of the system has shown a handsome profit. chance of winning. This gives the numbers for the names of the
The system can be employed for place betting but it is particu- horses. When two horses run as an entry they carry the same
larly recommended for win betting and in our prehminary ex- number.
planation we shall confine ourselves to a discussion of the appli- Take for example the fourth race at Arlington on July 3. This
cation of this system when placing win bets without progression. race was rated by the handicapper (refer to page 6 Chicago
Racing Form July 3) as follows:
The, numerical index used in this system was arrived at after
testing more than 10,000 races. However.while system require- Jaw Breaker Ballylee
ments must be followed specifically, an understanding of the Shooting High Phalasan
complicated mathematics behind it is not essential to profitable Amateur Girl Patty Cake
play. Therefore I am presenting the system by giving the exact Stairs Odessa GiH
rules to be followed and have eliminated unnecessary and con- Telma Dee Mattapony
fusing explanations. If you use this system you must use it Sweepalot Peace River
exactly as outlined. Don't try to improve it. Make the indicated Three of these were 'scratched—Stairs, Telma Dee and Peace
play even when your own judgement tells you it is wrong. River. Two horses Sweepalot and Shooting High were an entry
(the Dixiana) and consequently carry the same number.
MELLEN'S MASTER KEY SYSTEM The handicapper has arranged them in that order as that is
the way they should finish in the race judged by his ratings or
The use of the system requires an accurate chart of each race figures.
played and each race to be played. The preparation and proper Numbering them for system play you get the following:
maintenance of this chart is essential and the following instruc-
tions must be carefully studied: 1. Jaw Breaker 5. Phalasan
2. Shooting High (entry) 6. Patty Cake
1. Obtain a loose leaf notebook. Pocket size is preferred. 3. Amateur Girl 7. Odessa Girl
2. Rule each sheet so that the page is divided into ten col- 2. Sweepalot (entry) 8. Mattapony
umns (see sample chart on page 13). 4. Ballylee
Page 10
In system play the horses are referred to by number; thus (c) When after the Daily Run Down a zero is in any file
Odessa Girl is number 7, Jawbreaker is number 1, the Dixiana and the sum of the other three files is 8 or more, then
entry number 2, etc. deduct 1 from the two high files. Thus:
Index column 5143
Run Down Differential 3022
The rotating column contains four files using the numbers 2. The 56 Differential.
1, 2, 3 and 4 which refer to the first four horses in the handicap- (a) At no time during play can a five appear in one file
per's graded selection. At the beginning of system play this while zero appears in another. Thus if index column
column always reads 1234, but after each succeeding race the reads 4301 and the horse in file 1 of the rotating
column rotates as follows: 2341, 3412, 4123,1234, etc. This column column wins do not add 1 to the index column file 1,
is maintained and rotated on every race played and when betting instead add 1 to the low file (file 3). When this situa-
low is used in conjunction with the index column to determine tion arises and two or more files contain zero add the
the selection. winner to the file furthest to the left. Thus if index
column is 4010 add winner to file 2 instead of file 1.
(b) No file in the index column can ever take a 6. Thus
HOW TO MAINTAIN THE INDEX COLUMN when the index column reads 1532, and the winner is
The index column also contains four files. At the beginning of in the 2nd file, you cannot add the winner to file 2,
system play this column always reads 0000. After each succeeding because that would then contain a 6, instead add 1 to
race it is changed in the following manner: the low file, or if two or more files are equally low,
add winner to the low file at the extreme left, as
1. If horse number 5 or higher wins, no change is made in above.
the index column. 3. The T-9 Differential.
2. If horse number 1, 2, 3 or 4 wins, the index column is Whenever in the course of play zero occurs in one file the
changed by adding the digit 1 to the index column sum of the other three files can never equal 9. Thus if
file, which corresponds to the rotating column file the index column reads 3410, the winner cannot be
containing the winning number. Thus, at the begin- added to any of the first three files, because they would
ning of the first race the rotating column reads 1234. total 9. Instead add 1 to the fourth file, making the
The index column reads 0000. If horse number 3 wins index column for the next race read 3411.
the first race, 1 is added to the third file of the index
column making it read 0010. Because S is in the third In the chart on page 19 a footnote appears whenever any of the
file of the rotating column change the third file of the index Differentials is employed. Using these explanatory notes in con-
column before the second race. Thus at the beginning of nection with the study of the above rules will give you a clear
the second race the rotating column would read 2341, understanding of the use of the Differential.
and the index column would read 0010. The method While the use of the Differential is extremely important, if at this
of using the index column in conjunction with the particular stage of your study you are somewhat confused, do not
rotating column in determining the selection is ex- worry but proceed at once to:
plained fully below.
3. It is obvious that if the index column were maintained in-
definitely, without variation, after a large number of THE METHOD OF SYSTEM PLAY
plays, it would be necessary to use two or more digits Mellen's Master Key System is a method of picking longshots
in each file. Inasmuch as onily the relationship between based upon sound mathematical probabilities. In order to get
the files is important after each day's play, for simpli- maximum odds it is necessary sometimes to play high numbers
fied tabulation, we adjust the numbers in the index 5, 6 or 7 and in exceptional cases, 8, 9 or 10. In playing low we
column by use of the Daily Run Down: Subtract the use horse number 1, 2, 3 or 4 and occasionally an outside longshot
digit in the lowest file or files from all files. Thus if at 8,9 or 10. When 1 is up for play we always play instead the outside
the end of the day's play the index column is 1213, longshot 8, 9 or 10. However, it is permissible and preferred to
deduct one from each file making the index column at play 1 as well, thus betting 2 horses in this particular race.
the beginning of the next day read 0102. In playing high (see page 12) we use horse number 5, 6 or 7.
Always start system play by playing low. Continue to play low
THE USE OF THE DIFFERENTIAL IN MAINTAINING until either three winners are selected in one day's racing (see July
THE INDEX COLUMN 1 in chart on page 14) or until three winners are recorded in four
plays (see races number 4, 5, 6 and 7, July 23 in chart on page 16).
Very rarely, because of mathematical variation, it is required to High play then commences. Continue to play high until either
change the index column after the Daily Run Down and occa- ten consecutive losers are recorded (see race 8, July 20, and
sionally to vary the method of adding to the index column by the follow through to race 1, July 22 in chart on page 16) or three
use of a Differential. winners are recorded within four plays (see races 4, 5, 6 and 7,
Fortunately it is not easy to accurately learn the precise July 4, in chart on page 15) or four winners are recorded within
method of following any mathematically correct system. Other- ten consecutive plays (see race 7, August 5, and follow through to
wise the method of play would be universally adopted and have race 8, August 6 in chart on page 18).
little value. In every mathematical system there are a few arbi- When either ten consecutive losers are recorded or three winners
traiy rules which must be memorized. But if at first you find the within four consecutive plays or four winners within ten consecu-
following explanation of the use of the Differential confusing, do tive plays high play ceases and low play is resumed.
not worry about it but proceed to the next step of system study. Neither the index column nor the rotating cnbimn are used in
After- you have familiarized yourself with all the requirements of determining selections when playing high but these columns must
Mellen's Master Key System then study these rules pertaining Tie maintained so as to De immediately available for use when low
to the use, of the Differential together with the explanatory notes play is resumedT" — — '
on page 19 and you will have no difficulty in immediately recog- t
nizing the circumstances when each Differential should be em-
While there is no possible way to present a completely simpli-
fied explanation of the Differentials, the following rules tell you First refer to the index column and select the file with the lowest
exactly when and how to use them. Although this section can be digit. Second, refer to the corresponding file in the rotating column
temporarily omitted, ultimately these rules must be carefully and the number in this corresponding file is the number to be
studied and memorized: played. For instance, if the rotating column reads 4321 and the
index column reads 1101, file 3 is low in the index column. There-
1. The Run-Down Differential fore, play file 3 in the rotating column which is horse number 2.
(a) If after the Daily Run Down the 3rd file is zero and
the sum of the other three files is 7, then reduce the Exceptions
high file by 1. Thus:
Eighth race index column 5424 When horse No. 1 is indicated, play instead the highest number
Daily Run Down 3202 in the race if ten or less horses are running. If more than ten
Run Down Differential (^02 horses are running play No. 10. One should also be played as a
(b) If after the Daily Run Down the 4th file is zero, and supplementary bet.
the sinn of the other three files is 7, then reduce the Frequently two, three or even four files are equally low then
first three files to 0, and record® in the fourth file. Hhxis-. play the file which has recorded the longest number Of consecutive
Eighth race index column. 5442 losers. Or if (at the beginning of play) none of the low files has
Daily Run Down 3220 recorded a winner then play the low file to the extreme left. For
Run Down Differential 0002 instance in the chart on page 14. In the first race on July 1,1 is up'
Page 11
for play because none of the files have recorded a winner and 1 is be followed accurately. Study carefully the foregoing pages and
to the extreme left. Likewise in the 2nd and 3rd races 3 and 4 re- once you have mastered the technique of using the analysis
spectively are up for play. But in the 7th race, files 2, 3 and 4 are chart, playing the Master Key System will present no difficulty. It
equally low. All have recorded winners, but the 4th file recorded is important that this analysis chart be maintained exactly as
a winner in the 3rd race, the 3rd file a winner in the 4th race, directed and on the following pages you will find specific instruc-
and the 2nd file a winner in the 6th race. Consequently 2 is up for tions for preparing the analysis chart and starting system play.
play because it is in the 4th file; the file with the longest number of For illustrative purposes I have used Tropical Park, Monday,
consecutive losers. For the same reason 3 is up for play in the March 28, and Tuesday, March 29, following Sweep's selection.*
following race.
When playing high, you bet only on horses 5, 6 and 7. These After scratches were eliminated Sweeps rated the horses at
are played in the following rotation; 5 twice, 6 twice, then 7 twice, Tropical Park March 28th as follows (the italicized munbers at the
which completes a rotation and a new rotation is begun. Thus right represent system numbers). Scratches are indicated in the
55, 66, 77, 55, etc. note following chart.

Exceptions Monday, March 28, 1938 DAILY RACING FORM

When a winner is recorded advance play at once to the next SWEEP'S GRADED HANDICAPS
highest horse. Thus if 5 wins on the first play do not again play 5
but play 66 then 77. And if 6 wins on the first play do not again TROPICAL PARK (Monday)
play 6 but move at once to 7. CLEAR AND FAST
When 6 or 7 are up for play but only five or six horses are run-
ning, making it impossible to play the indicated number, then the Scratches Available at ILOO A.M.
rotation ends and a new rotation is started with 55.
However, if number 7 is up for play and only six horses are FIRST RACE 5J-£ FURLONGS. (2:15 P.M.)
running and if 7 did not play on the preceding rotation, a new ro- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming.
tation is not started. Instead play 6 once more followed by 77. Or Tel. Sys. Prob.
if only five horses are running, play 5 once followed by 77. Or if 7 Code No. Wt. P. P. Odds
has already been played once, play 5 or 6 followed by 7, then 55. 1 Don Manuel—McCombs—Receives call 1 116 4x 3-1
For a better understanding of the method of determining selec- 2 Bob Charlie—F. A. Smith—Improving H 114 5# 8-1
tions when playing high refer to race one et seq. July 2, in the 3 Broom Tour—C. W. Smith—Has speed 3 105 8 5-1
chart on page 14. Five was played twice (it happened to win on 4*Stingy—Conner—Contender 4 HI 9 5-1
the second play which does not affect the progression) then 6 was 5*Miss Chicro—Hartle—Last not true 5 106 13# 5-1
played twice but in the fifth race only six horses were running; 7 6 Blakeen—Lynch—Last fair..., 6 111 14# 8-1
therefore could riot be played. The rotation ends and a new rota- 7 Temple Fall—Seabo—Maiden 7 105 11 10-1
tion starts. Number 5 is played on the fifth race. It wins. Conse- 9 Regula Baddun—Rosen—Gone back 8 116 10 20-1
quently 6 is played on the sixth race. Six loses and would normally 10 Speed Limit—Knott—Showed little 9 116 3#20-l
be repeated but only five horses are running in the seventh, so 11 Bay Stout—Hartle—Nothing to recommend. 10 100 2 50-1
a new rotation starts. Number 5 is played and wins; 6 is played 13 Pripo—Scheih—Outsider 11 100 7 20-1
twice, then 7 once. Seven is again up for play but only six horses
are running. We do not start a new rotation because 7 did not play on SECOND RACE 1 MILE AND 60 YARDS. (2:45 P.M.)
the preceding rotation. Instead, 6 is played once, followed by 7
which finishes the rotation. 3-year-olds. Claiming.
l*Park City—Keppler—On edge 1 108 9 4-1
2 Dark May—Seabo—Contender 3 111 3 5-1
MELLEN'S MASTER KEY SYSTEM (SUMMARY) 3 Day Is Done—Knott—Money chance 3 111 11 4-1
1. Select a graded handicap that you have confidence in. 4 Kai Sou—Lynch—Improving 4 108 6 6-1
2. After scratches are eliminated list handicapper's selections 5 Julius Caesar—Arcaro—May better this. ... 5 113 2 6-1
numerically. 7 Milk Dipper—Merritt—Early foot last...... 6 108 5 10-1
3. Whether playing high or low maintain index column and 8 Rich Cream—Donoso—Prefers sprint 7 111 1#10-1
rotating column continuously. 9*FreepIay—Dupps—Won at Havana 8 108 12 20-1
(a) Always use the index column Differential when 10*Woodwaac—Clutter—Inconsistent 9 111 10 15-1
required. ll*Prirack—Conner—Outrun every start 10 108 4 50-1
4. Always start system by playing low. 12*Do It—Huff—Not here 11 108 7x20-1
(a) Play horses two, three or four, or eight, nine 13*Swift Spot—Hartle—Poor form .13 103 8 50-1
or ten as indicated. When playing eight,
nine or ten, one should also be played as a- THIRD RACE Yl MILE. (3:15 P.M.)
supplementary bet. 2-year-olds. Colts and geldings. Maidens.
(b) Low play continues until: 1 Spanish Dot—Cooper—Good spot 1 115 7 7-5
(1) Three winners occur in one day's play, 2 Pit Terrier—McCombs—One to beat 2 115 4 2-1
or 3 Stockboard—Merritt—Will improve S 115 5 10-1
(2) Three winners occur in four consecu- 4 Travel Agent—Lynch—Last not bad 4 115 1 8-1
tive plays. 5 Maehero—Ryan—Needs racing . 5 115 6 15-1
When playing two horses in one 6 City Judge—Bierman—Making debut 8 115 2 20-1
race (one and ten) a system winner 7 Sky Ball—Seabo—First start 7 115 3 20-1
is recorded if either horse wins.
5. In playing high horses five, six and seven are played in
sequence. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 60 YARDS. (3:45 P.M.)
(a) High play continues until: 3-year-olds. Maidens.
(1) Three winners are recorded in four 1 Bar Fly—J. Renick—Ready for best.., 1 116 1 5-2
consecutive plays, or 2 Lourdes—Arcaro—Chief contender 3 111 9 5-2
(2) Four winners are recorded in ten con- 3 Doggerel—Critchfield—Money chance. ..... 3 111 4 4-1
secutive plays, or 4 Star Mint-—Bierman—Possibility 4 HI 2 10-1
(3) Ten consecutive losers are recorded. 5 Gallant Friar—Mora—Some fair tries 5 116 3 15-1
6. Play one horse only in each race except when 1 is in- 6 Consider Me—Merritt—Last not bad 6 116 7 15-1
dicated. 7*Gay Boy III.—Dupps—Not here 6 111 5 15-1
7. Make win bets only. 8 Blazing Memory—Ryan-—Pass this 7 116 10 20-1
8. Do not shift handicappers after system play has started. 10 Guild—May—Outsider 8 111 8 20-1
9. Before and after each race fill in proper columns on the Coupled—Gay Boy III. and Consider Me.
analysis chart completely and accurately.
10. Play the indicated horse even when your judgement tells
you it is wrong. * For illustrative purposes I have played every race; also in the
system test on page 14 every race was played. The Master Key
If played over a long enough period the Master Key System System should prove profitable when playing every race every
figures always to show a profit. But before actually starting day but some system players prefer to pass cheap claiming races
system play it is suggested that you test the system against the and substitute races. But the system indexes are maintained
races run at any first-class track. But system requirements must regardless.
Page 12
FIFTH RACE % MILE. (4:15 p.m.)
P.M.) 4 Rani cilia—Ryan—Last
—Ryan—Last not bad 4 107 7*12-1
4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 6 Berry Patch—Merritt—Some fair showings.. 5 107 3*10-1
Tel. Sys. Prob. 7 War Echoes—Donoso—Seldom scores 6 108 6 12-1
Code No. Wt. P. P. Odds 8 Bull Market—
-Moore—Won at Havana 7 115 9 12-1
1 My Kin—Bierman—Appears best I 111 2x 2-1 10 :itc—Lynch—Not
Sun Probate— -Lynch—Not much 8 112 8 20-1
2*Escohigh—Keppler—Speedy miss S 102 5x 5-2 12 Color Bearer-
rer—Bierman—Form poor 5 112 12*20-1
3 Faust—McCombs—Call over rest 3 113 lx 4-1
4 Pordina—De Lara—Good at Havana 4 110 4x 5-1 SCRATCHES.- -Race 1, -tel. code 8; R2, -t.c. 6; R4, -t.c. 9; R7, -t.c.
5 Shot Up—Arcaro—Router 5 111 6 8-1 4, 5, 9, 10; R8, -t.c. 5, 9, 11. Names of scratched
6 Tedall—Leyland—Seldom wins 6 114 3# 15-1 horses are not given but can be found by consulting
SIXTH RACE—% MILE. (4;45 P.M.) the Daily Racing Form for March 28, 1938. Note
4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. also in the 4th race Gay Boy and Consider Me were
1 *Say When—Keppler—Best will win 1 106 2^ 5-2 coupled. Consequently they bear the same system
2 Chancery—Kenny—Has chance 2 113 6^ 5-1 number.
3 Maebob—Merritt—Will go well 3 111 5# 5-1
4 Strange Times—Scheih—Won
Times-—Schcih—Won last 4 111 l|x| 6-1 HOW TO MAINTAIN AN ANALYSIS CHART
5 Miss Webb—Cornay—Last not true 66 108 4x 5-1 On one of your ruled sheets of notebook paper you first fill out
6 Pretty Busy—Lynch—Speed at times 6 111 3x 8-1 for the entire day's play, columns one, and three as follows:*
SEVENTH RACE—1 1-16 MILES. (5:15 P.M.) Column 1
4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Column I
1 Centennial—McCombs—Well placed 1I 115 12x 3-1 2-28-1 1234
2 Sam Worthy—Scheih—Contender 2 112 6# 4-1 2 2341
3 Pepper Patch—Merritt—Rounding to form.. 3 107 13x 6-1 3 3412
6*Little Banner—Robart—Fair try last 4 103 1 10-1 4 4123
7*Georgia Meaden—Huff—Seldom scores 66 100 2^12-1 5 1234
8*Back Fence—Dupps—May better this 6 107 3x10-1 6 2341
11 Capt. Jerry—Albrccht—Inconsistent 7 112 7 20-1 7 3412
12 Still Alarm—Barba—Not here here. 8 107 5^20-1 8 4123
EIGHTH RACE—1 1-16 MILES. (5;45 P.M.) * Also at the top of column four, that is above the line of the
4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. first race, four zeros are recorded. This is done only at the begin-
1 Far Cry—Scheih—Fresh; ready 1112 5# 2-1 ning of system play. Important: Remember that in playing low the
2 Count Me—Kenny—Chief contender 2 112 2^ 3-1 rotating column is always compared to the index column of the pre-
3 Miss Tad—McCombs—In clever hands 3 107 4x 8-1 ceding race.

Now in column two record the number of horses running in the on the first race your chart would read as follows;
first race after eliminating scratches. Thus, before placing a bet

3-28—1 8 1234
Now to determine the horse to be played compare the rotating horse in the graded handicap. Also to play the system with great-
column with the index column of the preceding race. Number one est safety we place an insurance bet on number one. When play-
is up for play because all files in the rotating column are equally ing low the horse bet is recorded in column six and whether play-
low and no winners have been recorded in any of the files. Now ing high or low the wager is recorded in column nine. Thus, right
when number one is up for play we must place a wager on the last before the race is run, your chart would read:


You are betting $2 on number one also $2 on number eight. The added to the fourth file in column five because (4), the winner is in
race is run and Stingy (4) wins. You lose both bets. Temple FaU the fourth file of the rotating column. This makes your index
(7) io FIR 7_. /0\
is second and Bob Charley 41,.- 1 So after
(2) is third. „ ri Al
the raceris run __T
column for_ the
.I. _ n.
first. race read Thus at■ the
. i 0001. nr»i ■ i endi ofc the
, i first
you fill in the other columns as follows: Column 3, 472. Column 8, race and at the beginning of the second race your chart would read
Stingy. Column ten is blank since the system selections lost. One is as follows:
C-4 C-5
3-28—1 8 1234 0001 Stingy
2 10 2341

The second race is won by Julius Caesar (5), (9) is second, and races on March 28, and March 29 at Tropical Park, using Sweep's
(3) is third, thus 503 is recorded in column three and Julius graded handicap. 1 have not reproduced the handicapper's graded
Caesar, the winner is recorded in column eight. No change is made selections for the second day (March 29) races, but these can be
in index column because none of the first four selections won, found by consulting the Daily Racing Form for Tuesday, March
consequently column five again reads 0001. 29,1938. The notes at the end explain the reasons for the various
Here's how your analysis chart will look after playing all the plays. No betting progression is used.
Page 13
•->. (M TO V TO CO r- 00 05
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3-28—1 8 472 1234 0001 1-8 Stingy $4
2 10 503 2?41 0001 2* Julius C. 2
3 7 312 3412 1001 3 Stockboard 2
4 8 124 4123 1101 1-8 Barfly 4
5 6 314 1234 1111 3 Faust 2
» 6 6 326 2341 1211 5 Maebob 2
7. 8 365 3412 2211 5 Pepper P. 2
8 9 371 4123 2212d 6° Miss Tad 2
3-29—1 11 001 1234 1101 6 Flying V $2
2 12 315 2341 1201 7° Our Ketcham 2
3 12 126 3412 1202 7 All Spades 2
4 8 346 4123 1203 5 Joe D. 2
5 6 431 1234 1204 5 Vitelio 2
6 10 638 2341 1204 6 Lucky Jean 2
7 8 167 3412 1224 7 Pundit 2
8 11 106 4123 1324 7' Bain Marie 2
" Two is played because it is in the extreme left low file of the The daily run down. One is in the low file of the index column
column. ande therefore deduct one from all files.
Play now shifts to high because three winners were recorded Seven is now played because six has recorded two consecutive
in 0the last four plays. losers.
Commence playing six because five has recorded two consecu- ' Five is up for play in the first race of the third day.
tive losers.

If you have carefully studied the preceding pages you should a flat $2 wager was made on each race. Number one was never
now be able to use the Master Key System in actual play. Again I played but the system can be used with greater security if both
strongly suggest that you test it out thoroughly before wagering one and eight, nine or ten are played. However, in this series of
any money and remember, don't use progressive betting unless you plays number one was never bet.
have an extremely large bank roll. But if you have sufficient capital A total ofj$848 was wagered and the total amount collected was
progressive betting should prove profitable when playing low only. $1770.20 usmg flat $2 wagers on every race. No progression was
Do not use a progression when playing high. employed but if the Great Discovery had been used on low play
Every official test that has ever been made of the Master Key only the total amount wagered would have been $4248, and the
System has shown a profit. On the following pages you will find a total amount collected would have been $12,461.20.
workout chart showing all plays made on the Illinois tracks (Ar- A footnote occurs wherever the Differential is employed and
lington and Washington) from July 1, 1936 to August 31 inclu- the footnotes indicate the type of Differential used (see page 11).
sive—a total of 424 consecutive races. Every race was played and

All selections, winning munbers, and other information given in this chart can be checked at the office of the Chicago Racing Form,
441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, where bound volumes of the Racing Form are open to public inspection.

7- 1—1 1234-—\--4000-
34—"O-IOOO- Frank C.
2 2341—1001 Lee Hastings
3 3412—^—1101 Bohemian Lass
4 -4123'—^^2101- Wise Duke
5 1234--^—2101 Flint Shot
6 2341-—^-^2111 Flying Watch
7 3412—^^-2121 Stolen Color
8 4123^^ -2122.. Star Banner
7- 2—1 Pumice Stone
2 Rickey Roo
3 Trip
4 Sage Girl
5 Infidox
6 Lovely Girl
7 3412— ^1212 Braving Danger
8 4123— Fairisk
- 0102
7- 3—1 1234 0112 Four Eleven
2 2341 0212 Booms Pal
3412 1212 Hazel Eyes
4123 1212 Odessa Girl
1234 1312 Noble Star
2341 1313 Our Reigh
3412 1323 Shirley B.
Page 14
C-l C-2 C-3 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10
8 8 354 4123 1324 6 Shasta Broom 2
- 4—1 10 73 i 1234 7 Redress $2 $ 21.40
2 8 201 234t-^^-1213 5 Rollin Home 2
3 12 200 3412^—^1214 5 Stairs 2
4 6 643 4123--5^-1214 6 Preeminent 2 34.60
5 7 512 ]234-^'^1214 7 Prince Torch 2
6 12 702 2341 '' ,1214 7 Stand Pat 2 53.40
7 5 512 3412 ,—1214 5 Jinnee 2 10.80
8 7 743 4123-— 1214 2 Wagwood 2
- 6—1 11 ioi 1234-^~~-1103 -r 3 Woodberry $2
2 11 571 2341 •' . -1103 4 Kapado 2
3 8 321 3412-- ,2103 8 Tomillo 2
4 8 150 4123- ^ ■2203 2 Braving Danger 2
5 8 237 1234-- ^-2303 3 Blue Train 2
6 8 457 2341-— 2313 4 Beth Bon 2 $ 9.40
7 10 263 3412- . 2314 10 King Pin 2
8 8 426 4123 3314 2 Erebus 2
- 7—1 12 607 1234 2202 3 Pink Petunia $2
2 9 413 2341 2212 4 Sun X 2 $ 15.00
3 9 467 3412 2312 9 Anapola 2
4 7 617 4123 2312 2 Centennial 2
5 8 413 1234 2312 3 Advocator 2
6 6 425 2341 2323 4 Sir Jim James 2 is! 80
7 6 541 3412 2323 3 Salaam 2
8 6 235 4123 2333 4 Dark Mist 2
- 8—1 10 i52 1234 1111 10 Trip $2
2 7 162 2341 1112 7 Black Peter 2
3 6 231 3412 1113 3 My Surprise 2
4 7 234 4123 1123 4 Jaber 2
5 6 125 1234 2123 6 Bilbo 2
6 6 312 2341 2223 3 Top Dog 2 $ 11.00
7 8 316 3412 3223 8 Miss Glace 2
8 10 160 4123 3323 2 Strophe 2
- 9—1 8 135 1234 2101 3 L. B. Wilson $2
2 7 324 2341 2201 4 Hi Hun 2
3 6 213 3412 2202 6 Sneakin 2
4 6 523 4123 2202 2 Whiscenda 2
5 5 341 1234 2212 3 Floradora 2 $ 8.60
6 7 312 2341 2312 4 Money Getter 2
7 8 103 3412 2322 8 Imperial Pal 2
8 8 321 4123 2323 4 Transpose 2
-10—1 12 3i5 1234 0111 10 Royal Countess S2
2 7 251 2341 1111 2 Hank MacTavish 2 $ 8.20
3 12 010 3412 1111 4 Payne 2
4 7 341 4123 1112 7 Bulldozer 2
5 6 132 1234 2112 2 Sir Jim James 2
6 8 521 2341 2112 3 Dark Woman 2
7 7 631 3412 2112 4 Tenace 2
8 8 160 4123 2212 8 Brilliant Rose 2
11—1 9 25i 1234 1201 3 Bohannon $2
2 6 421 2341 1211 4 Brandon Prince 2 $ 2L26
3 10 142 3412 1221 2 Flying Justice 2
4 11 021 4123 1221 3 Bright Bubble 2
5 6 413 1234 1222 4 Rock X 2 12.00
6 15 216 2341 2222 2 Nations Taste 2 17.80
7 5 125 3412 2232 4 Silversmith 2
8 7 564 4123 2232 7 Marie Jean 2
-13—1 7 i73 1234 1010 5 Old Judge $2
2 - 12 160 2341 1011 5 Wagwood Lad 2
3 8 430 3412 1111 6 Hi Hun 2
4 6 346 4123 1112 6 Teddy Green 2
5 8 271 1234 1212 7 Bulwark 2
6 5 513 2341 1212 5 Imperial Ebee 2 $ 10.00
7 7 652 3412 1212 6 Tomillo 2 16.40
8 8 417 4123 2212 7 Erech 2
-14—1 11 704 1234 1101 7 Sir Midas $2 $ 29.40
2 12 321 2341 1201 4 Sundad 2
3 7 132 3412 1211 7 Gulfelano 2
4 11 200 4123 1221 3 Jinnee 2
5 6 413 1234 1222 4 Victorious Ann 2 ilLSO
6 8 514 2341 1222 2 Beth Bon 2
7 8 460 3412 1322 3 Highland Lane 2
8 7 217 4123 1332 4' Noahs Pride 2
15—1 12 164 1234 1221 10 Ben Sweep , $2
2 10 654 2341 1221 10 Spickeeri 2
3 6 425 3412 1321 2 My Count 2
4 7 341 4123 1322 3 Drawbridge 2 $ islso
Page 15
C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-8
5 6 612 1234 1322 6 Jim. Cabaniss
6 6 315 2341 1422 2 Brown Feathers
7 6 216 3412 1423 3 Naughty
8 6 146 4123 1523 4 Parawick
-1 12 456 11234 0413 10 Mitzie Kai
2 8 162 2341 1413= 2 Rickey Roo
3 7 213 3412 1414 7 Advantage
4 7 316 4123 1415 2 Tidewater
5 8 514 1234 1415 3 Bootless
6 5 315 2341 1515 4 Chasar
7 10 031 3412 1515 10 Cahban $101.20
8 9 203 4123 1525 2 Ilchester 7.60

7-17—1 9 312 1234 0323 9 Harry Richman

2 12 020 2341 0323 2 Foxiana
3 8 257 3412 1323= 3 Almarine
4 8 142 4123 1423 4 No Dice
5 7 263 1234 1523 7- Toro Prodome
6 9 030 2341 1523 2 Mouse Trap
7 9 423 3412 2523f 3 Shasta Broom
8 9 276 4123 2533 2 Tomillo
7-18—1 10 453 i234 0312 10 Uneasy
2 6 431 2341 0322 2 Birds Eye
3 6 321 3412 1322 3 Fra Diavalo
4 6 452 4123 2322 4 Silversmith
5 5 315 1234 2332 4 Count Morse
6 10 135 2341 2333 10 Idyllic
7 6 324 3412 3333 3 Billy Rose
8 7 724 4123 3333 7 Jokester
7-20—1 12 146 i234 1000 Sir Midas
2 9 127 2341 1001 Marie Jean
3 9 601 3412 1001 Gay Bubble
4 9 412 4123 2001 Moretide
5 5 352 1234 2011 Slim Rosie
6 7 215 2341 3011 Bulwark
7 7 613 3412 3011 My Surprise
8 9 123 4123 3111 Judge G.
7-21—1 12 4i3 i234 2001 I Do
2 9 254 2341 3001 Full Up
3 6 214 3412 3002 Crazy Jane
4 9 145 4123 3102 Skeeter
5 6 211 1234 3202 Bamboo
6 6 142 2341 3203 Count Arthur
7 8 125 3412 3213 Naval Cadet
8 9 401 4123 4213 Centennial
7-22—1 8 324 i234 3112 Countess Reigh
2 10 140 2341 3113 3 Judge Hasten
3 9 123 3412 3123 4 Mary Cardinal
4 6 316 4123 3124 6 Mabel Miller
5 10 003 1234 3124 2 Roguish Girl
6 9 253 2341 4124 3 Mamas Choice
7 9 104 3412 4134 4 Payne
8 9 472 4123 5134 9 Coral Reef

7-23—1 12 260 1234 3122 Warfellow

2 8 214 2341 4122 Cerveza
3 8 326 3412 5122 Prince Charlo
4 8 067 . 4123 5122h Kingsbury
5 8 140 1234 5222 Jokester
6 6 631 2341 5222 Toro Nancy
7 10 206 3412 6223 Topsy Omar
8 6 136 4123 5323 Mouse Trap
7-24—1 12 ioe i234 4101 Pumice Stone
2 10 014 2341 4101 Creole Bird
3 12 135 3412 4111 Mondorf
4 7 137 4123 4211 Fitter
5 6 254 1234 4311 Masterpiece
6 6 523 2341 4311 Miss Saxon
7 9 160 3412 4321 Spanish Lad
8 12 132 4123 4421 Transpose

7-25—1 All Agog

2 Polagold
3 Captain Reid
4 Bandalore
5 Foyot
6 Floradora
7 Maman
Page 16
-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-9 C-10
(•-1 12 ioo i234 Noble Count $2
2 11 047 2341 Phalasan 2
3 8 365 3412 Ceallaigh 2
4 7 217 4123 Yellow Tulip 2
5 5 251 1234 $ 13.20
6 12 Finance 2 6.60
013 2341 Speedy Skippy 2
7 7 245 3412 Imperial Ebee 2
8 11 020 4123 Golden X 2
!—1 12 123 i234 Burning Star $2
2 11 214 2341 Daria 2
3 7 154 3412 Sage Girl 2
4 7 125 4123 Dark Laughter 2
5 5 314 1234 Reaping 2
6 5 345 2341 $ 8.20
7 Top Dog 2
7 125 3412 Way aloft 2
8 6 123 4123 Palasa 2
1—1 12 056 i234 Legenda $2
2 11 132 2341 $245.20
3 11 Inflame 2
360 3412 Ceallaigh 2 8.00
4 8 647 4123 Gilb. Elston 2
5 8 347 1234 Microbe 2
6 12 236 2341 11.40
7 8 Candescent 2 12.60
540 3412 Fanfern 2 8.00
8 8 320 4123 Sister Ikie 2
i—I 9 214 i234 Mitzi Kai $2
2 11 001 2341 Risibility 2
3 9 376 3412 Hat Check 2
4 8 741 4123 Dellor 2
5 6 436 1234 Irish Foro 2
6 11 200 2341 Coldwater 2
7 8 267 3412 Maple Rica 2
8 9 321 4123 Fair Prospect 2
—1 12 003 i234 Alice G. $2
2 8 031 2341 Entree 2
3 9 605 3412 Bert Reid 2
4 8 071 4123 Dark Mist 2
5 6 564 1234 Don Creole 2
6 8 423 2341 Bon Centime 2
7 12 060 3412 $ 9.60
8 Golden X 2
11 426 4123 Sparkling Rose 2
l—l 9 230 1234 2113 2 Trinchera"
2 9 076 2341 2113 $ 5.80
4 Naughty
3 6 153 3412 2123 6 Galsun
4 6 142 4123 2223 6 Black Gift
5 8 104 1234 3223 8 Orientalist
6 7 464 2341 3233 4 Sun Teddy
7 7 416 3412 3333 4 Rech
8 8 236 4123 3343 3 Star Banner
—1 12 i23 i234 1010 Bomar
2 12 431 2341 1020 Well Heeled
3 12 050 3412 1020 Just Frank
4 8 246 4123 1030 Payne
5 10 607 1234 1030 Toro Nancy
6 6 145 2341 1031 Colonel Ed
7 7 526 3412 1031 Tenace $ 23.80
8 12 105 4123 1131 Miss Gamier
—1 10 037 i234 0020 Odessa Boy
2 9 254 2341 1020 Charwitch
3 12 312 3412 2020 Humble Issue
4 10 310 4123 2021 Birds Eye
5 5 324 1234 2031 Don Creole
6 6 645 2341 2031 Dark Zeni $ 31.20
7 7 234 3412 2032 Redress
8 7 236 4123 2042 Charlie Chan

-1 12 130 1234 Aurebon

2 12 240 2341 Crulia
3 6 121 3412 Caliban
4 8 251 4123 Irish Ford
5 8 543 1234 Money Getter
6 7 462 2341 Cottingham
7 8 701 3412 Maple Rica
8 8 524 4123 Mighty Quick $ 7,60
-1 12 307 1234 Denbigh
2 12 013 2341 Stoneorop
3 10 741 3412 Speed Limit
4 6 534 4123 Clingendael
Page 17
C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-8
5 7 325 1234 2151 Headliner
6 8 134 2341 2152 Toro Prodome
7 10 407 3412 2252 Weedidit
8 10 762 4123 2252 Northcutt
-1 12 204 i234 0130 Broadway Maid
2 10 407 2341 0140 Palasa
3 10 402 3412 0240 Min Ormont
4 7 471 4123 1240 Monon Lad
5 8 201 1234 1340 Below Zero
6 6 263 2341 1341° Pre War
7 6 236 3412 1342 Imperial Ebee
8 8 645 4123 1342 Triolet
-1 7 213 i234 0331 Overplay
2 12 307 2341 0431 Silver Tidings
3 9 213 3412 1431° Caliban
4 7 135 4123 1531 Rock X
5 6 351 1234 1541 Prince Pest
6 11 127 2341 1542 Visigoth
7 12 731 3412 1542 Donnahona
8 8 231 4123 1552 Theorem
0331 Sneakin
1331 Skalkahoe
1431 Jockana
1531 Merina
2531 Chasar
2541 Firing Squad
2541 Erebus
2542° Triolet
0420 Staro
0420 Hook It
0421 Our Bud
0421 My Surprise
0421 Clingendaal
1421 Sorocery
1421 Celiba
1421 Canteron
0310 Shatterproof
0410 Sister Ikie
0410 Transport
0410 Bushmaster-
1410 Chief Cherokee
2410 Cardarone
2410 Burnt Trail
2411 Irish Image
1310 Wise Dart
1311 Glittering
1411 Ottoman
1411 Reckless
1412 Valiant Fox
1422 Fra Diavalo
1423 Exponent
1424 Squeezer
0313 John's Mae
0313 Tomye
1313 Dandy Jay
1313 Gay Bubble
1413 Harry Richman
1413 Highland Lane
1413 Easter Tommy
1413 Teddy Boy
0402 Overplay
0402 Guy Blake
1402 Fancy Flight
1412 Ilchester
1512 Whereaway
2512 Orientalist
2522 Canteron
2622 Rudenia
8-17—1 0310 Charwitch
2 0310 Rubens Choice
3 0310 Merry Caroline
4 0410 Black Bottle
5 1410 Slim Rosie
6 1411 Short Skirt
7 1411 Masketier
1511 Good Scout

Page 18
C-2 C-3 C-4 C-8
-1 12 216 1234 Dark Prince
2 12 270 2341 Charming Miss
3 12 410 3412 Registerite
4 6 312 4123 Genial Manners
5 7 342 1234 Fancy Flight
6 6 132 2341 Honored Sir
7 7 162 3412 Wilda
8 8 316 4123 Hat Check
-1 9 230 i234 Onslaught
2 11 526 2341 Star Bess
3 9 371 3412 Le Miserable
4 9 134 4123 Rickey Roo
5 7 157 1234 Maple Rica
6 6 425 2341 Polywhisk
7 7 612 3412 Eskimo
8 8 156 4123 Darkling
-1 8 47i i234 Timberline
2 9 210 2341 Dark Seeker
3 6 321 3412 Blackthorn
4 9 460 4123 Pharolar
5 7 233 1234 Fanfem
6 7 154 2341 Natalie Alice
7 8 631 3412 Bosopi
8 8 261 4123 Carnelian
-1 12 304 i234 Happy Road
2 12 324 2341 Sparkling Rose
3 10 060 3412 Double Kerry
4 8 154 4123 Border Queen
5 6 135 1234 Reaping
6 6 325 2341 Imperial Pal
7 8 271 3412 Glittering
8 ■ 8 150 4123 Stealingaway
-1 12 i27 i234 Harold Wiley
2 12 730 2341 Rifted Clouds
3 7 631 3412 Mucho Gusto
4 7 154 4123 Navarre
5 5 243 1234 Tearout
6 8 102 2341 Bilbo
7 7 217 3412 Mine Boy
8 10 021 4123 Theorem
-1 12 soi 1234 Polagold
2 12 452 2341 Screen
3 9 230 3412 Golden X.
4 7 321 4123 Imperial Betsy
5 8 245 1234 Countess Ann
6 9 014 2341 Crout au Pot
7 8 312 3412 Black Scout
8 11 025 4123 Theorem
-1 12 420 i234 Mt. Sard
2 12 005 2341 Halliard
3 11 320 3412 Valerie Jean
4 9 134 4123 Legal Gamble
5 8 754 1234 Black Bottle
6 8 342 2341 Canny Scot
7 10 034 3412 His Way
8 8 754 4123 Palasa

Smilin Ed
Oh Dolly
Colonel Ed
Boiling Point

Julia Grant
Double Kerry
Mount Lookout
Shady Gate

Exchange Club
Duchess Reigh
Happy Road
Page 19
C-l C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-8
5 7 157 1234 5221 4 Bracing Danger
6 7 752 2341 5221 7 Palm Island $ 11.80
7 8 520 3412 5221 2 The Break
8 7 371 4123 6222 3 Wild Transit
8-29—1 12 016 i234 3000 2 Florid
2 7 361 2341 3100 3 Ima Count $ 6.00
3 8 410 3412 3200 8 Forewarned
4 10 125 4123 3300 2 Good Cheer
5 6 132 1234 4300 3 Bohemian Lass
6 7 127 2341 4301bb 4 Tearout
7 6 241 3412 431l 6 Firing Squad
8 8 314 4123 4312 3 Scotland Beauty
8-31—1 12 34i i234 3211 3 Miss Lily $ 11.00
2 12 134 2341 3212 0 Jeffrey
3 9 103 3412 3222 9 Liquidation
4 7 137 4123 3322 7 Exclaim
5 7 346 1234 3332 4 Bon Centime
6 7 152 2341 3333 7 Boiling Point
7 7 621 3412 3338 3 Golden Nut
8 7 523 4123 3333 4 Harry Richman
• The daily run-down. l> The run-down Differential. When zero ential. m The T-9 Differential. ,, The T-9 Differential.
The run-
is in the third file and the sum of the other three files is seven. down
Differential. " The 56 Differential. The 56 Differential.
' The T-9 Differential. d The run-down Differential. • The T-9 The 56 Differential. T" The 56 Differential. * The 56 Differential.
Differential. 'The 56 Differential. ' The run-down Differential. » The 56 Differential.
The run-downyDifferential. w The T-9 Dif-
The 56 Diffe»-ential. ' The run-down Differential. ' The run- ferential. The nm-down Differential. The T-9 Differential. • The
down Differential k The run-down Differential. 1 The T-9 Differ- run-down Differential.Ba The 56 Differential.,bb The 56 Differential

This actual test of the Master Key System covers 424 and the smart player knows that he can beat the odds
consecutive races, when making a flat two dollar wager only if his possible chance for winning greatly outbal-
on each race. It shows a net profit of $922.20, or ap- ances his potential chance for losing.
proximately $461.00 a month, when your maximum risk The purpose of this book is not to encourage anybody
was $16.00 a day. If you had used The Great Discovery to play the races. But if you are in the habit of playing,
Method of Progressive Betting your profit would have and if you have not shown a profit, or if you have not
been considerably greater (see page 10), but your risk been adequately compensated for the time you have
would have been correspondingly higher. spent, the two tested mathematically accurate methods out-
And speaking of risk, only a complete mounteba,nk lined in this book will more than double your chances for
will tell you that you can play the races without taking winning and at the same time materially reduce your
any risk. When you play to win you also stand to lose, risk.

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