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English Exam – 2nd parcial

Luis Eugenio Gallegos Orduña

Frequency and time adverbs

- I’m doing my homework right now
- We will go to the cinema today
- He worked until 12pm yesterday
- She will go to Mexico City tomorrow
- I was planning to watch a movie tonight
- I’m not hungry, I’ll eat later.

- I always like to drink coffee in the mornings
- We often visit our mother on Saturdays
- She usually likes to walk in the park with her dog
- He rarely eats something healthy
- I normally drink tea with my father
- Sometimes, we like to watch movies


- In
- On
- On
- On
- In
- At
- In
- At
- In
- At
- In
- In
- On
- On
- In
- On
- Over
- Under/On

- If I could tell her, I’ll be happy

- If I don’t drink enough water, I’ll dehydrate
- She wouldn’t be in jail if she had paid her bills
- If you touch fire, you burn
- If I do my homework today, I won’t have to do it tomorrow
- We could have been happy, If I wouldn’t left the keys in the car.

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