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Non-invasive Glucometer
Problem statement:
1. The most popular technique for determining blood glucose levels includes pricking
the finger, drawing blood from the forearm, and performing a chemical analysis with
the aid of disposable test strips.
2. The pain, suffering, and difficulty brought on by this method inspired the creation of
the Glucometer, a sophisticated noninvasive measurement device.
Problem Solution:
H/W: ESP32, L940-06V NIR Emitter, Display unit and active filter.
S/W: Arduino IDE, web server
1. The variations in light intensity caused by the absorption or scattering of glucose molecules to
Near infrared (NIR) light are used to estimate human blood glucose levels in this noninvasive
2. When NIR light passes through the fingertip and reacts with the glucose molecule, a portion
of it is absorbed and the rest passes through the fingertip, depending on blood glucose levels.
The variation in received signal intensity obtained after reflection in both cases can be used to
predict glucose levels in the blood.

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