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Emy Aultman

First Goal Second Goal

Participate in Twitter At t end RESA Medi a

Chats (2-3 chats) Speci al i sts Job-A-Li ke

( Oct ober and December )
Chat topic: National Hispanic Heritage Month Books
Date: September 24, 2022
time: 8:30 am

I joined this Twitter chat to gain a collection of Hispanic

books for my library. Most of the Twitter Chat participants
were middle to high school educators/media specialists
so many of the book recommendations were chapter
books. However, I've also gotten a few picture book
recommendations that we didn't have in our library so I
was able to make a decent list of Hispanic books for
future purchase. I also gained several Twitter followers
after the chat.
Twitter Chat #1 Artifacts:
Twitter Chat #2
Chat topic: Banned Books
Date: September 24, 2022
time: 10:00 am

This Twitter chat was very interesting as it was

about banned books. I personally never
experienced parents challenging books or
dealing with banned books in the past, but it
was eye-opening to read all of the comments
and the books that were banned from their
library. I also gained knowledge on what to do
when dealing with banned books.
Twitter Chat #2 Artifcats:
RESA: Media
Specialists Job-a-Like
Date: October 6, 2022, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

It's been a while since I attended this PLN since the

pandemic. It was nice to see other media specialists from
the surrounding counties. I really enjoyed the expert
circle since I have been out of the media center for 2
years. I've learned that many of us are dealing with
Chromebook troubleshoots/issues, and learned some
ways to manage them while still focusing on
library/media duties.

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