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‎ ender equality is a concept that emphasizes

‎the same treatment, rights, opportunities, and
‎access for women and men in all areas of life.

‎ he idea of gender equality originated from

‎the feminist movement, which demanded
‎equal rights and opportunities for women and
‎men since the 19th century until now.

‎ he first wave (late 19th to early 20th

‎century) focused on the civil and political
‎rights of women, such as voting, education,
‎and work.

‎ he second wave (1960s to 1980s) focused

‎ he feminist movement experienced several
T ‎on the social and cultural issues related to
‎History of Gender Equality ‎waves, namely: ‎the role and identity of women, such as
‎sexuality, family, reproduction, and violence.

‎ he third wave (1990s to present) focused on

‎the diversity and inclusiveness of women
‎from various backgrounds of race, ethnicity,
‎class, religion, and sexual orientation.

‎ adical feminism, which emphasizes on the

‎resistance against the patriarchal system that
‎is considered as the source of oppression
‎against women.

‎ ultural feminism, which emphasizes on the

‎ he feminist movement also produced
‎values and culture of women that are
‎several streams of thought, such as:
‎different and unique from men.

I‎slamic feminism, which emphasizes on the

‎reinterpretation of Islamic texts from a
‎woman's perspective to eliminate gender
‎injustice in Muslim societies.

"‎ O humanity, indeed we have created you

‎from male and female and made you peoples
‎ ender Equality in
G ‎and tribes that you may know one another.
‎Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of
‎Islam: By Ibnu, Ariq, ‎Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed,
‎Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." (Quran 49:
‎Bayu and Edo ‎13)

"‎ And I did not create the jinn and humanity

‎except to worship Me." (Quran 51:56)
‎ ender Equality in Islam: Four
"‎ And it is He who has made you successors
‎Fundamental Principles of ‎upon the earth and has raised some of you
‎Gender Equality in the Quran ‎above others in degrees [of rank] that He
‎may try you through what He has given you.
‎Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but
‎indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran

"‎ So their Lord responded to them, 'Never will I

‎allow the work of any worker, whether male
‎or female; you are of one another.'" (Quran 3:

1‎ . Issue: Women's Political Participation:

‎Although there is women's representation in
‎Answer: Women's Quota in Parliament
‎government institutions, the level of women's
‎participation in politics is still low.

‎ . Issue: Violence Against Women: Domestic

‎violence, sexual harassment, child marriage, ‎ nswer: Domestic Violence Protection Policy
‎ ender Equality Issues in
‎and other harmful practices remain serious ‎and Elimination of the Practice of Child
‎Indonesia and The Answers ‎problems in Indonesia. And most of the ‎Marriage
‎victims are women.

‎ . Issue: Gender Stereotypes: Strong gender

‎stereotypes still influence society's views on
‎the roles of men and women in society. This ‎Answer: Gender Awareness Campaigns
‎can hinder women's development and
‎encourage discrimination.

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