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General Main Idea

The caucasian Europeans were the second basic racial group arriving at Nicaragua.The spanish
started to explore the región and at several cities,the spanish started populating all of the
pacific and central región the colonizers installed their cities and villages close to the indigineos
centers the third basic racial group arrived at Nicaragua were the negroids but with the
mix,the third basic racial group disappeared a portuguese ship transporting slaves from the
golf of Guinea in africa suffered a riot and stranded at the caribean coast of Nicaragua.In this
región English joined the miskito mixture but the English did bring negroid slaves to the
área,who over time shaped the creole communities throughout the región another mix was
between the negroids and the amerindians ocurred at the antillean island ot San
Vicente,where the garifunas settled.At the beginning of the twentieht Century groups of
Germán started to arrive this región,cities of Estelí,Jinotega and Matagalpa have significant
fourth generation germas.According to the 2005 census the 8.6°/° residents consider
themselves yo belony to an indigenous people they 97,6°/° are deemed mestizos and white
the creole are 0,4°/° of the total population.The Garifuna a people of mixed
carib,Angolan,congolese and Arawak descent was the 0,1°/° the total number of inmigrants of
Nicaragua never suparssed 1.1,in the 19th Century Nicaragua received inmigrants from
Europe,they establised many agricultural businesses the oficial language of Nicaragua si
spanish or Nicañol.In Nicaragua the voseo form is common. Central American spanish is the
dialeet spoken in Nicaragua.

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