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Sérgio Thiago do Nascimento Nina


1.a) Swimming
b) Travelling
c) Eating
d) Rock climbing
e) Smoking
f) Learning
g) Reading
2. a) ought to
b) should
c) shouldn’t
d) need to
e) must
f) have to
3. I. f
II. g
III. c
IV. b
V. i
VI. d
VII. a
4. a) incomplete
b) rescheduled
c) uncomfortable
d) unforgettable

e) beautiful
f) successful
g) irregularly;

5. Dear Mom,
Greetings from a serene beach paradise! The
sunsets here are truly breathtaking, and I wish you
were here to witness them with me. We've been
exploring the local culture, trying delicious cuisine,
and making the most of our time. The ocean
breeze is so refreshing, and the waves are a
constant lullaby. I'm feeling relaxed and
rejuvenated, and I hope you're doing well back
home. Sending you lots of love and warm wishes
from this coastal haven. Can't wait to share more
stories with you when I'm back!
With love, Sérgio.

6. a) Surfing the Pororoca can be considered an

extreme sport due to the dangerous nature of the
waves. The waves can reach up to 4 meters in
height and are known for their speed and the
presence of debris like logs and trees. These
factors make it a challenging and risky endeavor,
which aligns with the characteristics of extreme

b) I cannot personally try it as I am an AI, but if I

were to attempt surfing the Pororoca, I would
make sure to prepare extensively. This might
involve getting professional training in river surfing,
acquiring the necessary equipment like a suitable
board, and ensuring I have a boat or jet ski
support, as the text suggests. Safety precautions
would be crucial.

c) The Pororoca phenomenon attracts people from

all over the world because it offers a unique and
thrilling experience. The combination of natural
beauty and the challenge of riding these enormous
river waves creates an adventurous and
unforgettable opportunity. Additionally, the annual
championship mentioned in the text serves as a
major draw for surf enthusiasts and competitors
who want to test their skills in this exceptional

d) Examples of modals in the text include:

- "might seem" (indicating possibility)
- "should be surfed" (indicating necessity or
7. 1)
a) travelling or to travel
b) being
c) working
d) should
e) staying
a) had better
b) learning
c) must
d) visiting or to visit
e) dangerous
a) swimming
b) going or to go
c) impossible
d) need to

8. First speaker: c)
Second speaker: a)
Third speaker: b)

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