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People and places

Unit 1 Extra resources

Workbook: pages 8-17
Videos: Lesson 1 Vocabulary 1
• Grammar Animations
(Lesson 2 and 4) I can understand and name countries and nationalities.
• Speaking video: What’s

your name? (Lesson 5)
• Culture video: Water 00:15
parks and theme parks
a c
(Lesson 6)

• Short tests (Vocabulary 1,
Vocabulary and listening,
Grammar 1, Grammar 2,
• Unit test (Support,

d e
Standard, Challenge, Test

for dyslectic students)
Teacher’s Resource File:
Grammar and vocabulary
On-the-go Practice: Unit 1
Kahoot!: Unit 1
Quizzlet: Unit 1
f FR h

Lesson 1

Objectives and
1 Let’s start!
Vocabulary: countries and Popatrz na wyniki quizu ukazane obok.
nationalities Ile punktów zdobył każdy z graczy? Results

Listening: to find specific 2 Popatrz na zdjęcia a–h. Znajdź Australię

Player 1: 13
i siedem innych państw z ramki. Powiedz,
Speaking: to ask and których państw nie ma na zdjęciach.

Countries Player 2: 5
answer questions
Argentina • Australia • Brazil • China •
Optional materials: post-it France • Poland • Spain • the UK • Player 3: 12
notes or small cards the USA • Turkey
(5–7 per student) Back
a Australia

Culture note 8 eight

The famous buildings
in the photos are:

the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Warm-up 2 Students do exercise 2.

the Statue of Liberty and
Ask students: What names of countries Answers
One World Trade Centre b France f the UK
in New York, The Great do you know in English?
c the USA g Turkey
Wall of China, the Palace 1 Students do exercise 1. d Poland h Brazil
of Science and Culture e China
in Warsaw, the Houses Player 1 – thirteen

of the Parliament and Big Player 2 – five Extra idea

Ben in London, the Blue Player 3 – twelve Ask students to study the photos
Mosque in Istanbul, Christ carefully. Then give instructions, e.g.:
the Redeemer in Rio de Find/Touch something red. Find/Touch
Janeiro. a tree.

1 5 Students do exercise 5.

Extra idea
3 1.11 Napisz w zeszycie nazwy państw Learning Read the poem aloud

i narodowości. Posłuchaj nagrania, sprawdź to model the pronunciation.
i powtórz. If necessary, ask students
to repeat line by line.

Naucz się nowych słówek, postępując
American • Argentinian • Australian •
zgodnie ze wskazówkami Memory Maca.
Brazilian • British • Chinese • French • Students’ own answers. 6 1.13 (00:16) Students
Polish • Spanish • Turkish 1 Zrób fiszki z wyrazami z ramki z ćwiczeń
2. i 3. do exercise 6.

Nationality Country 7 Students do exercise 7.
the UK

American the USA

2 Pokazujcie sobie w parach obrazki

4 1.12 Posłuchaj wyrazów. Podnieś rękę,

z fiszek i podawajcie nazwy państw
i narodowości. zone
kiedy usłyszysz nazwę narodowości. Tell students Memory Mac
1 Chinese

8 Przygotujcie w parach sześć gives tips how to study.
zagadek o państwach i narodowościach. Ask students how they
Zadajcie je innej parze. Odgadnijcie zagadki
tej pary. Students’ own answers. study at home or how
5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie pytania they prepare for tests.
o państwa i narodowości przedstawione Say a nationality with The discussion can
na zdjęciach a–h. Students’ own answers. three letters A!
be held in Polish.
Photo d. What’s the country?

And what’s the nationality?

Say a country with the letter P. Distribute post-it notes,
5–7 per student.
Say two nationalities Students do exercises 1
Polish! with the letter B. and 2.
If the class needs more
6 Pronunciation /ɪ/ and /i�/ Fast finishers time, the task can
1.13 Posłuchaj wierszyka, powtórz go
i zapamiętaj. Students’ own answers.
Zapisz w zeszycie pierwsze litery wyrazów be done as homework.
przedstawionych na ilustracjach. Ułóż z liter
Fifteen children from Turkey, nazwę państwa i podaj nazwę narodowości.
Sixteen children from France, 8 Students do exercise 8.

Twenty children from Australia,

Let’s all dance! SEN tip
To make students who are

sensitive to noise feel

Country: B R A Z I L
comfortable, try to keep
Nationality: Brazilian the noise down during
pair work and group work.
57 Pracując w grupach, powiedzcie
wierszyk najszybciej jak potraficie.
Students’ own answers.
Fast finishers

nine 9
Students who finish
the exercises earlier can
do the task in the book.

3 1.11 (00:16) Students do exercise 3. 4 1.12 (00:56) Students do exercise 4. AR

Students who finish this
Answers Answers task look for a picture to
Australian – Australia French – France 2 Spain (country)
scan with their smartphone.
Brazilian – Brazil Polish – Poland 3 American (nationality)
British – the UK Spanish – Spain 4 Poland (country) When they find it (the
Chinese – China Turkish – Turkey 5 Turkey (country) toucan), they scan it and do
6 Brazilian (nationality) the activity which appears

7 France (country) on their smartphone.

Extra idea 8 Argentinian (nationality)
To help learners see some regularities and 9 British (nationality)
remember the words better, ask them 10 Australia (country) Wrap-up
to highlight the endings of the names Ask students to write the
of nationalities with different colours, names of 3 countries they

e.g. -an in green and -ish in yellow. remember from the lesson.

Lesson 2
1 Lesson 2 Grammar 1

I can use verb be in affirmative sentences.

Objectives and You re amazing Robbie!

materials Hello! I’m Mickey. I’m 11 years old
and I’m British. She’s my mum
Grammar: the verb to be

and he’s my dad. They’re cool.
Look! It’s our cat, Lily. Ana’s here too.
(affirmative) She’s 10. She’s from Brazil.
Listening and reading:
to find specific information

Optional materials: small
pieces of paper with
personal pronouns

Warm-up What about me?

Introduce the characters.

Write the names: Mickey, 
Sorry! He’s Robbie! He’s a robot.
Lily, Robbie. Ask students
to guess who they are   
What a mess! You’re It’s our homework!
before reading the text. 
Oh no!
Thanks, Lily!

1 1.14 Students
(01:09) My notebooks are new! Thank you!

do exercise 1.

Extra idea
Now they’re orange!
Don’t worry.
It’s OK.

Ask students to read

the text, giving the roles
to various students (Mickey,
Lily, Robbie, Mum, Dad, 
Lily, you’re orange too!
1 1.14 Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj komiks.
Real English
2 1.14 (01:09) Students Powiedz, kim jest Robbie. 3 1.15 Posłuchajcie zwrotów
do exercise 2.

Robbie is a cat / child / robot . i powtórzcie je. Przećwiczcie je

w parach. Students’ own answers.
2 1.14 Posłuchaj nagrania ponownie i przeczytaj
SUPPORT: Allow komiks jeszcze raz. Zapisz w zeszycie, czy zdania są What a mess!
students to listen to the text

prawdziwe (T=True), czy fałszywe (F=False). Don’t worry. It’s OK.

three times. 1 Mickey is from the UK. T You’re amazing!
CHALLENGE: Students 2 Lily and Robbie are robots. F
3 Ana is Brazilian. T Don’t worry. It’s OK.
change the false sentences
4 The notebooks are orange in picture 2. T
and, if possible, write the
5 The homework is OK. T
correct versions.

10 ten
3 1.15 (00:17) Students
do exercise 3.

Extra idea Grammar 1 animation

Lip read the phrases
in the Real English box. Ask Play the animation for this lesson and
students to guess what you stop it before the grammar presentation.
say. Write these sentences on the board
and ask students to complete each of
Grammar them with one word.

1 It’s a ____ challenge today.

Read the content
of the table aloud.
2 The children are ___ fans.
Ask students to repeat. 3 The boy in ___ T-shirt is Donaldo.
Play the whole video and ask students
to do the quiz at the end.

7 Extra idea

She’s my mum.
She’s Argentinian! To model the task, say (or
write on the board) two
Grammar 1 Learning sentences about yourself
Be affirmative, personal pronouns
Long form Short form
zone – one true and one false.
Ask students which one

I am eleven. I’m eleven.
Postępuj zgodnie ze wskazówkami is false. Have a class vote.
Memory Maca. Students’ own answers. Students do exercise 7.
You are eleven. You’re eleven.
eleven. 1 Wybierz dowolną osobę z tabeli
He is eleven. He’s
Grammar, np. he.
She is eleven. She’s eleven.
Fast finishers

2 Ułóż z wybranym słowem trzy zdania
It is eleven. It’s eleven.
o osobie lub osobach z rodziny,
We are eleven. We’re eleven. lub o kimś znajomym. Students who finish
You are eleven. You’re eleven. He’s my friend. He’s Spanish. the exercises earlier can
They are eleven. They’re eleven. do the task in the book.
He's twelve.
Students who finish this
4 Popatrz na komiks i dopasuj początki zdań
do ich zakończeń. Zapisz rozwiązania w zeszycie. 7 Pracujcie w parach. Powiedzcie task look for a picture to

1 Mickey: I e a are orange!
zdania o sobie lub znajomych scan with their smartphone.
i zdecydujcie, czy są one prawdziwe,
2 Ana: You d b is OK. czy fałszywe. Students’ own answers.
When they find it (the
3 Robbie: It b c is from Brazil. school bag), they scan it
4 Mickey: She c d are amazing, Robbie! We’re students. and do the activity which
5 Ana: They a e am 11 years old. appears on their
5 Zapisz zdania w zeszycie i uzupełnij je. Użyj: am, smartphone.
are lub is.
I am Mickey.
Ana is ten.
We’re from Australia.

3 He is my dad. Fast finishers Write two jumbled
4 We are students. Ułóż w zeszycie zdania z wyrazami sentences on the board
5 It our cat, Lily. z rozsypanki. Students’ own answers.
is and ask students what they
6 Mr and Mrs Brown are cool. yellow mum are.
school bag


7 You are a robot, Robbie. and dad is / sister / my / she

6 Uzupełnij tekst w zeszycie. Użyj form skróconych
czasownika be.
I H� They blue pencil case
we / good / students / are

students We ten

My name 1’s Mickey and It

I 2 ’m 11. She 3 ’s my It’s a school bag.

mum, Caroline. He 4 ’s It’s yellow and blue.

my dad, Alex. We 5 ’re
from Manchester
in the UK!

eleven 11

4 Students do exercise 4. 6 Students do exercise 6.

5 Students do exercise 5.

Extra idea
Learning zone
To model the activity, choose a family
Tell students to write two gapped
member or a friend of yours and say
sentences on a separate piece of paper.
Then give the paper to their friend 3 sentences about him/her.

to complete. Students do exercise 1 and 2.

Put the slips of paper with pronouns
into a container. Ask students to draw
a paper from the box and make
a sentence beginning with that


Lesson 3
1 Lesson 3 Vocabulary and listening

I can understand and use words for places and numbers 20–100.

Objectives and
materials e f
Vocabulary: names

of places, numbers
Listening: to find specific d 77

information, to define

the context g
Optional materials: dice
and counters for each
33 52
pair/group of students
b c h
Warm-up 97

Revise numbers 1–19. Write
them on the board and ask 1 Let’s start! 5 1.18 Napisz w zeszycie liczby, których

students to say them aloud Pracujcie w parach. Na ilustracjach a–h brakuje w ramce. Następnie posłuchaj
wyszukajcie jak najwięcej przedmiotów, nagrania i powtórz wszystkie liczby z ramki.
or repeat after you. With
które potraficie nazwać po angielsku. Numbers 20–100
stronger students, you may
write only some of the
numbers at random order.
2 1.16
Students’ own answers.
Dopasuj nazwy miejsc z ramki
do ilustracji a–h. Następnie posłuchaj
nagrania i powtórz nazwy.
20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
1 Students do exercise 1. Places
50 fifty 90 ninety
100 a hundred
2 1.18 (00:37) Students at a café • at a party • at a summer camp •
do exercise 2. at home • at school • in the garden •
in the park • on holiday 21 twenty-one 63 sixty-three
Answers 48 forty-eight 99 ninety-nine
at a café – h
at a party – c 3 Uzupełnij w zeszycie listy wyrazów.
at a summer camp – a 1 at: a party, school, a café , home , 6 Pracujcie w parach. Napiszcie w zeszycie
trzy liczby, wymieńcie się nimi i przeczytajcie je.

at home – g a summer camp

Students’ own answers.
at school – d 2 in: the garden, the park
in the garden – b 3 on: holiday 56
in the park – e

on holiday – f 4 1.17 Posłuchaj rozmowy chłopca 7 Zagrajcie w parach w grę z tej lekcji.
i dziewczynki, którzy grają w grę. Powiedz, Powiedzcie właściwą liczbę lub nazwę
gdzie znajdują się Rosie i Ben. miejsca albo wróćcie na start.
SEN tip Rosie is at a party. Students’ own answers.
To help students with Ben is at school . I’m at a café! Fifty-two!
dyslexia, encourage them

to write the words 12 twelve

in the air before writing
them in the notebook.

3 Students do exercise 3. 4 1.17 (00:44) Students do exercise 4. 5 1.18 (00:37) Students do exercise 5.
6 Students do exercise 6.
Extra activity SUPPORT: Provide students with
Show students the photos options to choose from: at school / 7 Students do exercise 7.
of people in various places. in the garden / at a café.
Ask students to say where CHALLENGE: Ask additional Wrap-up
they are, e.g. She is in the question: What nationality is Lena/ Dictate 2–3 sentences to students,

park. He is at school. They Harry/Emile? e.g. My sister is twenty-one. She is on

are at home. etc. holiday. Ask students to write the
sentences and then swap them with
their friends to check each other’s work.

Grammar 2 Lesson 4
1 Grammar

I can use a, an and the zero article.
I can use nouns with adjectives. Read the sentences in the
table. Ask students, in L1,
Grammar 2 what might be the rule.
A, an A, an + nouns with adjectives
It’s a very big
It’s a pencil. It’s a (very) big book.  Grammar 2

It’s an apple. It’s an amazing watch.
Zero article Zero article + nouns with adjectives
They’re pencils. They’re blue rubbers. Play the animation for this

They’re apples. They’re yellow pencils. lesson and stop it before
the grammar presentation.
1 Nazwij osoby 1–3 przedstawione na 4 1.20 Posłuchaj zdań 1–5 i zapisz w zeszycie Ask students to list the
ilustracji. Użyj słów: Mr Smith, Marcia, Bruno wyrazy z ramki, które usłyszysz w nagraniu. objects they see in the
lub friends.
amazing interesting new red small video (e.g. a bracelet,
2 a castle, a smartphone
1 amazing 4 small etc.). Play the whole video
2 new 5 interesting

1 b and ask students to do
3 3 red
the quiz at the end.
5 Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania i zapisz je
d a w zeszycie.
1 party amazing an It’s . 4 1.20 (00:24) Extra idea
It’s an amazing party. Read the words and ask

He’s … 1 He’s Bruno.

2 He’s Mr Smith.
2 backpacks green They’re .
3 a park very nice It’s .
4 very They’re computers old .
students to repeat. Then
tell students to write the
words in their notebooks
She’s … 3 She’s Marcia.
They’re … (1), 2, 3 They’re friends. 6 Pracując w parach, opiszcie with their meaning.
przedmioty znajdujące się w klasie Students do exercise 4.
2 1.19 Posłuchaj dialogów 1–4 i do każdego i odgadnijcie ich nazwy. Students’ own answers.
dopasuj w zeszycie przedmioty a–d
z powyższej ilustracji. It’s small and it’s red.
5 Students do exercise 5.
1 b 3 a Answers
2 d 4 c 2 They’re green backpacks.
It’s a pencil sharpener!
3 It’s a very nice park.
3 Uzupełnij zdania w zeszycie. Wstaw: a, an 4 They’re very old computers.

lub –. Zdecyduj, przed którymi wyrazami Fast finishers

nic nie wstawisz.
Napisz w zeszycie nazwy przedmiotów, do 6 Students do exercise 6.
1 It’s a watch. których mogą pasować podane przymiotniki.

2 Marcia and Bruno are

They’re – friends.
– students. Students’ own answers.
Fast finishers
3 It’s an orange.
very small
Students who finish
4 It’s a pencil. It’s a pen.
very big
the exercises earlier can
They’re – yellow.
do the task in the book.
5 It’s an apple. new

Students who finish this

thirteen 13
task look for a picture to
scan with their smartphone.
When they find it (pencils),

Lesson 4 they scan it and do the

activity which appears on
1 Students do exercise 1. their smartphone.
Objectives and materials
Grammar: articles: a, an, the; nouns
2 1.19 (01:03) Extra idea
with adjectives
Before students listen, ask them to name Tell students you are going

Listening: to define the main idea to say phrases and nouns

the objects in the picture (a watch,
Speaking: to describe objects b pen, c pencils, d apples). and their task is to sit down
Students do exercise 2. if A is missing and stand up
if AN is missing. Say out
Warm-up 3 Students do exercise 3. loud, for example: big
Ask students to show the following with apple, old book, yellow

gestures: big, small, happy. pencils, new studen, etc.

Lesson 5
1 Lesson 5 Speaking

I can ask and answer questions about names, ages, countries and nationalities.

Objectives and 1 1.21 Posłuchaj nagrań i przeczytaj dialogi. Gdzie znajdują się osoby ukazane na zdjęciach?

Speaking: to introduce

yourself and other
people, to ask questions
about personal

Vocabulary: the alphabet

Ask several students to spell Harry: Thanks! I’m Harry. What’s your Emile: Hello! My name’s Emile Martin.
their names. name? I’m a new student.

Lena: My name’s Lena. Ms Colins: Hello, Emile. How do you spell
1 1.21 Students
Harry: It’s a great name! Where are you
do exercise 1. from? Emile: M-A-R-T-I-N.
Lena: I’m from Poland. Ms Colins: Thank you. And what’s your
 Speaking Harry: Wow, that’s interesting! I’m from nationality?

video the UK. Emile: I’m French.

You can use the video

What’s your name?
Harry: I’m ten.
Lena: How old are you, Harry?

Lena: Really? Me too! 4

Ms Colins: Great, thank you. Please, sit down.

Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie

instead of the audio in na informacje o osobach ukazanych poniżej.
Zadawajcie pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.
exercise 1. Turn subtitles 2 1.21 Posłuchaj nagrań ponownie
i przeczytaj dialogi jeszcze raz. Dopasuj 1 Taylor Swift
on if needed. the USA
w zeszycie pogrubione pytania
When students watch the i odpowiedzi do tematów 1–5. 2 Noah Schnapp
video ask them to mark 1 spelling
these sentences true or 3 Ana
How do you spell Martin? M-A-R-T-I-N. 10 2 3
false. 2 name 4 nationality 4 Ed Sheeran
1 Lena and Harry are at

3 age 5 country British

school. (False, they’re at 4
a café.) 3 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie
sobie nawzajem pytania z ćwiczenia 1.

2 Lena and Harry are ten. What’s your name?

i odpowiadajcie na nie. Students’ own answers.
What’s your name? My name’s Taylor Swift.
3 Ms Colins is French. My name’s Piotr.
(False, Emile is French.)

SEN tip 14 fourteen

Make sure students with
poor hearing are seated
near the loudspeaker.

3 Students do exercise 3. 4 Students do exercise 4.

Answers Answers
Extra idea
1 at a café 2 at school 1 Where are you from? I’m from the USA.
Tell students they now take on a new 2 What’s your name? My name’s Noah
2 1.21 (01:09) Students identity. Distribute the post-it notes. Ask Schnapp. How do you spell that? N-O-A-H
do exercise 2. students to repeat the dialogues again, S-C-H-N-A-P-P
using the new personal information. 3 What’s your name? My name’s Ana. How old
are you? I’m 10.

2 What’s your name? My name’s 4 What’s your name? My name’s Ed Sheeran.
Lena. What’s your nationality? I’m British.
3 How old are you, Harry? I’m ten.
4 What’s your nationality? I’m
French. Wrap-up
5 Where are you from? I’m from Spell names, countries and nationalities.

Tell students to write the words.

Reading and culture Lesson 6
1 Warm-up

I can understand a text about different parks.
Ask students to name parks
in their town or in their
1 Popatrz na zdjęcie. Zgadnij gdzie jest 1.22 Posłuchaj nagrania
dziewczynka. ponownie i przeczytaj tekst jeszcze country.
raz. Wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi.
1 Students do exercise 1.
1 Ana’s project is about different

countries / parks .
at a water park
2 The Polish park is old / big. Culture video
3 Charlotte’s favourite park is a park
with animals / rides . Play the video Water

4 Central Park is an American / parks and theme parks.
2 1.22 Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj tekst. Powiedz, a national park.
w którym z opisanych parków żyją zwierzęta. 5 Illucity / Central Park is four
Ask students to say what
kilometres long. parks appear in the video.
Glossary 6 Games to play with other people Write this list on the board
around the world – national park – park narodowy are in the British / French park.
dookoła świata ride – atrakcja w parku rozrywki
and ask them to choose
bison – żubr theme park – park rozrywki 4 Pracujcie w parach. Który
the correct answers: water
different – inny virtual park – park wirtualny z parków z ćwiczenia 2 podoba park, national park, theme

Wam się najbardziej? Powiedzcie park, virtual park, public
1–2 zdania na jego temat.
SCHOOL BLOG Home | Articles | Contact us Students’ own answers. park. You can use a video
... is my favourite park.
worksheet for this video.
Favourite parks | Added: yesterday

It's big/old/virtual/...
Hi everyone! Please, help me with my school
project. It’s about parks around the world. The animals/games/rides/... 2 1.22 (01:24) Students
do exercise 2.
What are your favourite parks in your
countries? FR
are amazing/great/interesting/...

Białowieża National Park, Central
Białowieża National Park is my favourite. Park in New York
It’s a very old forest with amazing trees
Piotr and animals. Look at the photo of 13 bisons !
3 1.22 (01:24) Students
Wow, the bisons are very big! My favourite park is very
different. It’s Alton Towers in England. It’s a theme park
do exercise 3.
with over 40 rides! Congo River Rapids is my favourite Charlotte
ride! (the UK)
SUPPORT: Tell students
Adventure parks are exciting, Charlotte! My favourite
which question match
park is Illucity in Paris . It’s a virtual park! It’s a cool place which paragraphs.

to go with your friends or your family. Look at me with

(France) a VR headset on!
write an extra sentence
Your VR headset is cool, Jacques! My favourite park with two words to choose

is Central Park in New York . It’s four kilometres long!

It’s got cafés, a castle, a zoo and other fun things. Emma
from. Then they read the
The zoo is my favourite place. (the USA) sentences for the class to
Thank you! You are fantastic friends !

(Brazil) 4 Students do exercise 4.

fifteen 15 Extra idea

Ask students to say what
park they like in their own

country, using
Lesson 6 the expressions in the box.

Culture note
Objectives and materials Wrap-up
Białowieża Park – a national park and
Reading: to define the main idea Students write two
a forest on the border of Belarus and
of the text, to find specific information sentences, true or false,

Speaking: to express opinions and Alton Towers – a theme park and water with the information
to describe preferences park in Staffordshire, central England in the text. Then they swap
Vocabulary: words to describe Illucity – an VR adventure park the sentences in pairs and
different parks in France mark the sentences T (for
Optional materials: Teacher's Resource Central Park – a public park true) and F (for false).
File – Video worksheet Unit 1

in Manhattan, NYC

Lesson 7
1 Lesson 7 Writing

I can complete a personal information form.

Objectives and 1 Na podstawie wypowiedzi chłopca 4 Writing project

uzupełnij formularz. Zapisz odpowiedzi
Uzupełnij w zeszycie lub na kartce
materials w zeszycie.
formularz na swój temat. Postępuj według
Writing: to introduce instrukcji poniżej. Students’ own answers.
Summer camp

yourself; to give personal
First name: Adam Znajdź zdjęcie do formularza.
Vocabulary: personal
Surname: Nowak

information Age: 11 Read the spelling tip
Nationality: Polish
My name’s Adam Imiona, nazwiska, nazwy państw
Country: Poland
Warm-up and I’m 11 years old.
i narodowości napisz wielką literą.
Jakub Maria Poland Spain
Write the following Polish Spanish
on the board and ask what
letters are missing: Write

_ GE Uzupełnij i sprawdź formularz.
CO_NT_Y 2 Odpowiedz w zeszycie na pytania.
NA_ _ Students’ own answers.
Show your work
1 What’s your first name?
NA_ION_LIT_ Powieś formularz w klasowej galerii
My first name is …
prac lub wręcz go nauczycielowi/
1 Students do exercise 1. 2 What’s your surname? nauczycielce.

2 Extra idea
To model the activity, ask
How old are you?FR
What nationality are you?
Where are you from? Summer camp
several students
3 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie First name:
the questions to answer sobie nawzajem pytania z ćwiczenia 2 Surname:
orally. i odpowiadajcie na nie. Uzupełnijcie Age:
Students do exercise 2. w zeszycie formularz informacjami na temat Nationality:
kolegi/koleżanki. Students’ own answers.

3 Extra idea Summer camp

To make sure students Fast finishers
First name:
pronounce the question Uzupełnij w zeszycie formularz na temat

Surname: Zendayi. Wykorzystaj poniższe wskazówki.

correctly, model
Age: Students’ own answers.
the pronunciation and Nationality:

have the class repeat Country:

the questions aloud.
Students do exercise 3. 1996
What’s your
first name? My name’s Jakub.
4 Students do exercise 4.
Stoermer Coleman

Students can draw their

avatar instead of using 16 sixteen
a real photograph.
SUPPORT: Give out

templates of the form Wrap-up

to students who have
trouble writing. Ask students to stand up. Say
CHALLENGE: Students the following instructions and ask
add more information students to follow, until all students are
to the form, e.g. favourite seated, for example:
place, favourite object. Sit down if your name starts with M.

Sit down if you surname starts with M.

Sit down if you age is 10/11.
Fast finishers
Students who finish
the exercises earlier can
do the task in the book.

Odpowiedzi do ćwiczeń zapisz w zeszycie!
Language revision Lesson 8
1 2 Students do exercise 2.

Revision of lessons 1–7.
Test yourself Extra idea
Vocabulary 5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Ask students to draw: three
flags, two big books, seven
1 Wybierz wyraz, który nie pasuje am are he is you small oranges, eleven
do pozostałych.

1 You are my friend.
1 Brazilian the USA Spanish
2 I am a student.
2 Chinese France Australia
3 Argentinian Turkey British
3 Robbie is a robot. 3 Students do exercise 3.
4 They are teachers.
4 Polish American the UK
Extra idea

5 He is my brother.
/4 points /5 points
Ask students to pick a
2 Odgadnij liczby i zapisz słownie rozwiązanie piece of paper with a name
równania. Speaking of a place on it. Students
1 30 + = thirty-three come to the front of the
6 Ułóż dialog z poniższych zdań. class to mime this place for
2 35 – + 40 – = sixty-eight
the class to guess.
/2 points

4 Students do exercise 4.
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi nazwami
Extra idea
1 2 Write these sentences
4 I’m from Spain. Where are you from?
2 My name’s Mia. on the board. Students say

3 4
5 I’m from the USA.
1 I’m Joe. What’s your name?
3 It’s a great name! Where are you from?
what one word is missing
in each sentence.
1 It’s big apple. (a)
2 They amazing parks. (are)
/5 points
3 are new books. (They)
1 The teacher is at school .
4 It’s orange workbook. (an)
2 My friend is on holiday . Check your score!
3 I’m at a summer camp .
4 We are at a party . 1.23 Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi. 5 Students do exercise 5.
Podlicz punkty za wszystkie ćwiczenia i postępuj
/4 points zgodnie ze wskazówkami poniżej. 6 Students do exercise 6.
20–25 points – Great job! Find your prize
Grammar on p. 126. Check your score

14–19 points – Good score! Work on

4 Dopasuj zakończenia zdań do ich początków. 1.22 (01:24)
your mistakes and correct them in your
1 It is a b a books. notebook. Give students enough time

2 It is an c b ruler.
3 Tim and Sue are d c orange.
0–13 points – Keep calm and revise to check their answers and
more. Do exercises A–C below!
4 She is an e d friends. count their points. Then ask
A Work on vocabulary → Learning Zone, p. 9
5 They are a e amazing teacher. them to say their score in
B Revise grammar → Learning Zone, p. 11
/5 points English and make sure they
C Speak → exercises 2–4, p. 14
know what they need to do.

seventeen 17
Put students into groups.

Ask each group to draw

Lesson 8 a flag of the USA, Australia
and the UK, without looking
Objectives and materials
Warm-up into the book. The first
Ask students to name: two countries, group to finish is the winner.'
Vocabulary and grammar: to revise
lessons 1–7 two nationalities and four numbers

Optional materials: pieces of paper

with the names of places (at a café, at 1 Students do exercise 1.
school, at a party, on holiday,
in the park, at home) Extra idea
Say the name of a country and ask
students to say the nationality.

Game 1 My words

Students play a spelling
game in pairs. One student
keeps the book open and Countries 1.24 Numbers 20–100 1.27

say the words for the other Argentina Argentyna twenty dwadzieścia
student to spell. For every Australia Australia thirty trzydzieści

correct answer the student Brazil Brazylia forty czterdzieści
gets a point. After five China Chiny fifty pięćdziesiąt
France Francja sixty sześćdziesiąt
words, students swap roles.
Poland Polska seventy siedemdziesiąt

Spain Hiszpania eighty osiemdziesiąt
Countries the UK Zjednoczone Królestwo ninety dziewięćdziesiąt
Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii
1.24 (00:46) Północnej one hundred sto
Nationalities the USA Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki
1.25 (00:52) Real English 1.28
Turkey Turcja
Places What a mess! Jaki bałagan!

Don’t worry. It’s OK. Nie martw się.
1.26 (00:37) Nationalities 1.25 Wszystko w porządku.
Numbers 20-100 American Amerykanin/Amerykanka You’re amazing! Jesteś wspaniały!

1.27 (00:41) Argentinian Argentyńczyk/Argentynka

Australian Australijczyk/Australijka Giving and asking for personal information
Real English 1.29
Brazilian Brazylijczyk/Brazylijka
What’s your name? Jak się nazywasz?
1.28 (00:23)
Giving and asking for
personal information
My name’s (Lena).
How do you spell
Nazywam się (Lena).
Jak przeliterujesz
Polish Polak/Polka Where are you from? Skąd pochodzisz?
1.29 (00:51) Spanish Hiszpan/Hiszpanka I’m from (Poland). Jestem z (Polski).
Turkish Turek/Turczynka What’s your Jaka jest Twoja
nationality? narodowość?
I’m (Polish). Jestem (Polakiem/
Places 1.26
at a café w kawiarni How old are you? Ile masz lat?
at a party na imprezie I’m (ten). Mam (dziesięć) lat.
at a summer camp na letnim obozie

at home
at school
w domu
w szkole
Play and learn!
in the garden w ogrodzie 1 Wybierz słowa, których chcesz się nauczyć,

in the park w parku i wykonaj w zeszycie słowniczek obrazkowy.

on holiday na wakacjach

at a café at a party

18 eighteen

My grammar 1

Personal pronouns
Zaimki osobowe zastępują Mark is a student.
I ja we my
w zdaniu osoby
you ty you wy lub przedmioty. He is at school.

he on they oni/one
she ona My friends are from the UK.

it ono/to They are British.

Be affirmative

I am from Poland. Ja jestem z Polski. Czasownika be (być) I’m Lena.

używamy do:
You are from Poland. Ty jesteś z Polski. • przedstawiania się,
I’m from
He is from Poland. On jest z Polski. • mówienia, skąd się
She is from Poland. Ona jest z Polski. • podawania narodowości,
It is from Poland. Ono jest z Polski. • podawania wieku. British.
We are from Poland. My jesteśmy z Polski. Uwaga! Podając wiek, nie

używamy czasownika have She’s ten.
You are from Poland. Wy jesteście z Polski. (mieć).

They are from Poland. Oni/One są z Polski.



a, an, zero article

b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k,
Nouns with adjectives
W zdaniach przymiotnik
l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, a, e, i, o, u jest przed rzeczownikiem. They’re
w, x, y, z Użyj a lub an tylko
a an przed słowem, które Postaw a lub an przed books.
oznacza jedną rzecz, przymiotnikiem w liczbie
nigdy w liczbie mnogiej. pojedynczej.
a pencil, an apple,
a robot an orange
It's a small
It's an amazing café.
a an They’re film.


Nakręć krótki film lub Hi, my name’s Ana.

przygotuj prezentację I’m ten and I’m from Brazil.
o sobie. Podaj informacje Mickey and Robbie are my friends.
o sobie, Twoich przyjaciołach My favourite place is my garden. It’s amazing!
i ulubionym miejscu.

nineteen 19

• Tell students they're going to prepare a short video or a presentation about themselves. If students aren't allowed to
use smartphones at school, ask them to do it at home and share the video in a way that is allowed in their school.
• If students do a presentation, explain they can use a computer programme or prepare an oral presentation. Students
can show photos of their friends or their favourite places.
• Encourage students to use the model text in the book to help. To provide more support, you can prepare the video
or the presentation about yourself and show students in class.

• When students prepare their projects, you can watch all of the films and presentations in class. Praise your students
for their creativity and completing the task on time.
• After all sudents share their videos or presentations, ask them which information shared by their classmates they
didn't know before.


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