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Psychology A Concise Introduction 5th Edition Griggs Test Bank

Psychology A Concise Introduction 5th Edition

Griggs Test Bank

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Chapter 08: Multiple Choice

1. Franz Gall linked personality to _____, whereas William Sheldon linked personality to _____.
a. body type; the contours of a person's head
b. the contours of a person's head; body type
c. genetics; the balance of bodily fluids
d. the balance of bodily fluids; genetics

2. Humanistic theory focuses on _____, whereas psychoanalytic theory focuses on _____.

a. personal growth; unconscious forces
b. social factors; basic dimensions
c. basic dimensions; personal growth
d. unconscious forces; social factors

3. _____ theories of personality focus on identifying basic dimensions of personality.

a. Social-cognitive
b. Psychoanalytic
c. Trait
d. Humanistic

4. Which statement about personality traits and theories is FALSE?

a. Different theories of personality have been proposed throughout history.
b. Each personality trait corresponds to a continuum from one extreme to another.
c. Because personality theories share a common definition of "personality," there is much similarity in
how they explain personality differences.
d. The trait approach is a descriptive, rather than a therapeutic, approach.

5. _____ is to assessment as _____ is to therapeutic methods.

a. Psychoanalytic; trait
b. Trait; psychoanalytic
c. Humanistic; social-cognitive
d. Social-cognitive; humanistic

6. Which theoretical approach to personality is primarily a descriptive approach?

a. trait
b. social-cognitive
c. psychoanalytic
d. humanistic
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7. Who introduced influential concepts, such as id, ego, defense mechanisms, and Oedipus conflict, that have
become part of common culture?
a. Abraham Maslow
b. Karen Horney
c. Alfred Adler
d. Sigmund Freud

8. Modern-day psychodynamic theories do NOT emphasize the importance of:

a. childhood experiences.
b. unconscious thought processes.
c. sex as the origin of personality.
d. addressing inner conflicts.

9. Which statement about Freud is FALSE?

a. Freud authored more than 20 books.
b. Freud trained as a clinical psychologist at the University of Vienna.
c. Through working with patients, Freud came to believe that sex was the primary cause of emotional
d. Modern-day psychoanalytic theories still consider unconscious processes.

10. Freud's background was in the field of:

a. anatomy.
b. biology.
c. clinical neurology.
d. psychology.

11. Freud was convinced that _____ was a primary cause of emotional problems.
a. striving for superiority
b. sex
c. an inferiority complex
d. heredity

12. Among Freud's three levels of awareness, the conscious may be considered as _____ memory, and the
preconscious may be considered as _____ memory.
a. short-term; long-term
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b. long-term; short-term
c. implicit; explicit
d. explicit; implicit

13. In Freud's iceberg model of the mind, parts of the _____ are above the surface.
a. id and ego
b. ego and superego
c. id and superego
d. id, ego, and superego

14. Which factor is NOT one of the main elements of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?
a. different levels of awareness, especially the unconscious
b. the interplay between different personality traits
c. how the id, ego, and superego interact
d. psychosexual stages of development

15. According to Freud, the _____ mind contains information that you have stored in memory and are not
currently aware of but can access.
a. conscious
b. preconscious
c. unconscious
d. preconscious and unconscious

16. According to Freud, the _____, the executive of the personality, is located _____.
a. ego; entirely in the unconscious
b. ego; in all three levels of consciousness
c. superego; entirely in the unconscious
d. superego; in all three levels of consciousness

17. Freud placed the MOST emphasis on the _____ mind(s) in his theory of personality.
a. conscious and preconscious
b. preconscious and unconscious
c. preconscious
d. unconscious

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Chapter 08: Multiple Choice

18. According to Freud, which of the psychic forces of personality is/are present at birth?
a. the id
b. the ego
c. the superego
d. the id, the ego, and the superego

19. Paul is very self-centered, doing what he wants whenever he wants to, seeking immediate gratification.
According to Freud, Paul's behavior is MOST strongly driven by his:
a. ego.
b. id.
c. preconscious.
d. superego.

20. According to psychoanalytic theory, the _____ mind is to biological instinctual drives as the _____ mind is
to repressed unacceptable thoughts.
a. unconscious; preconscious
b. preconscious; conscious
c. unconscious; unconscious
d. preconscious; preconscious

21. Freud did NOT consider _____ to be an id drive.

a. success
b. survival
c. pleasure
d. reproduction

22. Concerning Freud's views regarding the influences on personality, which item does NOT belong with the
a. motivation for food
b. motivation for sex
c. repressed memories
d. conscience

23. The id is to _____ as the superego is to _____.

a. reality; conscience
b. conscience; reality

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c. pleasure; conscience
d. reality; pleasure

24. According to Freud, the _____ is driven by the pleasure principle, and the _____ is driven by the reality
a. ego; superego
b. superego; id
c. id; ego
d. ego; id

25. According to Freud, which part of our minds contains biological drives and unresolved childhood conflicts?
a. the conscious mind
b. the preconscious mind
c. the unconscious mind
d. the superego

26. According to Freud, the ego:

a. represents one's conscience and idealized standards of behavior for a given culture.
b. developed out of the original personality structure, the id.
c. derives its psychic energy from the superego.
d. focuses on immediate self-gratification.

27. The _____ is to reality as the _____ is to morality.

a. ego; superego
b. superego; ego
c. ego; id
d. id; superego

28. In Freud's theory, why does the ego have a difficult job?
a. Because the ego is the conscience, it must constantly resist temptation.
b. Because the ego is the executive, it must resolve conflicts between the id and superego.
c. Because the ego operates on the pleasure principle, it must find ways to avoid unpleasant situations.
d. Because the ego is entirely unconscious, it has difficulty influencing conscious behavior.

29. Sonya, who wants to go to the beach, pouts and whines when her friends decide to go to a movie instead.
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Sonya's behavior MOST closely resembles which defense mechanism?
a. sublimation
b. projection
c. regression
d. displacement

30. When Trey's parents take away his allowance for violating curfew, Trey yells at his younger brother for
simply entering Trey's room. Trey's behavior MOST closely resembles which defense mechanism?
a. displacement
b. regression
c. denial
d. reaction formation

31. Marilyn's partner has begun staying very late at work, missing dinners at home, and, recently, exercising
more. Despite the fact that he shows evidence of having an extramarital affair, Marilyn continues to act as if
everything is normal. Freud would suggest that Marilyn's behavior is an expression of the defense mechanism:
a. displacement.
b. projection.
c. denial.
d. rationalization.

32. Peter's aggressive tendencies have been well rewarded because his status as a professional football player
has brought him significant emotional and financial rewards. Freud would suggest that Peter's football career is
an expression of the defense mechanism:
a. repression.
b. displacement.
c. sublimation.
d. rationalization.

33. When Akasuki argues with her boyfriend whom she cares for very much, she tells him, "I hate you. Get out
of my life!" Akasuki's behavior MOST closely resembles which defense mechanism?
a. rationalization
b. reaction formation
c. regression
d. repression

34. Valerie contends that her classmate Wanda is consistently gossiping, but Valerie herself tends to gossip
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Chapter 08: Multiple Choice

about everyone she knows. Valerie's contention MOST closely resembles which defense mechanism?
a. displacement
b. sublimation
c. rationalization
d. projection

35. Carolyn cheats on her psychology exam but not on her calculus exam. She explains this by saying, "I know
that cheating is wrong but I have to cheat on my psychology exam because the teacher is incredibly unfair in
expecting us to remember so much material." According to psychoanalytic theory, Carolyn's reasoning about
cheating on her psychology exam reflects which defense mechanism?
a. reaction formation
b. projection
c. sublimation
d. rationalization

36. _____ is a defense mechanism in which an individual attributes his/her unacceptable feelings and thoughts
to others.
a. Displacement
b. Sublimation
c. Reaction formation
d. Projection

37. _____ is a defense mechanism in which an individual replaces socially unacceptable impulses with socially
acceptable behavior.
a. Displacement
b. Sublimation
c. Denial
d. Projection

38. _____ is a defense mechanism in which an individual acts exactly the opposite of his/her unacceptable
a. Denial
b. Sublimation
c. Reaction formation
d. Projection

39. _____ is a defense mechanism in which an individual creates false excuses for unacceptable feelings,
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thoughts, or behaviors.
a. Displacement
b. Sublimation
c. Rationalization
d. Denial

40. As a child, Clark almost drowned when a wave hit him as he was playing in the ocean. As an adult, Clark
does not consciously remember the incident but avoids going to the beach and even feels uncomfortable
watching movies with ocean scenes. It is likely that Freud would consider Clark's memory failure as an example
a. rationalization.
b. repression.
c. reaction formation.
d. regression.

41. Sahib frequently uses defense mechanisms to deal with a variety of people and situations. According to the
text, such dependence on defense mechanisms may prevent Sahib from:
a. fulfilling physiological needs.
b. developing beyond the phallic stage.
c. facing and solving problems.
d. forming a conscience.

42. Carmen abides by a very strict moral code and feels very guilty if she does the slightest thing wrong, such as
forgetting to return a friend's phone call. According to Freud, Carmen's high level of morality and feelings of
guilt suggest that she has a very strong _____ and a(n) _____ personality.
a. superego; unhealthy
b. ego; healthy
c. id; unhealthy
d. superego; healthy

43. In Freudian theory, how does projection differ from reaction formation?
a. Projection involves repression of unacceptable impulses, and reaction formation involves expression
of unacceptable impulses.
b. Projection involves unconscious activity, and reaction formation involves conscious activity.
c. Projection involves attributing one's own unacceptable impulses to other people, and reaction
formation involves behaving opposite to the way one feels.
d. Projection involves channeling unacceptable impulses into acceptable behaviors, and reaction
formation involves behaving like a child.
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44. After being reprimanded by his boss, Jay goes home and yells at his children, even though they did
everything that he asked them to do. Jay's behavior BEST illustrates which defense mechanism?
a. projection
b. sublimation
c. displacement
d. reaction formation

45. Freud believed that a person with an overly strong superego would most likely be:
a. excessively self-centered.
b. too concerned with morality.
c. especially prone to using regression as a defense mechanism.
d. a healthy, balanced individual.

46. A woman has unacceptable feelings of hatred toward her mother but lavishes attention and love on her.
Freud would say that this is an example of:
a. projection.
b. reaction formation.
c. displacement.
d. sublimation.

47. An area where the id's pleasure-seeking energies are focused is called a(n) _____ zone.
a. arousal
b. erogenous
c. fixation
d. energized

48. According to Freud's psychosexual theory, fixations emerge when:

a. defense mechanisms are used unsuccessfully.
b. we unknowingly place an unpleasant memory in the unconscious.
c. the id's pleasure-seeking energy remains in a stage because of excessive gratification or frustration.
d. the superego is too strong.

49. According to Freudian theory, which statement about fixation is TRUE?

a. Fixation occurs primarily during Freud's genital stage.

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b. Fixation occurs because people are so satisfied with how conflicts are resolved in one stage that they
refuse to progress to the next stage.
c. Fixation involves a lack of development of the morality of the ego.
d. Fixation involves part of the id's pleasure-seeking energy remaining in a particular erogenous zone.

50. Parveen is 6 months old, when, according to Freud, her id's pleasure-seeking energy is focused on the
_____. If Parveen does not receive sufficient gratification during this stage, Freud would suggest that, as an
adult, she would MOST likely have a tendency to _____.
a. anus; be stingy
b. anus; be sloppy
c. mouth; overeat
d. mouth; be destructive and cruel

51. As a young adult, Daisy expects other people to do things for her and is typically willing to believe almost
anything she hears. According to Freud, Daisy's behavior is characteristic of people who have experienced
_____ gratification during the _____ stage.
a. insufficient; anal
b. insufficient; oral
c. excessive; anal
d. excessive; oral

52. According to Freud, the first and second stages of psychosexual development are:
a. anal and phallic.
b. oral and anal.
c. phallic and genital.
d. latency and phallic.

53. George talks almost constantly, chews gum, and is extremely mistrustful of others. To Freud, these
behaviors would suggest that George is fixated in the _____ stage.
a. oral
b. anal
c. phallic
d. latency

54. Juan gets upset if anything on his desk is out of place. His paper clips are sorted by size and color, and his
headset is always to the right of his telephone. Juan's concern with organization suggests he has which fixation?
a. oral
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b. anal
c. phallic
d. genital

55. Zack's car has papers strewn all over the back seat, mixed in with empty soda cans, several DVD cases, a
sweatshirt, and a few pairs of athletic shoes. The appearance of Zack's car suggests he has which fixation?
a. oral
b. anal expulsive
c. anal retentive
d. phallic

56. According to Freud, a focus on cognitive and social development appears to be the purpose of the _____
stage of psychosexual development.
a. phallic
b. latency
c. genital
d. oral

57. John, a young adult, has developed a mature sexual orientation and is involved in an intimate relationship.
According to Freud, John is in the _____ stage.
a. anal
b. phallic
c. latency
d. genital

58. Karen and Lauren have difficulty sharing office space because Karen insists that everything in the office be
kept neat and orderly all the time, whereas Lauren is terribly sloppy and messy. Freud would suggest that Karen
is fixated at the _____ stage and Lauren is fixated at the _____ stage.
a. anal; oral
b. oral; anal
c. oral; oral
d. anal; anal

59. During Freud's _____ stage of personality development, sexual drives become less active and the focus is on
cognitive and social development.
a. oral
b. anal
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c. phallic
d. latency

60. Glenn's room looks like a tornado hit it. He is incredibly messy. His car is filled with old pizza boxes, last
month's newspapers, and dirty laundry. According to Freud, Glenn is MOST likely fixated at the _____ stage.
a. phallic
b. oral
c. anal
d. genital

61. According to Freud, the Oedipus conflict occurs during the _____ psychosexual stage of development.
a. oral
b. anal
c. phallic
d. genital

62. During the _____ psychosexual stage, children go through the process of identification; during the _____
psychosexual stage, children develop a superego.
a. latency; phallic
b. phallic; latency
c. phallic; phallic
d. latency; latency

63. According to Freud, the Oedipus conflict is resolved by the process of _____, when the _____ develops.
a. identification; ego
b. identification; superego
c. projection; ego
d. projection; superego

64. At 5 years old, Parker is copying several of his father's mannerisms and saying things to his friends that he
initially heard from his father. According to Freud, Parker's behavior is characteristic of the process of _____,
which occurs in the _____ stage.
a. fixation; phallic
b. identification; phallic
c. fixation; genital
d. identification; genital

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Chapter 08: Multiple Choice


65. Regarding Freud's theory, with which statement would MOST current psychologists agree?
a. Our unconscious is a storehouse of aggressive and sexual drives.
b. Repression of unpleasant memories frequently occurs.
c. Researchers can experimentally test the concept of the unconscious level of awareness.
d. Unconscious processing greatly impacts thinking and behavior.

66. What is NOT a common evaluation or criticism of Freud's theory?

a. Freud's method of questioning during therapy may have contributed to the formation of false
memories in his patients.
b. There is little evidence to support the impact of psychosexual stages on development.
c. It is impossible to scientifically study the unconscious mind as described by Freud.
d. Freud's theory is underdeveloped, considering the breadth of data available at the time.

67. The major criticism of Freud by the neo-Freudians was:

a. an overemphasis on psychosexual development and sexual drives.
b. disagreements about defense mechanisms.
c. an overemphasis on the importance of the unconscious mind.
d. he overemphasized social and cultural influences.

68. According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious does NOT:

a. contain all the accumulated experiences of humankind.
b. include archetypes for concepts such as God.
c. explain why myths and legends are sometimes similar across diverse cultures.
d. form from individuals' early childhood experiences.

69. The two main personality attitudes proposed by Jung were:

a. sensing and feeling.
b. thinking and intuiting.
c. extraversion and introversion.
d. neuroticism and conscientiousness.

70. Jack has a conception of God that is similar to the conception held by people in other cultures. His symbolic
images of how the Earth was created are also shared by people in multiple cultures. In the personality theory
proposed by _____, such symbolic images are labeled _____.
a. Bandura; archetypes
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b. Bandura; the self-system

c. Jung; archetypes
d. Jung; the self-system

71. The eight personality types developed by _____ are the basis for the _____.
a. Jung; Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
b. Jung; NEO-PI
c. Adler; Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
d. Adler; NEO-PI

72. Which qualities indicate that an individual is healthy, according to Adler?

a. self-esteem and competence
b. support and compliance
c. extraversion and agreeableness
d. security and order

73. According to Adler, people with unloving parents may develop a(n):
a. negative archetype.
b. inferiority complex.
c. tendency to move away from people.
d. anal fixation.

74. Like Adler, Horney emphasized the importance of _____ in the development of personality; but unlike
Adler, Horney also emphasized the importance of _____ as a source of personality problems.
a. heredity; insecurity
b. heredity; inferiority
c. social experiences; insecurity
d. social experiences; inferiority

75. As a psychological counselor, Lance emphasizes the need for his clients to feel secure, which was the focus
of _____ neo-Freudian theory. Consistent with this theory, Lance contends that clients who do not feel secure
would experience _____ that may lead to neurotic behavior.
a. Horney's; basic anxiety
b. Horney's; an inferiority complex
c. Adler's; basic anxiety
d. Adler's; an inferiority complex
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76. Moving _____ people is NOT a neurotic personality pattern described by Karen Horney.
a. toward
b. above
c. against
d. away from

77. Alicia consistently makes demands of others, and she argues about almost everything people ask her to do.
According to Horney, Alicia is exhibiting a personality pattern of moving _____ people.
a. away from
b. against
c. toward
d. over

78. _____ proposed the concept of collective unconscious in his/her theory of personality.
a. Freud
b. Jung
c. Adler
d. Horney

79. The commonly used Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment is based on the ideas of which neo-Freudian
a. Alfred Adler
b. Karen Horney
c. Erik Erikson
d. Carl Jung

80. Which neo-Freudian theorist proposed "striving for superiority" as the primary motivation for personality
a. Carl Jung
b. Karen Horney
c. Alfred Adler
d. Erik Erikson

81. Inferiority complex is to basic anxiety as _____ is to _____.

a. Adler; Horney
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b. Horney; Adler
c. Jung; Horney
d. Horney; Jung

82. In the development of personality, the behavioral approach emphasizes the importance of _____, and the
humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of _____.
a. the environment; free will
b. free will; the environment
c. the unconscious; genetics
d. genetics; the unconscious

83. Concerning humanistic theory, which item does NOT belong with the others?
a. free will
b. personal growth
c. unconscious experiences
d. uniqueness of the individual

84. Who is considered to be the father of the humanistic movement?

a. Erik Erikson
b. Abraham Maslow
c. Carl Rogers
d. Albert Bandura

85. The humanistic movement in psychology developed in response to the:

a. emphasis on the external environment among social-cognitive theorists.
b. trait approach's failure to acknowledge the importance of unique experiences.
c. determinism of psychoanalytic theory and the strictness of behavioral theory.
d. emphasis on nurture found in the behavioral approach to personality development.

86. The social-cognitive approach to personality incorporates aspects of the _____ approach.
a. humanistic
b. trait
c. behavioral
d. psychoanalytic

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Chapter 08: Multiple Choice

87. Which theorists are associated with the social-cognitive approach to personality?
a. Bandura and Rogers
b. Maslow and Rotter
c. Rotter and Bandura
d. Rogers and Maslow

88. To develop his theory, Maslow studied the lives of adults who were:
a. anxious and neurotic.
b. dissatisfied with their lives.
c. rich and famous.
d. healthy and creative.

89. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that people are unlikely to be motivated to obtain _____ if they are
deprived of _____.
a. sexual gratification; good grades in school
b. food and shelter; safety and security
c. friendship and love; religious fulfillment
d. self-esteem; love and safety

90. Maslow's personality theory is also considered a theory of:

a. adult development.
b. motivation.
c. insecurity.
d. inferiority.

91. Which is the CORRECT ordering of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from bottom to top?
a. safety, physiological, belonging and love, self-actualization, self-esteem
b. physiological, safety, belonging and love, self-esteem, self-actualization
c. safety, physiological, self-esteem, belonging and love, self-actualization
d. physiological, safety, self-actualization, belonging and love, self-esteem

92. Zach is focusing on mastering techniques for his research and on gaining appreciation from others for his
scientific achievements. Zach's motivation suggests that he is investing his effort to satisfy Maslow's need for
_____, which is considered a _____ need.
a. esteem; deficiency
b. esteem; growth

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c. belongingness; deficiency
d. belongingness; growth

93. In Maslow's theory, what needs must be satisfied prior to self-actualization?

a. unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy
b. physiological, safety, belonging, and esteem
c. security, self-efficacy, and superiority
d. emotional stability, impulse control, and attention

94. Angela is focusing on the development of meaningful family relationships and building a life-long, loving
relationship with her significant other. Given this focus, according to Maslow's pyramid of needs, it is MOST
likely that Angela has already satisfied her _____ needs.
a. safety and esteem
b. physiological and safety
c. esteem and safety
d. physiological and belongingness

95. According to Abraham Maslow, which need is NOT deficiency based?

a. belongingness
b. food
c. self-actualization
d. self-esteem

96. Belongingness is to a _____ need as safety is to a _____ need.

a. deficiency; deficiency
b. deficiency; growth
c. growth; deficiency
d. growth; growth

97. Which characteristic is NOT associated with a self-actualized person?

a. desire for many close, emotional relationships
b. acceptance of self and others
c. experiences of deep insight
d. need for independence and autonomy

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98. Both Rogers and Maslow developed theories of personality that emphasized:
a. a hierarchy of needs.
b. development of one's fullest potential.
c. overcoming negative childhood experiences.
d. peak experiences.

99. Like Freud, Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of _____ in explaining personality development.
a. unconscious processes
b. sexual and emotional drives
c. early experiences
d. repression

100. Seven-year-old Ryan cried when he made an error in a Little League baseball game because he believed
that his dad would not love him as much if he did not play well. According to Carl Rogers, Ryan does NOT
think that his dad is offering him:
a. an opportunity for self-actualization.
b. a safe, secure environment.
c. unconditional positive regard.
d. unconscious acceptance.

101. "Conditions of worth" is the answer to which question?

a. What are behaviors for which others will give us positive regard?
b. What are judgments of our effectiveness to deal with specific situations?
c. What are perceptions that we control our own fate?
d. What are the internal needs that motivate our behavior?

102. According to Carl Rogers, _____ may deter _____.

a. unconditional positive regard; independence and autonomy
b. conditions of worth; self-actualization
c. conditional positive regard; genuineness and empathy
d. positive regard; humility and openness

103. According to Rogers's theory, unconditional positive regard is important because it helps people:
a. develop their own true self.
b. act in ways that please others.
c. demonstrate good moral judgment.
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d. adjust to different situations.


104. What type of therapy did Rogers's theory of self lead to?
a. psychoanalysis
b. client-centered therapy
c. self-actualization therapy
d. social-cognitive therapy

105. Which theory is research based?

a. psychoanalytic theory
b. the hierarchy of needs
c. neo-Freudian theory
d. social-cognitive theory

106. One aspect of Bandura's theory of personality is that behavior is:

a. primarily determined by genetics.
b. an automatic response to environmental stimuli.
c. chosen based on expectations for reinforcement and punishment.
d. primarily determined by unconscious influences.

107. Bandura suggested that personality is a product of a person's _____, the set of cognitive processes by
which a person observes, evaluates, and regulates behavior.
a. self-regulation
b. self-evaluation
c. self-system
d. self-efficacy

108. According to Bandura, _____ plays a major role in determining our behavior.
a. empathy
b. self-efficacy
c. temperament
d. unconditional positive regard

109. According to Bandura, your self-efficacy is:

a. the set of cognitive processes with which you observe, evaluate, and regulate your behavior.

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b. the perception that you control your own fate.

c. your judgment of how well you can deal with particular situations.
d. the tendency to make attributions such that you perceive yourself favorably.

110. Emily believes she is an excellent gymnast and, because of this, keeps pushing herself to try more
challenging gymnastic elements in her floor routine. Albert Bandura would explain Emily's feelings of
excellence as demonstrating she has:
a. unconditional positive regard from her teammates.
b. achieved self-actualization.
c. high self-efficacy.
d. an overachieving self-system.

111. Low self-efficacy is to _____ as high self-efficacy is to _____.

a. helplessness; confidence
b. belongingness; esteem
c. internal; external
d. perception; attribution

112. Whenever Nora does poorly on an exam, she takes responsibility for not studying hard enough. Because
she demonstrates an internal locus of control, she is NOT likely to:
a. do better in school.
b. be healthy.
c. cope well with the stresses of life.
d. experience learned helplessness.

113. Steven doesn't review his reading assignments thoroughly before his exam because he believes that,
whether or not he studies, his grade will be based on luck. Insofar as his exam performance is concerned, Steven
is MOST clearly demonstrating:
a. conditional positive regard.
b. negative conditions of worth.
c. an internal locus of control.
d. an external locus of control.

114. Internal locus of control is concerned with _____, whereas self-efficacy is concerned with _____.
a. being dependent on others; being helpless
b. being in personal control; being confident of one's abilities
c. explaining our own behavior; explaining the behavior of others
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d. internal attributions; external attributions


115. Self-efficacy and locus of control are similar in that both relate to people's perceptions of their personal
effectiveness in dealing with the environment. For example, people with _____ self-efficacy tend to feel
helpless, as do people with a strong _____ locus of control.
a. low; internal
b. low; external
c. high; internal
d. high; external

116. After failing a difficult math exam, a student thought, "Next time I will study harder." This student has:
a. an external locus of control.
b. learned helplessness.
c. situational attribution.
d. an internal locus of control.

117. Toddrick was just diagnosed with a serious illness. According to Julian Rotter, if Toddrick has a strong
internal locus of control, he will MOST likely respond to the situation by saying:
a. "This probably won't last long, because of advances in modern medicine."
b. "I'll just do what the doctor says and trust her judgment."
c. "Well, it's up to destiny whether I make it or not."
d. "I want to learn about this illness and work to fight it."

118. "Self-efficacy" is the answer to which question?

a. What is the fullest realization of a person's potential?
b. What is a sense of one's effectiveness in dealing with a particular situation?
c. What is the perception that you control your own fate?
d. What is the tendency to make attributions so that one can view oneself favorably?

119. According to Bandura, people with _____ tend to be confident and have a positive outlook.
a. high self-efficacy
b. low self-efficacy
c. conditional positive regard
d. unconditional positive regard

120. After doing poorly on several math tests, Kamala thinks she is not smart enough to pass math. Kamala's
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belief illustrates a _____, which may contribute to _____.
a. self-serving bias; learned helplessness
b. self-serving bias; conditioned positive regard
c. pessimistic explanatory style; learned helplessness
d. pessimistic explanatory style; conditioned positive regard

121. According to the text, a self-serving bias occurs when individuals:

a. credit external factors for personal successes.
b. blame themselves for failures caused by external factors.
c. take credit for personal successes and blame personal failures on external factors.
d. take credit for personal successes and responsibility for personal failures.

122. Which statement about the self-serving bias is FALSE?

a. People with a self-serving bias take credit for behavior that results in positive outcomes.
b. People with a self-serving bias place blame on others for negative outcomes.
c. A self-serving bias is not adaptive and can eventually increase the likelihood of failure when we
overestimate our abilities.
d. People with a self-serving bias make attributions that are the opposite of those generated by people
with a pessimistic explanatory style.

123. Which reaction BEST characterizes a pessimistic explanatory style?

a. "I failed my test because the exam was unfair as usual."
b. "I passed my test because I got lucky in guessing the answers."
c. "I failed my test because my parents are not supportive of my attending college."
d. "I passed my test because I spent every night studying."

124. Concerning explanatory styles, which descriptor does NOT belong with the others?
a. self-serving
b. pessimistic
c. global
d. stable

125. Kai, disappointed that she finished last in a race, concluded that she had no athletic ability, that she
couldn't do anything well, and that there was nothing she could do to improve. Her conclusions BEST illustrate:
a. conditional negative regard.
b. a pessimistic explanatory style.

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c. an external locus of control.

d. self-serving bias.

126. The finding that most people believe they are above average illustrates:
a. the self-serving bias.
b. an external locus of control.
c. an external attribution.
d. learned helplessness.

127. After losing a tennis match, which comment is a person with a self-serving bias MOST likely to make?
a. "I should have gone to bed earlier, so I would have had more energy."
b. "I missed too many serves, but my return of serve was good."
c. "My opponent had the advantage of playing on his home court."
d. "My mental concentration was lacking."

128. According to social-cognitive personality theorists, which factor is LEAST likely to lead to depression?
a. low sense of self-esteem
b. self-serving bias
c. external locus of control
d. learned helplessness

129. _____ are the relatively stable internally based characteristics that describe a person.
a. Attributions
b. Factors
c. Emotions
d. Traits

130. Factor analysis is a procedure that enables psychologists to:

a. decide if the difference between two groups is reliable.
b. decide if one variable causes another.
c. identify which of many variables is the primary influence on an outcome.
d. identify which of many variables cluster to measure the same underlying construct.

131. Personality tests are LEAST likely to be used:

a. in diagnosis of personality problems.
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b. as an aid in counseling.
c. to provide input for making personnel decisions.
d. to determine the situational factors that impact behavior.

132. Using factor analysis, trait theorists attempt to determine:

a. how common certain personality characteristics are.
b. the exact amount of each personality factor a specific individual has.
c. the various combinations of personality factors that result in personality disorders.
d. how many basic personality traits are needed to describe human personality.

133. Which theoretical approach uses factor analysis to determine the number of factors necessary to describe
human personality?
a. the psychoanalytic approach
b. the trait approach
c. the humanistic approach
d. the social-cognitive approach

134. Compared with Cattell's theory of personality, Eysenck's theory describes personality at a _____ general
and _____ inclusive level of abstraction.
a. less; less
b. less; more
c. more; less
d. more; more

135. When doing factor analysis, the level of abstraction influences the number of factors identified, with more
general theories having _____ factors. Another variable that the text indicates has an influence on the number of
factors identified is the _____.
a. more; type of data
b. more; sample variability
c. fewer; type of data
d. fewer; sample variability

136. According to Eysenck, introverts have a _____ than extraverts.

a. lower level of cortical arousal
b. higher level of cortical arousal
c. more reactive sympathetic nervous system

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d. less reactive sympathetic nervous system


137. Consistent with Eysenck's theory, brain-scan studies have found that _____ have lower levels of cortical
arousal than do _____.
a. introverts; extraverts
b. extraverts; introverts
c. people who are high on neuroticism; people who are low on neuroticism
d. people who are low on neuroticism; people who are high on neuroticism

138. According to Eysenck, the neuroticism–emotional stability personality factor is influenced by the level of
_____ arousal, and the extraversion–introversion personality factor is influenced by the level of _____ arousal.
a. skeletal nervous system; autonomic nervous system
b. autonomic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system
c. limbic system and sympathetic nervous system; cortical
d. cortical and limbic system; parasympathetic nervous system

139. Extraversion–introversion is to _____ as neuroticism–emotional stability is to _____.

a. cortical arousal; sympathetic nervous system reactivity
b. cortical arousal; testosterone levels
c. testosterone levels; sympathetic nervous system reactivity
d. sympathetic nervous system reactivity; cortical arousal

140. Disinhibition has been proposed as a better label for what Eysenck called:
a. extraversion.
b. neuroticism.
c. psychoticism.
d. emotional stability.

141. Eysenck proposed that people who have high scores on the psychoticism–impulse control dimension have
a _____ level of testosterone and a _____ level of MAO.
a. low; low
b. low; high
c. high; low
d. high; high

142. After taking the Big Five inventory, Alyosha scored low on neuroticism. Alyosha is most likely:
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a. well-organized, dependable, careful, and disciplined.

b. calm, secure, relaxed, and self-satisfied.
c. sociable, talkative, friendly, and adventurous.
d. conforming and practical, and has narrow interests.

143. Which one of Eysenck's three personality factors is split into two factors in the "Big Five"?
a. openness
b. neuroticism
c. psychoticism
d. agreeableness

144. Constance scores high on the agreeableness factor of the Big Five personality dimensions. Considering the
high score, research suggests that Constance is also likely to:
a. perform well on theory of mind tasks.
b. endorse liberal values.
c. live a healthy, long life.
d. have a reactive sympathetic nervous system.

145. The trait that identifies the degree to which someone is compassionate and cooperative toward others is
known as:
a. openness.
b. conscientiousness.
c. agreeableness.
d. neuroticism.

146. Research on the person–situation controversy suggests that:

a. behavior is better predicted by the situation than by personality traits.
b. individual instances of behavior are strongly correlated with a person's assessed traits.
c. a person's average behavior across time and situations is likely to reflect his traits.
d. neither traits nor situations predict behavior.

147. A personality inventory is a(n) _____ test in which individuals indicate _____.
a. projective; their interpretation of pictures
b. projective; whether or not questions or statements apply to them
c. objective; their interpretation of pictures
d. objective; whether or not questions or statements apply to them
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148. The MMPI was developed in a manner similar to:

a. the Thematic Apperception Test.
b. Cattell's 16 trait model of personality.
c. the WAIS intelligence test.
d. the Binet-Simon intelligence test.

149. The MMPI was initially developed to be a measure of:

a. career preferences.
b. personality traits.
c. abnormal personality.
d. adult development.

150. Statements were selected for the MMPI if:

a. response patterns differentiated healthy people from those suffering from a psychological disorder.
b. psychological research indicated that the content of the statements was associated with specific
psychological disorders.
c. a group of psychiatrists and psychologists agreed they were relevant to specific psychological
d. groups of individuals who had specific psychological disorders agreed that the question was relevant
to their disorder.

151. The MMPI-2 is to _____ as the Thematic Apperception Test is to _____.

a. objective; objective
b. objective; projective
c. projective; objective
d. projective; projective

152. Why does the method used to construct the MMPI-2 ensure its predictive validity?
a. It was developed by factor analysis.
b. It includes 10 clinical scales and 3 validity scales.
c. It includes only items that people from two distinct groups responded to differently.
d. It was designed to be scored objectively.

153. Which personality assessment has high predictive validity when used by trained professionals in a clinical
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a. MMPI-2
b. TAT
c. the Rorschach Inkblot Test
d. projective tests

154. Which personality test uses True–False items and generates a profile of the test taker on 10 clinical scales?
a. MMPI-2
b. Rorschach Inkblot Test
c. TAT
d. a projective test

155. The validity scales on the MMPI-2 are NOT intended to detect whether test takers:
a. are lying.
b. are covering up problems.
c. are careless in responding.
d. have more than one disorder.

156. During a session with his psychiatrist, Wendell looks at a series of symmetrical inkblots and tells the
psychiatrist what he thinks the inkblots are portraying. Wendell is taking a _____ test, which was originally
created as a diagnostic tool for _____.
a. Rorschach; depression
b. Rorschach; schizophrenia
c. TAT; depression
d. TAT; schizophrenia

157. Recent meta-analyses examining the validity of the Rorschach Inkblot Test have led researchers who
previously called for a moratorium on the use of the test to:
a. renew their call for a moratorium because the meta-analyses confirmed the lack of validity of the
b. lift their call for a moratorium on the use of the test.
c. lift their call for a moratorium on using the test to assess cognitive variables but not noncognitive
d. lift their call for a moratorium on using the test to assess noncognitive variables but not cognitive

158. A criticism leveled against projective tests is that:

a. respondents find them difficult to do.
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b. psychotherapists find them difficult to administer.

c. respondents often become agitated while completing them.
d. they lack validity and reliability.

159. Marian is taking a personality test that involves looking at pictures of ambiguous settings and telling a
story about what has happened before, what is happening now, and what the people are thinking and feeling.
Marian is taking the _____ Test and is most likely being tested by a therapist in the _____ tradition.
a. Rorschach; humanistic
b. Rorschach; psychoanalytic
c. Thematic Apperception; humanistic
d. Thematic Apperception; psychoanalytic

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