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Read each paragraph. Each word or phrase printed in red contains an error.
Correct the errors. Check your answers in the answer key.

A My friends and me went out together on Saturday. First we had gone to see a
movie on the Downtown Cinema on around 5 oclock. After seeing the movie,
we went to Patricca’s Pizza to have pizza. Than Mike invited my friends and I to
go to his house to play pool and watching the TV. We stayed until 11 AM. I
didn’t want to stay late, because I wanted to go at church on the Sunday.

B My roommate and I go to the supermarket usually in the Saturday afternoons.

The supermarket is more busier on the Saturday mornings, which is why we go
at the afternoon. As a matter of fact we just gotten back from the supermarket a
few hours ago. We bought a milk, some meats, two boxes of cereals, and a lot of
fruit and vegetable. We also bought a yogurt and a biggest bottle of laundry
detergent. Next, we are going to go to the laundromat to wash our cloths.

C I had a bad day yesterday. First, I had woke up late because the alarm no go
off. So I putted on my clothes and run out the door. I hurryed to the bus stop, but
just as I came around the corner the bus pulling away. I had to wait twenty
minutes for the next one. I tryed to call my boss, but my cell phone was’nt
working. Then it started rain. I hid under a tree until the bus comes. When I
finally got at work, the boss yelled at me. He said, “If you will be late again, you
will to be fired!” So at lunch, I buyed a new alarm clock.

D Roberts’ favorite sport is rocks climbing. He practice at a gym near to his

house. The gym has a high wall with some rocks in it. He wears special
equipment to climbing up the wall. Last weekend, he invited me to join him in
the gym. I took won look to the rock wall and said that I never should climb up.
Then Robert began climb. But while he was climbing he slipped. Luckily the
harness caught him, so he wasn’t hurted. After that, I was really glad the wall
wasn’t climbed by me.

E My uncle Don is a amazing man. He has over seventy years old but he still
gets up at 5:30 o’clock every day and walks for five miles. Even if it makes rain,
he still walks. If the weather be very bad, he is going to an indoor swimming
pool near his house. Then he swims since an hour. Then he goes to work. In
weekends, he has a stand at the flea market. He sells and repairs olds bicycles.
On Saturday nights he is never to tired too go dance with his girlfriend. When I
am old, I hope I be like my uncle.

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