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4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 An Overview of the agile scrum methodology

Scrum is a framework for managing and executing a project that implements the
principles of Agile, a mindset and philosophy that describes a set of values and
practices. Scrum is a subset of Agile and the most widely used one. Scrum
prescribes roles, events, artifacts, and rules/guidelines for teams to work together
and solve problems collaboratively in short cycles, called sprints. Scrum
encourages the team to learn through practice and self-organize while working on
the product.
The scrum software development methodology would be broken into ceremonies,
artifacts, and roles. And further, each of these terms would be further broken into
sperate elements as well. Based on scrum theory and values, these elements would
constitute the entire scrum framework.

A Scrum team consists of three roles: the Scrum Master, the product owner, and the
development team. In addition to those main roles there will be important
participation from all stakeholders and end users to share their product
expectations and feedback.
1. Scrum Master
A Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring a Scrum team is operating as
effectively as possible with Scrum values. This means they keep the team on track,
plan, and lead meetings, and work out any obstacles the team might face. Scrum
masters might also work in a larger role within an organization to help it
incorporate Scrum concepts into their work. Because they are both a leader and a
behind-the-scenes supporter, they are often described as the “servant leader” of the
Scrum team.
2. Product owner
A product owner ensures the Scrum team aligns with overall product goals. They
understand the business needs of the product, like customer expectations and
market trends. Because they must understand how the Scrum team fits into bigger
picture goals, product owners usually stay in touch with product managers and
other stakeholders outside the team.
3. Development team
A development team is composed of professionals who do the hands-on work of
completing the tasks in a Scrum sprint. This means development team members
can be computer engineers, designers, writers, data analysts, or any other role
needed to reach sprint goals. The development team doesn’t just wait for orders;
they usually collaborate to map out goals and plans for achieving them.
4.1.2 Applying agile scrum methodology throughout the project.

There are several reasons behind choosing (Scrum Methodology) for this
project, and they are as follows:
1. The project team “OESM Team” consists of four members.
2. The project team “IT self-service portal Team” consists of two members.
3. There is integration with the other scrum team of “IT self-service portal”,
which will require conducting the Scrum of Scrum (SOS) to keep both
projects and teams adequate and updated with development progress.
4. Team members work remotely and require collaborative communication tools
like Scrum boards.
5. Team members need to take a few minutes per day to talk about any
problems or ideas they have through Stand-up daily meetings.
6. Ease of dealing with changes in requirements is needed through the backlog
refinement and priorities the user’s stories.
7. Delivering value frequently is highly required. This is due to unexpected.
changes in final delivery time through sprints.
8. Continuous improvements require the flexibility of Scrum through sprint
review meetings with end users and other stakeholders.

For this project, each sprint will be planned with time-boxed and the whole
project is expected to last for four sprints. An agile tool is needed to run this
project, and “Smartsheet -Jira” platform are one of the best choices to go for.
“Smartsheet -Jira” allows creating sheets and boards or more with lists for
backlog, sprint backlog, in progress items, sprint complete items, and any other
required list. In these lists, cards are added to write headlines. In addition to
this, the following functions are available.
1. Sheet-Backlog & Sprint Planner: sprint, user story, type, description, stage,
status, story point, points capacity, points available, assigned to, comments,
start date and finish date.
2. Product Backlog and Sprints Dashboard: releases, sprints, and story points.
3. Reports: status of all tasks including in-progress, blocked, tested not started
and done.
4. Description: A description about the card can be written to provide more
details about the problem.
5. Attachment: An attachment or more can be added to each card to give
more details about the task.
6. Members: A member or more can be added to each card to mark that they
are responsible for performing the task of the card.
7. Checklist: A checklist in a card can be used to divide it into parts that should
be performed together and cannot be in different cards.
8. Due date: Setting a due date helps when a task should be performed early
after the end of a sprint to use its output in the same sprint for another task.
9. Comment: Comments can be added to explain more about activities and
provide more details for other team members.
4.2 Product Backlog Management.

The product backlog is prioritized by the list of features, requirements, or user’s

stories that the development team will work o

We have used Planning Poker Technique to estimate the estimated efforts for each
story point.
The product owner reads a user story, and two members provide their
estimates using the planning poker cards.

User Story: As a user, I want to access webpage, so I can logon to my profile.

 Abdulalim chose an estimate of 4, Shereef chose 4 in the first round of

the estimation.
 They chose 5 and respectively in the second round.
 At this point, the estimates are closed.
 The product owner can ask the team if it wants to go with majority
figure five.
Team member Round 1 Round 2

Abdulalim 4 5

Shereef 5 5

ISSP-1 5

ISSP-2 4

ISSP-3 4

ISSP-4 4 3

ISSP-5 5 2

ISSP-6 6 5

ISSP-7 7 10

ISSP-8 8 5

4.3 Sprint Planning and Execution

4.3.1 Sprint (1).

1.Sprint Planning
2.Sprint Execution
 State Machine diagram
 Deployment diagram

3.Daily Scrum
4.Sprint review

Completed the target user’s stories.

5.Sprint Completion
6.Sprint Retrospective
4.3.2 Sprint (2).

1.Sprint Planning
2.Sprint Execution
3.Daily Scrum
4.Sprint review

Completed the target user’s stories.

5.Sprint Completion
6.Sprint Retrospective
4.3.3 Sprint (3).

1.Sprint Planning
2.Sprint Execution
3.Daily Scrum
4.Sprint review

Completed the target user’s stories.

5.Sprint Completion
6.Sprint Retrospective
4.3.4 Sprint (4).

1.Sprint Planning
2.Sprint Execution
3.Daily Scrum

4.Sprint review
Completed the target user’s stories.
5.Sprint Completion
6.Sprint Retrospective

4.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, Scrum is a highly effective framework for managing software
development projects. Its iterative and incremental approach allows for
greater flexibility and adaptability, ensuring that projects can respond to
changing requirements and priorities. By breaking down work into smaller,
more manageable tasks, Scrum enables teams to focus on delivering value to
customers in a timely and efficient manner. The framework also promotes
collaboration, communication, and transparency, which helps to build trust
and improve team morale. However, successful implementation of Scrum
requires a commitment to its core principles, including continuous
improvement, self-organization, and regular inspection and adaptation. With
the right mindset, tools, and processes, Scrum can help software development
teams to deliver high-quality products that meet customer needs and exceed

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