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TRUE- In the state of nature where no rules and laws, according to Hobbes, man lives free and


TRUE- Deontological Ethics simply based the morality according to the motives of the person

TRUE- Descriptive approach is a scientific way of human morality by describing how people act in a
moral situation.

False (not sure) - In social contract ethics, according to Hobbes, man can no longer complain the
moment the laws are implemented regardless how ineffective or unjust it is.

TRUE-For the group of Empiricist, human knowledge is not innate.

FALSE- Prescriptive approach is a scientific way of human morality by describing how people act in a
moral situation.

FALSE- Ethical egoism is a principle that looks for the goodness of other people rather than one self.

TRUE- For Kant, reason is sufficient for establishing the moral law as something transcendent and
universally binding on all rational creatures.

TRUE- John Stuart Mill developed a scheme that will determine the measure of pleasure and pain of the
human person.

TRUE- In Social Contract Ethics, every man is required to protect themselves and promote their own
safety and well-being.

TRUE- Act - intuitionism sees each act as a unique ethical occasion and holds that we must decide what
is right or wrong in each situation by consulting our conscience or our intuitions or by making a choice
apart from any rules.

FALSE (NOT SURE) - One of the strengths of Utilitarianism is a No-Rest Objection for it always gives what
is best for the greatest number of people.

FALSE-Since the main principle that gives birth to the Social Contract Ethics is the Self-Interest or
preservation of oneself, man does not need to participate nor cooperate to anyone in order to survive.

FALSE-The concept of Kantianism has an exception rules when it is necessary in a moral situation.

TRUE -The first attraction or strength of utilitarianism is that it has a single principle, an absolute system
with a potential answer for every situation: Do what will promote the most utility.

Rationality - Before entering a contract, the prerequisite for it is


Autonomy- In Kantianism, this Principle of _____________________________ says “So act that your will
can regard itself at the same time as making universal law through its maxims.”

Act-utilitarianism -In the two types of utilitarianism, the one also known as Classical Utilitarianism is the
_____________________________. (2 words)

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Rule‐egoism -_____________________________ is the theory that says people should follow a set of
rules (a contract) that will yield for them the best consequences. (2 words)

Means- In the principle of humanity, even we give our consent, whether informed or not, voluntary or
forced, using ourselves in ways that violate our sense of self-respect, or our dignity, is morally wrong
even if the end we pursue is morally desirable and it is called _____________________________ test.

PHYSICAL- The lower, or elementary pleasure, include eating, drinking, sexuality, resting, and sensuous
titillation is known as _____________________________ pleasure according to John Stuart Mill.

Principle of the Social Contract - In Contractarianism, one ought to agree to participate in social
contracts and it is called_____________________________. (5 words)

HUMANITY or Ends. In the formula of categorical imperative, the Principle

of____________________________says “So act as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in
that of any other, in every case as an end and never as merely a means”. It is also known as Principle of

Happiness- The Greek word Eudamonia means ____________________________.

State of war - In the state of nature human beings will experience continual conflict and strife, it is
appropriate to think of it as a ____________________________. (3 words)

MAXIM- In Kantianism, ____________________________ is known as a rule or principle of action.

Principle of Utility - The main rule in Utilitarianism is the _____________________________ that is “we
should act always so as to produce the greatest good for the greatest number.” (3 words)

Social contract- _____________________________ is an agreement between people, whether implicit

or explicit, to follow a set of mutual beneficial rules. (2 words)

TABULA RASA -For Empiricist, our minds are like _____________________________ an empty slate,
upon which experience writes her lessons. (2 words)

TELEOLOGICAL -Consequentialist Ethics is a body of normative ethical theories that tries to measure
morality of an action based solely on its consequences. It is also called as
_____________________________ ethics.

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