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Postgrad. med. J. (September 1968) 44, 720-723.

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.515.720 on 1 September 1968. Downloaded from on March 28, 2022 by guest.
definition and classification
St Mark's Hospital, London

Summary perience that patients complaining of constipa-

When a patient complains of constipation it is tion may mean different things by the term. The
important to find out exactly what is meant by frequency of their bowel actions may be less than
the term. A detailed history, general physical ex- 'normal', their stools may be difficult to pass, or
amination, digital examination of the anus and they may have a sense of malaise or abdominal
rectum, sigmoidoscopy and possibly barium discomfort which they attribute to a 'sluggish
enema or other investigations are needed to ex- bowel', though the stool frequency and consis-
clude recognized clinical causes of decreased tency are apparently normal. It is important,
bowel frequency or difficulty in passing the stools. therefore, to find out exactly what constipation
Among patients without obvious disease, a fre- means to each patient.
quency of fewer than three bowel actions weekly There are recognizable clinical causes of
is found in less than 1 % of the population. Some decreased bowel frequency and of difficulty in

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patients complaining of decreased bowel fre- passing the stools. In most cases, however, no
quency in fact pass a normal number of stools clinical cause is apparent and it is then important
each week. to decide whether a functional abnormality is
The intestinal transit rate of patients complain- present or whether the main problem is one of
ing of consipation may be measured simply education and reassurance.
using radio-opaque markers. Those patients with
a normal transit rate do not need chemical or Recognizable clinical causes of decreased bowel
osmotic laxatives, though a bulk laxative may be frequency
helpful. Patients with a slow transit rate appear to When defaecation occurs infrequently, at inter-
need regular laxatives. A few patients are seen vals of weeks or months, and then only in res-
who conceal their bowel actions. Some young ponse to laxative or enemas, the problem of
patients have a normal transit rate round the defining the term constipation hardly arises. Very
colon but stools accumulate in a large and insen- often in these circumstances, a structural abnor-
sitive rectum. These patients do not require mality of the intestine or a systemic disorder is
laxatives so much as training and local treatment present. The conditions known to be associated
to help the rectum to empty. with decreased bowel frequency may be summar-
ized as follows:
Introduction Lesions ofthe gut rHirschsprung's disease
Constipation is a symptom and, like all symp- Aganglionosis
toms, it is difficult to define. It is a common Chagas' disease
symptom for one in twenty-five of over 1000 Obstruction
people interviewed at their work considered Idiopathic megacolon
themselves to be constipated. It is interesting, Neurological
however, to analyse what these people meant by Metabolic Hypercalcaemia
the term. About half of them had fewer than Porphyria
five bowel actions a week, a small proportion
described their stools as hard but had a bowel Endocrine Hypothyroidism
action on most days and over a third had a Psychiatric Depression
daily bowel action with a stool of normal consis- Hirschsprung's disease is usually diagnosed and
tency (Connell et al., 1965). treated during infancy but it may also be diag-
nosed for the first time in adult life. The condi-
Senses in which patients use the term 'constipation' tion may be recognized radiologically by the
These findings are supported by clinical ex- typical narrow distal segment and histologically
Definition and classification of constipation 721

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.515.720 on 1 September 1968. Downloaded from on March 28, 2022 by guest.
in biopsy specimens from this segment by the several centimetres below the normal level of a
absence of ganglia in the autonomic nerve plex- line drawn between the coccyx and the lower
uses. There is a rare form of aganglionosis in border of the symphysis pubis, or it rapidly
which most or the whole of the colon is involved descends 3-4 cm, as compared with the normal
and these cases are difficult to diagnose because of less than 2-5 cm, below this line on straining.
the colon appears normal radiologically (Stone, On digital examination during straining the
Hendrix & Schuster, 1965). Chagas' disease, due anterior rectal wall is pushed down onto the
to infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, is an examining finger and on proctoscopy during
an acquired form of aganglionosis and should straining the anterior rectal wall bulges down
always be considered in patients coming from into the instrument and follows it as it is with-
South America, particularly Brazil (Ferreira- drawn. Because of these findings the condition
Santos, 1961). has been termed the 'descending perineum' syn-
Idiopathic megacolon is characterized by a drome. The sense of incomplete rectal emptying,
dilated distal segment of bowel which extends which the patient believes to be due to stool in
down to the anus. The condition referred to later the rectum, may be due to the prolapse of mucosa
as the 'terminal reservoir syndrome' may be a into the sensitive anal region. This prolapse may
variant in which the rectum only is enlarged and in turn be due to the weakness of the pelvic floor
in which the main problems are faecal impaction muscles with consequent loss of the normal right-
in the rectum with spurious diarrhoea and faecal angle bend between the rectum and anal canal.
incontinence, rather than decreased bowel fre- These patients often complain bitterly of their
quency. symptoms and they are not helped by laxatives.
Neurological lesions do not generally present Once the condition is recognized, they can be
with constipation alone but tend to be associated greatly helped by explanation of the way in
with bladder symptoms. which their symptoms arise, advice to avoid

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Of the metabolic causes of decreased bowel straining, a single daily and effortless evacuation
frequency hypercalcaemia should be specially of the rectum using a suppository, injection
considered if the patient also complains of thirst. treatment of the prolapsing mucosa and faradism
Chronic barbiturate intoxication, the frequent use to the pelvic floor muscles.
of calcium or aluminium containing antacids, and
anti-cholinergic drugs are examples of drug- Definition of functional constipation in terms of
induced constipation. bowel frequency
Hypothyroidism must always be remembered The majority of patients who complain of
and can be difficult to diagnose in the early decreased bowel frequency have no structural
stages. abnormalities of the bowel or general illness,
A depressive illness is perhaps one of the though abnormalities of colonic muscle function
commonest conditions seen by a physician and a may in some cases be demonstrable (Connell,
complaint of constipation may be a prominent 1962). It is important that a normal range of
feature. bowel frequency should be defined so that devia-
tion from normal may be recognized.
Recognizable clinical causes of difficult Very few surveys of bowel frequency in the
defaecation general population have been published. Parks
Constipation, meaning difficult or painful (1943) conducted a survey among 1115 postal
defaecation, is usually due to hardness of the employees and found that 6X3 % had less than
stools. However, a structural lesion may be one bowel action daily. Hardy's (1945) finding
apparent such as an anal fissure. Sometimes, a among 440 nurses was similar in that 9% had less
hard faecal mass collects in the rectum and it than one bowel action daily.
is too great in diameter to pass through the In view of the meagre data on this subject, a
anus. Such a mass often resists vigorous purga- survey has been conducted among 1055 workers,
tion, enemas and wash-outs and has to be broken who were not seeking medical advice, in three
up and removed digitally. factories and among 400 patients without known
Parks, Porter & Hardcastle (1966) have des- bowel disorder attending a general practitioner's
cribed a syndrome in which a sense of incomplete surgery. Most of the subjects had five to seven
rectal emptying, with an urge to strain repeatedly bowel actions weekly and in the remainder a
and for long periods, is associated with the pass- frequency greater than one bowel action daily
age of mucus per rectum and often with dull was more common than a frequency less than
aching pain in the perineal and sacral region. In five times weekly. In the combined series of 1455
these patients, the anal margin is either situated subjects, 99% fell within the limits three bowel
722 J. M. Hinton and J. E. Lennard-Jones

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.515.720 on 1 September 1968. Downloaded from on March 28, 2022 by guest.
actions weekly to three bowel actions daily. A ing the test. Ask the patient to record the date
definition of constipation as a bowel frequency and time of all bowel actions.
of less than three bowel actions weekly would Day 1. Give twenty radio-opaque markers with
include only 0-8% of the population studied. breakfast.
Two interesting correlations emerged from the Day 4. Plain abdominal X-ray at 09.00 hours.
study. First, those with a bowel frequency of less Day 6.Plain abdominal X-ray at 09.00 hours.
than three times weekly were all women. Their The position and number of the markers are
ages ranged from 20 to 50, most regarded them- noted. If twenty markers remain on day 4 and
selves as constipated and most took regular lax- more than four markers remain on day 6 transit
atives. Second, there was no obvious correlation is slow.
of bowel frequency with age though there was a Using this technique, thirty-seven consecutive
clear correlation between the frequency with patients complaining of constipation in whom
which laxatives were taken and increasing age. structural or systemic disease had been excluded,
Whether this increase in laxative taking is due to could be divided into the following groups:
a natural decrease of bowel frequency with age (a) Patients with a normal intestinal transit rate
or to the effect of a laxative habit prevalent some Some of these patients were taking laxatives
years ago is not known; circumstantial evidence from habit even to the extent of producing a
favours the suggestion that it is an effect of up- daily liquid stool. Other patients were apparently
bringing (Connell et al., 1965). suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome and
were also troubled by abdominal pain or a sense
Definition of functional constipation in terms of of distension. Certain of these patients passed
transit rate through the gut frequent very small stools.
By using radio-opaque insoluble pellets, it is It is suggested that patients in this group re-
possible to measure the transit rate through the

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gut very simply, either by taking X-rays of the quire mainly reassurance and explanation, a bulk
abdomen at intervals or by taking X-rays of the laxative may be helpful but cathartics should be
stools (Hinton, Lennard-Jones & Young, 1968). avoided and the patient should be weaned from
The results may be analysed in terms of the time them if necessary.
taken to pass the first marker and of the time (b) Patients with slow intestinal transit rate
taken to pass 80% of the markers. In a series of In this group of patients radio-opaque markers
twenty-five normal male subjects all passed the travelled slowly through the whole length of the
first marker within 72 hr, twenty-one passed 80% colon. These patients appear to need a regular
of the markers within 3 days, twenty-four within laxative sufficient to give a soft, but not liquid and
5 days and all within 7 days. The upper limits of not necessarily daily, stool. The best type of
normal may therefore be taken as 3 days for the laxatives for these patients is not yet established.
first marker and 5 days for 80% of the markers. An interesting sub-group comprised three
Investigation of a series of twenty-eight patients patients whose transit rate was slow but who
complaining of constipation, in whom no struc- denied having their bowels open despite clear
tural or general abnormality was found on evidence to the contrary. These patients appear
investigation, showed that some patients fell to need a regular laxative and psychiatric help is
within the normal range as defined above, but the also indicated.
majority fell outside it. Fifteen of the patients (c) Patients with the terminal reservoir syndrome
took more than 3 days to pass the first marker, (Bodian, Stephens & Ward, 1949)
one patient having no bowel action at all with- The radio-opaque markers in these patients
out vigorous treatment. Eighteen patients took passed at a normal rate round the colon to reach
more than 5 days to pass 80% of the markers. the rectum on the 2nd or 3rd day, the markers
the time in one being 11 and in another 15 days. then remained in the rectum for several days
It is thus possible to define a functional abnor- before being passed.
mality in terms of slow transit rate through the These patients were young and complained
bowel in some patients complaining of decreased more of faecal incontinence than of constipation.
bowel frequency. Rectal examination revealed gross faecal impac-
tion and the incontinence could be ascribed to
Classification of functional constipation reflex inhibition of the anal sphincters with spur-
The intestinal transit rate of patients who com- ious diarrhoea. Further investigation revealed a
plain of decreased bowel frequency may be very capacious rectum, distension of which failed
investigated in the following simple way: to produce local sensation though it might pro-
Stop all laxatives immediately before and dur- duce abdominal pain.
Definition and classification of constipation 723

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.515.720 on 1 September 1968. Downloaded from on March 28, 2022 by guest.
These patients have a rectal defect and the CONNELL A.M. (1962) The motility of the pelvic colon.
aim of treatment should be to keep the rectum II. Paradoxical motility in diarrhoea and constipation.
Gut, 3, 342.
empty. This can be achieved by explaining the CONNELL, A.M., HILTON, C., IRVINE, G., LENNARD-JONES,
situation to the child and his parents and by J.E. & MISIEWICZ, J.J. (1965) Variation of bowel habit
encouraging a regular and daily attempt at in two population samples. Brit. med. J. ii, 1095.
defaecation, half to one hour after using a stimu- FERREIRA-SANTOS, R. (1961) Megacolon and megarectum
in Chagas' disease. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 54, 1047.
lant suppository containing glycerine or bis- HARDY, T.L. (1945) Order and disorder in the large intestine.
acodyl. A laxative may be needed but is less Lancet, 1, 519.
important than rectal stimulation. HINTON, J.M., LENNARD-JONES, J.E. & YOUNG, A.C. (1968)
(In preparation).
syndrome of the descending perineum. Proc. roy. Soc.
Med. 59, 477.
References PARKS, J.W. (1943) M.D. Thesis, Cambridge.
Hirschsprung's disease and idiopathic mega colon. Lancet, Aganglionosis of the entire colon in an adolescent.
i, 6. Gastroenterology, 48, 636.

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