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The Tale of the Six differ ent
Colour ed Girls

"The Tale of the Six Different Colored Girls" unfolds in a mythical and fantastical land,
set during a timeless era within "The Book of One Thousand and One Nights." The
mystical world is characterized by its ethereal beauty, where enchanting landscapes
of lush gardens, opulent palaces, and majestic deserts come alive. The setting is
depicted as a timeless realm, transcending specific periods and epitomizing a blend
of historical and imaginative elements. The girls' stories are interwoven against the
backdrop of a mesmerizing night sky, adorned with shimmering stars and a captivating
moon, contributing to the dreamlike atmosphere. The vivid and evocative descriptions
of the setting in this tale enhance the narrative, evoking a sense of wonder and
enchantment and complementing the rich diversity and uniqueness of each girl's

Who is AL-MAMUN?
Al-Mamun, born on September 14, 786 CE, was the seventh
Abbasid caliph of the Islamic empire. He was also the son of
Harun al-Rashid, another prominent Abbasid caliph.
Additionally, he was a historical figure, the seventh Abbasid
caliph, who ruled during the Islamic Golden Age in the 9th
century. Al-Mamun was known for his patronage of science,
philosophy, and the arts. He played a significant role in the
preservation, translation, and promotion of various literary
and scientific works during his reign, contributing to the
advancement of knowledge and culture in the Islamic world.

Role of AL-MAMUN
Al Mamun is an auspicious king and also the commander of the faithful,
who lives in a palace in the city of Baghdad, surrounded not only by his
wazirs, amirs, and nobles but also by all the poets and pleasant
wits.Then he asks his greatest friend, Muhammad of Basrah, to tell him a
tale. after Muhammad of Basrah told al-Mamun the story about the six
enslaved girls, or what we called six different colors of girls. He
immediately summoned the six women to his palace, and here al-
Mamun gave them gifts, including ten thousand dinars, marvelous robes,
etc. Generally, al-Mamun plays the role of protagonist in the tale of the
six different coloured girls.

Focused on intellectual and scientific advancements
Promoted the translation and preservation of knowledge from various cultures
Established the renowned House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikma).
Encouraged scholarship and academic pursuits
Supported and patronized scholars and intellectuals
Facilitated the dissemination of Greek, Persian, and Indian knowledge to the
Islamic world
Advocated for rationalism and critical thinking
Fostered cultural and intellectual flourishing during the Islamic Golden Age
It is necessary to create an environment conducive to learning and innovation.
He contributed to the overall progress and development of the arts, sciences,
and philosophy during his reign.

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